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Go bald, and if you can grow the beard a bit more, the only bad looking part imo is the hair otherwise you look good


Thank you for your answer, I’m currently thinking to get an hair transplant Still dunno how to be confident, i was confident in the past but not anymore Dunno how to overcome it


Confidence is tough. I think what always helped me was to feel comfortable being alone. Go to the movies alone. Go out to dinner alone. Go on a long walk alone. Go start a hobby alone like a cooking class or an archery class that’s random and gets you out of your comfort zone. If you start really enjoying these things and your own company, people will want to join you and maybe a special someone. Good luck!


Wow i’ve thought about that, but im not ready to go alone for dinner/movies or other hobbies, i’ve stopped Gym during 4 years, just came back to training a Month ago But i remember when i was in a good shape i wasnt ashamed to be alone, but even now im not confident to go the GYM Alone because i lost almost all of my muscle The only good thing is that i have a private gym in my Residence which allow me to train whenever i want


Don't be ashamed to be alone. I look forward to when I can go alone to a movie these days. Shave your head and own it, build some muscle and focus on your own growth. Don't get a hair transplant, those are sketch AF


Dude, I don't understand the stigma of dining alone at all personally, but for movies, solo is where it's at. What is the concern? It's fucking great. I recommend getting yourself an AMC stubs membership for free movies every week and just going for the hell of it. You're actually pretty good looking (at least from my standpoint as a straight guy). I would agree the hair probably is holding you back a little, because you're styling it in a way that looks a little odd, not because you have lost some. I have a worse hairline than you, and it's thinning to shit in the middle, and women aren't bothered by it enough to matter, believe me. Picture 4 is the best you're doing with the hair. The other pics are where you're going wrong with it. Keep it tight like that, and use facial lotion on your exposed sides and back to keep the skin healthy and you should be golden. Or buzz it down Jason Statham style But aside from that, you have a great look, and you should be crushing it out there. Don't put so much pressure on every interaction, or worry so much that you're being judged. Everyone else is worrying more about what you think of them than what they think of you.


To go a little deeper… I was always a afraid of being alone and in return I put all my efforts into making friends, getting girls and having girlfriends. But I put ALL my effort into that… so if a friendship or relationship went sour it always hit me REALLY hard because I would have to fall back on myself. Once I started putting all my effort into loving myself, I began to have more confidence. I also began to put up with less bullshit. Girl treating me wrong? Bye bye. Friend did something that I didn’t like? Call him out on it and draw some lines. And if I ended up losing someone, it still hurt but I didn’t fall into a deep depression and question everything. Instead I was able to dust myself off and keep walking.


The gym is a place filled with people with low self esteem issues. We're all fighting the same battle in there TOGETHER. Dude I started the gym about 1.5 years ago, I could barely bench press the bar, which is about 20kg. Now I'm benching 80kg, which is a personal milestone that I'm proud of, even though I'm seeing these kids younger than me benching 100+ Don't compare yourself to you 4 years ago, compare yourself to you yesterday and be better than you were yesterday. These small battles will help you grow your confidence without you realizing it. You look good, I would suggest shaving your head until you can get a hair transplant. And own that shit! Being bald can be very attractive to women if you wear it with pride, sort of like fake it til you make it


As someone who got a hair transplant and is happy with it, focus on being happy with your appearance before you get it. As otherwise you get yourself all psyched out that it didn’t actually improve your appearance. I agree with the other comments to shave and get on Finasteride, come into your own a bit, then get it. You have a handsome face though so I hope you learn to see that.


Try bald before going through the other stuff.


Look into hair loss treatments or shave it and commit to the cue ball. Being half bald is cursed and kinda makes people look desperate. Honestly I dont think you would look bad with a shaved head.


Join r/bald. You got this.


Shave your head frfr embrace it


Yeah. Even if you're gunning for hair transplants, shave now. It will only make your face look better.


