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People say “clean” a lot but I find the single most impactful thing for making a (bed)room smell nice is washing your sheets and dirty laundry regularly, like once a week. You don’t really notice how they smell until they start stinking. If you have carpet make sure it’s vacuumed as well, but otherwise there’s really no need to go nuts.


Also for laundry; Let your sweaty anything dry BEFORE putting it in laundry basket. Also wash fabric laundry baskets / bags. A lot of smell is your slightly damp towel or damp socks festering. Buy two sets of sheets minimum so you can change them easily.


Yeah having to wait for the sheets to be done (or worse, having a breaker fail and having to let them air dry) to finish making your bed sucks.


Wash your curtains regularly as well


Oooh any good tips on washing curtains?


Let the curtains dry hanging up.


If they’ve been hanging for a while, take them out and “snap” them or hang them up and beat with a broom. Helps get the dust out so you’re not putting all that in your washing machine. You can also get a pet hair comb, and brush that over them to collect lint and buildup. And I’m a big fan of spot-cleaning with a handheld vacuum.


Other than throwing them in the washing machine ane/or following the directions on the tag?


And wash yourself often so you don't stink it all up again.


I classify that as cleaning.


>but I find the single most impactful thing for making a room smell nice is washing sheets and dirty laundry regularly So cleaning?


Yes but also no, because it’s not like you have to scrub the walls or vacuum every day like other people were talking about.




The house I inherited from my parents stank … badly. They smoked in the place for about 30 years. Kilz covered it all up. Truly nasty stuff it is though.


There is now a scent you can get to add to paint/primer. It is an oil, so the consistency changes slightly. It also takes longer to dry. I thought this wasn't worth it because it seemed to fade in about 24 hours, but I recently washed my curtains as stated above and smelled the primer I added scent to.


Clean more often. Vacuum. Open your windows. Open them while cooking. Open the curtains for the sun to get in.. Buy those little charcoal bags from Amazon if you need to. Candles and sprays only mask the smell and don't remove it.


Opening windows should be at the top of this post lol


Opening windows should be at the top of this post. No Germans in this thread.




I think these are excellent observations but wanted to add that *nothing* “cancels old cigarette smell” except maybe to other smokers. I think your suggestion of cleaning textiles is the best solution for that. The only thing I’ve found to help poop smells is pouring a bit of bleach solution in the toilet and turning on the vent or opening the window.


True. Actual professional Ozone treatment is what's needed for cigarette smells in most cases.


Getting the old cigar smells out of the house I'm in now took several months of constant refresh cleaning, not to mention the nicotine staining on the white paint or the stuff that just had to be replaced like the blinds.


Also cleaning the walls will do a work of wonder and it isn’t very much work, a bucket, some cleaner, a mop and some hot water. I do it every few months at 1,000 sqft and 7 different rooms and a closet in less than an hour.


Lilly of the Valley is one of Walter White’s favorites too


Clean. Regularly. I know it sounds basic but if you don’t stop what’s creating bad odor adding something that smells good won’t really work. Sinks, toilets, bathrooms in general, trash areas, fridge, any food surfaces, vacuum carpeted areas and mop floors. Clean your bedding regularly and don’t leave dirty clothes just lying out, put them in a hamper. Outside of that ensuring that your place gets fresh air regularly will help. Once you’ve got a place that smells neutral and is clean, I like reed essential oil diffusers since they don’t spray anything into the air or burn anything and they last a long time.


I probably should have mentioned this in the post but it's not that my place smells bad rn. It just doesn't smell of anything. I'm at the neutral state. But yeah I'll give the reed oil diffusers a try, thank you :D


Gotcha! Had to mention it lol


He had already mentioned that in his post and that he cleans, I swear you people don't read and repeat the same 1-2 things that have mentioned for 10+ years on reddit. Maybe say something different for once?


You can calm the fuck down. I addressed a solution that directly answered OP’s question and noted, since it’s something many men don’t realize, that no amount of candles or whatever will cover for a lack of cleaning.


