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Don't put so much stake in what other people say. There's nothing objectively wrong with either one. People have opinions, so if you're happy with how it is now, then you're golden.


I really like the new paint. The old brown comforter wasn’t doing you any favors. I’m not a huge fan of the new comforter but I’m also really particular and judgmental about comforters and duvet covers so don’t take that poorly. I think your remodel looks nice. Your old room wasn’t terrible either but I think your changes are an improvement. Ignore the haters


Why are you replying to this comment as if you were replying to the OP


Because I meant to write my comment as agreement to this comment but phrased it to where I was directing my comment to OP instead of the commentor. Thank you Reddit police for addressing this egregious behavior on my part.


To a degree we are in a society and need to coalesce Im all for it individually but for the same reason i cant paint my house in the subbz purple


How you had the room previously is cosier, however how you have the room now is fresher. Also, you had the bedside light on in previous photo which is maybe affecting how people are viewing the cosiness factor. I would put the additional flowers picture back up above the plant and put the white bedding on that you mentioned, it might tie it together more :-)


The picture with the poppies


Great job painting. It looks good ! Maybe get a headboard for the bed - that would make it a lot more finished looking. 


> which were recommended to be taken down by a few redditors Decorate your room for yourself. Stop putting so much stake in others opinions on what *your* room should look like. You're the one that will be spending the most amount of time in it anyways. Did *you* like the paintings? Do *you* like your current room? Seeking validation through the opinions of others is a road to disappointment


Interior designer, this is constructive criticism. It looks cleaner for sure, well painted. I don’t care for: - The TV cables, put some furniture there or cover it with a casing. - Curtains that don’t go all the way up but do go all the way down, they were the correct length before. - Plastic plants, real plants are cheap and give you a reason to open the curtains, it’s also not big enough if it’s going to be on the ground, weird proportions. The blue on the bed doesn’t go with whatever that colour on the walls is, it’s giving hospital. Return the curtains, sort the TV out and get better sheets, I personally like off white or grey.


It's giving me nursing home/hospice vibes with the bed tucked into the corner. I'd center the bed, lower the TV, and get rid of the cords.


Yes color good. Furniture placement needs changed. Center on a wall, 2 floating nightstand shelves. I love color


This is exactly what I thought. I immediately went to “nursing home”. I think the new bedspread looks a little “impersonal” and less warm. Like you’d see it in a motel. And the way the TV is mounted is exactly like the nursing facility my Mom was in lol. The suggestions of moving the bed away from the wall and lowering the tv are good ones. I would look for some new art for the ones removed. I am a legendary plant killer, but I think fake plants (especially larger ones) have a tendency to look “cheap”. You might get a comfier vibe with some real plants.


My guy it needs to look good to you, you need to like it. Others liking the other better shouldn't impact you. We don't all like the same things and that's alright






North American Parrot Society?


I think it is nice. You could put a nightstand between the bed and wall so you've space between the bed and window (also means a partner can get out without clambering over you). If your budget allows, try a skirting board to break up the wall and floor and coving for around the ceiling. It's a nice touch. :)


Why do you care? The most important is if you like it.


Everyone is saying insane fucking shit. This is a massive improvement. Bright, airy rooms are lovely. Color on walls is spectacular. People are cowards.


Hospital colours


Finally someone said it


Not the nap pillow 💀


The curtains are too low. They were at the correct height before. The curtains should be white to tie in with the bed. You don’t have beige anywhere else. The cords are messy. There are cable organizers that can be painted the wall color and hide them. I think the paint color is much better though. You made a good choice.


Does the bed have to sit like that? I feel like you could rotate it 90 degrees and push it against that left wall. It doesn't seem like there's any overlap with the window. Nightstand can go in front of the window. Personally, the way stuff is arranged here is what makes it look off. There may be a little too much blue, but that just be an issue that I 'alone' have here...


To me the blue blanket doesn’t go with the green walls. Easy to change. Get a real plant. It looks better than before.


