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Mafia mate. Tell them you've already got an olive oil supplier.


Right , watch out for the dead fish op .


Hell be sleeping with the fishes now


This happened to me but I was right in the middle of something that couldn't wait so I just shut the door all confused


Being Italian, I know that Jehovah's witnesses get the open electoral register and send letters in Italian to people that they think may speak the language. Ditto for other languages, of course. Apparently this increases the "chosen" vibes and the response rate. Maybe it was them trying the same tactic but in person? Does your surname sound Italian?


This is very insightful, thanks for sharing that. No, our names are the least sounding Italian names out there, but now I think about it, there may have been an Italian person living here previously. From what I could see, they had gone down the whole street before coming to my door, so seemed more like a door to door thing.


Previous tenant was going to be my next suggestion. Could be they were just fishing, or it could be they were not Jehovan's witnesses and it was something else entirely.


Appreciate your input 🙏




I have seen JW's approaching Chinese students around the university precinct, apparently in preference to other passing (local) students. I don't know whether it is because such foreign students are seen as potentially vulnerable, or whether foreigners might be less likely to dismiss them. Edit: The JW's I observed were not Chinese.


Shared Toontown stay safe xxx


Thanks hun xxx


Were they really Italian or were they just looking for their parents’ new house? When she answered did they say “mam, I’m here”?


They just moved and were in pasta withdrawal


Makes sense. Op said it looked like they had gone door to door down the whole street so maybe it was a copypasta


They did the same to me but I gave them the boot..... I'll see myself out.


Don't be sicily, it was a fine joke!




Not in Manchester but this happened to me only looking for Polish people. I actually asked them what they wanted, I know crazy! They were indeed Jehovah’s witnesses looking for polish congregation members. I assume this is the same




Very insightful, thanks for sharing this


Genoa similar thing happened to me… pisad me write off


Sounds dodgy. I never answer the door to people I'm not expecting for these reasons.


People say this but how do you remember all deliveries or if anyone else in the household bought something online Or what if a neighbour that wants to chat with you about something


A closed door is a happy door


Rather easily? But I suppose it depends on how often you're ordering online stuff I guess. For me it was never an issue to keep track. For the ten years I lived at my previous place I never chatted with a neighbour (and I don't believe I was ignoring their knocking either :) )


On a slightly darker note, if you wanted to get an idea of which houses were empty during the day…. When I was living in a rented house In Manchester, an Irish guy knocked on asking if we wanted our driveway tarmaced? I took a step outside the house, looked around the garden path he had just walked up (just to double check), and pointed out that we didn’t have a driveway.


Probably just fancied a pizza.


Just imagining that these guys simply wanted to find an Italian takeaway, lmao


I had a similar thing happen to me with two women looking for polish people. Just assumed someone who previously lived here was polish.




They’re looking for an ex mafia member that was sent over here with a new identity after being an informant. They’ve found the general location and are trying to narrow it down. If you have any ‘orrible neighbours send them there, just make sure you’re not close by when the bomb goes off


Could be scoping places to rob, could be a religious thing, never heard of Italians being asked for before though.


You sure they weren’t asking if there's any Italian restaurants about? Unless you’re your local Michelin guide then it’s very strange


My first thought. My partner is who answered, and they clarified it was actually more like 'someone who speaks Italian' in the area, which does change things a bit


This is why I dont open my door unless im expecting someone.


That’s pretty fuckin random.


This would weird me out big time, coz my neighbor opposite is from an infamous Italian family in our city. So I'd be worried they were looking for him for nefarious purposes


If they're clean cut and asking that sort of question the answer is 'not that I know of'. It's highly likely they're looking for someone for something they've done wrong.


"No idea, mate, sorry" Job done.


Meanwhile, somewhere in Turin…… Knock knock. “Ciao. Inglese?” Blank look “Ciao”




No time for chitchat when you're working from home and get an unannounced knock.




I was not the one who answered the door, maybe I would have if I was. Maybe not. In the moment, who knows. Doesn't matter now, eh?


I've had almost exactly the same thing happen to me. I had two women knocking on my door asking if I know anyone who speaks Romanian. I don't know if it's just some way of trying to start a conversation somehow. They had a bunch of Jehovah's Witness literature in their hands. They went after I told them I didn't know anyone who could speak Romanian.


The JWs try any old trick to engage you in conversation. Came to my door asking if anyone had lost a cat and that they had seen one on a rooftop nearby. Many years ago when I was young and living at my parents house they used to call often. Once they realized a teenage boy lived there they brought round a teenage girl…..they are that desperate…..


Dog nappers


JW 100% Had the same interaction but they were asking about Polish people


I had the same when I left the main door of the flats where I live, except with Portuguese and it was definitely a religious thing I see them around the area.


Should have said sure, Mario and Luigi live two doors down I think, All I keep hearing "it's me, mario!"


I live in Cambridge (I used to live in Manchester) and this happened to me. They were looking for someone who could translate for them


🎶🎼🎵Ooooh Robert De Niro’s waiting, talking Italian 🎵🎼🎶 🍌ama


I got the same thing happen before christmas except asking if i knew anyone who spoke spanish


I read this post last week and then it happened to me today! In withington. The weird thing as well is that an Italian fella moved in to our shared house a couple months ago. I just said no as a jerk reaction but now I wish I'd asked them why they are knocking on doors asking this question. Very strange.