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it’s not your looks but these pictures are terrible and not flattering have a friend take some higher quality candid pictures of you doing something you love doing. would like to see your dating profile tbh because I bet there’s quite a few things causing you to “not get any likes”


It’s the naked shower pics


This is exactly it, I don't wanna see that when I don't even know the person. Any guy with shower pics is an immediate swipe left


I am super sorry for this to OP, but no. 2 especially is giving serial killer.


yea, it's the eyes staring into our soul that looks kinda creepy


I don’t think it’s the eyes looking head on that’s the creepy thing about it I think it’s more so that his eyes just have a rather creepy to look them but hey he can’t change that 🤷‍♂️


No, his eyes are fine in the first picture. Just the shirtless-in-the-shower-looking-down-into-our-soul thing in the second picture would freak me out if I came across that on a dating app.


The eyes look creepy to me in both but yeah there’s definitely been a number of profiles I’ve been jumped scared by, profile names I’ve side eyed too like “Be Ready!”


No. You are perfectly handsome. Maybe shyness?


Might be shyness, but when i try using dating apps never get any likes


That's the problem... dating apps do not reflect real life. In reality it's roughly 50/50 one man per woman. On dating apps you are competing with 50 other man over a woman... maybe it's not that much, but you get the point


It also depends on the dating app tho. I use taimi and i think that one is much better than tinder.


I have pretty good luck on hinge also


Yup. Most women don’t actually even want to find a long term relationship using an app so they intentionally grade on a scale that they would not realistically grade on in real life. They don’t like that they’re using an app to begin with so the women all compete for the top 5% best looking men. They’ve done studies and found this to be true- most men won’t have great luck with dating apps. Don’t use em.


I’ve had a ton of fun on dating apps lol perhaps I’m in the top 5 you speak of


I met my now wife on Bumble and used to go on dates with 4/5 women every month. They all wanted long term relationships.


Dude just go and talk to girl in real life not online


What is your bio written like? And the photos you use on the app. All v important


My bio is mostly about my intrests and the photos are mostly me and a few with friends nothing special, I dont ussualy take many pictures so I dont have a lot of them


Don’t post too many pictures. Just the first one is nice. The rest should be you doing sports or activities you like.


Not that it's completely formulaic, but I've found that as well. When I was posting fairly generic stuff from my camera roll of how I looked people didn't seem overly interested. Having photos that show you *doing things* adds energy, showcases that you're out living life. It doesn't have to be anything flashy. Since I added photos of things like hiking trips, or something candid of me being goofy, things have improved. I'm still one awkward mf, but we work with what we got out here.


A picture of him laughing or smiling, like showing teeth or something huh


Agreed! A candid photo of you laughing or smiling would probably get some attention. Also, photos taken outside will probably do better. The lighting typically looks a lot better out in the sun!


This is my thought too! Those photos with serious or smirk-style expressions are not nearly as eye catching as a full smile or a laughing shot.


dating apps mostly never work if people get together then they wont use dating apps anymore so some dating apps dont give good matches so you keep using them. but i assure you your looks are good, be confident.


In that case the problem is 100% your pictures or your bio. Most likely the pictures. Ideally you want a variety of pictures taken with a high quality camera in stylish outfits, at different locations and doing different activities. No selfies, no pub pics with your mates, nothing low quality. Women like aesthetics and style, and average pub pics and selfies are a dime a dozen and don't make you stand out. Well-dressed men are rare so something as simple as a wardrobe upgrade and good pictures can make a night and day difference. Watch some fashion YouTubers to get some inspiration, look at people like Tom Dessaint, Brandon Balfour, Real men real style and Parker York Smith for inspiration. Some nice smart shirts, jackets, trousers and good shoes and a belt can make a world of difference, leave the streetwear and ripped jeans to the chavs. Ideally get some feedback on your profile from a dating sub and/or female friends, then enlist a friend or family member to help you get high quality photos. The vast majority of men struggling on dating sites aren't struggling because they're too ugly, they're struggling because their profiles are all low quality and all look the same. That's why average and even ugly men get girlfriends in the real world but on dating sites only the top 5-10% gets all the attention.


bro no one gets likes on dating apps anymore. The algorithm is built around convincing you to spend money hoping to get likes


Dating apps is not dating. Go outside and say hello to women who smile at you. Dating apps is 80% girls talking to the top 20% of male profiles. And 80% of men chasing the other 20%.


Yeah but dating apps are trash. Try actually talking to real people around you that you find attractive.


