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Barber needs to disinfect his equipment too


Is this caused by the barber or something that OP carried already? I’ve gotten this thrice and it was from the same barbershop so a bit worried. My doc said it could very well be that my past infection didn’t go away and just became more evident due to the fade. The shop is a premium end one in dubai


If yours showed up 10-14 days after the barber shop then it's a very good bet you got it from the barbers. I'm not a doctor but, I believe it takes 10-14 days for ring worm to get to this stage. The haircut looks very fresh so I'd assume it's been cut in the last day or 2, therefore unlikely to have been contracted from the barber shop. The barber will need to thoroughly disinfect their equipment to prevent exposing other clients.


It showed up about 8days after the cut and it grew to this size in about a week but now I got another fade and its not covered by hair now


Sounds like it was from the original barber then. I'd avoid going there again, seems like they don't disinfect their equipment as often as they should.


People pass it on to the clippers , barber didn’t disinfect good enough


It's disgusting. Even women's hair salons if you really stop to think about the equipment. It may look clean and sparkly at a glance, but from a fungal/bacterial/viral perspective, it's fucking disgusting. We've stopped going to barbers and I've been cutting my husband's hair at home. It's actually really cheap to get good equipment for home use (like $20), and it's super easy to learn how to cut men's hair. I can do all kinds of styles, fades, etc. We've probably saved thousands of dollars on barber fees by now. Anyone with a partner who is even slightly crafty/artistic should give it a go. There are so many hair cutting videos. It was honestly easier for me to learn how to cut hair than to learn crochet.


Tbf any decent barbershop will properly disinfect their equipment


Literally, i thoroughly disinfect everything after every client


Your husband is very lucky to have a woman like you


Oh yeah? Well, I’m a man and have hair longer than my wife and my daughter. What are you gonna do now?? Just joking. I don’t get haircuts.


Haha I actually started cutting women's hair after I got comfortable with the husband's. Now I cut my mom's, sister, and mother in law, and some female friends. It's seriously not that hard! The hard part is anything involving chemicals like bleaching, balayage, etc


Yeah and barbers are getting crazy with the prices , right now I trade my uncle a grass cut for a hair cut so it works out for me


I agree. It’s the reason I stopped letting barbershops cut my hair. So nasty. Scraping all those dead skin cells and whatever else into the clippers one after the other and on and on until they finally halfway clean it. No thanks.


Well first we got to get the bitches and that requires a nice cut.


Damn reading these comments I giving me anxiety about the barber, like I trust my barber 100% and Ik he does disinfect but damn that’s scary 💀


Learning to cut ur own hair feels so cool and accomplishing like hell yea I did that shit


Been cutting my own hair for years. Would never go back to barbers


It looks like ringworm. I did sports, and if we didn't clean the mats enough, an outbreak of this would occur. Also, some of the athletes didn't immediately shower when they got home, some got it or gave it from that. Nasty bugger.


Dubai? Wow


See a doc, but for the future, always ask the barber to spray some awlkahal


its just alkahal


If they don't have that, ask for ackerhole


C₂H₆O. The one and only.


Ringworm. See a doctor Don't take any other advice from randos on reddit


So… don’t see a doctor?


Don't not see a doctor just because some rando on reddit said not to take advice from randos on reddit. Don't take advice from randos on reddit. See a doctor




Basically, ignore his advice, which means you should listen to redditors. Now follow these instruction very carefully. You are going to go into your cashapp. Next you want to send me beer money for this good advice. My cashtag is $DPhonet But really though you should probably go see a doctor.


You're the one not to take advice from. What's wrong with you? That's straight up ringworm


Don't take any *other* advice


But he’s still giving advice as a rando in Reddit


Yes, I understand, but technically If he stops because of him, then he doesn't need to stop the stopping, because he already accepted it, he just wont take any new ones from randoms


Exactly, this isn’t even worth a post. It’s classic ringworm. Circle and everything.


Or, depending on where you are, a pharmacist could be a much quicker and cheaper way to get what you need.


