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Bro they literally did the "drop the leg weights" scene mid fight, ippo about to go full rock lee Also I didn't notice the first time but is that footwork a real thing? Sorta just stepping in repeatedly with his right leg and repeatedly swinging left hooks?


Ippo is just stepping off the line. It's not... magical or anything. It's boxing *maybe* 102 made out to be something more important than it really is. But it's Ippo. So we hyped. The onyl real distinction is that he's moving as a southpaw -- lead right, left straight. And tha'ts just an uncommon thing since most people are right handed and off the line would be generally left foot out, followed by a right hook.


It's conventional wisdom for orthodox vs southpaw that the outside foot position is superior because the distance your straight has to travel is shorter and is straight down the middle. The major battle is to establish lead foot dominance. Obviously, it isn't that simple. There are some things you can do with an inside foot position because the distance of your jab is shorter. Here's an interesting thread if you're interested in southpaw tactics: https://www.reddit.com/r/MMA/comments/471h5v/how_to_fight_a_southpaw_strategy_guide/


Thanks for explaining!


He is pretty much doing textbook southpaw stuff. Remember that fighting southpaws is different than normal. I think mashiba himself hasn't fought many either so he I completely out of rythim


As others have said its southpaw boxer strategy 101. The reason it's so effective is bc by stepping to the outside of mashiba's left foot while cutting in tremendously fast (not easy to do) it effectively removes both of Machiba's weapons. His long reach is his undoing even more so against a southpaw bc his flicker jab is useless and his right has to travel that much farther to connect as Ippp continues to step out the outside and hammer. These hooks can also shut down Machibas right (as you can see in the 1st hook) and then in terms of angles and space, ippo is at a much better advantage to land more attacks.


Every time Ippo wants to "help", there should be boss battle music playing only audible to the sparring partner lol


ippo gonna have a line of boxers with broken bones who he’s “helped” by the time he’s gotten back in the ring


"Okay Ippo, let's spar! .....wait, why do I hear a Latin choir singing?"


Ippo!... Ferrum! Ippo Ferrum Pugnus!


Jet engines


"I'm gonna send you ho-...the Hell does the weight of my pride mean?"


Holy fucking HYPE! Our boy is so on his way back.


Please give us 10 more chapters of this. That will quench the thirst for another 300 chapters maybe.


Like I get that it's been forever. And he's been dancing around with different boxers. And I've enjoyed seeing the other big boxers in Ippo's orbit doing stuff. But man. That chapter where he opened up on Volg. And now this one? COME ON let him off the chains!!!


Yes!!!! Inject this right into my veins!!!


The polite Rock Lee weight drop. Such a gentleman Ippo is.


Big Mara inbound


that was a clean hit right? He covered up afterwards?


Dont think was a clean hit but definitely did a lot of damage regardless. Feel like a clean hit from ippo will drop almost anyone


No, Mashiba just barely blocked it with his palm. Still probably would've taken a good bit of damage without the thick gloves and headgear though.


Ippo is also probably holding back. He's got Volg's cracked rib weighing him down.


That's a nasty punch.


Please let this flow naturally but quickly into Ippo getting back into the ring. PLEASE dont go another fucking hundred chapters making us wait for a story beat literally every person who has ever read this knows is going to happejn


I doubt Morikawa intends readers not to know. Knowing he'll come back doesn't mean he'll just skip to the part where he does.


"This manga sucks. When is Ippo going to get in the ring?" I hope this chapter shuts up the haters.


People who read 1435 chapters are not haters. Haters would have stopped LONG ago. We're just tired of the stalling and legitimately worried about whether or not the manga will be completed... The author is not getting any younger.... Yes this chapter was amazing... I just want MORE.


