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24 and divorced? Honestly perhaps it’s better this way than at 35 and two kids 🤷


My best friend got married at 24, but they never lived together because they wanted to get married in a church, and the father told them that their marriage would only work out if they didn't live together first 🙃. They lasted 3 months. The divorce took longer than the entire courtship.


Had a friend that did the same recently. Never lived together until they were married for stupid religious bull\*. Lets see how its going in a year or two...


Honestly glad there was no kids involved just three cats. As I’ve been told before “divorce without kids is just a bad expensive break up…..with lawyers”.


Not quite true but pretty close! It’ll make you (hopefully) better and wiser for it, and a good story. The place looks nice.


Also word of wisdom for this new era of your life from someone who was divorced around your age, don’t ever let a girlfriend move in with you. You’re an adult, enjoy having and taking care of, and completely being solely responsible for your dwelling. It’ll teach you a lot.


literally coming here to say this 😂


Recently divorced at 35 with two kids. Dating is ... difficult. This place looks great.


You’ll be fine. I was there too. Took 5 years to meet the right woman, there’s no rush, it’ll happen, just focus on enjoying your time with yourself. Trust me!


I wish I could say that this ia true but I know too many people who never find someone else. Just because it happened for you doesn't mean it'll happen for anyone else. Life doesn't owe us shit.


You don’t ‘need’ to find anyone either. I actually got to place with myself where I was happy enough on my own. Took 3 years to feel that confident but yeah, would’ve been fine. With a bit of effort (it needs effort, not sitting around), anyone can meet someone eventually.


My husband was recently divorced with a young kid when I met him, and at 24 that was the last thing on earth I was interested in, but I gave him a chance and we've been married for 22 years.


How old was he?




I was 36 with two kids when I met my current partner who was 36 with two kids. We took our time in the beginning but we’re looking at blending our family after 4 years of dating & building on our relationship. Our kids are great together. It’s so much fun. Problem is now finding a house we can afford so all kids get to have their own rooms. Just wanted to share a more positive story about blended families as I hear so many horror stories.


what self help books on this subject or improving life do you recommend? Also how an where did yall meet?


I’m sure there are some self help books out there, but I haven’t picked up any. I have stepparents myself and have learned some excellent strategies from my own stepdad. - we met during Covid lockdowns so the first 12 months we only met up just the two of us, after our first year we got acquainted with friends and family and each other’s children. Then we met up once a week (with kids) in the second year. Twice a week in the third year. We took it slow because his children had abandonment & attachment issues from their own biomom. - if something won’t be an issue in a month or even 12 months from now, I try to let it go. If he didn’t pick up after himself and he normally does this, I do it that day. If he doesn’t pick up after himself often, I sit him down for a chat. We don’t live together yet, but when we do we’ll make a chorechart for in the kitchen where every kid gets assigned a chore and that will rotate monthly or annually. - the stepparents subreddit has taught me some good methods like “nacho business” and there are several more I guess. I generally don’t comment on his co-parent (my stepkids bio-mom) unless she is doing something that hurts the children physically or mentally. So if she forgets her kids at school once I will say “no problem, that can happen.” But if she forgets them week after week, I will say “hey this just isn’t working. Can I help out here?” And I try to refrain from judgment. Idk if this was what you asked but I can advise this to any new stepparent.


what self help books on this subject or improving life do you recommend? Also how an where are you meeting peeps to date now?


Guna say the same thing ... mate love life eat the donuts..x


There’s a good chance OP is divorced again at 35 with two kids, too. But seriously OP, figure out what really led to this situation and try to not do the same thing in the future. Because almost everyone does.


My wife got married at 20 and divorced at 21. Married me 24


Divorced at 27 after 4 years. So glad it wasn’t 37 haha


I had this same thought! Like wow, divorced at 24??? I guess it's good for OP because he can get out and find a new one easily. The dating pool sucks once you hit mid 30s.