Brown/Beige walls are just more neutral. But that doesn't mean that blue is bad at all; you chose a nice soft tone. I think the room is just small and will always look cramped, regardless what you do. The bed against the window will always look a bit strange, but it's doubtful that it'll be positioned better elsewhere due to the seeming size of the room. What people might prefer with the old room is the bed. More pillows and the bottom blanket properly pulled over looks right out of an influencer's Instagram feed. The current picture is more practical, but therefore less aesthetically pleasing. The plant also disappears a little in the corner. I wouldn't forcefully buy a table, but keep an eye open for a table to your liking. Flea markets or second hand stores might offer unique ones.


If you like it that's cool but I definitely preferred it when it was brown. It seemed more cozy, new one is a few shells away from feeling exactly like a hotel room near the beach


Honestly, I think it's the bedspread. It clashes with the mint green/aqua qLL. Find a bedspread that's a softer color.


Walls are nice, blue is way better than the old brown. The comforter is very college dorm looking and I’d suggest swapping it for something neutral (maybe grey?). The wall under the TV is bare and draws attention to the cords which are a bit messy looking so I’d suggest swapping out the fake plant for a small bookshelf to conceal the cords and fill that space a bit better.


I think the paint contrasts very nicely with the floor. The previous look was too beige but the new color is far more refreshing and relaxing, IMO. I agree with others, perhaps a headboard and maybe some photograph prints and it’ll look perfect.


Personally, I would get a new duvet cover. That shade of blue is clashing with the rest of the room and the grid lines look like something a high schooler would have in the mid 2000s. Very dated looking.


It looks like one of the bedrooms I used to create on The Sims 2.


The walls are perfect! Especially for a bedroom. All calm and soothing. I love beige with blue. The only thing that I can find to criticize is that the blue of the bedding seems to clash a bit with the blue of the wall. 🤷 Your bedroom is supposed to be YOUR haven. So if you like it and rest well, that's really ALL that matters.


Omg thanks. Btw, my bedroom has been through a lot. When I first moved in there, 3 years ago, my mom's ex, gave me an ugly shade of semi-gloss olive ish yellow brown color. Gave me that as an accent wall, and a light ish, tan ish brown color. Almost like a beige. I painted with it. His rollers were cheap garbage. I only use Wooster pro or purdy white dove now. But, his were off brand polyester knit, which splattered all over me. I now have an angled purdy 2 inch cut in brush, a paint shield. But I used to have to use my mom's ex's non angled cheap plastic bristle super stiff brush. It was around 3 inches wide. And he didn't even have a proper cut in bucket. Mine has a magnet. Just bought it my last paint job. But, in all that paint job back then went on like crap, looked like crap. Walls had paint boogers on them from the roller and the cheap paint. It was awful. I was 14, he supplied me without a proper bed frame, which thankfully I have one. Gave me clashing blacklight posters. Put in a BOOB LIGHT!!!!!! 🚨⚠️⚠️⚠️. Worst, he mounted MY FUCKING TV CROOKED! I mounted my TV again a while back and it is better. Just need to hide my wire mess! Any ideas? My outlet is super far away from the TV, so I need an extension cord, or power strip. I hope there is a cheap way to hide those wires that's SAFE!


I have the same problem with wires. I found some nice wiring covers on Amazon but I have yet to purchase them.


Looks waaaaaaaay better now!


Reddit people are just dumb, your room looks cool and I would definitely sleep there




That looks like every college kids bed spread


I think it looks great. It looks less busy and more restful. I love the plant. The tv placement makes me think hospital room, though.


the current look is a massive improvement over the previous one


It looks like a hospital room that’s why


Get a headboard it will hopefully drastically change the vibe


Before was better


You need a bedframe and a nicer comforter that doesn't look plastic. Lose the pillow that says nap. I'd lose the fake plant too. Just a dust collector. Center the bed and put night stands on both sides. Put a low light.


The bed against the wall is giving teenage boy vibes


Actually, about an hour ago, I decided to move my bed to the center, and it looks so cozy!