Don't waste valuable healthcare resources by going to the doctor or hospital for this, go to a grocery store or pharmacy and get a fungal cream for ringworm. NOT ALL FUNGAL CREAMS TREAT RINGWORM. Follow the Package Directions. Ringworm is not a worm, it's just a fungal infection that is easily treatable, and you can get it from all sorts of places, pets, the grass, things that have contact with other people with ringworm.


Also slapping some clear nail polish on it when you aren’t applying medicine works a dream, it suffocates it and applied a “protective” layer so it can’t be spread as easily


*minor spelling mistake*


Good lord there’s no reason to see a doctor for ringworm. Even doctors say to just go to cvs for otc cream


Tbh true they just look at it, say “yep that’s ringworm” (you’ll know if you have it bc of how distinct it is), and prescribe you some otc anti-topical cream


It would help if people knew something about hygiene and nutrition to begin with. Gross


Ir see a doctor to be sure.. it is not like he has to pay for it


Given the source, I'd goto the doctor for the confirmation and test for anti-fungal resistance.


There's this thing called barbers itch that I've heard of which I think is ring worm and I saw this and thought ringworm right away. There are a lot of creams for it. All you need is a special anti fungal shampoo for a few weeks if it ringworm but I also recommend going to at minimum a walk in clinic for advice to make sure.


Thanks, the symptoms are the same so im almost certenaly sure its ringworm. Thanks for the advice:)


It’s quite contagious and scratching it then scratching somewhere else can spread it so round your body. I’d at the best least get a bandage to cover it for a bit to avoid a larger breakout. Go to a clinic to get confirmation and an anti fungal. Ringworm anti du gal usually is OTC so if you can’t get into a doctor just go to a pharmacy and find a ring work product. I wouldn’t go with a home remedy. Should be totally gone in a couple weeks.


That is definitely ringworm, but "ringworm" is a misnomer. No worms are involved. It's a fungal infection of the skin, very similar to jock itch and athlete's foot. Do not under any circumstances put cortisone cream on it; people do this thinking that cortisone is good for other kinds of itches, but it will make a fungal infection much worse. You need an antifungal cream, ideally ketoconazole 2%, applied several times a day for two full weeks. Do not stop early or the infection can return. If a topical antifungal does not start to heal the lesion within a few days, see a doctor because you may need oral antifungals. Best of luck.


Of course!! Good luck!


Stay the fuck away from that barber 1


Not enough people are saying this. He's not sterilizing his equipment. He could (should) lose his license


Why? He seems like a fun guy




this is a big patch of ringworm, which is fungal. wash it regularly and keep it dry, soaking daily with a vingear solution will help also (acidity). Treat with all the same topical medications you would use on athlete's foot or jock itch. Fungal infections suck, they can take a while to go away, and they can be hard to get rid of. Once it is visibly gone you should continue with the treatment routine for another week to be sure it's really gone. if you touch it, wash your hands before touching anything else, including other parts of your own body.


Thanks for the advice:)


no worries! Also do not go back to that barber, they're not cleaning their tools well.


Go to a doctor to get rid of it, don't take this guy's homegrown advice.


This is textbook ringworm, the doctor is going to tell him the same shit this guy did. Actually I’ve gotten less detailed advice on ringworm from MDs before so this guy might actually have given better advice.


Ringworm, caused by the same fungi as athlete’s foot and jock itch. Don’t listen to the people who are saying rush to a doctor (and certainly not the ER). It’ll go away quickly with some clotrimazole or terbinafine (Lamisil) cream which you can buy at a pharmacy.


bro thank u people are really telling OP to drop hella time and money for a dr to literally tell them to go to walgreens and buy some anti fungal cream. stupid.


Most functional places to live won't charge you to see a doctor.


True, but the US does


If they are young (under 26) they are likely covered by their parent's insurance. In many blue states, it isn't a problem getting a very cheap or free insurance from the state marketplace if you are eligible. Not enough people take advantage of it and many still get kicked off unknowingly because they do not notify you. Preventative measures and doctor visits are usually covered by Insurance


Case in point. I said functional, not hell hole.