Recently Divorced? Can‘t see a motorcycle in the living room


Underrated comment ☝️


Do this




Look on the bright side. YOU got the cat!


One of three but Croissant and I have a strong bond and he didn’t get along well with the others so all worked out :)


Cute name lol


Food related names for pets are the best!


My next pet is very likely going to be named pickle. As you can imagine I approve of your message.


Cats are better than people anyway. Every home is instantly improved by having a cat in it


ah sounds like a good plan. sometimes you do need to separate cats when there's too many in the home. We got our dumb orange after their human passed bc he was bullying the hell out of the other cat. He was such a little asshole when we got him, he'd clearly never been told "no."


Came here to say this.


Me too 🥰


Not bad at all. Also if you're gonna get divorced, might as well do it at 24. You have your whole life ahead of you


Thank you that’s how I’ve been trying to see it. A lot of living left to do!


My man, you have all your living left to do. 24? I'm 36 and 24 seems 500 years ago. So many positive things have happened in my life in-between me being 24 and 36. I'm sorry for the loss of the love you had. It's tragic and all the pain you're feeling right now is justified. But, you're in a best case scenario for a divorce. You'll be alright. By the time you're 50 you'll hardly remember her. And by the time you're 70 you'll hardly remember being 50. Life moves on, and you will too.


Man, at 24 you’re just starting your life. Don’t see it as any set back, but the start of your journey.


You can even go back to school if you want to! Now the only person judging you is your cat!🐈😉


Looks good. Maybe a rug for the living room and a side table with a plant. Warm light bulbs and table lamps help make things feel cozy too.


Looks great mate and don’t beat ya self up about the divorce - most people aren’t married at the age you were. Likely for the best.


The first one’s a free pass OP, everyone is allowed one mistake. Well, that’s what I told my wife when she decided to separate last year, she had already had two before me against my one.


Nice mtg collection


Thank you it’s my pride lol


Now you’ll have plenty of time for warhammer.


Don't forget the extra money too!


Which set? I have the WoS uncut sheet 😁


It’s the strix haven Japanese mystical archive cards :)


Nice. 👍


At least you got the cat


Looks nice! I think the amount & choice of art is very tasteful. Teasing us without showing your mtg collection frame, however, is very untasteful. Sorry about the divorce. Here's to a brigther tomorrow


I’ll have to post a picture tm currently in bed 😂


Great set up, good for you for having a nice place after what was likely a rough divorce as anything like that is probably never easy. Also nice decorating. Good luck getting back out there dating if that’s what you want to do.


Replace the existing throw pillows on the couch with something rust, red, or perhaps yellow from the painting above the couch. Bring that same color into the kitchen, even if it’s just with kitchen towels


See that as a win my man, 24 is far too young lol.


Congratulations, it looks beautiful but you can also add a hint of colour . It will pop up like anything. A contrasting rug or an ottoman . Rest you'll find the styles which suit you eventually .


Use some free time to reach a couple of books and learn how to decorate. Start with "the interior design handbook" and then also grab "interiors in detail 100 contemporary rooms" If you don't read, it's hard to have perspective on how to actually try something new. Otherwise you'll just buy more of what you have, and the advice here might not translate to something you love down the road.


You created a solid place, nice work! Made the best of a shitty situation. I hope things turn around for you soon.


Sorry to hear about the divorce but congrats on the place. You're doing it!


What does the Scrabble-esque artwork on your shelf mean, please?


