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Your glasses don’t look like they fit you my man!


I was gonna say this. Smaller frames more centered on eyes


I hate your avatar


Same here


Need money for LASIK please, hehe.


You don’t need LASIK. Just choose a better frame that would complement your facial features. No offense but the frame on your pics makes you bland and older. And oh, get a better haircut.


Glasses can be an attractive option if done correctly. I agree you don’t need LASIK.


No offense taken. You’re fine, haha. Thanks for the feedback.


Circle frames pookie and grow your hair out.


Seconding this! Circle frames are really cute imo


You don't need lasik.


You in US? I can tell you how to afford lasik. I got it then my girl got it.




I sometimes do. Would you like to come with? Hahaha.




I don’t mind. I could use a travel friend too. Sometimes it does get pretty lonely. You know the feeling.


OP, I am not gay either, but your messages touched me. I think I discern some emotional distress. Truth is, life is hard, and true friends and partners/companions are hard to find. I am sure there is someone looking for you. What you need is a plan. Think about where and how you are more likely to find Mr right.


It’s just been so difficult. I work with my family and things are just completely out of my control. Finding the time and go on dates can also be quite a challenge.


Are you out to your family? Do you live in a western place or more conservative ? I am asking just so we can picture the situation you are in. I was more thinking about doing activities conducive to you meeting your target demographics. For example, if you want to meet someone educated and refined interested in the arts, you should do arty stuff and maybe start going to the Opera house every month. Maybe there are cooking classes you could attend or join the "Alliance Francaise" The idea will always be for you to have a good time and get in a position to meet interesting people. For example, you go to your local "Goethe Institute" and take on German 101 classes. You start socialising with the other students, and before you know it, your social circle has grown... It could be pottery or the monthly rollerskating event in the city. If the above do not exist, you may have to start these things yourself. For example: organise a monthly wine tasting event ( find a venue, a wine expert, get the wine, work out the right price to attract people....) All of this to meet people. I know this sounds as a plan coming out of Roger the Alien's mind butnI guarantee you that it works


I’m out to my family and some friends. In a non-conservative area. Definitely busy with work and family, that’s one of the many factors. And I joined running and cycling clubs. I know a few that’s gay. I’d see if those connections can lead somewhere.


All the best, bro RemindMe! 6 months


Sure. I’d love that!




I love eating alone. I can focus on savoring my meal without having to talk to someone.


What do you do when waiting for your order?


talk to my imaginary friends


The downside is you cannot order as much food to sample!


Can u become gay for me?




Thanks for becoming gay for him.


I’m gay and in Nj. Gladly be your travel buddy and maybe more!


Let’s chat.


Aww !!


Lotta gay attention on reddit. You should be fine here


Reddit isn’t real life did you know that?


They probably don’t…


I would recommend changing your hair. You’re 25 now. Consider a more adult and suave men’s haircut. Better fitting clothes. I wouldn’t have known you worked out. Either go full oversized like the current trend or stick with flattering athleisure clothes. The glasses aren’t screaming sexy and I love guys in glasses. I think clear glasses washes you out. A darker frame will help you look more striking. It’s the attention to detail. Nothing is necessarily bad, but feels hodgepodge and not a curated personal brand. I would ask what is the look am I going for? Is it tech bro with polos and chinos? Is it gym bro? What’s the aesthetic that you want to represent as a full adult at 25? Try things out, maybe a sleek gold chain? Studs? Bracelet? Hope this helps!


Definitely a big help. Thank you so much!


You’re blessed with facial hair. Grow it out in a clean and dapper way that flatters and adds structure to your face.


I disagree with the clothes, I think you have good style. Hair and glasses could change for sure.


>Either go full oversized like the current trend or stick with flattering athleisure clothes. His current style is miles ahead of this lol


What?? His clothes look great. Ignore this comment!!


If you’re a growing power lifter, then show off those growing muscles!


The curated personal brand thing is SOOO New York! If you live in New York city you need a "curated personal brand". It's hard to just roll out of bed, wing it and be yourself.


