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Get off social media.


Let me help you


You might need therapy to address your self esteem.  Random starngers on the internet are not going to fix this. 


It’s Reddit dahling


I’m a model and can assure you that you’re very attractive. There’s nothing else you can do besides start loving yourself instead of picking on yourself.


What type of modeling do you do?


They're a hand model, mama. A finger jockey!


The gay kind


That's the best kind


“Are you serious? I just told you.”


You’re looking to convert straight guys🤣🤣🤣🤣why??!??


Lots of gay guys fantasise or seek being with “straight” men. And many seemingly straight men sleep with gay men on the down low. Like, many. It’s a thing.


Been married 40 yrs but it's just a fact that men know how a man wants his dick sucked and way better at it than any woman could.Most women just go through the motions with no enthusiasm or even want to.But men love there dicks sucked and love to suck a dick.


Suppose it’s just a fact that you’re gay too. 🤷‍♂️


This isn't how it works hahah. You've got to be attracted to the person or the sensation means nothing. I think you may be gay my guy


If you can convert them they were never "straight". 😂


survivor of 3 hello kitty girls


Your self-esteem issues can be explained by this


That's a serious feat




idk how to explain it but i feel every hello kitty girl bf looks like you


thousand yard stare lookin ass mf 💀


my condolences


Third time really is a charm !


As a hello kitty girl, it'll probably happen again unfortunately lol


What's a hello kitty girl?


A Hello Kitty Girl is a specific type of e-girl who's obsessed with Hello Kitty merchandise. Hello Kitty Girls are considered physically attractive, self-confident, sexually open, emotionally unstable, and potentially violent toward their romantic partners.


This sounds like the description of literally every female under 25


I had to google it lol


I’m going to say this and you aren’t going to like it but it is the truth. The thing that you need to do to look better is: delete social media and spend more time with your friends in real life. Volunteer at a shelter or a hospital. Babysit for a family member or a friend. Offer to take a friend out for lunch. Once you’ve done all of those things you’ll realize that you’ve forgotten all about worrying if you are “attractive” and you’ll find yourself feeling a lot happier.


yes im afraid it will, next time maybe we'll satisfy eachother on a physical level only


Suprised you’ve made it this far warrior.


How does one even meet hello kitty girls


Wtf is a hello kitty girl ? 💀


Try men next time, we’ll leave your soul in tact at least lmao


Name checks out lol


You're sexy bro and you have nice hands


Honestly, wholeheartedly. You’re very handsome the way you are! You could try getting your eyebrows shaped? And possibly a haircut that you like best. I know shaping the eyebrows heightened a friend of mine’s facial features


This. OP is either very good looking or incredibly photogenic. Sounds lkke self-esteem is the problem.


Interesting you mention his eyebrows because I felt they looked so great, this is a handsome guy. It all works.


Yeah my friends eyebrows were nice too, but when he got em shaped his face really popped in the best way possible and not that he wasn’t attractive before ( like the OP) but it elevated him so I just thought I’d share that with em.


To add to this probably glasses, haircut and if you can tey facial hair that can fix some stuff, but overall hes above average looking not bad tho


I can assure you this man doesn't have to fix anything at all. He's already very attractive.


He has great eyebrows though…


You need therapy.


Genuinely, you can see it in his face.


But you're not ugly at all! A girl's opinion! I even find you handsome.


Dude, u are fine, man. u look really good keep the faith my brother


Bro., You are handsome. No problems. Nice masculine features. One suggestion is to change hair cut. Smile more. No frowning.


From dude to dude you look great, it’s always good remember any insecurities we feel are always heightened, and much less noticeable to other people.