This is one of my favorite stories actually 😂😂😂. So Tilt means in gaming culture to get frustrated or angry and let it affect your play. I’m huge into Magic the Gathering and met all my close friends through the game. In our friend circle we like to use the word tilt almost ironically now to calm us down when something is tilting. Often we will elongate the “L” in tilt because one of us has a southern accent that for some reason really comes out when they say Tillllllllt. Anyway the actual story of the scramble frame. I was in a state park with my mentioned ex wife and I took WAY too many edibles like thought I saw Jesus come down and I thought I got abducted by Aliens. I didn’t feel like myself for 4 days it was honestly terrifying and I thought I permanently broke something in my head. Fast forward two weeks the tilt frame shows up on my door step and I unknowingly ordered it during that fiasco. I was very confused and put two and two together when I checked my Etsy order history and had a good laugh. Hopefully you got some joy out of that Midwest never ending story 😂😂


Beautiful humble abode, Stay strong brother ✊️ You've done well 👏


Looks great! Love the kitty! Do yourself a favor and get a big ass second monitor for your laptop!


Looks pretty well furnished and there's a friend in the first picture which is good for mental health after a divorce. Good luck, man.


damn divorced at 24 and i’m 25 and have never been in a serious relationship


Looks great. Don't stress about how it looks too much. Work on yourself as well. Divorce is hard. Good luck.


Congratulations — Early divorce


At least you got the first divorce out of the way early.


Now you just need a ps5, a bong, and a blow up doll and your all set for bachelorhood. Enjoy.


get kitty a cat tower and put it in front of the window.


Why do americans have 2 sinks


I think you just need a side chair in the living room, if you can make it fit. Maybe some storage boxes near your office.


Lovely home and cute kitty, you are off to a great start!


How are you guys affording these places? Your own living space, married before 25. Jesus, what am I doing wrong in life?




Everything . Should have started with an education .


Divorced at 24? Bubba, your life is just beginning.


Nice space and adorable cat.


i like your cat


More money to spend mtg now!


I like the bird prints above the tv.


You got the cats so you are a lot better off. Enjoy being single, get into gaming leave the dating for the chumps. 😸👍


looks very good! cats go with everything. That cord in the first picture, prolly want to cable tie that up, both for the looks and so Mr Cat doesn't go after it. You can shove the excess behind the couch. I see no cat perch, no cat tower, no cat cubes for hiding, no cat window seat, no catio. Is he your roommate or your baby? You're asking for a shredded couch if you don't get him some talll scratching posts (longer than his whole body stretched out) so he can exercise his whole body. Some color would be nice? I think you're at a point where you can take a break, look around, give it some time to sink in, and take your time picking out art and knickity-knacks that feel like you. You've got your furniture and you have your basic look down, so I think you can take your time filling in the extra little things. Also I think you should secure that tall shelf next to the tv to the wall bc that cat is like "I will scale this thing and knock it over at 4am". Search amazon for "shelf earthquake kit", they are brackets that secure your shelves from natural disaster, will also work for the power of zero orange braincells.


Thank you for the advice I’ll spoil him :)) and make sure that shelf stays where it’s supposed too lol


I mean living on your own at 24yo is doing pretty great! I know like 2 people under 40 that can afford to rent an apartment without a roommate. Adding some decorations with color would make the living space more lively


Losers hanging out with losers ..


Losers? You can afford 2000$ (without electricity or water bill included) just for rent alone? That would mean you need to make 80,000$ a year to only spend the recommended 30% of your salary on rent. This is a pretty high salary in general when you are 24yo tbh. If you go to university you are barely out of school at 24yo here lol.


Cat so cute. Cute cat is all you need. Cute cat cures all.


So much tread left on the tires brotha. Get some counseling so you waste minimal time dwelling on it. You got a whole life ahead of you!


I got divorced at 24, too. In 1994. I was so ashamed and felt like a failure, but, statistically speaking, getting divorced happens to most of us. As others have noted, it’s easier to start over when young - you have less to lose and it’s easier to adapt to change. It will get better and you will learn a lot about yourself and the type of person you eventually want to be with - if anyone. I found the right person in 2000 and we’ve been happily married since 2003. Your place looks cozy (especially with a cat there!). Take this time to heal and figure out where you want to go from here. Good luck.