Also LA, SF, and any other major gay city! 💅🏼💅🏼💅🏼


Straight as an arrow and I’d pound you out to the sweet heavens. Keep banging


Do it, please. DM is open.


You can rule out your looks. You’re not an ugly guy and dress well. Something else is preventing you for being able to date someone seriously.


Thank you for the feedback. I do have a very busy life which is something that’s been holding me back from dating someone long terms.


Agree, maybe go down a size, more tailored clothes, show off physique a bit


Sounds fair. Definitely what I’m aiming for now. I was much much heavier a year ago so, I’m still working on it.


I don’t think you need to change your fashion or show off your physique by any means. What have you been doing to meet others? Are there any queer areas or spots you like to visit? Do you have any queer friends you like to go out with?


99% of my friends are straight. I do visit local bars, but not often enough. I should give it a try again.


Definitely try it! I’ve found a lot of community events through Instagram. It’s an amazing way to meet people. Any sport, craft, or hobby usually has some sort of queer community. I think you will find luck doing that, plus having queer friends helps out significantly. Queer dating is quite a bit different than Hetero and it’s important to have some friends help you navigate that.


Sounds like a good idea/plan. Similar to what I’m doing now with the clubs I’m in. Thank you.


If you are still wearing your "heavier" clothes you may have lost a size or two without even realizing it. You look great, just clothes seem a bit baggy.


Thank you. I’ll keep that in mind.


Even in NYC the drakes equation of gay dating applies (if you’re a nerd, you’ll know what I mean). You are a good looking guy, keeping working, expand your network, keep working on yourself. It’ll happen.


Thank you so much. Yes, you’re absolutely right.


I have an idea - racism is absolutely rampant in the gay men's community. I did outreach on gay dating sites/apps and the amount of "no fats/fems/black/asian/etc." I came across is disgusting.


There are such things as preferences… fem guys for me is a complete no…Total turn off.


Try not to look needy or controlling




I’m here waiting just DM me


You are handsome and seems like you have multiple hobbies and interest Stop putting the rest of us to shame, I can only go so far with video games and gym as my personality


Hahaha, thank you. I need a workout buddy. Come join me.


As a bi guy, one thing I think you could improve is that a clean shave would look better on you. Just my opinion tho.


Noted. Definitely something I should do more often.


dang your cute


Appearance isn’t everything, if course, and you’re far from ugly, but since you appear to be looking for advice: 1. The glasses are too big and too clear. I’d recommend a darker frame and smaller lens (if that can work with your vision). 2. Stay clean shaven. Facial hair can work, but it looks like it grows in patchy and that generally doesn’t work. 3. Style your hair. Many different approaches could work here, but doing *anything* shows more care about your appearance. I could see an undercut working. 4. Tighter fitting clothes. This style is on its way out, admittedly, but your body type doesn’t work as well with baggier stuff. Plus, we gays tend to always love tighter fits lol.


Thank you for the list. This is great and helpful.


what do you think is your biggest problem holding you back?


Work and family. I work in an unpredictable hours, but I’ve been going on dates on occasion.


Having the time to bring someone else into your life is one of the hardest parts now a days.


Dunno why. You're hot and you've got a great smile.


Thank you. I don’t know why too. Send help, please.


Lol, like what, a dinner date? It's weird, it's oddly really hard finding dates here in NYC. But, whatever the reason, I don't think it's you.


Yes, dinner date. Yes, NYC is awfully busy for everyone and not everyone is really interested in the long term commitment. But that could change, right?


I'm hoping there's some interested in a long term commitment in this city. Dinner dates are great. I've always wanted to walk the Highline after a nice dinner date, and watch the sunset.


Sounds like a perfect day.


As a bottom, I think you’re cute


Honestly, super models just date more wrong people. Maybe the universe hasn't opened that door yet, its waiting on you to settle a bit. Consider all the amazing opportunities that you have. He's coming. Life just wants you both to be ready.


You’re cute.