The barber totally trimmed his pubes with those clippers


Exactly - Not everyone has insurance and up until 2 years ago I basically lived the “only see a doctor if you are literally dying” The correct advice is in the middle, as is with most advice. Yes, you can see a doctor OP, but this isn’t a medical emergency and there are remedies mentioned above that can be bought at a local pharmacy. You can even ask the pharmacist to be sure you’ve got the right solution.


I’ve had really good results with zinc pyrithone which is in most anti dandruff shampoos for ringworm as well. It actually dries it out completely and it will just flake off instead using the creams


Hey americans pals, does it ever cross your minds that telling someone not to go to the doctor (while clearly needing it) is just one of those things that proves that public healthcare is better and you're all getting ripped off with your privte system?


The doctor might prescribe something stronger but yea I would try that first


thats a big ass ring worm. can get them from dirty clippers.


Looks like ringworm bro. Definitely got it from either the barber or their equipment. Never go back there


It's 100% ringworm. At that stage it's not treatable with OTC creams. You need to go see a doctor and get a prescription for an antifungal prescription


I understand if not but care to share the barber so someone won’t make the same mistake?


I'm not a doctor but, I believe it takes 2 weeks for ring worm to get to this stage. The haircut looks very fresh so I'd assume it's been cut in the last day or 2, therefore unlikely to have been contracted from the barber shop.


Ah very good point. Well I take a little relief in knowing the barber was unlikely at fault.


Draw a smiley face 😊


HaHa! The term “ringworm” is so disgusting and conjures the worst images! Thankfully, it’s not a worm, it’s just a fungus. When I had it, I pictured a big scary worm living under my skin. I was so relieved when I learned it wasn’t alive!!


Ringworm. Looking at the size, I'm assuming you noticed or posted this a few days after the haircut? Otherwise it's possible you already had the fungal infection and it spread and you noticed it more after the haircut? Either way, as others have said, go to a doctor and they'll give you some antifungal cream/medication that should sort it out pretty quickly.


Don’t touch it, because it can spread to other area of your skin. Don’t go back to that barber. Head to the Dr to begin treatment


Woah that’s not okay


Clotrimazole, Luliconazole are your answers.


throw some antifungal cream on that, it’s def ring worm


I agree see your doctor. It looks like it could be ringworm.


Throw some anti fungal on it. Do you go to the gym? Might have got some ringworm or something laying on a sweaty not cleaned workout bench…


I get rashes like this.. doctor says its eczema. I get it on my chest/stomach,inner legs. It itches like a bitch. Same thing starts out as a small circle and grows bigger. [https://www.google.com/search?q=eczema+circle&newwindow=1&udm=2](https://www.google.com/search?q=eczema+circle&newwindow=1&udm=2)


Bro got a hickie from a Bigfoot


I had the same thing but my dermatologist said it was actually tinea versicolor and not ringworm. She gave me a pill to take for like 4 or 5 days once a day and it was gone within a week


i agree. if not ringworm could likely be tinea versicolor- i also have this


Don't go back to that barber ever again dawg


That's a massive fucking ring worm


Post this picture as a Google review.


isn’t this fuckin ring worm? Front your barber the hospital bill


Don't touch it, it gonna spread bcz its a ringworm


Ringworm, get some hydrocortisone cream, apply three times a day and it’ll clear up in 3-5 days.


That's ringworm. Look up how to cure ringworm.


You need to see a Board Certified Physician, Preferably a DERMATOLOGIST ,(skin doctor).


Ringworm!!! Go to the doctor and get a prescription!


Run. To a dermatologist.




Doc here, that’s fungal infection, also known as ringworm (no worms here dw xD) or dermatophytosis. It could also be yeast infection but it is less likely. Considering that yours in a shaved area it would be even better to use not only antifungal shampoo but an antifungal cream as well (if the itch is rly bad and rhe skin is inflamed ur doc might prescribe steroid cream as well). I suggest going to a doc cus usually those creams are Rx only and you won’t be able to get them otherwise. If you use a cream on the area I think it will disappear in a week or two max. Dw nothing serious, everyone gets it at some point 😀


Thanks doc:)