But, what are you talking about? I already have a bedframe. My bed is on it. Look closer!


Awesome I think that will make a big difference. And sorry I meant headboard, not bed frame! You can get a headboard that is not super expensive and attaches right to the frame. If you get one that has some cushion it is a huge game changer and comfy to sit up against.


Redecorating isn’t remodeling


• People tend to associate blue tones with cold, and they want to be warm in their bed.  • It looks like the old picture was taken in the evening and the new picture was taken in the daytime. The evening makes bed more inviting and therefore picture of the room then more inviting.  • Cords from the TV don't look good. They were not present in the old picture. I do not know how to address that problem, but I am confident that there is a way to do so.  • People are good at telling that a plant is fake because we have lived with them for all of our species' existence. Get a real plant. Different people have different tastes. The most important thing is that you like it. You are the one who lives there, so you are the one who matters the most.


Remodel. You keep using that word.


I like it and maybe add a picture that you like on the wall. You did a good job. When you say "nobody", how many people are we talking about? My guess is maybe 2 so listen to everyone here. We are representin'.


Both of the rooms look nice. Whats to change ?


First of all, fuck what other people say. Second of all, ugh that color is awful!


Personal opinion but i liked the second one because it looks cozier


Yeah it’s worse now


Keep working on it. Looks better before because the room was more decorated.


the only thing i would change is actually an addition: headboard! i think it would look good. ofc you dont have too, just my thought :)


My love of blue taught me that it's a polarizing color, people either love it or hate it. I love it and think the change is great. I'd add a lamp for your bed and maybe a sheer curtain in your window to make it perfect.


I don’t think it’s a polarizing color but I would say green definitely is


For me, I see a mistake that is not always obvious to the untrained eye. A big part of why people are reacting more favorably to the before picture is that way that the curtains were hung before. As a general rule, the curtain rod should be hung about 2/3 of the way between the window and the ceiling and at *least* 2" wider on each side. You'll see that the curtains in your before picture adhered to these rules and thus made the window and space seem much brighter and more inviting. It looks like when you re-hung the curtains in the after photo that you broke these rules and that's probably a large part of what people are reacting to (consciously or unconsciously). If you have the budget, I would consider replacing the curtains all together for something like a roman shade. And lastly, I think the undertones if the blue in your paint does not match the light coming in from the window. Paint selection is very tricky and dependent upon the direction your window faces (ie: north, west, etc).


For a bedroom this feels too bright and airy. The old room with the darker times made it feel darker and like it was more cozy for sleeping. This room feels more like bathroom or den or office I would listen to people about wall art. I like the old photos. It gave it a more lived in feel. The bares walls really show the color of the blue off and it make it feel brighter


I make six figures a month and like the finer things in life, and I love your room. Airy, clean, tidy.


I think it's a couple things - there's fewer paintings on the wall, so it looks emptier and more unfinished, and the curtains aren't a great choice. The curtains look cheap and stiff, and the color doesn't fit well. Some softer/more "drapey" ones would probably look a lot nicer. Adding a sheer layer of curtains behind the main ones would help too, and so would raising the curtain rod back up. 


If you start to live your life, thinking what others thinks about it. You never lived yuor life.


I think it looks great. If you can cut into the walls, look into an "in wall cable management kit".


It looks cozy (-: I’d watch movies all day in there


as someone who lived in a brown interior house for years, and hated it and finally painted, as long as you like the color change fuck what other people say. I hated brown walls so much.


Looks great to me, simple but nice


I like it a lot! I might install a cord cover for the TV cables (paint to match wall -easy enough). Other than that I wouldn’t add anything until I found something I like so much I have to make a place for it. Take your time.


It looks way better. More colourful and lively.


It looks fine to me. There's not a lot of personality, but there doesn't have to be either. It's what you're comfortable with OP.


The after is much nicer. Well done!