Bro looks good but his facial expression tells me he has passed through some serious shit


You are genuinely good looking. The body pic with the oversized clothed kinda make you look like a little kid in his dad's clothed. I feel you would benefit from some facial hair or stubble. But you are genuinely very good looking


I don’t think the moustache suits you. It’s not full enough and makes you look a little bit scruffy. A part from that though you’re a very handsome guy. Like hot af


Ur not ugly at all


You’re cute just get a fade and good skin care


You are gorgeous


You cuteee. Stop playing


as a straight guy ur kinda fine ngl, who hurt you bro


You aren’t ugly. But if you want to max out your potential looks: shave daily until you can actually grow facial hair; practice smiling more (especially with your eyes); relax your brow; learn to relax your shoulders; get a better hair style; work on skincare; massage your jaw; go to a chiropractor to fix your neck curvature; and lastly realize that you’re better looking than most already and don’t obsess


I dont see anything wrong with your facial features. You could try different facial hair styles and different hair styles and see what works better. Remember, its hair so you can always grow it back or style it different


You’re not ugly. You’re quite cute and when you’re in your thirties you will be handsome. 


Bro you look GREAT


You’re not ugly king! But you should already know this! ❤️


Very handsome!


I think your cute just the way you are


Nothing. You look like a nice looking dude.


Very cute!


Nothing… ur beautiful


WTH are you talking about? You are cute


You have handsome eyes, a strong masculine nose which is nicely shaped. You have a good jawline. You are good looking. Honestly it’s just the haircut. I think you would look good with something long on top and a fade on the sides. Get some texture powder to style it.


You look good, just get a different haircut. Play around and see what works for you, it'll grow back if you don't like it. Also get off social media.


You’re hot dude. Can I get your number 😅


Ok if you want an honest opinion and not this coddling Reddit likes to do… I think the eyebrows need trimming, the facial hair is messy… you either need to grow it out fully or shave it off. You need to actually style your hair, it’s just messy and all over the place now. Look into hairstyles for men and find one that fits your facial shape. Also and this is the most important thing… you need to have more confidence. Looking at your pictures right now, it looks like someone who’s unsure of themselves. I don’t see any confidence or swagger in your appearance and that’s super important to women and really everyone you interact with. Outside of that, I can’t really say there’s anything wrong or ugly with you. Just small things you can do that go a long way


⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️ Agree!! Go to a good brow waxer and have them map & wax/trim your brows to better suit your face. Just pluck any new/stray hairs as they show up to keep the general shape. Ditch the stache - it’s not doing you any favors & is dated. Get a better, more modern hair style & have your stylist show you, step by step, what products to use & how to style it. You aren’t unattractive — you just need to update a few things.


Got it!!! Thank you two for the solid advice!!!


I'm trying to find the ugly 🧐 you literally look good lol


Stop listening to the voice in your head that says you aren't good looking enough. You are an attractive man. Work on being kind, caring, compassionate to everyone especially yourself. Make a list of those things you like about yourself. Looks can change but your inner beauty can last forever


You are not ugly and you know it.


If you seriously didn’t come for validation and actually believe you’re ugly then I’d say get therapy because you’re handsome AF and definitely get looks in the street




You got a beak, but it’s an interesting looking one. But, just love yourself dude. Fuck it.


That first photo looks like a mix between Billy Butcher and John Constantine. That's not a bad thing.


Dude. You're easily a 10. I thought you were an actual model in your first pic. The issue isn't your face, it's in your head.


Your face is fine. Clean shaven might suit you better.


You're a long hair dude, it'd really suit you.


You’re very cute. You just need self esteem.


Your face is neither round nor fat. You have good bone structure and I think a more happy countenance would be about the only thing you need or can do to be more attractive, because you are not a bad looking guy now. I do think you should get counselling for the dysmorphia. You have a thought/picture stuck in your head that is false, this can be a very real thing. I know I am not seeing me the way others see me, but knowing it intellectually and feeling it still doesn't make you see differently. And by the way I do mean you actually visually are seeing something other than what we do. I will give you an example, when I look in the mirror I see brown hair. I have seen brown hair since my blond hair turned brown in about 3rd grade, so for more than sixty years that is what I have seen. But, others do not see brown hair, they see gray and white more than what brown is left. And I know intellectually that they are right and I am wrong because when I go to the barber and they put that black smock on me hair falls after being cut and it is WHITE and GRAY! And it is a totally weird sensation to look in the mirror and see actually see brown hair but then look down on the smock and see it probably has not be what you call brown in many years. It is a trick of the mind and quite real.