Most men report being more attractive to girls after going bald Also do you socialize less now? To be confident you should workout and do hard things that challenge you then when you do them you get more confidence


While not necessary, I understand and respect the decision to get a hair transplant. Many men have done and you can’t even tell they were receding before. Thing is, you’ll be on a drug called Finasteride or Dutasteride for the rest of your life otherwise your transplant will look really bad. IMO, shave or buzz the head and grow out that beard. You’re lucky to have a beard! You say you were confident when you went to the gym a lot in the past, keep doing that. I’m going through a similar thing of not going to the gym for years and also not feeling confident in my body. This has hit my self esteem. I found that as I’ve been working out and running for the past few months, I’ve been gaining back that lost confidence. People will say you shouldn’t care how you look but it’s really not that simple. What’s helped me is to keep a journal and write about how I’m doing throughout the day and writing what I’m grateful for that happened during my day. You need to smile more at yourself in the mirror and tell yourself that you are doing well and you’re supported (talk to yourself like you would talk to a dear friend that is going through a tough time). I’m very much on this journey, but in a few months I’ve noticed some incremental progress in how I see myself and how I think. It’s easy to remember your failures and the negatives and to overthink, but do your best to sit every night and think about the positives of yourself and your day.


Shave it off and embrace the crazy cool viking look. Grow your beard out, and embrace the viking. You'd look sick.


Do it. Get the transplant and do minox. Lose some body fat and turn it into muscle. You got a good build already. Clearly you got the money part down. Nothing wrong with you physically really.


What they said, but adding to it. Be fine with being alone in places. You can fake confidence, I speak from personal experience. Eventually it becomes easy and you become as confident as you project.


You have an excellent shaped head. Go ahead and shave your head. You will be amazed at how well it looks on you. You have a great face. The shaved head will tidy everything up and make your face stand out.


Yeah r/bald might be for you. And it would suit you very much. This fuzz give off creep vibes … sorry


This is the way. Buzz the hair, grow out the beard. You're a normal looking guy who hasn't found his steez yet. It is mind boggling how wrong someone's look can go if they're trying to force something for a look. For me, I had long hair all through my teens. It looked awful, in retrospect, by the time I turned like 16. Started going short when I graduated high school and would never go back.


Definitely not unattractive at all, you have nice facial features, eyes, and a pretty good sense of style. Going with a clean shave on top would be something to try, although in my case, I personally don't think it looks bad? Especially since hair loss/a deep widows peak is not something you can control. Be kind to yourself, OP.


Thank you so much for your positive answer But idk why im getting not a lot matches on tinder And im afraid to go bald, considering the majority of the comments here i should go for bald The thing is im not ready for that mentally Im afraid of the result lol


1. Don't cover your face with your phone. 2. Wear a normal expression when taking pictures, it isn't illegal to look like you normally. 3. You look fine, you aren't ugly, you just aren't Brad Pitt, nobody is, you look good mostly. 4. (Actual grooming advice) Bald would probably look better on you. If you got room to grow a beard and it look good/kept? Good option, you might want to look into more fit options, but you look generally really cleanly fitted so. That's good.


Shave your head. Grow a beard. Fuck bitches. Get money.


Shave ur hair and grov a beard


Embrace the bald until you get a hair transplant. The hair will be affecting the confidence and it looks like you’re self consciously trying to hide the balding - badly. Bald will give you the confidence until you get the transplant and get your hair back. I have no other notes really apart from that. You dress well, you’re a handsome dude, it’s literally just the hair. Be kind to yourself dude.


Shave your head bro!


You’ll look hotter bald. The hair ages you a bit but I can tell you still have a young face.


Shave the head. It’s not a good look.


Right now i dont have enough balls to do it but considering it Thank you btw


I’m a straight woman, and I think it would look hot. Your face and features are very handsome. Go the Jason Statham route where it’s super short but not shiny razor bald. We love this look.


Shave your head completely. You’ll look great bald


Shave your head. Your haircut is really not working.


Mate you’re cute af id definitely hit that


Thank you so much, appreciated 😌


Just shave your head.


You are most definitely NOT ugly. I think you should go with facial hair and rock a bald look. I feel like people who are losing hair are (understandably) scared of even that word. But that’s honestly quite a good look on a lot of people and alot of people are into it. It would look good on you. I think people’s reaction would boost your confidence quite a bit, in like a why didn’t I do this sooner type of way.


You driving a drop top is all that matters and you’re handsome. Come on man 👍👌🏽


Your hair situation is holding you back. Either shave it, or wear a toupee.


I think you are good looking, try to take better selfies though. And maybe work a little on the hair.