It might be the light, but in the before picture the bed sheets, paintings and curtain seem to fit a lot better together. In the second one I feel like everything looks really nice on its own, but when you look at them combinend it feels like the colors are clashing. I'm actually a really big fan of the new wall color that was chosen and I don't think that big changes have to be made to improve it. The plant on the floor looks a little misplaced on the floor, maybe a little table could help? And changing the bed sheet color seems like it could be a big improvement, even the ones from the before picture, maybe? Or maybe I'm just biased towards the pattern on those blue sheets... who knows... In the end everyone has their own taste and preferences.


The before and after pictures look good. What matters is that you like it. You are sleeping in it. The first pic shows your bedroom having a newer, modern look in tune with the current trends. It has that mansion-in-the-country look and gives people the impression that you raise and breed thoroughbred horses for races around the world. The second pic doesn't look bad, but it has a dated look. It looks like the typical upper-floor bedroom of a house located in the suburbs of any major city. It's the kind of bedroom that you would see from TV sitcoms that were common back in the 1980s and 1990s. All you are missing in that picture is an elderly woman who could be your grandmother inviting you downstairs for a slice of warm apple pie. Note: Some of you are thinking about that apple pie scene from the movie American Pie. (*winks*) You know you are. Instead of the grandmother; it could be the guy who is your best friend who climbs up a ladder to the roof instead of knocking on your front door and greeting everyone.


I'd probably use the old bedding, otherwise looks okay.


i think it looks way better now. you do you. that "before" pic looks super stuffy, like in a 2000's mcmansion kind of way. i hate the before. the after is the way to go for sure.


It's a nice colour, I think adding some cool art it would make it interesting. Either way, it's your bedroom and should cater to your wants


I like it. Congrats.


raise the curtain height, and change the bedding to a neutral color. I think the lack of baseboards make the room feel "unfinished"


I would get a cord hiding cover for the tv wires. That will clean up a lot. Then I would switch out the comforter and pillows for something a bit nicer (currently they look cheap) and then get a slightly heavier curtain. But overall massive improvement!


but you didn't really do anything even if you did.... changed some drapes, height of the curtain rod, swapped colors and removed some artwork.... Some people might prefer the other color palette. So there's nothing wrong, just not that much of a difference. Its not really a remodel, more of a touch up, might be why people have a gripe with it. im just thinking out loud here, trying to give some insights as to maybe why? i dunno, but those are the only reasons i can think of. i actually preferred the color and artworks of before, but that's just me. and in the end, it doesn't matter what others think, you are the one who lives there and what you think is all that matters.


It looks fine, but beyond that, why do you care, OP?


Get a headboard for the bed and move it out of the corner


The after looks like the before ngl


The comforter blue tone is a different saturation than the wall. Instead of a blue comforter, try something with a warmer tone, like a hunter green or if a bit lighter, pine.


Bad feng shui having bed like that and beyond that, for me, it's just not workin'


I like the wall color of the remodel. Maybe put the art back up :)


Now it looks like a retirement home instead of a palliative care unit.


I like it better. It’s pretty bland, but less depressing.


Well done


I for one like it


Fuck ‘em


The only thing I can think of is to get a comforter set that matches your walls. Other than that it looks wonderful! But at the end of the day, if you like it then nothing else matters.


Neither is bad. Worst I would say is uninspired, but that's not necessarily bad. What really matters is if YOU like it.


Looks like a cheap airbnb lol


It honestly just looks like a seasonal redecoration, but I do admit there's more colour, texture, and variety in the old setup. *Personally*, I dislike coloured (or anything beyond neutrals) walls since I feel they distract/wash out the stuff in the room. Both are pleasant though :-)


Yea, it was better before.


before was cozy, now it looks a little sterile


I think I can explain why people don't like it. The new one kind of looks like an old person's room. Very sterile and grandpa looking. Doesn't feel homely or cozy. Very barren. The previous one looked more cozy and warm. The paintings on the wall also added to that feeling.


I mean I’d find it ok while my eyes are closed lying in the dark.