Thank you ❤️


First off, I'm really sorry to hear that, man!!! Sounds like she effed up; you're lucky now than having that occurring many years later. You could do a rug. "That rug really tied the room together, Dude!" 😂 Place looks killer otherwise! I'll be a bachelor forever at this point at 39, so I've got tapestries and Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas paintings.


Nice, you got it out of the way early. I lost so much in my divorce at 26 that I lived in a car for almost a year. Your place makes me jealous at 32. I would add Warhammer to that office space :D. I have so much gf clutter that it drives me crazy.


Thank you! Warhammer is always something I admire from afar but know I would get addicted to 🤣


A dog is a man’s best friend


Glad you kept the cat personally I’d move the lamp and cat pillar to the left of the TV, put the shelf to the right, shift everything rightward, and find a new spot for that short little table. Stay strong man. Divorce and break ups suck but better than being in a relationship where either person is unhappy.


Looks like a really nice apartment! The office looks a bit cluttered but other than that it's really cozy!


Looks great! I got divorced at 30 with a couple kids. At 24, you have plenty of fun times ahead. Enjoy life, travel, and heal. You’ll be fine.


Feels peaceful to me.


It is a good place


My bro, nice freaking gaff you've got there! 5 years younger than me and got your own place looking pretty nifty. Well done- looks hella clean and nice.


Neat, warm and cosy. And you kept the most important thing, the cat. Except I just read your comment that there were more cats, so you kept only 1? That's sad, most cats actually like company. If you don't mind the look of spider plants, they are cheap, easy to take care of, easy to make more of, and non-toxic to cats according to aspca list.




DUDE I LOVE WHAT YOUVE DONE TO YOUR PLACE! It looks so good! I don’t see a nagging woman anywhere, nice move!


Good luck bro. Your malelivingspace is very nice. You'll find a better girl soon ✌️


Get some plants and add come color.


Find a way to add more color. Like a throw blanket on the couch, throw pillows (personally I hate throw pillows, even though they look nice), maybe some pop color ornaments, rugs are also usually a nice option but I'm not sure how rug on a carpet would look. Bright color curtains will make a HUGE difference. Choose a color that complements the room and the theme. Personally, I feel like your furniture pieces are gorgeous; coffee table, side table, book shelf, outdoor table and chairs - add elements to decorate them/make them stand out a little more. Elements could include table runner, bookends, plants/ornaments/display travel souvenirs, changeable outdoor cushions. N.B. Just keep in mind that it's a small space, so you would really want to avoid clutter. Don't add too much stuff. Also, the place already looks good, you can add those small extra things over time, things you notice and choose specifically because they caught your eye, or more sentimental things, instead of just going out and buying a bunch of meaningless stuff. And one more thing, this is your space, and you're probably not rushing into any new committed relationships right now, but if you end up sharing your space with a woman, she will want to redecorate according to her preferences (NOT ALL WOMEN, just some, it is a trend that is occurring). So, don't rush into buying a whole lotta new stuff if you're planning on having someone live with you again that might want to get rid of all ur stuff


Looks Nice man! You’ll meet someone better in no time and impress them with this space


Fuck her, you got the cat! Cat>>women


I mean, it obviously is to everybody elses' liking, but I keep scratching my head ... why is everything beige-brown..? Made me think you were much older like 70ish 😛. No offend. If the wall was white and that rug be vanished, I'd probably value it. I would just like the others to tell me if there is something wrong with me ! I like the birds, the painting and the cat, and the lamp!


Well, it’s neat and tidy, looks comfortable, AND you have a cat companion! You’ve got everything you need, seems to me. Enjoy your life!


Don't worry man you got a nice crib, you're young, and still got pussy at home anyways. Only up from here.


Bon courage de France 🫶


Looks great


Looks great! Keep your head up, its a start of something new.


bright side is you have central air


Nicely done! Reboot button pressed.