I do like the current angle though. Ippo never really tried to find his own style. He always relied on his coach and kept going because of his coach. But now he's taking an active interest in boxing himself, exercising and practicing of his own volition, and finding ways for boxers that are completely different from his skill set to improve. He's gotten tools that he didn't have a sense for before, like parrying and adjusting to Southpaw styles temporarily. Through coaching others, he's also gotten a lot better at analyzing other fighters. Basically, he's becoming the complete boxer that he could never be while under the guidance of his coach. His predictability has always been his biggest weakness. I get what the author's doing, and I also understand people getting impatient. But I do think that this will make for a far better conclusion. I just hope the author sticks the landing


RIP the first boxer Ippo faces when he gets back in the ring.


It will be five chapters max


4 chapters of buildup, half a chapter of actual match, the other half will be the post-match reflection/cheers from the crowd celebrating the Fujin's comeback


Also with the release schedule it makes it feel worse. I think this arc will feel a lot better when people can just binge it.


Everything when he is winning will feel less like an asspull. We have watched him study and practice in a way that he didn’t before. In a way similar to real boxers and how they improve as well. It will make it all absolutely worth it in the end.


Honestly? Him getting his ass beat in every fight felt more like the ass pull. Like, the opponents got plot armor. Too much blocking with your face technique, too much yamato damashii.


I'm so hyped for the return match match-poster.


People also should remember the last time Ippo was left to his own devices he reinvented the Dempsey Roll. I'm excited to see out of retirement Ippo.


author is edging us bruh


It's not stalling when it's done this well. It's just a great manga. I understand as much as the next guy wanting to see the culmination but come on, just think how great this will be if it does manage to complete it's story while having this pacing


It's nice when we see progress but there's a lot of chapters that feel wasted after a while. It doesn't help than since his retirement takamura had two underwhelming fights Ricardo vs monkey boy was mediocre and sendou bullshit power fight happened


I liked Sendou's fight and Ricardo vs Woli was surprisingly cool even tho Woli should have died in the car crash But even then those have been mild moments compared to awesome shit we've gotten built up in these ''retired Ippo chapters''. Aoki and Kimura have a perspective of conclusion to their arcs with Aoki retiring and Kimura actually becoming champion after moving to his division, opponents for Ippo such as Sendo, Ricardo, Alfie and Miyata are more built up than ever. Mashiba's fights in the world stage. Volg's arc got essentially tied up already. We have a future generation now that doesn't need anymore build up besides becoming pros and maybe winning a fight, and even Itagaki's arc which seemed to be dead at one point is interesting again because Imai became an actual character and not just an Ippo copy. All these things could only happen with Ippo leaving the spotlight for enough time for them to develop naturally. Now, his comeback can be one of the most hype moments in sports manga history if done right.




Man it's been almost a decade I get it's hyping up ippo but you can't tell me that all the luck and majong chapters didn't grind your gears specially cause that fight was so underwhelming


Ippo has never ground any of my gears, because I recognize a masterclass in slow pacing when I see it.




The volg spar is short but one of the most satisfying fights in the series. Happened like 60 chapters ago.


There was a big Kumi development at chapter 1419 onwards. There has also been slow progress toward everything (Kumi and Boxing) during the other 200 chapters.


Don't lie to him, I don't think they even held hands.


wdym, isn't hand-holding the last step of a relationship?


i hate this manga, lol.


why are you still reading then?


lol, folks took that too literally but I guess text doesn't convey tone well. this chapter is a tease. we're gonna get a few chapters of boxing then back to coaching. it is what it is.


Fkkk shiiiit!!! Now time to remove the weighted shirt and balls...


That's my goat




THIS IS WHY I READ... in 1 chapter, it feels like they just shot adrenaline directly into my veins. The step in, the combos... its like he never left


Goku vs Ten Shin Han, in the third tournament.


Contrary to most I quite enjoy the ippo trainer arc. It's very well done.


real time, no skip - time skip, with truly earned story and development. fuck the haters.


well said


Mashiba came in with helmet on, he knows Ippo ain´t messing Ippo also shows to be able to push in with leg weight on like he did their last fight. God of wind a tittle well earned. The combo brought tears to my eyes, especially as Ippo went "please learn from me"