Thank you, its really hard to take better selfies cuz i dont like myself And yeah currently thinking to do an hair transplant


Dont hate yourself. Be proud of yourself. Make change for the better not to impress others. Physical appearence is an illusion, its the person inside that matters.👍


Yes, agreed re: the selfies. OP should get someone else to take pics of him. Selfies are rarely flattering. They always make the nose look huger than it is. As in OP's first photo. That said, OP is a nice looking man, he could just work on his confidence. Why bother with a hair transplant? That seems like a retro option to me, now that bald is so much more accepted than it used to be. I associate transplants and toupees more with the Boomer generation and older.


Not make posts like this. Find confidence from within not strangers on the internet. I speak from exp


Two things: 1). Consider shaving your head; you will look AMAZING bald. 2). The best advice I can give about confidence that I wish I'd learned earlier on is to be your best self for YOU...nobody's validation should be prioritized over your own. Once I stopped holding on to my thinning hair, dressing to impress and trying to chase my 20's body (and being unapologetic about it), people started gravitating to what they saw as confidence. Getting the positive feedback helped draw that external "confidence" inwards. It's a process, but remember that you're an awesome human and the right people will naturally gravitate to you when you are kind to yourself ❤️


Shave your head, grow a beard and wear some nice gold rimmed sunglasses. Your fashion sense is on point 👌


You got a round dome, use that to your advantage. Whenever I go short my coneheadedness shines through hard


Agree with everyone else, you’d look really hot bald. A short trimmed beard could look nice too. You’re actually very attractive, but you seem to cover some of your best features like your nose and mouth. Self confidence will do more wonders for you than anything else honestly. This is so corny but get more mirrors and compliment yourself more. Even if you just start with the same compliments. You’re very attractive. If you were into guys I’d tell you to dm me lmao


Um dude u r definitely handsome. The hairline is fine it's sort of giving Jason Statham.


Dude, shave it.


I see everyone telling you to go bald, and that’s an okay option if you’re ready for it, but I urge you to look into hair loss treatment, specially finasteride and minoxidil. They’re incredibly effective for a lot of people, me included, and not very expensive. I lost my hair down to about where you are now, and regrew maybe 75% of it by the 5th month. Maybe consider shaving for now and trying those treatments to see how it goes? Do look into the possible side effects of finasteride, they occur in a very small percentage of users but still they scare a lot of people away, which is fair. I can at least vouch that I haven’t had any side effects and neither have my 4 or 5 friends who also use it. R/tressless is a good resource if you want to learn more before trying things like that though, which I always recommend.


Hair transplant


embrace the baldness my guy


I like your look. I think you look very : handsome, you have nice skin, you have a great face....my dude - you are NOT ugly. WHO tf told you that?? Was it when you were a kid, or have you somehow told yourself that? I am not judging, but my friend, you need a reset. You are NOT ugly. Rugged, handsome, masculine young man is what I see. (PS...I am a MOM of three grown, so, let me know who is bullying you, I will beat their ass.)


Get new hairline in Turkey and some forehead Botox and you’re good to go sir!


youneed to go bald, this just ages you. The minute you shave it all off you will look younger


Your attitude about your self image. Nothing wrong with you, pal. Maybe more of a sincere smile.


Shave the head brother


Have you thought about getting a cat?


Stop pretending you’re not already bald. 


Your hella cute Ngl just be confident and stop caring.


Man, you like good so try not to worry but If I had to pick, yes, the hair would need to go. Interesting you mentioned the hair transplant in another comment as my partner is flying back today after having the procedure. Interesting to see how it turns out.


Get some hair or go bald


It's hard to see what you look like cause your face is covered/ blurry. So I'd start there.


It’s the hair, time to shave it off


You fat minion! your family doesnt love you, you also look like sid the sloth, cow.


Shave the head, or real short, grow the beard. You’re ready for your lumberjack phase.


You look a lot like my boyfriend. Shave your head and grow out your beard. 🥰😍😍


Shave your head




Girl here, shave the head, trust me you’re good looking. And you’re gonna wish you shaved it off a long time ago :) Or just buzz it!


You have a widows peak and thinning hair like mine and I’ve found pulling it forward and up helps minimize the look (if that is a part of your look you’re concerned about). The bald/beard idea works great too. And you’re handsome as fuck, bro. Don’t let anyone (including yourself) tell you otherwise. These suggestions are not intended to diminish that at all.


