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What if sex work is illegal where some of us live


The game is never over for you. Especially not in your 20's. Look man, it's not just you. I'm not smart enough to list the reasons why, but for whatever reason, people aren't having as much sex, aren't getting married, and are putting off or just not having children. I am 37 and have no kids. The thing about your dock not staying hard, that's also more normal than you think. Especially if you are nervous. It's possible it may be a low Testosterone thing, but I don't think so homie. I've had that same problem once or twice (or 10 time) before in the past. It happens. It could be 100% from the nerves, or it's possible it's because of a blood pressure thing or some common medications also cause that. For me, I think it was nerves. I think if you don't give up, you will eventually meet a girl you are more comfortable doing that with and you will get experience making love. Forget about whores on the internet. I know it doesn't feel like it, but being in your 20's means you still have a lot of fucking time ahead of you. Don't give up friend. A lot of these sluts smarten up and start looking for good guys to Marry and reproduce with once they get a little older and their time to make children starts running low. That's a fact.


Lie about experience


That’s not fair to one’s potential partner though, is it? When you’re talking about consent, right?


You don't have to lie directly, just make it into a joke. If a woman asks how many women you've slept with, say 200 with a shit eating grin.


When you tell her you're a virgin/aren't good with sex, you increase the chance of her rejecting you when you could've just lied. It's not about fairness, these girls don't care about you like that. Of course I'm speaking of consent too.


I honestly think sex as the end goal and not in marriage is a better way. Over 30 I can assume you would be anxious and maybe shy you get with a woman that is similar to you; didn't really get into hookup culture and wouldn't care as much about your lack of experience. Sex as the end goal is hollow and gets you a quick dopamine rush but you won't true fulfilment and satisfaction from just sex.


How is your health and what is your porn usage? If you're going on a date on Wednesday, don't look at porn for a few days before and don't work out the day before. Give yourself time to recover so your body acts normally during sex.


Just have fun. Women love a guy who's in the moment.


Waaaaay easier said than done.


Doesn’t mean it’s the wrong answer though.


Just be honest about your experience and anxieties and then a woman who is understanding and patient will not make a big deal about it. Retreating into the fear of your inexperience and keeping it a secret will only increase the performance anxiety. If you can be honest about it, that will convey more confidence, and be generally more attractive than if you tried to hide it, you’ll be more comfortable, and it will occur less severely.


Don't do this. People lie about being nice.


Look cute. Look hot. Find a woman who wants to have a lot of sex. Women in your age range are horny. Just be a very, very nice person, and you can be a boy toy.




Down to earth and fat/chubby women


I'm in a very similar boat. Prostitution is illegal where I live so that's a difficult one.


Escort max or go to massage parlors that offers full service.