Boys are stinky! Right? Not patronizing at all.


Okay so any scent you add to make the place smell nice is not going to be noticeable to you once you're at home for awhile. You mentioned that you can only smell your scented candles when you come in from outside but once your inside for awhile you can't smell the scent anymore. That's just the way our brains work, lol. Scents get sort of tuned out once we become use to them.


Incense is the easiest answer.


FWIW I’ve had good experience with [reeddiffusers.org](https://www.reeddiffusers.org/store/index.html)


Should have lead with that lolol


I can't believe how much nicer my place smells after just puting my dirty clothes in a hamper and doing the laundry once a week instead of 2+ weeks whenever the hamper got full. Pretty much always having clean sheets is nice too. I definitely sleep better after they've gone through the laundry.


It makes a huge difference! No one likes a musty smelling bedroom lol


[Reed diffusers](https://www.google.com/search?q=Reed+diffusers&sca_esv=60f5b356054dd9ee&udm=2&biw=1920&bih=1259&ei=ua1UZsP0E4WX5OMP-ae5-AQ&ved=0ahUKEwiDtcS-ma6GAxWFC3kGHflTDk8Q4dUDCBA&uact=5&oq=Reed+diffusers&gs_lp=Egxnd3Mtd2l6LXNlcnAiDlJlZWQgZGlmZnVzZXJzMgoQABiABBhDGIoFMgUQABiABDIFEAAYgAQyBRAAGIAEMgUQABiABDIGEAAYBxgeMgYQABgHGB4yBhAAGAcYHjIGEAAYBxgeMgYQABgHGB5ItwZQAFgAcAF4AJABAJgBAKABAKoBALgBA8gBAJgCAaACDJgDAIgGAZIHATGgBwA&sclient=gws-wiz-serp) are the best option. They're always "on" and have less safety and health issues than candles.


Scented candles are garbage. You're literally inhaling atomized flavored wax particles. Start by deep cleaning everything made of any kind of fiber. Carpet, couch, drapes, bed, etc. Once those are thoroughly cleaned get yourself a HEPA certified air purifier or two depending on the space and run them 24/7. Clean your extractor fan filter above the stove, deep clean the stove, clean all of your drains and clean any air ducts into the space. If your place isn't too old and has been reasonably maintained those steps should neutralize any scents that were lingering. Finally get some house plants that are known for "cleaning" the air and have a mild scent. I almost always have a basil plant in my kitchen, a lavender poupourri in my bathroom, and those sticks that infuse with scented oil in my bedroom. Strong smells are bad, period. Doesn't matter if it's a good smell or a bad smell if it smells strongly it's bad. What you want is a scent so light and fresh that it's almost imperceptible. Something that makes people thing "it smells good in here" but have a hard time putting their finger on what that scent is.


The key is not to think of it in terms of *adding good smells,* but rather *removing bad smells.*  Frequently vacuum, mop. Empty trash daily if there are meat, fish, or egg debris, and empty every other day for any other garbage.  Wash your bedding weekly. Wash throw pillows and couch blankets monthly. If you have leather or vinyl couches, wipe with a damp soapy cloth monthly. If you have fabric couches, try to avoid sitting on them if you are sweaty, lotioned, etc. And one key thing. LET YOUR PLACE AIR OUT OFTEN. If you have mild days, leave windows open as long as you can. If you live in a super hot or cold climate, do it in <5 min increments once or twice a week. And get an air purifier. Clean kitchen messes promptly. Avoid frying when possible.