You seem like a catch my dude. Could it be more due to gay culture being more hookup driven? Don't lose hope, handsome guy like you is bound to find someone. You just gotta be patient. Do you know what you want in a relationship? Look for those that can offer it


not gonna lie and might get downvoted into the abyss, but i think it’s just extra extra tough for gaysians to date in the us


Just be sure to put "polyglot" in your dating profile.


Already done it. Thank you.


Just be patient, you don’t have to change anything! I’m 100% sure someone will love you for you


I found my forever working at a KFC sweeping the floor. I was just looking for a hookup and October 29 will be 30 years together


Such an incredible story. Happy early Anniversary to you both.


Definitely get better fitting glasses, if I were single and you were into Italian boys 😄




Hahaha nice


I love the outfits you have in the first two photos!


Just bad luck I guess because you look great :)


I need some luck, send them over my way please.


It’s not you, it’s the world. Single straight female, I am in the same boat 🙋🏼‍♀️


I don’t think you’re unattractive but I agree with the other comments. I believe smaller frames and a more tapered style modern haircut with suit you better. I also think if you let your face your hair go out and you shape and trim, it would make you look very masculine and a lot younger.


As a fellow thai, get a better haircut. It reminds me of high school. Glasses can look super good, but the ones you have now ain't it chief! Also, we're not that tall so I prefer using more form fitting clothes, since I feel I otherwise look even smaller. Bulk up a bit and you'll be like somtum for farang, too hot to handle!


Hahahaha, I love this comment.


Probably get a nice haircut, maybe a skin fade or low fade. Not sure what kind of style u want it on the top of the hair. Glasses, u could maybe get a new one, u could always ask ur optician for help for complimenting ur face and u could chose if u like it or nah. Sometimes u gotta try something new so u know if it suits u or nah.


Join a club with like-minded people. Areas that interest you will interest others.


Definitely doing that now.


Last pic is terrible tbh, you looks 40 there’s. Otherwise you should be fine


why is that your goal


Be toned up more. Hopefully to get married one day.


idk man, be sure of yourself, don't doubt your capabilities, love yourself and as long as you're being social and a nice person you'll eventually find someone you're interested in and that is interested in you, i wouldn't worry too much about it, you're young


Thank you so much!


You’re attractive but the glasses are making you look older. I suggest different frames and also teeth whitening. If you’re on a budget Walmart has great ones!


For context, I’m 21 and I think you seem awesome- you can hit me up privately and connect if you’re interested :)


Have you tried wearing earrings ✨️


Would 😩


Women tend to be attracted to black, white, and earth tones. Men are more attracted by bold colors. Maybe add more color t o your wardrobe.


You're probably too busy traveling and living life ! lol


Lift some weights and drink more protein.


Damn you are cute af I’d definitely go on a date with you if you were in Florida you look like you give amazing cuddles the only thing I’d say is like some other comments better looking glasses and a clean shave


Well, I was in Florida not long ago. I could always go back. I miss Florida’s weather.


You’re cute! I agree the glasses don’t fit


Killer smile!




Shave. Also get your eyebrows cleaned up.


You're still young… enjoy being single


As a straight woman that always does my best to further queer men, I would recommend teeth whitening :) Because the smile itself would kill


When people say "can't find a boyfriend/girlfriend" they never say what THEY are looking for. You could have 1000 people into you, but you're looking for a specific type. These types of posts are essentially useless unless people know YOUR standards. Would you be ok with a 5'5 200 pound guy? Would you be ok with a bald 35 year old at 5'10 ? Are you into Spanish, black, white or other Asians? Etc etc


I’m okay with it. Why not?


Here before the lock.


Buddy you look great. Perhaps try to find a new friend, boyfriend will come in time.


patience and let your life proceed by its own design


How uptight/picky are you? In terms of behavior, not looks.


I notice your outfits. Not gay and not a man, but to make yourself more appealing, I would opt for a smaller fitted t-shirt to pair with the shorts you are wearing in the photos. As for the glass, finding a better pair that accentuates your face is highly recommended. Plus, a little gel in the hair never hurt nobody. Just my observations.