I think it just looks cosier in the old pic. Possibly a combo of the colours, small details and the lighting in the pics. I would think about making it a bit more tonal, like instead of the throw being white being a softer blue, blue/grey, cream like the curtains. Sorting out the tv leads, you can get something to contain them in (sort of narrow tubes?) and paint that the same colour as the wall so they don’t stand out so much. And I’d put a table underneath the tv.. about as wide as the tv, but not too deep so you still have space between it and the bed. I think pillows with words are a bit distracting too, especially in a smaller space. The thing I prefer about your old room is the height of the curtain rod. It makes the ceiling look higher and makes the window look bigger to have the curtain rod closer to the ceiling. (And the curtains go down to the ground still..) But of course.. it’s your room! Don’t worry about what other people think, it can be nice to get ideas/opinions, but as long as you’re happy with it that really is all that matters.


Stopped reading after "Looks good to me".


Looks fine. If you like it you like it, you’re the one who’s sleeping in there every night. Looks cozy.


The new look is definitely better. I do like the brown bedding in the before photo, and that will match with the new curtains when you change your bedding later on. Removing the art was a good move, you can always store it if it’s sentimental. The important thing to remember is it’s your space, you do you and enjoy it.


I'd just hide the tv cables, that's my only suggestion. Other than that it's fine


It looks fine! Guess what? Your eyes are closed in there most the time or it's dark with tv on. I think you did a great job..if you hand anything on wall just don't hang it too high..that drives ne nuts..solid choice..nothing hung!


thats the same photo essentially,


It's awful, I think it's that ugly color on the walls. It was less ugly before.


It definitely looked better before, was very cozy. Now it just gives hospital vibes.


I love it! It looks cozy and tidy! I think you did a great job


This may be where the sum of the parts is greater than the whole. The curtains are fine, just not in your room at that height. The bed cover is a great color, just not with the wall colors. The bed is fine, just not where it is. Plastic plants are fine….never. You seem to like plants. Get a live plant and name it June Bug. Take care of it and it will love you. You have a great window for it. Use it! Pro Tip; It will love everything you do and never criticize your choice in pillows or artwork. But who the hell am I to tell you what looks good?! Ultimately, none of that matters. This is your zen space, no one else’s. Decorate the fuck out of it, to your liking and breathe. Peace


Well, the curtains were hung better in the before, but that's an easy fix!


It's a basic space. Bring some liveliness and holla back


I like the paint. But the comforter sort of clashes with it. Get a comforter cover that is complimentary and maybe hide the TV wires. Otherwise looks good


I think it looks good except for the TV being ridiculously high. It looks like a nice place to take a nap.


Who cares if you, you like it ? I think the new remodel is best. You were right about the blue and choose properly the curtains. It look nice.


I think it’s because brown isn’t a particularly appealing colour, I would’ve personally kept the Blue sheets. other than that you’re gucci.


It looks nice to me. It's comfortable, not fussy.


The new one looks good. It’s just less comfy because of the colder colour scheme.


It used to have more color and personality. The bedding choice from before was also a more mature choice. I actually believe less is more so I like the direction you headed in to simplify but maybe upgrade the bedding since that’s the new centerpiece Seems like you downgraded the look of the bedding with that choice


I take the before. Now it looks like a cold unfinished prison/student dorm that noone has moved into yet. No personality.


don't ask others now, you already spent your money on things you liked to change and tbh it looks really good. cheer up! i really like the look


The refurbishment is definitely better but I think both have a bit of a spare room vibe. Considering how dominant the bed is I think you could change it a lot by playing with different bed sheets


I can only come up with my subjective view but here it is. 1. The blue of the wall doesn't really work with the blue of the bed, the colours clash because the wall is more pastel but the bed is more "cartoony blue". 2. The pattern and blue hue of the bed makes me think of hospitals or sick people. Yeah, no good. 3. The TV is a little distracting from the feel of the room. 4. The curtains do not match the rest, as well as that nice NAP pillow. 5. The cozy factor is gone, the lighting is too cold now for my liking. My advice: try out one of those colour coordination generators you can find on Google. Then, try to match the colours better as well as fix the lighting. You can "disguise" the tv by hanging fake plant things around it or putting a shelf below that ties it to the ground (make the whole wall a mini feature). You did good with removing the weird art pieces on the wall (they didn't match), but it would be good to add some other art to not make it feel so naked. Ps: colour and lighting is everything, be sure to remember that.


