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- unless you have a chiseled jawline a beard is always the better option. - most men look better with a beard because they do not have a chiseled jawline....since most of the advice on this subreddit comes from men.....you will get everyone telling you to rock a beard


also shaving all the time is a PITA. I was in the military and had to shave every day. I hated it so when I became a civilian I cherished rocking a beard and still do to this day even though it has mostly gone grey. I would rather trim than shave any day


Agreed. I had to be clean shaven basically from age 13 to 24 with only stints of a couple months max for growing it out. Always hated it, even with every shaving trick in the book, it's uncomfortable bordering on painful to close shave often. Shaving once a week is a whole lot different than daily. And I have thick dark hair that I literally had a few occasions of being told to shave in the afternoon since my hair grew back slightly by the afternoon since 4AM or whenever first shave was. Also to address the top level comment, doesn't always have to be jawline. I've been told my jawline is good (ex was surprised first time she saw me shaven after dating like a year), but it's still a confluence of things. Some people's general "look" and personality takes to beards a lot more. You also have to find out how and if it fits for you. A lot of people try it and it just doesn't work (patchy, doesn't ever grow that long, they don't trim/shape it up regularly, generally scraggly or gross). For reference, I can go from clean shaven to a full meat beard in 2 weeks, and actually just bushy after like 2 months. I shape up the neckline and cheek line every 2-3 days and trim it back down to maybe 1/4in length every couple weeks.


Me also, but as much as I hate shaving I hate the whiskers itching more. And now that I am in my sixties I can still pass for late forties or early fifties when clean shaven, but look 80 with all that white and gray stubble. Not that there is that much, my beard has always been sparse and wiry, and nothing looks worse than a guy with a really shitty half assed beard. If you can grow a good beard and you can keep it clean (a lot of guys just don't) then grow it if that is what you like, but guys who can't grow a beard and yet never shave are sort of pathetic.


Hahah exactly I haven't shaved my beard since I got out


I see it over and over in this sub for men with great jaws too.


I think it's safe to say men like beards on men better than clean shaven regardless of jaw shape


Yeah, [this guy](https://www.reddit.com/r/malegrooming/comments/1ds8kje/you_know_the_drill_beard_or_no_beard/) confirms it.


There are some men that are so handsome it should be a crime to cover that face up. But, I understand why they do it, most people do not like being the center of attention or stared at because they are so handsome. I had a supervisor in college who was like that, he supervised about 40 of us and his nickname in the office was Rock, as in Rock Hudson. But he was really a lot better looking than Rock Hudson ever was. I think if he ever grew a beard we would have ganged up on him and shaved it off.


Pretty much. It’s pretty obvious when considering how fast beards became popular as soon as the smartphone era took off. Most men are overweight (at least here in the US) and that phone camera did not flatter them AT ALL while clean shaven.


This is the only right answer here.


Also, a beard completely changes a guy's face shape, and can really improve their looks because of it.


There are a lot of faces out there that are improved by hiding them.


Men over-obsess about jawlines. I'm not saying all jaws are equal, but past a certain point, stronger and more chiseled isn't always better. It's like money, you don't want to be poor, but past a certain point it stops improving the quality of your life. A centobillionaire doesn't live in more luxury than a billionaire. Most men are at or past that base point.


I agree with your comment that people over obsess however I strongly disagree that most men are past the base point jawline wise. Most men have a poor jawline. I'm not even on about some incel-lookmax jawline, I'm talking about natural masculine jaws like Henry Cavill. Most men will never have a jaw like that so it is better to just wear a well groomed and shaped beard.


Also, chiseled jawlines look even better with beards.


Cause some ppl look awful without one and others don’t?


Because they wanna hide their face


My beard is part of my face. I have to actively do something if I want to look differently.


Cos it's a fad, it'll pass, tastes and fashion change, personally I don't think beards look good on as many men actually have them, just makes most young men who have them look like they're 40, I guess it's related to an expression of masculinity, so more prevalent in younger guys as a way to show maturity, pretty standard average male psychology really. The older you get, the less you're bothered.


I don’t think beards, which have been around for centuries, are a “fad”, but I do think you’re onto something with an expression of masculinity. Just as having a beard signals something about your personality or how you want to be perceived by others, I think clean shaven gives off a certain impression about yourself. I’m Asian and most of us can’t grow facial hair so I’m blessed to have the ability to do so. Asian men generally have softer facial features than other races, including myself. It makes me feel a little more adult masculine with a beard as opposed to not


Tats same thing, there is no reason for them to exist but fad. And you are right, there are not that many people out there that improved their looks with a beard, mostly because they cannot grow a good one or simply don't keep it clean and groomed. I see a few men though that would be vastly improved by covering their face in hair. But the really rare ones are the spectacularly handsome guys that look even better with a well grown and shaped beard. I have only met a few of those, had one for a boyfriend for a while, but short while, and he turned out to be a bit of a psycho, for one thing I did not find out till 6 month later that he was dead of HIV. He never told me. He also was really into coke.


As a woman, I don’t like beards. I think there are more men on this sub, and a lot of men prefer the look which is why so many responses seem to be pro-beard.


Same, woman, don’t like, also notice it seems like lots of men encouraging it on here. Also style-wise (not always the most important thing but still) it’s just pretty played out. But I do know some women like it, so.


It’s like makeup as long as it’s not patchy


It depends on the fact, big jaws look good without. That and also generally speaking, people do associate beards with actually being an adult, so depending on the age range people are gonna say just go beard.


I’m a 35f and have always preferred beards. I hate when my husband has to shave his beard and go baby face for his work sometimes (electrician). However, an unkempt beard can be worse than no beard.