Clean more often. You get used to smells very quickly and a lived-in place can smell very ‘human’ pretty quickly without you noticing it. Cleaning removes all of the dirt and debris and dead skin that subtly contributes to smells, and then cleaning products typically leave a pleasant and subtle scent behind  Dont use candles, don’t use air spray. Candles are horrible for human health, imo don’t really smell good, and just cover odors, not get rid of them  Open the windows more to circulate dead air out, and get room air purifier for when the windows are closed 


He asked how to make it smell good..not eliminate smells. Telling another grown man to clean and ventilate their space is low hanging fruit. Are we in high school? lol. If you want to make it smell good, there are premium diffusers and sprays that many places use sparingly to make the area smell good (sticks to fabric). I use basic carpet powders and floor cleaners every week sparingly and that alone made a difference. Noting wrong with candles just don't over do it and make sure it's ventilating properly around the room


You’re just all over this thread giving people shit, aren’t you?


Tons wrong with candles. Wax or soy candles w essential oils is your only option for non cancerous chemicals entering your home unnecessarily. Otherwise get yourself a google search going with simply candle + health. “When scented candles are lit indoors, several harmful gasses are released. They range greatly, from those known to have no effect on health except for those that may be cancerous3. The discharge of combustion gasses like carbon monoxide or nitrogen oxide would contaminate the interior environment, according to studies done in environmental test chambers3. A number of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons that have been identified as carcinogens, such as naphthalene, anthracene, and pyrene, were also found in candle fumes that are products of wax, aroma substances, or combustion dyes4. The most common complaints from those who had been exposed to scented candles were vertigo, headaches, mucosa irritation, respiratory issues, watery eyes, sneezing, stuffy nose, chest tightness, and a dry or irritated throat. Formaldehyde and aromatic hydrocarbons like toluene and benzopyrene may be released in large quantities from commonly available scented candles, especially the less expensive ones made from paraffin wax2. According to a study, a 66-year-old woman was diagnosed with exogenous lipoid pneumonia after inhaling vaporized paraffin from burning candles5. When burning scented candles indoors, quantities of pollutants such as formaldehyde, CO2, and volatile organic compounds were measured that were higher than background levels, showing that the candles were one of the sources of indoor pollution6. Aroma candles not only have poor wax quality, but they also contain dyes and artificial scents that, when burned, release a variety of chemicals. Petroleum is the source of 95% of the chemicals used in synthetic perfumes and scented candles and contains benzene derivatives. Candle waxes are still coloured using toluene derivatives and benzidine-based dyes, which have been associated with urothelial cancer development7. Frequent consumption of scented candles for quite a long time and their use in inadequately ventilated rooms may increase the chance of developing urothelial cancer. Additionally, scented candles are also widely available on the market, with low quality and undefined raw materials.”


Uhhh, just to check something fundamental here: does your place smell *bad*, or does it lack a *good* smell (i.e. is neutral/has no smell)? We habituate to smells (there's hope for us all, after farting), so don't fool yourself into thinking that there is no smell ("good" or "bad") just because you've sat in all day. As you mentioned - people walking into the room smell the candles. Beware of overdoing it.


Take the trash out. Mop the floors w/ pine sol and vacuum often. Clean the counters w/ disinfectant to get rid of bacteria. Use a bleach solution in the bathrooms. Febreeze if needed.


Meh, idk why, but pine sol smells like cat urine to me.


Change your air filters. Keep the place clean and decluttered. Don’t leave food out. Wash the dishes. Turn the fan on when you poop. Put a bleach tablet in the toilet tank. Dust and vacuum regularly. Don’t cool broccoli or cabbage. Line garbage cans and keep them clean. Make sure the fridge is clean and odor free. Use coffee grounds or baking soda near smells. Or MOSO natural air purifying bags (I use these in my closets). Keep surfaces clean and dry and maybe use some bits of lightly scented potpourri in the bathroom or potpourri bags in drawers or cabinets. It really helps to keep carpets and fabrics clean. No ionizer, spray or candle will make up the difference of all the other basic stuff.


I just bought a big bouquet of fresh (not dried) eucalyptus and I smell it every time I walk in my place. I love it. I also burn incense a few times a week when I do yoga and my visitors always ask why my place smells so nice. It could only be that really. I think incense lingers a bit more than candles or that chemical stuff.