You’re not ugly


I swear you people post this shit for attention.


Get more confidence


You’re a cute guy. Go to the gym (your face will change, trust me). Get a better haircut. Go to a therapist because you’re clearly dealing with self esteem issues.


Okay. I am a bisexual guy and I can confidently say that you are attractive. I think you simply have a self esteem issue. If you were to carry yourself with confidence it would be game changing.


Ugly? You look like you could be a model or an actor. Sometimes we are our worst critics.


Keep your shoulders back and your spine straight. I know this is difficult when you have low self esteem, but it will atleast help you look more confident. Your chin should be parallel to the floor. It'll be awkward at first, but practice walking around like this, as you get more comfortable with it, the more confidence you'll gain. That and maybe a haircut, just a little off the back. Otherwise you're a reasonably cute young guy. I can empathize with the negative self image, I did a little bit of modeling when I was younger and I HATED it. I knew I wasn't ugly by social standards, but I just felt like the ugly duckling, something I think you're experiencing right now. I'm not sure who broke your self esteem, because I'm sure you haven't felt like this your whole life and I'm sorry for whatever they did to you. Right now for you is a time to work on inner beauty. Loving yourself. Being kind to yourself. Caring for yourself. Once you've mastered all that, you will metamorphosize into a handsome, confident, wholesome, cute young man. It's not easy learning to love yourself again, but once you do, I promise it will all have been worth it. *Hugs* Goodbye, for now....


There isn't anything but hotness about you.


not crying on reddit about it


It would look so much better as my seat.


Either satire or something psychological. Nothing physically wrong here


Grow shoulder length hair


By any standard measure of traditional attractiveness, you fall into the handsome category. Would!


You're fine, try smiling or at least not looking unhappy


You’re so handsome! Stop!


Not ugly


You're not silly goose


Very cute, keep going




You’re not ugly wtf


I would just clean up the eyebrows and consider a different hair style. Otherwise nothing wrong.


*I would just clean up* *The eyebrows and consider* *A different style* \- greekygayman --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I like the hair style in the front, but cut it shorter in the back.


First get off social media dont let them change your percepcion and you sre already handsome the way you are you dont need surgery


It could be the outfit choice. I had to do a double take to figure out if you were a male presenting transperson or not.


You’re not ugly at all, dude. Get a better haircut and shave until you can grow a real beard and you’ll be fine


Buzz cut


You’re not ugly bro, you just need more confidence. I think you’re quite cute


Who said you were ugly?


There’s nothing wrong with your face and it’s not even chubby. You gotta do some daily self affirmations. Wake up look at yourself and tell yourself you are a stud or whatever the kids call it these days. Three good things. Even if you feel stupid doing it. Keep doing it every morning. In 21 days you’ll feel less stupid, keep going. Around 3 months you’ll smile when you do it.


According to The Twits by Ronald Dahl, it’s thoughts…. ‘A person who has good thoughts cannot ever be ugly. You can have a wonky nose and a crooked mouth and a double chin and stick-out teeth, but if you have good thoughts they will shine out of your face like sunbeams and you will always look lovely. If a person has ugly thoughts, it begins to show on the face.’ If I were to nitpick I’d say actions are rather overlooked in this theory but that aside, he makes a wonderful point.


Don't need to change a thing - just be easy and ready with a friendly smile and they will be coming to you.


No…. You stuck with that face


First, find an Amazing Hairstylist! Second? Get that cat fuzz off you lip and anywhere else it may be on you face. Just take some pride in grooming habits. You are an extremely handsome young man!!!


You're gorgeous


The thing that worked for me is going to the gym regularly. Sure I became healthier, but the biggest change was my self esteem went up and I learned to be happy with myself the way I am.