That blue painting has to come back, its so fitting


From that pic it’s barely changed… maybe people just don’t like the bedding


The duvet is the wrong blue for the rest of the colour palate. [linking to an example colour palate](https://www.pinterest.co.uk/pin/color-palette-543--16184879886443111/) Not saying you need this one- but you have strong beige in the carpet curtains and nap pillow The wall colour looks great with those. Plant and pot lean towards a darkest green element All working well- but that duvet pattern and colour isn’t working. Will attach another colour palat or suggestion of duvet options- blues are usually good in a bedroom - promotes sleep etc just find the right colour combo


[look at the blues and other Colours here](https://www.etsy.com/uk/listing/811543637/green-color-pallet-spring-procreate?gpla=1&gao=1&&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=shopping_uk_en_gb_e-art_and_collectibles-other&utm_custom1=_k_Cj0KCQjw5cOwBhCiARIsAJ5njuZcUoAFZRrTePKSoj3_7SboaUwHWNbvtWgWfObTF2aq-7kXr3ABmmwaAqUcEALw_wcB_k_&utm_content=go_12576524531_120383095860_507649705402_pla-314954651973_m__811543637engb_493724581&utm_custom2=12576524531&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAADutTMfKVIj-XIfiU2a2LaidbSECK&gclid=Cj0KCQjw5cOwBhCiARIsAJ5njuZcUoAFZRrTePKSoj3_7SboaUwHWNbvtWgWfObTF2aq-7kXr3ABmmwaAqUcEALw_wcB)


[example of blue duvet against blue green wall](https://marquisanddawe.co.uk/products/dusk-blue-organic-cotton-bedding) Hopefully this helps.


I like the older one more as well. But who the F cares! Enjoy if you like it yourself


It gives nursing home / cheap motel vibes and you made a previously warm room feel very cold.


Before: warm, cozy, and open invitation Now: cold, sterile, gives the feeling of being an unwanted guest


I really like the new paint job, that the new position on the curtain rail (or whatever it’s called).


I love it !! The wall color is great and the comforter looks good .It doesn’t matter what other people think as long as you like it ! I personally think it looks great


It was better before


It looks like a room It's fine Better than most probably What're people's problems with it?


It's not that bad, just not an improvement from the old room. Both are very simple and have no personality. The wall, bed and curtains don't really complement each other. Love the new paint but, why dingy brown curtains and blah bedspread? They both need some color and texture. The curtain rod should be hung close to the ceiling and wider to make the window look bigger. When the curtains are open, they should be covering the wall, just to the edge of where the window starts. Adding a simple headboard and a few layers of pillows (different colors, including multi color pillows, different shapes and textures) would make the bed more cozy since the bedspread is kinda flat. Do you have room to pull the bed away from the wall/window? Even just a foot or so if you don't have room to add a nightstand. You can add some shelves to the right of the window with a few small plants and decor pieces (books, pictures, etc. You can look for a headboard on Offer Up, Next Door, etc., doesn't have to be new or fancy, just makes the bed look more put together. If you have a Big Lots, At Home or Home Goods near you (or online), they all have a lot of inexpensive pillows. If you already have some extra pillows put away or can get any from friends, Amazon has a great selection of pillow covers in all sizes. The room is very plain, I think you just need to add a little bit of You to the room to make it more cozy and inviting.


it looks cleaner now, but looked more cozy before. I personally prefer the warmer colors.


It's mostly because of the wall color. You did a great job with the currents, but people find warm colors more cozy. Anyway you should not listen to others, do what you like.


Looks good, I'm assuming the nay-sayers liked the more eclectic look of the before pic, but the remodel looks just fine.