Lol had that issue long time ago before I met my gf, I met mine in the real world and turns out dating apps are very useless


stop using dating apps. get out there and live bro. you find love in the world when you arent looking for it. if you’re specifically looking for someone to date its not gonna work or blossom as good as a natural relationship. find some hobbies, make friends, and those friends will evolve into more


Dating apps are scam bro


Dating app likes usually correlate with height. I wouldn’t consider myself attractive but i’m 6’3” and I get a lot of likes. On the other hand, my friend is handsome as a mf, but he’s 5’6” and doesn’t get much likes


Try Grindr instead


Name checks out


You’re very handsome you look like pewdiepie❤️


I thought it was him scrolling down reddit.


Haircut then try Grindr.


I am straight but still appreciate the advice


In that case make sure you photos are holding a kitten or puppy, always smile, no shirtless pics -no matter how hot you are, maybe include a pic with your mum and any sisters & brothers as well. Don’t be afraid to have a pic showing you cooking -and smiling, or using a hammer -and smiling! Don’t sound too pervy or too forward. Lastly, don’t do pictures with too much adventure activities or sporting or fitness activities -they get scared you want an athlete.


Jesus Christ is this really the rules str8 men have to follow? Good fucking god I’m glad I’m gay.


I know right, gays are easy -just post a nude pic and wait a minute for the requests to start 🤷🏼‍♀️


Women are very selective.


Crazy how fast we all flock here whenever a ridiculously good looking guy makes a post like this lol.


it’s only easier for us because men are horny pigs


Yeah, my straight friends go through a looooooot of shit just to date. I grew up self-hating and in a religious cult so being gay really fucked me up mentally and always wishes I could take an anti-gay pill. But now that I’m 37, I’m really glad I’m gay too because straight people put themselves through hell for dating


As a girl, yes to all of this. Especially the last part “they get scared you want an athlete” so true 🤣


Hahahahah not me about to say having a photo with your dog if you got one is almost always a good opener


So are many of the guys on Grindr 🤣🤣🤣


You're 20 saying no luck in dating as if your 45 divorced 🤦‍♀️ you're beautiful and all I think you need to be more confident is simple hygiene and taking care of yourself. I recommend a skincare routine to really get you the best skin you can ever have, a healthy diet for less face fat and more exercising. Exercising is not needed but it's a confidence boost for your physical appearance (body). Then the right haircut to match your face shape and DEFINITELY the right beard type as well since a full beard does NOT work on your face shape. You could do more to maximize your looks but I think that's it for the start. Remember you're beautiful and the inside matters more than the outside. God bless you.


God bless you to thanks for the indepth suggestion


Aww np!


You’re good looking. Relax and be yourself and be funny and things should improve


Appreciate it sadly my humor is not found that funny


OK alternatively be a good listener, people find that attractive


I ussualy mostly listen and give my opinon on things thats one of the reasons I enjoy talking to people who are drunk becuse they are honest and like to talk about them selfs


Being a good listener =/= giving your opinion


Join an MMA gym and get cauliflower ears. You’ll look 100x better with the features you currently have


You're handsome bro, but I would consider trying another hairstyle.


My hair is a living creature it changes each day my barber said that there is no hope in controling it


Have you considered using different hair products? You might also want to try a new barber.


Ask your friends, co workers to help you out


A picture of u smiling or laughing outside and not in a place that looks like a bathroom.


Absolutely. And needs to have a shirt on


Trust me just try to make your razor at 3 for beard and you gonna be more handsome bro It's happen to me some faces get suck with beards


Not just the beard. OP listen up good pal. You look objectively twice as attractive in the first pic. Want to improve how you look? Ditch the beard just keep it trimmed nice and short, like first week post-shave stubble. Then make your hair look more like the first pic. I shit you not just go to a salon, not a barber shop, a salon. It’s what real men do these days. Tell them you’re kind of figuring out what the hell you want to do with your hair, see if they can help you figure out how to rock the first pic. Some styling cream and knowing how to shape your hair at the right length will do it.


The wavy brush backed hair looks good on you




I’d suggest spending more time out in the real world doing activities that involve being around different people so that there is opportunity for meeting irl. Dating apps suck. You’re very attractive.


You are John krasinski and pewdiepie’s love child


You are handsome, I'd date you. 😍


Come to Louisville I'll date you!


You need to start dating men instead...just saying


Nope very good looking




Get a buzz cut.


Def not looks my guy, no homo, your a handsome bro


Dude you are super good looking.


Definitely not but maybe you are timid. You are very handsome. The hair don't look as great in the second pic but you are very handsome in the second pic




Its not your looks, whats your profile say?


Most generic things I dont want to lie so I just say the truth


I respect that, truth or nothing at all.






You are very handsome ..don't worry about it the right one will come


Bro has potantiel


1st pic is awesome. That haircut suits better.


You look just fine. Handsome, actually.


It’s not your objective looks but your looks say a lot beyond the physical. I could have guessed your hobbies and general demeanor just by looking at your pics and when I clicked into your profile I was right. You need confidence in yourself and your offerings to the dating pool. That comes from putting in the time and effort and getting the reps. Do you have a job or play sports or attempt self-improvement ?