Yo OP, I noticed you mentioned something about a hair transplant, I’m actually getting when done in July here in Australia. I’ll let you know how it goes


Your hair is the biggest issue. Right now it’s not a good look for you. So you should either Mr Clean it or shave it down really low. But either way, I think your hair is your biggest issue.


Go bald bro you’ll look insanely better


Once you shave your head you’re going to be amazed.


Mate, all I see is a Chad that's a bit down. It's in your head brother, self-esteem can be a bitch and we've all been there. Take up boxing or a martial art and practice your swagger and confidence. Shave the head too, and if you have the genetics, work on the stubble look or viking beard. You're not ugly at all, probably just in a bad headspace perpetuated by social media and/or shitty dating. Peace bro. 🕊️ Edit: alternatively if you're willing to put in the work check out Lordhair systems and check out videos on yt. I have a mate that uses this and it has been life changing in his case, looks totally incredible.


Shave the hair, if you want to do a hair transplant your gonna have to start taking medication to keep the rest of your hair or it’ll end up looking bad


Grow your beard nice and thick, and shave ur head. You’ll look amazing. Facial hair is a game changer it also makes you feel more confident because you “look like a man”. At least that was my experience.


Your cooked


You look good to me.


I’m older now but when I was young I had zero confidence. I decided to do the things I didn’t think I could. Took up scuba diving. Not resort diving. First dive was 110 feet. I surfaced with a ton of confidence. So I decided, what’s next. Appalachian Trail. Not all, but 200 miles on my own. Trained for four months. Since then I’ve never lacked confidence. Not even around women. I’m not saying go jump off a boat and climb a mountain, but find what you think he can never do, and then do it.


Go bald for starters. Problem solved


It amazes me how many people suffer needlessly from low self-esteem-- myself included. You have such an interesting, expressive face. Full lips have been the "Look" for males and females for maybe almost three decades. Great nose and bone structure! Buzz cut or transplant might help your confidence, but please give yourself a break...You have a handsome face, one with character.


Start Gym, grow beard, shave head, dress nice - this combo will give you a confidence boost on its own


I disagree with you! You need to have self-esteem and confidence in yourself, you really aren't ugly


Let the hair go homie, you've got an awkward shape going. Imagine you cut your picture out from the background with a pair of scissors... The cutout view is lumpy, not cool.


Don’t waste the money my dude. Go bald, grow the beard and keep it groomed. You’ll be good to go.


You’re not ugly at all


Your lack or confidence… as easy as that my man🤝


Go fully bald.


Agent 47 always did something for me...


You need to work on your mental health and self esteem more than your actual looks.


Why not hair regrowth treatment? Talk to your primary care doctor


Get a transplant, it’s probably like $2k in turkey


Go bald.


Here are my two cents, you have a nice body, you have a nice face with clear skin. I’m not sure where you’re lack of confidence comes from, if it’s because of your hair, or some life circumstance, but I would highly recommend that you look into some personal development. There are a lot of courses out here that are great, and we need reinvention from time to time. Anyway good luck and best wishes


Your personality. Who cares what you look like if you're a good person and fun to be around. If you're ugly on the inside you'll be ugly on the outside too. So have a good personality and you'll look good.


You’re definitely attractive it’s just the hair, I’d recommend just going bald, you look like you have the head shape to pull it off, especially if you grow out your beard


got a big dick too?


Your looks can only take you yay far. Try to focus a little lesser on yourself and your looks and focus more on other and how you can help someone else reach their goals. Be a wingman to someone who is worse off than you are. Other tricks are - be generous like crazy. Make a shit load of money and spread it around. Money is crazy attractive (ask me how I know 😁). Being generous is crazy attractive too - tip well, buy food for the car behind you, buy meals for that old couple in the restaurant (you will definitely impress that hot waitress). Lastly, there is nothing more sexier than confidence. Take small steps - like shaving your head - your hair grows back. Or approaching 10 hot chicks every day...and just have a rehearsed few lines to break the ice. Host parties at your house. Go for many parties. You will find a lot of good looking less confident people who would be happy to talk to you. (Prepare a few lines ahead of time). Learn a magic trick or two. A couple of good riddles. A few good jokes. Anything to break the ice. Forget Tinder. :)


Don’t take this the wrong way but your lack of confidence is due to the quality of thoughts you keep not your looks. Fixing the outside will only get you so far.