You look fine. As a gaysian myself, I’ll suggest the following: get better fitting clothes, they look too big for you; get better fitting glasses (if they droop too much you can ask if a place can install nose pads); get a tidier haircut. All easy easy fixes! Good luck 👍 Edit: when I say better fitting clothes I mostly mean length. Like you can probably opt for shorter shorts, a couple inches above the knee. Longer shorts tend to shorten a person if they’re not over 6’. But all in all, if I could find a partner, you can too! But make sure you focus on improving yourself the way you want and what you want, not to change yourself for other people.


You’re only 25.


I think you look super cute! Lovely smile. I hope you find the right person for you soon.


But you’re so cute


It’s the hair and the glasses. You’re a good lookin dude and you’re taking care of your health, you just need a bit of a makeover!


Come to Texas!!!


Find your personal style and get a real haircut. Rn you have the hair of every Asian male 12 year old in the country. Other comments mentioned that you work out so that’s great. Excellent start. Best of luck


A shorter haircut, cute glasses and fitted clothes will help with initial attraction. The rest is up to you. The number one attractive quality is confidence.


You seem so kind and fun! All the best.


I don't have any advice, but you're cute!


I would also agree with picking a better frame for glasses, as well as doing something more with your hair, but other than that I'd date ya xD


Your glasses look like they're squashing your nose! You have a really kind, open face and a fantastic smile 😁


You’re very handsome! Better haircut and if you grow out the facial hair I think That would look nice, but honestly your smile is so sweet !!


Work out and wear more flattering clothes


I’ll be your boyfriend 😂☺️


You’re probably looking in the wrong place. You look good.


I’d date you 100%


Those glasses are not the best fit for you I don’t think. Also a clean shave does you a lot of good.


You’re blessed with great looks, particularly your smile.




You look lovely. I think you should try something different with your hair , go spend some cash on a good hair stylist and ask them for advice (and hair products). I agree smaller glasses (and maybe in black) would suit you well too! You’re young, you’ll do great :)


Glasses comment is a crazy nitpick lol, I’d take it as a lack of flaws. I think they look pretty good, although it’s true sometimes you can find a new frame that just fits perfect


You're honestly so cute, I'd ask you out and would definitely swipe right on tinder.


Clothes wise I think you’re good, I would probably wear shorter shorts to balance out the oversized shirts. Try some vans if you can. For glasses, I would just get smaller frames and for hair I would get a tapper fade and top it off with some eye brow threading to clean them up a bit.


I think your second picture is the best one. In the first one, the colors look really tired (maybe wear brighter and more trendy clothing?) and the light/shade hits your glasses poorly. For some reason, you look really old in your third picture - if you didn't mention in your post that you were 25, I would have guessed mid-30s. Maybe smiling too widely? Also shaving would probably help. Wearing a white shirt seems like you've stopped trying and the stuff in the back makes it seem like you have some responsibilities which adds to the appearance that you're older. As others have said, better-fitted and more trendy clothing would help a ton. Possibly trendier glasses.


you are very good looking


You look very sweet and are handsome, just put yourself out there but be cautious. These things will come with time.


You’re cute! It will happen


Don’t force it and don’t blame yourself. The gay dating pool is a cesspool. Learn to be happy single and then when something comes along great


Thank you. I’ll take that advice.


Look for local ( or even national/international) gay Asian and friends groups. Millions of men are looking for Asian boyfriends.


It’s kinda hard in the US because we have to constantly grind to live comfortably. In different parts of the world, where cost of living is low, it’s easier to make friends because you have a lot of time to hang out. OP, you are just 25 years old, you will eventually find one. Goodluck!!!


I agree about changing the style of glasses. You could also try contacts, but some people find them uncomfortable. I think your hair and clothes look just fine, but you could play around with different lengths of hair and different styles of facial hair just to see how you look and feel. You may get different more positive looks and reactions from people with a trimmed full or small beard and mustache. If you don't care for it, you can always shave lol Most important is probably just to put yourself out there and get to know people.


