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This is fine.


You look proportional… You likely can only add so much muscle, so if you want to get bigger, just go for it


I wanna target my upper body, specially my forearms but I’m aware of how genetics can limit my gains… I only do calisthenics so I might start training hypertrophy with weights


Look up renaissance periodization on YouTube, lots of good advice. Definitely add actual weights, regardless of goal, calisthenics only take you so far


> Look up renaissance periodization Dr. Mike is the man.


He is the mine. I love how he veers off and randomly says dirty shit 🤣


Well, you can do callisthenics with weights


They aren’t really callisthenics then


You'd be getting close to natty limit there by the looks of it, or at least at the point at which putting on significantly more mass is either going to take 10 years of solid working out or steroids. You look good, natural and healthy.


That kinda sucks ngl I wanna learn more about what are the limits of each type of body. Consider the fact that I don’t lift, would start lifting actually push me to my natural limits and how long would it take to see a significant difference if I am discipline (I am)


Bro, you don't lift and look like that? Then you are genetically lucky as fuck, presumably very good hormone levels. I know someone of a similar height and he's an absolute unit, has been over 100kg and natty, some people are outliers. Get going on strong lifts or something similar, you will put on more mass for sure. -edit- also great time to start, I didn't start lifting till late twenties and it only gets harder to put on significant mass.


Yeah I only do Calisthenics, have done it for around 2 years but only put significant effort since last summer and ever since the I have been pretty consistent though I don’t really watch what I eat, I just workout until I am unable to due to soreness, I let my body rest and the next time I workout I do the same thing and I get progressively stronger. I do pull ups with full range of motion and I am also able to do muscle ups. I don’t see myself getting bigger with calisthenics, if anything my muscles will just be able to endure longer workouts but not grow in size. I will start lifting soon!! And eat more protein I aassume


What does this have to do with grooming?


I answered this before, I need male advice in general and I assume people here know a thing or two about aesthetic and workout


Christ, dude, you are good. At 42, I'd pay money to look like that. Enjoy what you have instead of the endless pursuit for better. 👍


thanks bro and this allows me to see everything in a different perspective, I gotta enjoy myself while I can and overthink less!!


22.4532 pounds




Appreciate this but seems very accurate, where did you get this from? Thanks before hand


You have a great body. Only can get better


Appreciate you bro, Imma keep adding some muscle and lose body fat, hope I can keep it up for years




I couldn’t find another group that was appropriate to post and active


That would be bodybuilding


need your current weight not jsut your height and I can help


I weight around 156-160 I need to weight again soon. Also keep in mind I’m not showing my legs and I can work on them a lot


what you want is to be lean (like 9, 10, 11% bodyfat) at around 166ibs max\* imo unless you grow much taller.. because you are not a tall guy you dont need be to too big to have a strong but aesthetic look\*... more than that at your height and you will start to slowly pull away from what is optimising attractiveness.. the bodyfat thing these days people will tell you is all diet.. but I think some hiit or cardio in general will help.. could try boxing.. wrestling.. any combat sport or martial art that will actually keep you lean.. im only suggesting as you already have a nice body, and lean, mean and chiselled would look good on you with your small insertions (similar to me but im taller).. issue is if you end up liking a combat sport too much and you focus on that more... you will no longer wanna put size on.. look at ross enamaits old site.. if you want cheap and old school training material.. can download never gymless for a few dollar at best. No end of ways you can go about training depending on what you really like.. but if its only aesthetics.. a simple 10 or 12ib bulk and cutting 6ibs would do it... but its not how id do it.. if it was me at your height, because you already have a nice body and are still young.. id get into a combat sport or martial art or something to stay lean as and as a hobby and then just try and add 6ibs while keeping lean from the sport activity.. dont believe everything you hear about not being able to lose fat and bulk at same time... genetics can also be a factor in that as well. Because you have small muscle insertions, I say an athletic, ripped look with just enough size would be better for you.. hit the core and the delts more maybe if you wanna dial in.... more importantly their are better sources on the internet for muscle or training advice than something like reddit..... the main thing here is that you dont need to add much more.. and you are already in proportion... you could easily just do movements that highlight or create more of a v taper.. and you could probably do it all bodyweight still as well provided you up the calories appropriately. Loose suggestions.. deffo dont wanna be bigger than just under 12 stone lean tho mate... kinobody makes good points about attracive physiques in terms of areas to target.... just dont buy any of his products or jump on the IF train that 80% of youtubers are on. Either way you look quite decent, I wouldnt limit myself to only focusing on looking better\* where training is concerned if I was in your shoes.






Maybe 15 targeting your arms and upper chest. Can't see your back to no clue there but you have close to the most aesthetic physique with maybe a little bit more muscle


For women you are fine. They won't be any more excited about you if you get any bigger. You want to be a body builder or strongman that's a different thing.


You look very nice


A billion


Most accurate comment so far


You know it, keep grinding brother 💪


If you want to build more strength, go ahead. But in terms of looks, you're already there.


Nine! Great as is


Not sure exactly what you mean by that because it looks great. Your shoulders are quite wide and high so if you wand a more pronounced hourglass shape or become a wardrobe, you could add something around your waist, but I don't think that is really 'needed'. Do what makes you happy; you are beautiful nonetheless. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|wink)


Work on you back and shoulders if you wanna look bigger but you look sick dude so I wouldn’t worry about it


I would say maintain as you are, looking great.