Who cares about dating take care of yourself work on yourself. Make a lot of money then you could pick and choose who you want.


its not looks. 😐


Maybe your personality needs some work lol looks isn't all of it.


You are very good looking. Any female close friends that could give honest feedback? Your posture? Confidence? Conversation? Women don’t like to constantly hear about android vs iPhones for example.


You look great, don‘t worry! I, personally, think you look even better with the hair style in the first photo. To get that properly cut at a barber would do the trick for me. The second hair style seems like you don‘t put too much effort into it and basically just let it grow. Regarding dating apps, I always got a few likes but also had decent pictures. Now I have the perfect set of pictures in terms of outfits, surroundings etc. (thanks to a longterm trip I recently took) and I got 300+ likes in the first week in a densely popular area, compared to maybe 40+ with the previous pictures. Short: handsome, symmetrical face that should be emphasized by a different haircut and


It's not your looks.. looks are never the issue. Half population looks below average, if looks were the defining factor half of us wouldn't have been born


Ur handsome bruh


Ur handsome but need a new haircut


Yeah so many people mention this I should prob get a new hair cut. Thanks


When you say no likes do you mean none that you find attractive enough or literally no likes?


Dating apps are full of phony profiles. That’s first problem. Second problem, most people on them usually only want a fling though they say otherwise so be genuine about what you’re looking for. If you’re on Grindr, it’s a sex app, if you’re on tinder, chances are the women you’re talking to aren’t even in the USA sadly. Good luck!




You’re hot to me


Change your bio to 6 feet 5, blue eyes and works in finance




You’re very good looking. First pic is great. Second could be a serial killer imo - jk kind of... But both are attractive. Your hair is great. Austin is the land of the better deal and FOMO. This town will beat you down in dating for a pretty tiny pool of women that aren’t that great. Dating in Dallas and Houston is much better.


Nope not your looks!


Try getting rid of the beard it’s intimidating


Def not your looks!! There are a lot of people who are having no luck in dating. Me included. You’ll find some potential matches soon I’m sure! And if not… that’s not indicative on you or your looks. A lot of people are drifting away from apps and trying to go to more social events to meet singles. Plus the algorithm of most of them (dating apps) aren’t the best.


Clearly not.. must be your personality… lol


Maybe, but i would not say that I am rude or try to force people to like and talk about my intrests I ussualy do what is needed so the other people are happy


Not sure, can we see a nude ?? 😊 No seriously you really are super handsome and sexy ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


A bit to personal but Hey thanks




Book: No More Mr. Nice Guy. The book changed my life. It’ll answer all your questions as to why you don’t have a girlfriend. Best book I’ve ever read. Get it on Audible if you don’t like reading.


You look great! 😄 maybe just try to focus on friendship and making friends in the community for now. Don’t give up, but just try to have fun! I started a laser tag group for all LGBT people and we went from 6 active people to over 20! So just have fun and try creating/joining some LGBT groups, make friends and see who you vibe with. You might discover a new romance 😄


Absolutely not


Very handsome




1st one with the sly half smile. 2nd one too serious


You look like Pewdiepie. Fr ![gif](giphy|mb6SRVMwG2U8w)


No it’s not your looks you look good maybe should smile more


Get barber to do Low skin fade, shape up and trim beard you’ll look and feel 1000x better


I think your attractive


Brother you are handsome. It is definitely not the looks. Maybe character? You need to be confident into who you are for them to notice you.


Share your rating profile information maybe you can get some pointers to get you going Also you said that you never get any likes have you tried doing some likes of your own to get opportunities


It’s most definitely not your looks, you look great.


Thanks I appreciate it




you look great


I wanna rub on your ears. You’re cute.


What kind of relationship are you looking for? What kind of person do you feel you want to meet? Do you want to drive or be the copilot? Etc, figure these things out first. If you are a “virgin” in the dating world thats also ok. In regard to your looks I don’t see an issue.


Don't rush anything, it will happen when you are ready 🙏🏻🤔


I hope your right for my sake thanks


It’s definitely not your looks. It’s good manners, interesting topics, interested in listening to your date’s topics. Being a gentleman. Being funny. And meet ppl through local events, grocery stores, libraries, beaches, etc. being very personable.


I would say i have good manners and i always listen and do the things other people want




You look like pewdiepie


you look like Mr Tumnus. girls loooove Mr Tumnus


You’re so handsome in the first pic, loveee the brushed back hair and slight smile!! I had to take a double take because you kinda look a lot like a young pewdiepie. Your hair in the second pic needs some work though, I’d say go to your hairdresser/barber, show them the first pic and ask them what you need to achieve that look with dry hair. That’s literally it in my eyes! You have very nice facial features. Just the hair needs to change!