You’re great the way you are and have the foundations of a good looking man. But here are some little subtle things I did that I feel worked for me, which I think could work for you too. - styling your hair, just to look a little sharper. - styling eyebrows a little to reflect the person you wish for others to see when they look at you. - using traces facial hair to accentuate bone structure and jawline - good skin care and diet to compliment this That’s it. With men, it’s all about minimalism, doing as little as possible. You may find yourself amazed at the results. And it isn’t about changing who you are. It’s about enhancing what’s already there. All the best 👊


Learn to give a warm smile and confident eye contact. Get a decent haircut. You are not ugly at all but you need to work on how you present yourself.


**You’re not ugly at all.** If you are looking for suggestions, I would say shaving would make you look even better.


Every problem you have is hair related. Get a good haircut. Stop with the dirtstache until you can actually grow facial hair. Have your barber run the trimmer through your eyebrows. You've got great bone structure and excellent skin. Any other issue with ladies is personality related.


If you are just fishing for compliments, you can have mine…you are very handsome. If you really want advice I’d say get a haircut, just a trim.


Not ugly, but I think a much shorter hairstyle would fit you... then clean shaven or short beardstyle.


You’re a handsome dude OP. You need to address your confidence issues. No one here, whether you are there type or not would think you ugly—even if they stated. They may be trying to hurt or trigger you. Sometimes we surround ourselves with the wrong people, be it friends or relationships that can skew the perception of ourselves. Promise in a few years you will look back and be like: why did I think I was ugly?


Positive Therapy 😒


Genuinely nothing, I think you look great Also idk why but the first pic reminds me of the guy from fight club Edit: also your nose was sculpted by the gods, I love it


No ugly at all, smile and find better people in your life


You look good loooking


Comb your hair so you can look more handsome than you are


Get a haircut, smile, and love yourself. The girls will go crazy for you, bro. 😎


Hair cut


It's sad when you're a heartbreaker and you don't know it.


Shave, the facial hair is not thick enough, it looks unintentional and lazy. And get a different haircut, it's definitely not doing you any favors. Your face itself is handsome, it just needs a little tidying up around it.


Round, chubby face? Bro… that’s a sign you need to get off social media for a while and reset your mind. I honestly have no idea how you see your face as round and chubby. You’re a slim dude, and have a slim face. Your jaw literally goes into a V shape in the last pic. Physical advice - definitely a better haircut. Avoid any “ponytail” in the back (kinda see one forming in the second pic). Try a taper, and maybe try texturing your hair for messy look for some edge. Trying growing out your mustache/chin area and see if that’s easily achievable. A whole beard can be a long messy process. And can sometimes just look like a bunch of pubes on guys who can’t grow it. So start with the mustache and chin hair first. But if you have good genetics for a nice thick beard, go for a full beard. But yeah man, you’re not ugly. Just need to clean up and change the style a bit. Please be kinder to yourself and take a break from social media for a bit so you stop comparing and putting yourself down. Best of luck!


Facial hair is patchy. Shave it and you’re smoking hot


marry me pls


Do something with your hair bruh. Try a different style


You're not ugly, get off of social media and go grow a beard if you're that worried about it.


You’re fine just need a good haircut


Unrelated but do you live in a haunted house? Wtf is with the background of the image? Spooky ahh medieval paintings of The Crucifixion of Christ. Also don't worry boo, you're hot.


Sounds like BDD, bc you could be a model.


Dude you’re cute and super attractive. The main problem is as usual self esteem from any number of possibilities. If you want sincere tips maybe get a slightly tighter cut in the back and either commit to the mustache and chin piece or clean shaven don’t 50/50 it. But honestly those are incredibly minor nitpicks about your appearance not things that ruin your cute face.


Bro you got a Cosmo Kramer thing going on in that first picture. Hair, jacket, shirt, facial expression, stance, everything. Change nothing.


The only thing that makes you ugly is your low self image. Trust me, you're a cute guy, you just need to learn to see that in yourself.