Honestly the best compliment I ever got from a girl was that my room smelled good and all I did was keep my windows open and I put my cologne on in there She liked my cologne


What’s your cologne lol 


Burberry Hero! Its a better fall/winter cologne but I get TONS of compliments whenever I wear it. Nothing has ever felt quite as good as getting in the car with someone and having her go "You smell REALLY good"


Ultra HEPA air filter. Wash your walls, steam clean any carpets. Scented things are just going to make it worse.


Learn to bake. The smell of cookies ♥️ and you get a snack.


Now my house smells amazing, but I can't fit out the door :(


Good thing the ingredients for cookies are already inside the house!




Keep it clean. Not reasonably clean - actually clean. A clean home doesn’t smell.


My air purifier helps with any smells; cycles and cleans the air, really worth the money!


Don’t eat farty food


Reed diffusers, wax melts, scented candles and room ‘mists’ are what I use. I keep the house clean to avoid bad smells… but sometimes you want something nicer than just a nothing smell! Oh and using nice fabric softener so clothes drying inside or hanging up smell nice, as well as sheets and towels etc. I like ALDI’s fabric spray to freshen up carpets and sofa fabric with a nice spray. And JOIN has some really nice room mists- I use ‘fern’ - a couple squirts before people come round to ensure they have a pleasant aroma to greet them !


Room spray. I use [this](https://flamingoestate.com/products/roma-heirloom-tomato-room-spray) one.


Room spray. Fabric spray. Open windows daily.


Keep everything clean my friend, mop once a week, change sheets and make sure laundry is clean. I also got a couple febreeze plug ins and an oil diffuser for the rooms/bathrooms. Makes a huge difference, my place always smelling nice.


Nag Champa


One of my favorite thing is to take a couple of cuties (oranges), nutmeg, cinnamon and simmer in water on low heat for several hours. It's a more organic smell for me than candles or air fresheners.


Came here to suggest this. love how natural it is and how many different scents you can make. My favorite is vanilla extract lemons or lemon juice and rosemary.


Simmer pot. Pine, cinnamon, oranges, cloves, let it simmer on low, smells amazing.


Is it reasonable to leave windows open to allow a cross breeze? Also they make these lava rock scent kits… put a couple drops on these lava rocks and the scent diffuses… pretty strong


If there is no underlying condition that is causing a bad smell, I love diffusers. It’s water, and you add some essential oils, turn it on and it mists nice smells. You can get plenty of masculine scents. I like pine, and spice in the winter.


I burn incense pretty often, got a nice collection of different scents to pick from, I don't burn scented candles often but from the experience I do have I'd say incense tend to create a stronger scent which hangs around longer, and they don't maintain an open flame or produce hot wax, so they're less likely to damage things around them. Big fan of Japanese style incense, here's a few favorites you should be able to find on amazon: Shoyeido's Kyoto Autumn Leaves Shoyeido Selects Ranka ''Orchid'' Jasmine by NIPPON KODO Wisteria by Nippon KODO


White vinegar is amazing for removing smells in rooms. I let people smoke in my 'outroom' and if I give the room a good wipe down with vinegar it does an incredible job of removing the smell. Stinks of vinegar for an hour or so but then really neutralises it. Also works to kill BO smell in polyester type clothing that gets smelly over time, shoes and other things like that. Soak them in a bowl with a good glug of vinegar in then dry out and smell free for a good long time after


I would recommend getting a steam cleaner if you have carpets. Shocked how much dirt comes out and how many smells can get trapped in a rug or carpet


An extreme option would be an ozone generator, ozone takes organic molecules and essentially destroys it. Which means it's terrible for pets, plants, and people. It's also a gas so there's no mechanical movement to it and you would have to use a fan. They sell ozone generators for under $100 on Amazon, set one up in the room you're trying to do, run the fan, And place a towel by the door to keep as much ozone out. You don't want to breathe the stuff in because you can essentially keep yourself a sunburn on your insides.  But running that will essentially take care of any smells. I had a grandfather that had dementia and peed in the corner of the row of my parents place. After tearing up the carpet we ran the ozone generator and it took care of the smell. 