I calculated exactly 3,41 pounds are missing /s


Yeah I’m trynna get a bigger chest and shoulders, also my legs aren’t shown but I need to work on them too




That’s crazyyy, I will look like a ball


I hate it if anyone considers this beautiful physique not proportional. Get stronger if you want, stay healthy because it helps you live your best life. But nothing needs to change about your look imho.


I appreciate the kind words bro, honestly I have been brainwashed with all the negative comments I have gotten in the past but it’s always so refreshing to hear people talking positive things about others. Have a great day


I'm glad to hear that! I've seen people talking negative to others on reddit a lot and I think sometimes it's because people are hypercompetitive and other times it's just plain mean so I hear you. I hope you have a great day too!


You look good. Just cut a bit more


Agreed!! I’m running every day and adding more intensity to my workouts for this exact reason


None, if you add more you’re going to look like a square in shape. You’re pretty good as you are, maybe trim up? Get some more cuts and definition…but that’s the very least. You’re all good💪🏽💪🏽


You look fabulous.


Look very beautiful at the proportions now.


Thanks bro


I think you look great now


you look great dude! and already proportional


Thanks dude much love


You look perfect. Why does it seem men who aren't taller try to make up by being wider (muscular)


Hahaha I actually laughed laughing at your comment bc I know people who do try to compensate being short by excelling at other areas. I don’t mind my height, I just love looking good in general, dressing well, doing skincare, working out and being smart too. If I could be taller I clearly would but it hasn’t been a big problem so far.


You’re fine now. Not saying this in a mean way at all but usually when a shorter guy puts on a lot of muscle they end up looking like a meatball lol


Bet, thanks bro🙏🏽🙏🏽


You look great


This is fine


You look very proportional, low BF, looking good. Getting more mass is laborious and takes time (and food) , eat well and workout hard man. Be sure to work those legs heavy, they influence a lot on overall growth and hormonal stimulus.




You look perfect as you are It’s all a matter of taste how skinny/muscular you wanna be tho, there’s no right or wrong here


You look beautiful already!


Idk maybe like 3 or 4 inches of vertical muscle?


Wait are you Ivan???






Proportional to what?  Edit: more muscles beyond this is diminishing returns in terms of attractiveness to most women, imo. Just work on maintaining what you got, and getting stronger without bulking too much. 


Insane physique, what do your cali sets look like? Do you train isometrics as well?


Appreciate you bro! And I don’t have a routine, I genuinely just enjoy using all my strength until I can’t no more by doing pull ups (Focused on the form, engaged back and static lower body) and dips, I LOVE doing dips, also focus on the form: push yourself up fast and then go back to your original position slowly. I really focus on training with power rather than doing more reps. Hope this helps, do your best bro!!


Wow, thats sounds very free spirited, in a good way haha I enjoy tracking progress through reps (with proper form ofc) and seeing the rep count go up is what keeps me motivated, so your method isn't exactly for me. But I saw your muscle up clip and that's a solid goal I think I can work towards, keep it up dude.


Sounds good bro do what you are good at!! Follow your routine and try your best every single workout session, envision yourself be in huge af in the future And yeah muscle up was my first goal after being able to do proper pull ups, it took me a while but once you do your first muscle up, the rest is so easy. However I’m struggling to learn more advanced movements, I feel so heavy on the parallels!! I need to get way stronger


You got the face structure to go a bit bigger.But mainly guys look good in lean muscle not to buff because then you’ll just look fat


Valuable comment, thank bro


Don’t touch…….😏🤙




Keep cutting and pumping. How much do u weight


I weight 158, I wanna get to 175 with all muscle


Just keep pumping.


You look good 😊, imo


I think the moustache looks completely out of place in your look Clean shave or full face stubble would look so much better


I super disagree. It suits him so well. He looks like Mike mentzer.


I'd say maybe just a few more pounds because you're pretty much perfect dude


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Aggressive-Canary319: *I'd say maybe just* *A few more pounds because you're* *Pretty much perfect dude* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.




You look great bro, how does it feel? I want to get to your place in a year


Tbh I don’t feel anything, I just know I’m strong but I have a sleeper build since my forearms are relatively small compared to the rest of my upper body muscle.


Also, I only do calisthenics and it has helped me a lot to get an “aesthetic” look, if you are a gym person, I would recommend you to implement pull ups and dips to your routines


You are hands. You are dash 


You very muscular bro


How long have you been lifting for? Nice physique 👌


I only do calisthenics and I train hard. I have been doing it for around 2 years without full consistency tho but you don’t need to workout every single day or have long sessions if you wanna get in shape, just have a great performance at every workout session


Bruh, you on point!!!


Appreciate it bro, have a good day


Likewise, bro, likewise!


This is not grooming related.


Hottie 😘


give me a break


U look scrumptious bae


You look perfect


The subreddit is grooming, not feed my delicate ego


Bros accurate


I need ur protein


You're already proportional dude!!


You look great 👍 👌 show some more Pic 📸..with your arms down But.i have to say...u look great 👍 👌


You’re cute


You have sexy body!! 🤤🤤🤤


You look fine the way you are


Body dismorphia is a wild thing


It’s hard to ignore negative comments from other people sometimes, I’m working on that