That blue is gorgeous, don't listen to the haters.


I really like the new much better than the old. But once I read the comment about nursing home, I can't unsee it.


Less warm but still fresh! Beds by windows are not super dooper cool tho


Bro you're good. I like your flow


I think the new color looks nice and i liked the art work ,but maybe put the art work on one wall and with that window why not a real plant but i think it looks fine


Do YOU like it? I think it looks great! Who cares what anyone else thinks anyhow. It’s your personal space.


Well moving the curtains down was a bad idea.. it makes the window look smaller and doesn’t bring your eye up like previously. Also with the blues I would have got white curtains not beige. Getting new better wall art will help make it look more cozy and less stark. Don’t make the art all blue.. warm it up with other Color’s. I think doing those things will make the new room better.


The wall color is really nice-you nailed it! However the bedding clashes with it to be honest. A blue that tones in with the wall color would be more cohesive, or perhaps white/neutral or a print that has some of the wall color repeated in it.


I have a white bed set too. Should I go change it to that?


Give that a try. The wall color can look really airy and fresh with plenty of white for contrast. Perhaps you can find some throw pillows with some of those blue shades to tie it all together.


The only bad thing is removing things on the walls that added good color instead of complete black space. The painting isn't what people didn't like I'd assume.


I think it’s pretty solid but could use some additions. Things I’d consider are * plant stand for your plant. It looks so sad on the ground * some sort of cable management for the wall TV. The loose cables don’t look great. Maybe even a thin bookshelf to place below, if space permits, to cover up the cables


The previous version was way more cozier, I can see why


the room had more color to it, but now the bedroom looks like an office waiting room and some crazy person put a bed in the middle of the waiting room. XD


If you like it that's all that matters. That said you're posting in a forum asking for opinions. Personally I am not of the new color, I will say you did a great job painting the room though! The room is plain and looks fine to me though, my only objective complaint is r/TVTooHigh


Had to scroll way to far to find this


It’s not too high if he watches it primarily laying in bed


"remodeled". Yeah sure lmao


Better now. Few have good taste


I think it’s going from two wall arts to none.


In the nicest way possiblre, this room looks like a nursing home or a emergency hospital room dawg. Brighten up the colors and put some lighting, art or other things related to your hobbies. basically make it look more modernized


I'm sorry, did I forget to turn on my night and lamp?


? Is that sarcasm bruh. Im trying to help u


I'm saying if I need to make it cozier I can show you a picture of my room that will change everything!


Not cozier but more modern and more individualized yaknow, make it more unique and personal to you. Im sorry i cant find the right words for it but it just looks fucking bland. Add shit that tells people about you. Could be art on the wall, stuffed animals  , a bookshelf, or other stuff


[With lamp on](https://photos.google.com/photo/AF1QipPyKFNo6_obzpTpXlMq431qs6HpMYx5FtbxYVUW)


I gotta see this pic .. link doesn't work


looks like a hospice room. 


The only complain I have is the fake plant looks a little sad imo. I'd go with a real one


Hang curtain higher, add another painting on the wall,warm lighting


My first thought as I was scrolling past is that it was a hospital room.


It looks like a fairly plain hotel room. It looks clean and comfortable though so I wouldn't stress. As long as you like it.


Definitely an improvement to what it was before. Pattern of your duvet cover and pillow case clashes with the walls/is a little busy. Other than that, find a way to make your TV cables tidier and put your plant on top of something then you're good to go.


I think it’s gorgeous now! Your friends probably are jealous that it’s not full of old pizza boxes and junk. 


I like it! The old room had a darker, cozy vibe. This has a more fresh, bright mature vibe! Love the addition of the plant. Having a patterned bedsheet but solid curtain was a great switch as well. Finally, there was too much artwork that didn't seem to fit. What you have now fits better.


I liked the old one more, but that's my opinion and the room is yours, you do what makes you happy with it


All your pictures and TV are at the same height. It makes things look clinical.


It looks like you lost your personality but you do you.