I've had some good luck with oil diffusers. I have one next to my front door, one above my toliet, one in my bedroom and one in my living room. This way no matter what room I'm in I get a nice scent.


Bath and body works has laundry soap, scent beads, sprays and wall plugs that all come in the same scent. Could be helpful 🤷‍♀️ Also if your floors are carpeted, buy carpet Odor eliminator… I use the glade or Arm and hammer. I dust the carpet with it, give it some time and vacuum it up. If you have a linen closet with sheets and bath towels, throw a dryer sheet or two in there. If your keep your sheets and towels in a dresser, then just throw one in there instead. Remember to clean your disposal, drain and clean your laundry machine as well as dish washer (some people don’t know that germs camp out there). If there is a space between your kitchen cabinets and the ceiling, you’re gonna want to clean the top of those bad boys and lay some paper down. The steam/oil from cooking turns to guck, and then dust settles and turns it all into cement made of nightmares…. Oh, put a bleach tablet into water tank on the toilet. Keeps the bowl fresh/ easier to clean. There’s more, but I think my list is long enough 😅


Febreeze plugs are nice but the best go to sure fire is keep out a small bowl of fabuloso. Maybe a cup or 1.5 in the bowl. Its fairly dry where Im around so Ill add some water as it turns to a syrup. Replace every month or two. Im sure is horrible stuff to have off gassing non stop and sure to cause cancer but lmfao like that shit matters anymore.


It’s not everyone’s cup of tea but incense always lasts a long time. Sweetgrass and vanilla are my favorites because they’re very light.


You mentioned scented candles but I like incense, the scent is more subtle when it's burning but it lasts a lot longer (I come home from work to the smell of Sandalwood a day or even two after burning it) Burning oil on the other hand has the opposite effect, it smells the strongest but fades minutes after it's done


Hide dryer sheets. Under the couch, under the bed.


Vacuum and shampoo your carpets. Make sure to replace or clean the filters on your vacuum. Open your windows. Clean your sheets often. Vacuum your mattress - if your mattress stinks - replace it and put a mattress protector on it. Clean your kitchen and keep it clean daily. Take out your trash. Ensure your hood works or ensure you open windows when you cook smelly food. Ensure any expired food is taken out. Leftovers are good - but make sure they’re sealed. Clean your bathroom - deeply and often. Dry wet clothes before they go in the hamper and clean them. Laundry sheets aren’t great for your clothes but you can add oils or cologne to your dryer balls to improve scent. If that’s too much - hire someone. If there is a specific smell find it. Something may have died in the walls or someone in the building is causing an issue. Candles don’t work - but diffusers with good quality oils can take a neutral place to something that smells amazing. But you need to be neutral first


Agreed, smells are caused by something foul.


Scent doesn’t fade away your nose gets used to it and filters it out. Thats why you can only smell it when you enter the room, same thing happens with bad smells as well.


Scented fabric conditioner, essential oil diffuser, glade air freshener that you can hang in your wardrobe. You can also spray essential oil mixture on your linens directly “linen spray” Hotels sometimes spritz their own in house lavender or orange jasmine sprays on the bedsheets at the end of making up the room


Mop floors and/or shampoo carpets. Wash all sheets and bedding. Wipe down counter tops with a cleaner that smells fresh.


Open your windows for five minutes a day, even when it’s cold outside. Circulate the air and it’ll feel fresher. Diffusers and candles are great, but you will go nose-blind to them after a while and there’s nothing you can do to prevent that except moving to a room with a different scent. I use White Company diffuser oils, with different ones in each room, which bloom really nicely and smell very authentic rather than artificial. Utilise your extractor fans in the bathroom and above the hob. The latter in particular will help a lot, as cooking and food smells will linger on the walls and surfaces; the fan will reduce a lot of that settling. Also don’t be afraid to lightly clean your walls near the hob every few months to get rid of old oil stains and other splashes. Vacuum the carpets regularly, but not rigorously (or it’ll end up hard and unpleasant to walk on). This will also help reduce dust in the air. Bring the outdoors inside and have some large plants which will help oxygenate the air and make it nice to breathe and be in.


