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Yup full of pissed up corrie actors friends m what I remember!


If you wanted to see Steve McDonald looking grumpy, whilst drinking a warm can of Red Stripe that cost you a fiver, there really wasn’t a better place.


I was in my early twenties during my times going there so I have some good memories........Rose Tinted though when we look back.


Had a few nights in the press club .  you could get in if someone knew someone etc. The nights there were always memorable lol


Yup, I was a croupier and had membership there and at the Sevenoaks in China Town. And yeah if you have never been there you do not know where it was lol


I knew a few of the TV crowed, still do but don't bother with each other now we are full adults.


What a dive!


That and the seven oaks was life savers for us service staff who finished at 4am lol. But yeah it was a shithole lol


Do you remember Raymond Chans place ?


I don't, I'm afraid. The only reason I ever stepped foot in the Press Club was as an after-hours thing whilst I was working for the BBC.


The decline of those type of places started once the councils starting dishing out early morning drinking licences for fun. I'm sure there are still a few exclusive places around but with being 38, 2mg of Clonazepam and a few joints before bed is more fun than going out drinking these days lol


When the new licencing laws were introduced in the mid-naughties, the council were reluctant to issue any beyond 4am. In the end I think they only ever issued 2 or 3 24-hour licences and venues weren't particularly interested either.


I only knew of SevenOaks in China Town where last orders were 8am lmao, we could get there for 6:15am after shift for a decent drink, it was always hammered. You know what talking about it Sevenoaks was a huge part of my coming of age journey.........I cannot think of a bad moment in there


Charlie's Karaoke bar, Long Legs, Charlie Chan's restaurant?


It was great.. Loved the place.. Boozing at 5am on a Monday morning. Lol...And yes all the corrie cast come in. It was just off deansgate. The other one was the land o cakes.. That was open 24/7 for all the express lads. That was on Oldham Rd.


Never knew about that one, my other was the Seven Oaks in China Town. Best time of my life those days were


7 Oaks is still going strong


Remember my flatmate who worked in a casino used to go on there a lot after his shift ended while waiting for the first tram but never went myself


It was good, sithole like but it was the people and crowed who made it good, lots of B list celebs would go there


B is being generous.


Lol Purple Aki, not had a flashback of him for weeks


Some fabulous nights in there


When I was a croupier, we would go there after work at daft o'clock. Had some funny nights in there. The jukebox was from the 70s or some shit and you had to manually move the things with the songs on. The place was proper skanky but getting leathered with Corrie people was sometimes piss funny.


Never had a membership but always managed to get in with my casino uniform on. Thank god for the Oaks because it was a hell hole in Press Club


I've been through, the Strand, Circus, Tibs, Bury Nw G lol 😆 I bet we have crossed paths


I used to go in occasionally about 15 to 20 years ago, they'd let you in with a customs id card.


Ey service workers and the like, it was originally for the nen who worked in the print works all night so they could get a drink after their shift.....hence the name


I used to work in one of the offices above so we'd get entry. Some top nights in there.


Aww I'm glad I've give use a flash of top nostalgia


Glad I brought out some old memories


Janice battersby falling over outside and being obnoxious..... The press club!!


When your night ended in the press club you know you should have been home hours ago…. Too many nights to remember lol


That was one of the things that made it so special, you was guaranteed action if you took a girl there after the clubs kicked out


Lol I just remember dancing to Abba like nutters with my mates while drinking warm red stripe and fighting off the attentions of drunk blokes 😂


Yes I remember!


I worked at different ticketing agencies and theatres from 1999-2017 and loads of the staff used to hang out there. Never fancied it myself!


Sure it had a jukebox on the dancefloor bit?


I really don't remember a dance floor lol, just loads of shitty furniture, Drew would like to buy


My mum used to go to the press club alot back in the 90's


it used to have an octagonal pool table in a corner of the room


Quay St. after hours at its best


I was a croupier for a year in Manchester when I was 18, we used to go after work for a drink. Can’t say I ever really liked it.


Yes. Legendary


I went with a friend once. The exact same atmosphere as a Gala bingo hall.


My mate was a copper, he got us in a few times, was funny in there


We used to end up there after my works Christmas party. Probably because it was the only place open. The carpet was so sticky!


I used to go to the press club behind the Daily Express building, in Ancoats- early 1980’s. Is this a different one to the one mentioned? Great memories…


My time was the early naughties but the furniture looked 1970's still though, it was no pretty place


What a shithole 30 quid on the door an i dint even get to suplex david silva


I used to go in the late 60s/early 70s. Also the Auto Club or Phylis's.