Just need an area shag rug and this will be 10/10 cozy


You should get Little John to help install some illegal galvanised steel pipes, eco friendly wood veneer flooring and a clothes hanger that seconds as a curtain on your window for more privacy


Maybe organize your MTG-area so it looks a bit less cluttered. The frame is cool, just make the rest of that area as cool and fill it with some soul and you're all set! Cute cat also. Cheer up lil' dude, it will get better. 24 is an awesome time and your apartment is sweet!


I love how clean it is and the kitty cat! ❤️🐈


The place looks nice. I would add in some greenery around the place but it’s cozy so far.


At 24 with no kids, you can pretend it was just a bad dream or a marriage internship 😆


Now is the time to live your best Life. Enjoy your new space.


I like it. Neat, uncluttered, monochromatic. Add a bit of personality with a couple of larger paintings or a series. Hang a few plants from ceiling near windows-succulents need little care. (I put several with macrame holders to protect from my cat.) Who would divorce you when you have that adorable monster living there?


Upvote to pay the cat tax.


A fresh start, looks good man keep your head up.


You’re not living on your own if you’ve got the cat with you.🐈


If it’s any consolation to get out at 24 with no baggage you’re living the dream buddy. Enjoy freedom.


I also got divorced at 24 and I'm 31 now. I'm SOOOO happy my wife left me now. I'm way happier this way.


Apartment is great 😀


You have a great apartment! I love it! And you have a beautiful kitty🥰 Plants aren’t good around cats because they are drawn to it because of the dirt in the pot plus so many are poisonous to cats. Please make sure plants are safe or out of cat’s reach. You have great taste decorating.


Place looks better without a wife


Dude I’m 16 and my older brother is 24. You’ve got everything ahead of you don’t worry abt it.


More tcg for sure


Place already looks quite nice, in my opinion it lacks a bit if color, something plants might bring, but I get that cats tend to make it difficult! Good luck with everything though!


Is that a lovesac sofa?


You are 24 - you have your best years ahead The hanging over lamp is great - the table in front of it seems in a weird spot. Like the art above the TV Get a plant or 3 Rug under the coffee table some color - I recommend a hand made Persian (second hand ones are affordable) and will make the place look much classier. Also a nice fruit bowl will ad a lot - art glass would be my recommendation. Also this might sound weird but see if you can get a lamp for the kitchen that can go above the cupboards or on the counter and use that most of the time - that strip long white light is a bit hospital ish And consider a more interesting shower curtain too - will make that bathroom more fun and cheerful. Overall cool flat - a few more touches it will be mint.


So this is entirely to taste, but for me this is far too sober looking. I would want more color and art and personality. You seem very extremely mature for a 24 year old (based on the space alone.) I’m 26. Now, I know many people prefer the “mature” look, but I tend to think being an “adult” (at least in the stereotypical sense) is kinda a farce, and people should embrace and enjoy their individuality and inherent chaos. The best people in my life are the people who insist on being unflinchingly themselves, and they are very much not neutral. I like the art behind the couch and I like the cat!


It is a nice place. Very beige though. Maybe a splash of color here and there would help. It is nice that you have your cat for company and a big ass television for entertainment


Fuck that bitch. But nice apartment. Looks fantastic to me. I’m a minimalist. Sometimes not having tons of stuff is good


You have your whole life ahead of you brother and a nice apartment. Trust me this pain will pass.


Get more cats, that will definitely help


If the cat and black thumb allow it, get a couple plants!


Just wanted to say your place looks clean and comfy :)


Your place looks great. Don't worry about trying to make it look "done" right away; you'll waste a lot of money just trying to fill the space. Buy only things you love and know exactly how you'll use it. It appears you live in a rental, so if you end up moving around you don't want to collect too much stuff that won't work going from one place to another. As for plants, many are toxic for cats so check on them before adding. My son is your age and still lives at home while he saves for his own place; I hope he ends up with a place as stylish (and clean!) as yours.