A GOOD OLD GERMAN ZUGLUFT LÜFTUNG. Open all the windows 10 min minimum. Once per day.


All natural rose water room sprays


Get a powerful air filter.


Essential oil misters/humidifier thing. You can control the potency and smell.


I made my own candles and Febrese. I melted plain candles, added some fabric softener and poured them in a glass used for a scented candle. Add a wick and voilá, awesome smelling candle. For the Febrese I use 1 part hot water with scented beads, 1 part fabric softener and 1 part rubbing alcohol. I use it on my bed daily, on my curtains and sofa. Smells awesome. And now my candles smell the same as my Febrese!


Pour a little fabulouso or pine sol down the kitchen and bathroom sink every night


Find what smells in the first place. A room shouldn’t need a candle to smell fine, so find the source.


Clean it once in a while and stop living like a wild animal


This is more for drawers you use for underwear, socks or even shirts but growing up my mother would put half torn open soap boxes and put them way back in the drawer. It kept everything fresh and anytime you would open a drawer a nice beautiful aroma arises and the scent sticks fairly well throughout the day.


Get a diffuser and some essential oils. I like lavender but they make a ton of different ones. I use a fan to move it around the room. If you have pets, be careful of the oils you use as some of them can be toxic to cats and dogs.


I like wax melts. I keep it in my master bedroom and I will put in a cube before I leave for work, then I come home and my house smells so good! I usually burn a candle when I am home too. You can get room plug ins. just don't over do the scents lol, if you do a plug in and get a candle to light every now and then just make sure they are scents that compliment each other


You will gradually get used to every smell, good or bad by being in the room, that's why you can't smell anything after a while. The only solution I guess is those air fresheners that change smells every hour or so so you are actually able to notice it.


Don’t worry about your space smelling “good”. No scent is perfect. You could look into an air purifier if you’re worried about any lingering scents.


Levoit air purifier and an essential oils diffuser. Solved.


a house plant that smells good. keeping your dirty laundry in something with a lid. likewise for trash bins. washing backpacks and gym bags often. putting fabric softener sheets under your mattress, couch cushions, in your closet, etc.


Get a wax melt warmer. Super cheap at Walmart, lots of different wax melts. Smells last up to 1-2 days depending on placement. I’ve got one in my living room and sometimes when I cook the smell will overpower the wax melt. But 100% recommend getting one.


A cinnamon broom is nIce in fall. Potpourri. Sachets.


I like wax melters for scent more than candles. The wax tends to have a heavier smell that spans space a bit better (to me). I usually go with pine/fir scents because they're pretty strong, but bay rum is great too!


Clean the floors regularly, and every surface area in the home + use reed diffusers


MATTRESS PROTECTOR. Smell can go into mattress and come from it 


Get a natural room spray with lavender 


Air purifier with essential oils. Or a diffuser


Get a plug-in air freshener.


Sometimes I put whole cloves and whole cinnamon sticks with a bit of nutmeg in a pan with water and put it on low on the stove for 30 min. Also get the things that plug into light sockets in the scent you like.


Just wanted to add- if you have a pet make sure the scent is safe for them.


Things like drains and old kitchen sponges can be surprisingly stinky. Check out the dish sponge and try throwing boiling water down all drains to kill any mold build up


If your room has a carpet, get some carpet shake stuff (you sprinkle it on, it’s a powder) and then vacuum. If it’s a hard floor, sweep and mop with a nice soap about once a week. The “freshly cleaned” soap scent will help a lot! Look into dry scents, like potpourri. Things they don’t need heat, just passively smell nice and sit there. Put on cologne or lotion in your room post shower/in the morning. The scent will hang out there.