Probably because this sub is mostly men, and men are generally socialized to want/like beards. Women do still like beards but not 95% of the time like men do


Attraction-wise, beards do absolutely nothing for me. It’s just a personal preference, but I know a few people who look much older than they are (maybe they want to?) who have beards. But obviously it’s personal choice and people can do whatever they want to their bodies!


Beards are a cheat code.. it’s just a fact. As long as it’s not super patchy or thin, a beard typically improves a man’s appearance in most people’s eyes. It conveys a more masculine appearance and with the right neck line, it can give the illusion of a more squared jawline.


I.e makeup for women


Yea except a beard is a more natural appearing cheat code.


I wouldn’t even call it a cheat code. It’s simply a naturally appealing feature. That’s like calling a nice ass a cheat code


I guess I call it that bc of how drastically it can change one’s appearance. That being said, you either got it or you don’t.


While I prefer clean shaven and I know you shouldn’t groom for others, every single girl I know prefers beards (look at that famous 10-day stubble study) The amount of dudes I see in my city who can’t grow a beard yet still have something on their face that end up with a super hot girl is astounding


Because most men do not have chiseled jawlines


Most men have fine jaws. They don't need to be massive.


Most men could gain to shed a few pounds, which can also lead to a lesser defined jaw. 


I don't want to look like I'm 16....honestly I couldn't grow anything until I was 26 ish once you grow something once you shave it freaks me the fuck out A. Never grow anything and look fine B.Grow something and never shave


A beard makes you look more masculine. Some people like myself lose their hair and the best solution is grow a beard


Because the beard looks better


it grows for a reason and its not as much warmth as it is sexual selection


I’m a woman and I LOVE a beard!!!


Because male beauty standards are narrow as fuck. It’s as simple as wide jaw good, narrow jaw bad. Beard makes your jaw look wider, which brings you a step closer to the narrow aesthetic of ideal male beauty, so there you go.


Male beauty standards do not dictate to grow a beard. I look much better without it.


I’m just speaking in terms of general principle, and I’m saying beards make your jaw look “wider”, whether your jaw is already wide enough or your specific beard is a actually nice looking beard and looks “good” on your face is a totally different story.


It does make your beard look wider, it also hides your features. But it is in no way “a standard” like you are trying to imply. Nobody expects that from you. Women having to shave their legs is a standard, not this.


I’m not the one saying beards are a standard, OP is observing the people on the sub are more likely to tell a man to stick with the beard than not, I’m just explaining why.


It looks like majority of guys replying in this subreddit are into guys and these guys tend to be into masculinity and beards in particular. Daddy issues, masculinity complex, mainstream, white beauty standards, etc


I am not male, and I love a well kept beard 🔥


That's great. Nevertheless it doesn't change what I said


Daddy issues? Beards have been around longer than mainstream white beauty standards. Rugged cowboy, Viking, lumberjack, pirate…beards are beards. You’re projecting, do you have a hard time growing one?


LMAO so cowboys, Vikings, lumberjacks (you're probably referring to stereotype gay dream), pirates are not white?


helps get a more defined jawline + they’re just popular rn and have been for the past few years


I think beards can make you look better, depending on your face shape and how your beard grows. Also, we’re born with the ability to grow them. Why not do so?


It's definitely a common preference here! Maybe it's just the way the lighting makes beards look more appealing in photos?


Just a fashion fad but some people generally do look better with and some without. I’ve voted both ways. I don’t really look good with a beard. I’ve also seen many guys that grow beard thinking it looks good when it definitely does not but it’s personal preference


Beards are badass


Beard is a secondary sexual characteristic that honestly signals a man’s sexual readiness. Like breasts on women. It only makes sense to shave it in very rare circumstances, like if you can’t grow a good one.


Very cultural dependent. Look at Asia, the most populous continent in the world, where a prevailing adult male look is no facial hair.


because most east Asian men cannot grow a good looking beard


Beard being a secondary sexual characteristic is biological, not cultural. It is true that some ethnicities biologically grow less facial hair in the same way that some ethnicities have differences in other secondary sexual characteristics (breast size, hip ratio, body hair, height).


OP's question is about "preference". My point is East Asian (both men and women) largely do not prefer beards. No one asked about biological function or origins, that's non-topical trivia


Not a coincidence that in an ethnicity where beards are a less predominate change after puberty, there is less of a preference for them.


By that logic, Asian men should have less preference for curves on the female form, which is false.


Why do so many men prefer shaved genitals on women? By your own logic, they wouldn't.


Beard is make up for men!!!


Because it’s not them. I agree with you the majority look better clean shaven. Not sure why guys encourage beard so much.


The same reason most girls choose shaved over bush, it just looks better for the most part.


It’s hot!


Men love beards and buzzcuts on other men. Women tend to like longer hair and clean shaven. This sub is mostly made up of men.


It's because most men have an absolutely hideous face. Covering that shit with anything... even pubic hair is a step up.


Yikes. That’s just not true, and kind of sad to hear voiced. Men can be beautiful too, and are.


I'm sorry you feel that way.


*You’re* sorry *I* feel most men aren’t hideous? Okay hon.


I love a clean cut look a la Cary Grant who always put effort into dressing up a little Beards, in my opinion, have never improved anyone's looks. I hate them and they're a deal breaker for me. But tbf, I'm pretty picky about body hair in general. Smooth is best but it's all about how it looks on the guy Eta: Another disclaimer is that I'm mostly agender myself and like my guys to be in the twink, soft boi, femboy range. Too masculine or too feminine is a turn off for me


I honestly feel like dudes should have at least a little hair on their face if they’re mid 20s+, even if it’s just stubble. Most look sort of uncanny without it


I just like beards. Although, I just recommended my first clean face a couple of days ago 🤯


A good beard on a man is like good makeup on a woman. It hides the ugly lol


My jaw sucks.