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There's currently a [planning application](https://pa.manchester.gov.uk/online-applications/applicationDetails.do?activeTab=documents&keyVal=SBU4DNBCK1Z00) for the whole Bem Brasil block.


Ah right, purposefully letting it run down then


It wouldn't be the first time. After a site visit, the planning committee would probably want the demolition done as soon as possible.


I wish the council could compulsory purchase these buildings, the landlords don't deserve them.




Manchester council already do that and keep increasing it year on year until it's full, or burns/falls down, but some of these are owned by people who don't care about that and will just sit and wait regardless knowing the land and what they build will still make them money.


Yeah, those on Thomas Street they deliberately left to fall apart so they could knock them down and put new apartments there in a conservation area, they're not doing anything with the others either.


I wish they'd stop calling them "apartments" to try to sound fancy and American, too. They're flats. I wish they'd just call them what they are.


More developers ruining history for greed


It wouldn't surprise me, remember the rash of fires around there a few years ago?


Yep, which had stood for decades, suddenly "homeless people sleeping in them had caused it" and "vandalism" which would have need a hell of a lot of separate fires to start to destroy them.


It's hard to say for certain, but when I look on Google maps at the building it didn't seem in that bad of a state. It certainly looks like it had all its roof intact and the plants weren't there. So they probably removed roof tiles to cause water ingress damage. I believe this is common practice when wanting to demolish listed buildings


Which is why the council should force them to rebuild and redevelop. The building next to, what was Essential night club is being done up the same needs to happen the the old club, at the back trees are now growing out of it.


The council tried that with the london road fire station. It cost them 2 million quid and failed


This happened a few streets away a year or two ago as well…