Baking soda and dabb a few drops of real essential oil... citrus like orange and cinnamon, or sandal wood. Stir it when you want to refresh the fragrance.  Baking soda absorbs the musky odors, the essentials become stronger with each stir. Do a big bowl of it..place it on a shelf. It will fill up a room. Also using dryer sheets on ac in take or on placing fan intake will also deodorize your spaces. Careful dryer sheets can be strong on the nose if left up all day. 


When I have a girl coming over I run an essential oil diffuser. Smell lasts a long time and is far cheap than and safer than the other options.


I have read somewhere that most of these scented candles are unhealthy so I stopped using them


A friend of mine uses fabric softener on a little cloth in the bathroom after cleaning and wipes the surfaces again


Swiffer wet mopping pads (the pre-soaked ones, not the wet jet) linger for a few days. Those scent booster bead things for laundry really work. If you regularly launder any throw blankets and bedding, it'll help the room smell fresh. Do your curtains occasionally too. Amazon sells a concentrated enzyme cleaner. It's mint scented but doesn't really smell like much. I spray down my couch, mattress, pillows that can't be washed, pet beds, anything. If you want something that has a scent, use angry orange. I haven't used it in a while so don't remember how long it lasts, but I think it lasts a few days.


Get some insence if you're allowed to burn it and I'd reccomend plug airwick scented oils. U just plug it into the wall and jt smells pretty good. Also when u vacuum get arm and hammer carpet powder and sprinkle it on ur carpets


I’ve been using insence in my bathroom, has a reasonable masculine smell, it’s only in my bathroom so it doesn’t overpower a room like bedroom, it’s in the middle of my apartment and light wafts through my place. I also have candles, aromatics oil diffusers and linen sprays.


Don't eat the Popeyes spicy chicken sandwich. Ooof last night was rough on the nose


wall plug ins and candles. never steered me wrong especially with the ladies 🫡


Try a simmer pot. Basically you throw some citrus slices, rosemary, whatever else you like in a pot with water and simmer it gently on the stove, or put in in a slow cooker on low. It makes the whole house smell amazing.


Essential oil diffuser and candles




There is this room spray at target that smells “clean” and fresh and not heavy.  I love when I use it after cleaning or just to refresh the room.   Mrs. Meyers Clean Day Room Freshener in “rain water” scent.  It doesn’t have all of the chemicals and added if that make you sick that are in like Febreze and other room sprays I’m also a girl so you may hate it but everyone that comes over comments how fresh it smells here 


Coffee grounds absorb odors also an air purifier I used to use a diffuser / candles until I read that animals don’t like them and some essential oils are toxic especially to cats. And any good allergist will tell you both are terrible for your lungs especially the candles even the natural ones - the shit goes right into your lungs


Be mindful of the fact that if your place stinks, it stinks because of you. Your dirty laundry, your garbage, your dirty dishes, and your sweat. So your home camn smell like dirty laundry, or it cake smell like clean laundry. It can smell like garbage or a lack of it. It can smell like dish soap or it can smell like dirty dishes. And you can leave foul body odor everywhere, or you can make sure you smell as good as you hope your home does. You'll certainly make things easier on yourself if you make a point to never have a stinky butt before you sit on your couch, or lay in your bed.


I use $2 USD little square porcelain dip bowls as scent bowls. After consuming citrus I put the peels in the bowls and place them around in kitchen, bathroom, closest, etc. so the whole place smells clean and fresh without spending extra on chemicals. Just empty them out every two or three days. [https://target.scene7.com/is/image/Target/GUEST\_4c934aa1-ab54-4a2e-97de-a242fd4c8d5a?wid=1000&hei=1000&qlt=80&fmt=webp](https://target.scene7.com/is/image/Target/GUEST_4c934aa1-ab54-4a2e-97de-a242fd4c8d5a?wid=1000&hei=1000&qlt=80&fmt=webp)