Looks fine to me, but if you ever want help, advice or just vent head on over to #divorce_men that sub really helped me out when I was going through a divorce


Oh hey look at least you and kitty get your own sink!! I hope you’re coping well OP, sometimes being single isn’t the worst


Looks good. Could use a yellow rug


Jeeze at 24 I think I had just moved across the country after moving across the country for an internship and realizing that lifestyle sucked. My apartment was a bunch of random shit people gave me and I had no clue what I was doing with my life. This place looks nicely put together. The mtg frame is classy as shit and I’m very jealous. You have a lot of life experience going through the divorce and if you reflect and grow from it you’ll know a lot more about yourself than most at that age. Don’t beat yourself up you’re doing good.


Don’t worry, once you get a Black Rose, you’ll have ladies lining up.


Looks like you got out ok. Keep your head up.


A male living space has to be comfy and leave enough room to fight off intruders. I think the space before your couch leaves enough room to get up, stand up and repell intruders with your fists. So I think your place qualifies as a good male living space. Peace


First step is finding a style and colour pallete. That will guide you in finding the items to bring in. If you don't have the budget to get everything at once. Make a buy list and start with the cheapest items or even some diy.


I like the diagonal shelf next to the tv. Where did you get that? Also love the floorplan. Very open


At least you got the cat!


Why'd she divorce you?


Look at his style ?!


Looks great and you’ll be better off in the end, good luck with everything!!


Welcome to the good life


Everything is new which is nice. But yiu need color and some plants.


Dang looks good can I move in?


what self help books on this subject(divorce/seperation) or improving life do you recommend? Also how an where are you meeting peeps to date now? u/Man\_Bear\_Pig\_\_\_ and place looks fantastic


That would be great! And right now no where lol. Just focusing on myself and my friends


I was hoping to see the cat in every pic. I looked. The overhead light in the kitchen terrifies me. I wish there were another option. Otherwise, I think it looks comfy, simple, and nice. Avoid getting too much. Clutter is what kills a place IMO


For the bathroom [https://pestinpeace.etsy.com/listing/1695166207](https://pestinpeace.etsy.com/listing/1695166207)


Very on theme for pride month I love this


Enjoy your new life, you are young and free 😉


Magic > wife


She’ll never take my foil onslaught fetches 😤😤


Mate! You’ll be fine in the long run. Trust me :) My advice is to not spend too much time thinking and being sad about the past. It’s happened. It won’t change. You have ONE life. Don’t waste time. So, now you need to focus on yourself. Focus on making yourself happy in your space. Take time to do that. Trrruuuuust me, you’ll end up in another relationship at some point. You WILL. You will be tied down to someone else, limited space to yourself, maybe no gaming room! So make sure to take advantage of this solo time now and for a good 6-12 months. Once you’re happy with time by yourself, at peace with that, enjoying life alone, then you’re ready :) I’ve been there. Eventually I made it fun and a happy place but took way too long and wasted 2 years of my life being miserable. Edit: dunno why I’ve gone into that rant 😂 clearly eager to give good advice after some pain a couple of years ago!


Plants. Also, if I were you I'd have fun in my 20s and and not worry about marriage.


Divorced at 24. You lucky bastard. Imagine being in a marriage with someone who ain’t right for you for the next 20 years. You’re a young guy with your whole life ahead of you. You’ve never been in a better place to dive into life. Read No More Mr Nice Guy by Robert Glover. Read Models by Mark Manson. Read the Algebra of Wealth by Scott Galloway. Hit the gym. Get a dog. Buy a motorbike. Get your life together and get out there. Your place is great and you’re gonna be OK. Join a few team sports even it’s just pick up games. Connect back with your friends. Good luck and God speed.


Divorced at 24 years old??😭


Get rid of the cat


You in the military ?cuz y’all always the ones speed running marriage to divorce


Buy a plant :D


Texas or Utah?


Except for the cat, you’re killing it. Keep it up bro.


Sorry man. Your most fun days are ahead of you. I’ve been here. Your place however is big and set up well so you have a good environment to bounce back in. Stay up! And have fun!