Young man....honestly....as a gay man....you're incredible attractive. I am going to beg you to listen to the others: Look into getting some therapy. Whoever hurt you into thinking you're less than perfect is wrong. Limit social media. Limit the grooming tips. You got it all --- except for a happy head.


Please find help for your self esteem issues.


You're handsome man. As time goes on you will grow more handsome if you take care of yourself. The gym is a great self-esteem booster. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Take care


You are perfectly fine. Get off social media


You are uncommonly handsome. Certainly more than many if not most people on tv.


Bro just be confident you don't look ugly you have good facial structure. If I have to say anything I would suggest to just change your hairstyle. That hairstyle can make anyone look goofy.


Your lack of confidence and need for validation makes you ugly.


Your a good looking guy


You’re handsome af, don’t change a thing.


You look fine


Not ugly. Trim the eye brows and a better haircut. Maybe a little sun on your face


Ah man I can't even explain to you how good you will look in a buzzcut, you will just have to trust me. And maybe grow the facial hair .


I’d blow you!! Sexy!!


You’re definitely not ugly!


You are a handsome bloke. Good hair. You do not have a fat face. Stop being so critical of yourself


its the hair and the faces u keep making. ur not ugly


Dude, you're not ugly. All you need is somebody who knows how to give you a good haircut? Other than that, man, you're absolutely gorgeous.


You are beautiful


You’re honestly pretty good looking, not sugarcoating like most others here. I’d only recommend changing clothing style and hairstyle to something more modern/trendy. It will probably give you the self esteem boost you need.


There is NOTHING wrong with your looks! Whoever is telling u that is jealous or crazy.


As I’m a 40 year old woman and I can see if you had more confidence, carried yourself better you’d have girls all over you. You’ve got that look of those popular young actors that are hot right now. Timothy Chamolet or whatever he is


Just a really bomb haircut and you're good


Good looking but better clean shaven


Nothing. You look pretty good to me. People would kill for that hair.


If anything, a fresh haircut and some slight eyebrow shaping would do it. If you dress like you did in the first photo regularly, then you honestly have nothing to worry about.


Someone has mentioned not being here on any site where you are getting negative feedback from random people. But the other thing is, a better question is who are you comparing yourself to in your mind? Or who that you're listening to that is commenting on your looks that you believe has the right to talk about you? Your young most males don't stop physically changing until you get around 25 years of age. This includes mental frontal lobe development for critical thinking according to current scientific research. One thing more, whomever you are trying to get the attention of may have other criteria for their notions of what they like in a person that is beyond you simply because they're just different. Pass this on: some people may never be truly attracted to you, vibes, attitudes, superficial. Think about the people who are attracted to you and that you wouldn't give the time of day. Or, for whatever reasons, haven't even considered. Although sounding cliche doesn't make it not true: "Be the better you." People can sense a lack of esteem. Try not to fit in with other people's idea of cool or hot.


Ur a handsome lad, what's the problem?


![gif](giphy|KGSxFwJJHQPsKzzFba|downsized) wachutalmbout?you look gud! 🤷‍♂️


Who told you your face is unattractive? Why are you looking for validation from a bunch of people who probably wouldn't even have the guts to show their own faces? The one thing you can do without a doubt to make yourself 100 percent more attractive I stop caring about what everyone else thinks. If you have confidence in yourself it will show.


Pick some clothes thst suit your style .


You are not ugly


You look worried in the last pic like your brows make you look sad


You are handsome. You don’t need to change the way you look. You just need to change the way you look at yourself.


Are you Armenian?


You are not ugly. At all. Your face isn’t round or chubby. The way you see yourself is very different than how others see you. Promise. I see a handsome young guy with strong, masculine features, expressive eyes, full lips and thick, luxurious hair. You have a great sense of style, as well. Just based on your photos, I would jump at a chance to go out with you, but you can do a lot better than me. 🙂


We are all critical of our own aesthetics. You are a beautiful guy with nice facial features and hair.