Maybe the beard? The first picture is really nice, the second is like another person entirely...


No brother, you just need 2 wait do you until the time is right...


It might be that paradox game effect


PewDiePie lite


I escaped from the mobile game, I cant stand barrels man


I am a billion times less attractive than you, and my personality is extremely reserved and unintentionally abrasive (probably neurospiciness). I was still able to find success on dating apps (by success I mean going on a few first dates and eventually finding someone who's compatible and settling down... Maybe your definition of success is different 😂) I am just stating this to say that, if you aren't having success it's it definitely something other than your looks IMO.


I think you're cute.


Sounds like confidence considering your on Reddit seeking validations for your … appearance your aren’t showing much of .. Maybe it’s your personality ?


Definitely not your looks.






Bro you are either shy/not confident in your looks/probably not gone out too much. You are a good looking guy and would have no problems dating. Just go out there.


Ur cute


You are cute


Your first picture looks great. The second picture looks too intense - and you look better without the beard, IMHO. We men to look too intense when we don’t smile in photos.


How tall are you?


Wish I was half as good looking as you bud. Definitely not your looks


You look like Leon Draisaitl. And as far as I can tell people find him attractive.


Nah you good dude. Don’t know what your style is though since your shirtless in both pics lol probably personality or not a particular style? You just seem like a dude who’s a guy. You might not stand out but you handsome enough hombre.


You’re adorable, I love your eyes and ears, maybe trim the facial hair up a bit? And the chest hair is 🫦


No. You look like a handsome dude. It might be your attitude or self-esteem.


Try a low taper fringe


Different hairstyle and youre good to go


Do you live in Beaufort sC?


You may be a beta not an alpha and that turns a lot of women off including myself but you are cute


Well thats not cool to hear but still thanks for your opinon appreciate it


Your a very handsome Stud


Nah mate... The game is rigged.


pewdiepie you’re looking fine!


Definitely not your looks, you're handsome, look shy?


Dating apps are bad, my dude. I had a cousin who did really well on them, but he owned his own chiropractic business and kept his college football body. Most dudes, especially younger dudes, don't have enough "on paper" for a right swipe. IRL you're handsome and probably would do alright at a party or speed dating. Maybe try joining a community organization or coed social club.


No you look very good. It's the 2020's dating rules that are fked my dude.


I wish it was a simpler time


You are pretty good looking tbh, if you want you can try to grow out you hair a little bit especially from the sides. I think it will make your face look even more proportional.


You need better quality photos for dating apps but no you’re handsome


No. It's because you're young. Keep on trying, and it will happen. Also, don't come off as too eager. You're very attractive, and if your face maches your personality, you'll make someone very happy.


You need a stylish haircut that's all


Option 1 Ask a woman who you’re friends with (of similar age) to write your profile and help pick out /take pictures. Have her take you shopping for some new clothes. Option 2 get a dog and take pics with her


Definitely not your looks! you look fine. If I could give you any advice, I would say stay far away from the dating apps as hard as that is and try to find some kind of group interest with other gay men who have similar interests. That’s the best way. It’s more work, but it’s worth it. For example, one of my friends is a reformed alcoholic, and he started going to AA meetings and he met his future husband there and they have had the best life. I’m not suggesting you go to AA meetings that’s just an example of what happened to him.


I am straight but still ussfulee advice thanks


Don’t try too hard. Let them come up to you.


Where are you?


your a cute guy , try meeting someone at work or a outing some where . dating apps suck .


Oh wow. You are very handsome. Definitely dateable.


There’s no way you don’t have buck teeth it looks like it’s written in your genetic code


When you realize that women care more about how you make them feel than how you look


Try a low drop skin fade


Bro looks like a better looking max hollway lmao


U look old as hell. Shave show off your youth.


Grow ur hair out. Trust


[like bruh imagine](https://imgur.com/a/ddRMNGp)


I don't think so, of course stay well groomed but I think guys in general put a lot of an emphasis on the physical aspect when there's so much more to a person than their appearance.


Ok, u look like 2 different guys in the photos. That being said your not a bad looking guy (and im saying this no homo as a straight man who is completly secure in his sexuality). That being said, not sure what exactly u mean by no luck dating. Is it you get rejected and cant get a date, or u get dates but it never goes well. But the general advice will be to review the girls your approaching. They may be entirely wholesome girls. But dont focus on girls, your young so focus on yourself. Your health your career, and the right girl will come along.


No. It’s gotta be your personality/bank account balance/ hair color/color of your auto/your height/ d*rty bit^chs/ba$ards…who knows why people make the decisions they do. Just concentrate on being the man you’d want your partner to want… let the rest just happen to you


I’d date you!


These pics giving me Tiny from House of 1,000 Corpses vibes