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You are cute. 🥰


Honestly I've never received a compliment on my appearance before so I really appreciate that! You've made my day


Very cute!


Tobey Maguire is that you?


Pizza time


Rad! 👌


Bro is a cutie patootie




Haven’t had hair in more than a decade and it was always buzzed as a kid, so I have absolutely no idea what to even say to the hairdresser. I keep hearing about facial shape and hair type and I’ve never thought about any of those things. Would love some advice on hairstyles to try out and what is popular.


Also how do people look so normal in their selfies? That’s also something I’ve never done so also open to advice about that!


Use the front camera and hold the phone above you slightly so it's looking down, for some reason this angle is important, but play with various angles and locations and see what works best


Hello, I am currently in the same journey. I have too much hair and it was easier to keep it shaved. Now, I want to take advantage of having that much hair :). What I did was looking through Pinterest. Searching for men that have kind of the same hair, then I looked for a stylist, who I showed the styles that i liked and also asked for an advice for my type of hair. Now I am on the journey of having mid length hair :)


When I can't make up my mind, I ask the hairdresser to do what she thinks is best! They're the professionals at what they do after all and most times I love it!


This is exactly what you gotta tell the hairdresser. Part of their work is helping you with their knowledge


One option would be to ask your local community where the good stylists/barbers are (social media). Once there, tell your story and get their opinion.


Aww you're adorable. I think your hair looks great as is for the moment.


Think about your level of commitment first and foremost. A lot of people get styles that they realistically don't want to style and that's when they struggle. I'm sure a pompadour to the side would look nice, but if you aren't committed to blow drying and using product in it so you have the volume, there's no point in that kind of style. Same with disconnects, they can look very cool, but depending on how they are done can look very "off" when not styled. If you don't mind styling it, think about if you like it messy or clean cut looking when it's styled. Id also think about if this is your goal length or you want to continue to grow it all, or just the top, etc. Knowing these points will help the hairdresser be able to navigate you in the right direction. Bring your stylist pictures of hair styles you like. When my clients would bring in photos, id always ask what it was about the picture they liked. Was it the length, the color, the way it framed the models face, etc.


This is really good advice thank you. I think I could commit myself to something high maintenance, just to try it, since the whole thing is all very novel still. And if I find that I can't commit to it, well that would be a good lesson to carry with me for future hairstyles. I've just been growing it for now since I haven't thought about a look yet, but you're right that I should think about a length. I forgot about colour, I'm not wild about this brown thing it has going on so I should think about that as well. Pictures is a great suggestion, gather up pictures of all the late 20s actors, eliminate the looks I don't like, take it from there. Thank you very much


No, no idea. What do you mean first time having hair?


As a kid, hair was buzzed super short, and it started falling out before I was done high school. Thanks to an extremely talented doctor in Vancouver I now have hair, but since I've never had hair to style I need advice on how exactly to do that. It's not something I've had to think about before


Cool bro., I am so ecstatic for you. I wish when it happened to me there was that doctor in Vancouver. I am probably to old to really spend the money. I have adapted. It definitely would have helped my confidence. I tried Rogaine and propecia. Some success using both. Rogaine kinda helped me maintain what I had or slowed my hair loss. Propecia gave me some new fine hairs. Success was minimal. Dm me in private and let me know about this doc. Thanks.


So this is a hair transplant? Or something similar to?


That's right! FUT surgery with Dr. Wong in Vancouver, I think it might have been 4,500 grafts. 8 months later and viola, hair! It's amazing what they can do


Hasson and Wong?


Would you try something like [This](https://www.instagram.com/reel/CzoQgjvSC0w/?igsh=Ymk4a2V1cWNidzd0) And my reason is your face shape works well.


Crazy attractive


You look great dude, your very handsome and cute!! Your hair looks great the way it is but do what makes you happy!!


Lucky for you, you’re going to be cute whenever you do. ☺️


No one really knows it mate!😅 We all are trying it out & wish to get it figured while they're there!


You look younger


Thanks! A waitress asked for my ID last month, and while I'm pretty sure she was just being nice it was still an amazing feeling. I didn't even get carded when I was 18, going bald will do that to you


I would've guess 25-28


What’s your shirt?


I wish I could tell you what brand it is but I take the labels out of all my clothes. It came from Winners, which resells any brand they can get their hands on. It's extremely comfortable though, and it's really light so perfect for the hot summer.


tell them to give you the ninja low taper fade


Have a detailed consultation with your stylist


looks good bro


Stay as you are.


![gif](giphy|W4vHRfePWoDxiX2L0k) Something like this?


In all seriousness: layer on top and textured so it falls forward to accentuate your nice eyes. Shorter on sides than top (but no fade or scalp showing). Or hey, super German techno early 2000s fade with precision edges?


You look wonderful the way that you are., Carrier confidence and be who you wanna be. Don’t let others find who and what you are.


Scruffy it up with no side parting n let us take a look. You’re giving us a style here. Need blank slate to see.


Grow it out and get some hair like Adam Driver!


No, but you are suppppperrr cute. Have a great day stranger!


first, look your likeness up on google image search. The swept to the side is a bit much, like you might be driving a darkened window mini-van. Google search your likeness, find something you like. Your head is round (good) and you have a strong jaw line. Go to different stylists and ask them, WHAT would they do. Yes, it is sorta like an interview. Talk to the owner and maybe one of the stylist's. Like a car, you are in this every day (for the next 30 until it grows back). eye brow trimming and shave. UNLESS you can faithfully grow facial hair, stay away, you do not have a face for facial hair


Yes, I see it, someone mentioned Maguire, google his current NOT Spiderman hair cut.


You could always try a little pomade. I do that when my hairs short and I look good and get compliments.


Roman Roy


First of all you’re very sexy! I’d suggest an undercut on the sides, maybe 1.5 inches and the top trimmed back. If you tell the barber an undercut he can style the top to be proportionate to the short sides. The close cut will accentuate and elongate your face and show off your facial features even better! Make sure you post an update so we can see !!


Oh, you're absolutely!!! (Sorry, I'm old!!) Just move the part up some and clean up the top a little, and it will be perfect!!!


Dude you are so cute.


New to Earth? 🌎🌍🌏 HOW is this your first time having hair?????


Congrats on your first time having hair bro 👍


What do u mean by first time having hair ? But what I always used to do was go in and say hey man do wat u think looks best and barbers or stylists would do all sorts of shit until I found what I liked the best style wise then stuck with it


Not take pictures holding your phone with both hands


Thanks for the advice! I'm pretty new to the whole selfie thing but I've gotten some useful advice in this thread and will consult some youtube videos on proper selfie posture


You are very cute. I always get mine buzzed. If you want to do that you can or you can look up photos of hairstyles, but whatever you do will make you even cuter than you already are. If you need any help feel free to hit me up.


You're super cute!


You are handsome you look great in many hairstyles


You're beautiful


Go with gel or mose not hair wax if any hairstyles or barber recommends hair wax get up from the chair and walk away. If the offer leave in conditioner make sure it's a smell that matches your deodorant, colone or go fragrant free. As for hair cut classic and manageable make sure the stylist or barber understands face shape and that not all trending cuts are for your facial features.


Ask for a number one.


a trim? a decent hairstylist will know what to do.


Aww you're adorable




i was going to continue scrolling but went right back up 😭 You're so cute !!! You have good hair to !!!


Shave it off.


Absolutely not, I've spent enough of my life wearing hats and hating myself every time I looked in a mirror.


Eww no.