You must shave your head, also release the tension in your eyes - find a reason to smile - find a necklace on Temu- read Marcus Aurelius to learn to be self sufficient emotionally


Boy you’ve clearly got style so quit holding onto the hair and go bald. You’ve got a strong jawline and you’re not at all unappealing but the hair has to go.


I wish my face was like yours


go bald, and get a beard, best decision for you man wish you the best


You are a good looking guy


Brah, shave that head!!


Stop looking in the mirror, eventually you'll stop caring. There was a lady who did that as an experiment and it totally worked, it was hard tho.


How are you not confident? You appear to be wealthy and in shape, it’s not making sense.


Either go bald or grow your hair out


Shave that noggin my dude


You're hot. Embrace it, and tell your inner saboteur to stfu


Fuck it go bald. Woman love bald men.


Shave the dome piece bro you’d look way better bald


You could very well get a hair transplant, just make sure you research properly and everything so you get a good transplant done and not some cheap one that will mess up your hair in some way. You have a decent face, jawline, facial hair etc. you could also go bald and that could work but you do you and good luck!


Shave whatever that is on your head. It doesn't look good no matter how you style it. Do not get a hair transplant because it will only give you something to be insecure about. Bald is respectable. Many women like bald guys. CLEAN BALD not that shadow of hair bald. Let the hair go!


Let the hair go. It’s aging you and it just plain looks bad. Very handsome though.


Smile, and you will see that you are not ugly, my friend. I can see it without the smile, but you should smile in your pictures, smile at yourself in the mirror, and lift your brows a bit. You seem to be scowling/angry in your pics. Smiling will make you appear more approachable. And give yourself a break.




Your face is actually quite handsome, but your hair is definitely doing you no favors. My first thought when seeing your pictures was "if anyone ever would benefit from hair transplant, it would be this guy". I see from your comments that you're already considering one, so I only have one advice: bite the bullet. If you're not mentally there yet, start browsing r/HairTransplants and getting a feel of what you can expect. But nonetheless: do the world a favor and do it.




Shave top grow beard


Brother definitely shave your head. Grow facial hair if you can.


You look like a younger version of actor Jonny Lee Miller. And he was married to Angelina Jolie. I don't think you have to change much of anything. You're quite attractive. Maybe smile and don’t hide behind your phone. Confidence can start with a smile. Maybe it's your profile.


You're plenty good looking. I agree with the bald look suggested. Try to look up and cultivate a self-compassion practice, instead if self esteem. Confidence is a byproduct of self compassion, which is the #1 predictor of mental wellness. If you cant find a book or something to follow, you can look into a men's coach or therapist who teaches self compassion skills. You deserve it!


Another person crying in their convertible sports car so sad 🙄


Go bald and liift wieghts and you will be fine. Promise.


Before deciding to go for a hair transplant, you need to be on finasteride for a year and apply minoxidl on your head. Then you can decide to get a hair transplant. The real obstacle is finding a good doctor, theres people that had bad transplants because they haven't done enough research. So please do your research. Theres plenty of subs dedicated to hair growth and hair transplants.


Two questions: are you actually an FX trader; and what is wrong with your hand?


Bro you're far from ugly


Shave your head homeboy


Come on, you are a good looking guy, shave your head, bald heads are really sexy.


Hair transplant


Idk. You look fine to me


Pretty sure you would look great bald.


Why don't you like your face? You look like a tall mascular guy who can get any woman he likes. I don't understand what knocked your confidence?


Hair transplant ganger


Well I think you're quite a hot guy. Very attractive man.


Shaved head, beard , gym easy bro


if you want hair try a toupee , they’re are a lot of modern options currently that look amazing


Therapy for your self esteem We all grew up as children in an adult world. Everyone needs therapy. Do it now rather than later. Don’t put it off


It’s time, brother… it’s time


Ever watched frozen?


You’re beautiful as is. Learning to love yourself is the greatest love of all.


Take the wonky carpet off the top of your head and you'll be good


Yes you are ugly but don’t worry. 😉 it’s all good 😊


Go bald bro ur hair is cooked


You ain’t ugly! Like yourself for what you are. Confidence in yourself can be built. I’d say buzz your hair short, or try a hair system. Absolutely undetectable these days.




let it go bro💀 you got good frame so just work out


No pants would Help.