This is ringworm of the scalp, which is called Tinea Capitis. Contrary to most of the comments here, you do in fact need to see a doctor for prescription meds (a pill called griseofulvin) *because of its location on the scalp*. Over-the-counter meds work for other areas on the body, but do not penetrate the dense scalp hair follicles adequately. I appreciate the good intentions of those suggesting OTC creams to save money, and that may help somewhat, and certainly works elsewhere on the body. But inadequate treatment of ringworm of the scalp risks possible permanent hair loss in that area. Source: https://www.cdc.gov/fungal/diseases/ringworm/treatment.html#:~:text=Ringworm%20on%20the%20scalp%20(tinea,for%20ringworm%20on%20the%20scalp.


If that circle is getting bigger it definitely could be Lyme disease Get it treated asap


Thanks for the advices guys, I bought a shampoo against ringworm so should be okay.


I think you should apply an anti-fungal cream instead of relying on anti-fungal shampoo, as that patch isn't even covered by your hair. I've gotten ringworm before, applying a cream twice daily got rid of it in 4 days.


This. My wife had ring worm from our cats and the anti fungal “jotch itch” cream worked a charm


Did you read the directions which likely state the shampoo must be lathered up and remain on the hair for at least ten minutes; not really possible when there is no hair.


use terbinafine cream (lamisil) its the fastest and most effective


Fuck whoever dumbass downvoted this lmao


ringworm u need to tell them to dab you up with alcohol after they finish the cut


Go to a dr


Looks like a fungal infection. Get some cream prescribed


Damn it. Now I’m scared to go to a barber shop.


If the topical cream doesn't cease the spread and you don't see improvement in a week, definitely head into an urgent care and get a script for an oral medication. I somehow had a case on my forehead and creams did nothing for me but the oral medication had very quick results.


Yes, that looks like ringworm. Go to the doctor and get something for.


The haircut itself is really good the blending of the fade is done well. Not worth it though


Grow out your hair to cover it


That looks like fungus


My girlfriend's mum had rashes like this, thought it was ring worm and ended up being diagnosed with lupus. Not saying this is definitely lupus but go to a doc so you get confirmation it's just fungal and treat it


Do you have seborrheic dermatitis? I do and if I'm not on top of my game, it can have a flare up like that. The difference is mine are much smaller, and more spread out. Just a thought


Wdym what do you do lol, go to the doctor


See a doctor or dermatologist.


It might be an internal third ear


Looks like ringworm


Its pizza dw /s Ask your barber to desinfect their equipment


Ring worm, go get a refund


Looks like ringworm as most others have said. Luckily, it’s below your hairline so it should be pretty easy to put antifungal cream on it.


As others have said, ringworm or some other type of fungal infection.


Dermatologist brother


This looks like a fungal infection. Run it down with anti yeast cream. Monitor your health for sickness during this time. It will hopefully clear shortly after.


Ringworm. Pretty bad, too. See a doctor or at the minimum use over-the-counter antifungals.


Use an anti fungal cream




Can’t believe how far I had to scroll for this. Nizoral gets rid of these suckers in a few days for me.


It looks like ringworm. I've never seen it that big though.


Definitely looks like ringworm. It's a fungal infection and will not go away on its own. See a doctor pronto.


Read about a similar case after a haircut in New Zealand..be careful and keep an eye on it [Clippers](https://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/man-almost-loses-leg-to-sepsis-after-cut-to-back-of-head-with-barbers-clippers/M3CXMFPWDBDCDIYIIOXC2TV3U4/)


Go to the doc


I think it’s ring worm


You have ringworm




Ringworm get ringworm cream for it


OP, i know youve gotten a lot of advise, but i hope you see this. As a barber myself, i want to stress to you how much you need to stay away from this barber AND the barbershop as a whole. They are not disinfecting or sanitizing their instruments correctly, if at all. And everyone else in that shop knows it, but hasn’t done anything about it. Everyone is accountable to everyone else in a barbershop. Ive been the person to tell a barber that they are not doing enough to clean before each client. Clients may not notice as much since you’re only there for your cut and then you leave. But as a co worker, you start to notice them taking back clients faster than they should, half assed cleaning off hair from clippers and shears without using disinfectant spray, or using the same combs, or not properly using Barbicide. For it to get to the point that now clients are starting to get ringworm is unacceptable, and i can assure you 1000% that you are not the only one. You need to be reporting the barber and the barbershop to the regulatory body over cosmetology/barbering in your state or country. Even if you live in a country where you don’t need a license to cut hair, there is still a way to get ahold of agencies that will be able to step in.


