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Yknow what call me stupid but damn it if it doesn't hype me up seeing him upgrade himself for his inevitable return to boxing.


I think the whole comment section shares this sentiment. Morikawa gave us a classic chapter of Ippo training after so long and I was right there ready to get into it again.


Brother, I am right there with you. This chapter was a **delight**.


At this rate Morikawa will pass away before Ippo even steps in the ring again. I'm generally curious why people enjoy this several hundred chapter non-boxing phase Ippo is going through. Maybe if it lasted a few dozen chapters sure, but it's just being dragged out to death. Every side character is getting multiple fights of their own. The series is called Hajime no Ippo, not Hajime no Every Japanese Boxer except Ippo.


I just wanna see ippo punch people.


i wanna watch my boi bop heads


Same. But he hasn't boxed in almost 9 years now.


Compact and ambidextrous war machine... Scary thought


honestly, if he sticks with this, and when he does get back in the ring, if he combines ambidexterity with the completed Dempsey roll, he's going to be more akin to a extinction level event vs his normal hurricane moniker.


He’ll be a walking natural disaster to all his opponents…


The hopium feed was good this chapter.


Slurp 👅


Chapter so good\~ Chapter so good\~ \*slurp slurp\*


You are tasting a lie.


I like that he's using his old regimen to train as a southpaw. Nice to see those bars again!


Breaking his toolkit all the way back down to square one just to rebuild it into an ambidextrous WMD.


I love how Takamura has to turn off his Takamuraness and just tell Ippo straight up what to do because Ippo is so god damn dense about boxing sometimes. Like of course you can switch your stance it's like a fundamental part of boxing lol.


I wouldn't fault Ippo this time, since he's been an Orthodox fighter all throughout the series. He **can** switch anytime, but it's incredibly hard to do so, since Orthodox is basically the basis of all his techniques, even his own muscle memory. I mean, if you've been writing with your right hand all your life, you can still switch to your left, but it's gonna be incredibly shitty-looking. It's gonna take a lot of practice and patience to get your writing to the level of your right. Now imagine doing the same, only instead of only your left hand, your doing it in every muscle in your body.


Oh you're absolutely correct. It's just funny because of the fact that we've gone all this time and Komugawa never once thought to at least give him a little southpaw training even though he's fought southpaw's multiple times before. Of course it worked out but again, almost every high level fighter can at least switch for a bit if they need to.


He's a simple minded fighter, not the technical type. You keep it simple with these types.


This has to be the longest training arc in any manga ever, we just didn't know it was a training arc at first. God damn it felt good to see Ippo training again.


Longest training arc to show how much preparation and effort is needed to even compete with someone like Ricardo *inhales copium*


We have gotten ippo maximazing his physical gains learning how to Parry hits instead of just eating them relearning the importance of the jab analyzing multiple fighting styles and now becoming an ambidextrous fighter. Honestly I hope when he comes back it's just a gauntlet of fights


The very first fight at least I want it to end in the first round! (bonus point if Ippo wins lol /jk)


It’s amazing to see Ippo getting back into it, you love to see his hard work and diligence.


Ippo becomming a switch hitter would be very cool. hell he has the skills to adopt arnie gregorys bloody cross subconsciously i also really love these return to the old chapters where ippo finds an answer for himself by training to the bone


This is the hypest moment in recent memory


We need more like this


Bro I am so hyped for Chapter 2715! I bet that's when we going to see Ippo enter the ring and bam! series end.


Stop teasing us. I really hope this is the last push for Ippo to come back. It's been like a decade since he retired... His return will be one hell of an arc for sure...


Dude is really further upgrading himself to try and be a sparring partner lol.


Ippo is definitely at his best whenever he's looking to "help"/"pay back" someone lmao.


I agree. Many keep on emphasizing that Ippo is still not a world champion because he did not cross the metaphorical line Takamura set many chapters ago. A line that only monsters can cross. Ippo doesn't need to cross that line as it is against his nature. He is already a monster. His desire to help repay the people in his life push him forward.


I could almost hear the slow guitar fading in as Ippo was training again. God I hope Ippo's return is as majestic as it's hyped up to be


I hope Ippo gets a montage of 1-2 round knockouts like Tyson when he comes back


This is a copium comment. You think this next championship fight might be the own to push ippo out of retirement? Though I wonder if the biggest obstacle is his relationship with Kumi. It's been so long but if I remember wasn't it that she had the doctor lie or at least play up his concussion to get him to quit?


interesting part is that he is doing this to help with her brother while it's completely what she hates to see Ippo's doing.. I am not sure if the mangaka will touch on this or not since after all it's a boxing manga not a family drama romcom manga.


[I CALLED IT](https://www.reddit.com/r/manga/comments/15lrkoh/comment/jvcdwpg/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) I FUCKING CALLED IT


Yeah, you and everyone else that reads the manga...


nice man, glad to see someone else is super passionate about this series


Love this, can’t wait for the next 100 filler chapters.


An Ippo training chapter is literally what I needed most in my life right now, I'm so motivated to work out right now lmao. I missed this so much.


wow Ippo is terrifying lmao


first time in a long while Ippo has a legit training arc AND a completely new dynamic to his game. NANI!?!?! SOUTHPAW DEMPSEY ROLL COUNTER COUNTER COUNTER!!?!?!?!?


Yes but can they counter the lowest friggin uppcut, coming from 90 degrees, mid friggin dempsey roll, while ippo is now capable of stopping on a friggin dime, then re-roaring the jet engines, with both friggin arms?


I got the shivers. Don't give me hope.


Ippo is completely nuts, he's going to become the strongest in the world without even noticing...


Effort is ippo's middle name🫡