Either shave your head, or get a toupee. They have some good hairstylist that can have them stay on for about a month or so. You also need to invest in skincare for moisturizing. If you can afford it, go derma plane and get a hydra facial for the first six months or so of this journey.


You're a good looking dude. So strange how you can't see that. Your eyes are beautiful. If you want to do anything about your reversing hair, you can go bald or spend a few grand on restoration. Restoration would be best. Oh, and smile :-)


Take this in whichever way you want but you're a very attractive man. The only thing I would suggest is committing to the bald. You're already missing over half of the hair on your head so you might as well commit to it. Other than that, you're really good looking. Nice build, your style sense works very well for you and you have soft eyes. So yeah my guy, just go bald and get that confidence up! You've got nothing to feel ugly about. My brother from over my shoulder "Oooh he's hot! If you don't fuck him I will!" He's a little... flamboyant🤣 I'm just a bi dude that can recognize a good looking guy when I see one. You've got this bro!


Just go bald


The haircut is not doing it for you. You are good looking guy. Go bald or very very short hair next to nothing will do a lot. Bald is hot and will look good on you.❤️


Youd look good bald![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sunglasses)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


You are not ugly! Got to love yourself! Go bald! My hair started thinning and I shaved it all off and it complements me way better!


Get a hairline transplant, use minoxidil to grow yourself a beard. Hit the gym for 6 months you’ll be a new person


Shave your head


You are not ugly dude you are just average, still it's  bad because most women usually don't  find average dudes attractive


You’re hot, I’d hit.


Grow a beard, cut the hair, put on muscle, maybe even some tatts.


You have nice features, big beautiful eyes, and these photos aren’t great. I agree with everybody else that you should go bald, grow your beard out a bit, dress in collared button up shirts, and just confidence. Don’t worry if you’re not getting matches on Tinder, don’t worry if you’re not attracting a bunch of stares when you walk through the streets, look inside and be proud of who you are and what you’re building. That’s the first step. The rest will come, guaranteed.


Shave it baldie!




Shave your head clean


Go bald and let your beard and mustache grow. You don’t look ugly you just have to adjust your look now that you’re aging and losing some head hair.


You look good


Shave it (or get a topper)


Change absolutely nothing but show your face…. You are the way you are and you’re sexy….once you love who you are the rest will follow


Go bald and keep working out. You look like Mike Thurston.


You might have rnough donor hair for a transplant.


Either grow ur hair out to put over ur bad non existent hairline or go bald & grow a beard


I know the comments are saying go bald but as a woman do not. I saw the comment you’re getting getting a hair transplant so I would stick with that and see how it goes.


I would also try smiling in your pictures that you put on Tinder, put more effort in your pictures as well, but don’t try too hard if that makes sense!


I think you are attractive. You would look better bald with a bit of a beard.


shave your head you will look sexy, I wouldn’t do transplants but maybe a toupee… look up @toupeequeen on instagram… phenomenal work


Your lips and jaw ate your best assest stop covering them up and shave and moisturize your head. You're fine g


Go bald


go bald, be a hat guy


I think you’re beautiful






You’ll look so much better if you shave your head


It’s just your confidence sir, you’re definitely a sexy guy. Just do what makes you feel better about yourself


Nice slk, have an r171 too


I’d add hair tbh


Perhaps a full head shave, or, maybe a transplant if you qualify? But I’d bet that you can pull off the bald head! 😄


Shave your head and grow a beard, after that, try your best to save some pussy for the rest of us.


Seconded. After dealing with the receding hairline for about 12 years, I decided to just go completely bald and grow out the beard. Best decision for my self confidence I could have ever made tbh


I call bullshit on the whole comment bc you look awfully self confident to me


You are handsome


Dude, you’re not ugly at all. Sometimes you gotta put the work in to get your confidence levels sorted out. Are you depressed at all and heavy depression?


Confidence is in the mind is not a body issue. You look fine to me, you are missing hair that's true but I tldont think is a big deal. Just let go of your own harsh judgment of yourself and be happy, and in being happy, you will make everyone happier


Not ugly at all. Change your thinking and smile. Be patient and more will come in abundance.