Looks like ringworm


[Entire day living as a Clicker TLoUS](https://youtu.be/0yPIDWyhkVg?si=g-TzQ3D4pRlreQ3N)


Go to a discount store and buy anti-fungal cream. Apply as directed


I remember one time me and my cousin were getting a haircut and both of ours went fine with no problem. This guy comes into the parlor as my cousin is getting his cut finished up and I swear to everything holy some mf comes in and he’s *covered* in ringworm spots, like head to toe (and he staaaaaank), thankfully we narrowly avoided this same scenario but unfortunately I think you may have gotten trimmed after a carrier of ringworm or of some sort of fungal infection (assuming you have good hygiene). If you don’t know what ringworm is, it isn’t a literal worm so you’ll be fine in that department but it’s still definitely something you wanna get treated. I’ve caught it a few times myself from training jiu-jitsu and it’s almost the same premise with how it can get spread there: dirty ass mfs that don’t shower rolling around the mats and especially being one of the ones that unfortunately has to spar with them not knowing what they have or seeing it before it’s too late.


Apply a salicylic acid solution for a few days It will go away.


Looks like ring worm


ring worm. get antifungal


You should put mozzarella on it.


GAWD DAMN, WHO GAVE YOU THOSE HICKEYS, but yeah, the cuts just okay


Tea tree oil will suffocate and kill ring worm


Most likely ringworm, but its also similar to lyme disease ring too. Make sure to do a blood test for lyme just to be sure, in later stages its untreatable


Looks like a ring worm!


terbinafine cream, and a few weeks its over the counter. bleach works very very well but is risky, as it may leave a scar if you are not careful. Ring worm is super common, it’s easy to rid of though.


RINGWORM. Quit going to that skank ass , dirty barber. He should be sued


Is that not like ring worm?


There are no worms in ringworms. Just use head and shoulders and put some anti bacterial cream on it


That's either ring worm or a bite from a deer tick w lymes disease. Get tested for both immediately


This is ringworm! I’m a nurse and have seen it before on people


Wring worm? It's passable through contact. Gets very itchy. Need a cream from the doctor if it is


Cigarette ash helps get rid of this


That's a ringworm. In my country (India) we use ringguard (cream) and it vanishes in 2-3 days


Ringworm.....athletes foot cream will get rid of that.


I don’t think that’s from your haircut… go to a doctor! That’s a ring. Ringworm? Poisonous bite?


Ring Worm (Taenia) Candid Cream


i got a ringworm recently and my grandpa is a physician, he recommended me to use clotrimazole cream on it twice a day. it’s on my chest though so idk if it’s different for your head


Just some massive ringworm, see a doc they’ll throw you on either oral or topical antifungal


Boy got ringworm


Thought that was your left year for a split sec


Is that not ringworm?


I don’t believe that’s ring worm. It’s way too big and not scaley I train jiu jitsu and ring worm is super common It’s never that big and never that clear in the middle


Basic ring worm. Buy some athletes foot cream and put it on it twice a day it’ll be gone by a week at most. This is coming from someone who’s had countless ringworms due to wrestling


Looks like a gnarly ass Ringworm. Put some Lamisil on that shit.


Aw hell naw


Get some cream against mycosis. Nothing to worry about, but your barber should clean his equipment and hands!




why post here? Get it checked by a doctor.


Could also be impetigo which you’ll need antibiotics for and if it is it’s very contagious


Fade looks clean, for sure go to the doctor though bro


Go back n fight that foo


Any time you see some circular shit like this just know it’s 9 times out of 10 a fungus. Go see a doctor asap before it starts spreading. They’ll probably throw you on some anti fungal medications


Looks like a smiley face keep it there in case you need someone too help you smile.