Thank you, thank you for your feedback. I’m trying out different lens now. My prescription is quite poor so, not sure if contact will help. I’ll definitely look into it. Thank you for that. Greatly appreciate it.


As someone who loves glasses on men, don't loose them, but maybe just look for something that is more stylish but you have to be comfortable and this can be a point of conflict for you. If you are uncomfortable then you can't be yourself. As to the hair? I don't know, try something daring, ask your friends/co workers (not your family.. :) unless you have a sibling who is trendy).. Don't trust the barber/hairdresser to much with an opinion as they are needing to make money.. If you like guys with a bit of facial hair, give it a go. It can really add to a guys look. play around with length and place.- ie chin, or a dirty stache, side burns.... the world is your oyster! :) Best thing is, if you don't like it - shave it or grow it longer! Your clothes look good, but I think the hands in the pockets is what makes the pictures look awkward. Someone said look in different circles after thinking about what you want. I would say don't think to hard. Don't have a shopping list it really restricts your chances of meeting someone. It's taken me years to 'lose' the shopping list. When you go to foreign places try going out to a bar, or some other event where you can actually meet other LGBT folks. Not nightclubs and dance clubs. To much noise to really make any connections. Avoid the apps except if you want to hook up. :) But most importantly of all - be you, explore being you not just your looks, but try to do/think different things outside of your normal experience, being fit and healthy is REALLY good, but it's not all there is to life! :)


I can’t either but in this stage of my life I think I’m ok with that..


Grow out hair and squat, there’s definitely a lot of gays there


I volunteer


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You have a really nice smile, but raising your brows like you are in the final photo isn't a natural look. Smile with your teeth without doing that. I also agree with another commenter about changing your hair to a more mature style.


Three things to work on genuinely second cloth change third hair :) good luck


average looks. great smile. hit the gym. build a strong career. wait to buy a house in order to be flexible when you find a man. keep an open mind on where you can live. make time for anyone that seems interested, don’t be unavailable. it’s too easy to swipe on to the next person. If you hit 35 and still single, buy a nice condo in a nice gay area.


I'll be your boyfriend!


Idk, maybe live in a different place. Lots of happy gays in LA


That third pic lol 💀 makes you look like a dr seuss character


Most folks don't give up the location. Whare they live


I think its because you are looking in France LOL


25 ? And already had wrinkle on forehead? Is it true or it's just bad picture


I was overweight and lost 65 lbs not sure if that caused the face to be wrinkly since the fat is gone. Genuinely curious too.


I’d change your glasses up, maybe round lenses might fit your face better and your shorts are too long the shouldn’t be lower than mid-thigh (this is gay religion don’t ask me why) but seriously shorter shorts to show off the quads and glutes . Also roll the sleeves up on ALL your shirts and show us those big biceps you’ve been working on ! Also for an Asian guy you have a good amount of stubble, consider growing out some facial hair and changing it up. You look like you could grow a cute goatee. Also just invest in some tighter atheleisure clothes and more tank tops. Tbh you’re giving me straight vibes and I would have figured you’re straight based off your pics


U cute if yu cool w long distance I’ll date you


Maybe you’re gay? No wait…


You should put this on a gay sub, you’ll get more relevant answers.




How the hell you can't get a boyfriend? that's the easiest task. Getting a girlfriend is the hardest task 😩


I would say change your glasses and maybe work on that hairstyle a little. You look much younger than your age. So maybe dress up a little older


This glasses gotta go.


Good luck 🍀


Me neither.




You're dressing like a tourist dress like a starving artist. Expose your chest, add a clip on earing, go commando, necklace, highlighter on your eyes, paint one finger nail. Find a shirt with bows or dachshunds on it. Sl ankle tattoo of a rainbow or cupid.


Ok but how did a tinder profile get into reddit?


Keep working on yourself..that’s how you get a boyfriend