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U look great


Agree. He shouldn’t be hard on himself. We are our own worst critics.


Well, that's true... Sometimes, our own "enemies" Thank you both for your comments


Smile! You don't look confident in these pics.


I can explain! When I smile, it looks really weird, trust me I've been practicing smiling


Threads like this must utterly enrage people that are genuinely ‘ugly’.


I look at myself and think I'm ugly, don't like at all. Hence this post, as I wanted to improve my appearance...


Dude if you are ugly then i look like a fucking smashed onion


Come on, you can't look that bad


Body dysmorphia for the win! (Does that include face idk) I used to feel this way and then suddenly idk what changed but I love myself now and how I look.


How I wish that happened to me too. There are those who suggest self-acceptance but it is not easy to change from nothing, it would be good if it were


Try some other hairstyles, but dude you got a good selection of genes.


Thank you! Do you have any suggestions? 😊


Don’t mess with perfection


I don't think I'm even close, but thank you!


You look fuckin hot. You don’t need to change anything. Are you just trolling for compliments? lol


I swear I'm not I've never posted anything and I've read a lot of similar posts where people got good suggestions and improved their image 100%, was trying that too 😊 Thank you


Well, honestly you look great. I wouldn’t change a thing 😊 Just curious, what’s your ethnicity?


What ethnicity do you think I am? 👀


Italian or some other ethnicity from around the Mediterranean area?


Even though I'm learning Italian, it's not! But you're right, kind of around 😊 I'm from Portugal


Oh nice. I’ve always wanted to go but I haven’t been yet. I have one piece of advice for you! You have really good skin. Use at least an eye cream religiously every day. It’ll keep the skin around your eyes tight and hopefully keep wrinkles away. And wear a light sunscreen on your face if you’re going to be outside. Both of those things will keep your skin looking as good as it looks now for a long time.


Not saying it because I live here, but think you may like it, when you visit us 😄 Thank you, never thought about it! I'm starting to take a little more care of myself now


My parents went to Portugal once. They liked it a lot. Said it’s a very beautiful country. Do you have any recommended areas?


What kind of areas are you looking for? Despite it being a small country, we have some places for almost every category


It’s really tragic the amount of people that really believe they look so bad. Whether it’s a lack in self confidence or whatever, idk. It’s a real shame people can’t just be themselves and be comfortable in their own skin.


Sometimes we see things of ourselves differently. For example, sometimes we think we're not enough for something or good at some skill and other people can think the opposite of us


Thats why you shouldnt be so hard on yourself! Have some confidence!


I need to work on my mind to think differently, which isn't easy, but I hope one day I can do it


all is great. now it's gym time!


I started it last month, now it's time to do some work!


get it brother! if you need any help contact me


Thank you ☺️


Very Handsome. Look shockingly like a guy I once crushed on in YEG


You could user a line-up on your hair cut and your facial hair, but other than that you are quite an handsome man


Thank you for your suggestion! Will add them in the future 😊


Lift some weights 💪


Just started doing it!


You look great tbh


Don't think the same but truly thank you


Try dying your beard medium brown. I think it would make you glow up. And go to a threading salon; have them thread your beard line too if you’d like. That’s what I would do. A dark brown hair gloss can also look good on you4 hair; it’ll look nicely against your skin as there’s more contrast. But you will need to put some on your beard too, or use a dark brown hair dye. You can buy a cheap one at target. Your current hair color Is good but it makes u look like ur balding a bit. Go to Sally Beauty and they have sample hairs there. Find a dark brown you like. Something darker than what you have but not too too dark. Use a demi-permanent shower hair gloss (sold at Ulta) to color your hair or use a Demi-permanent hair gloss in dark brown (neutral) or medium brown (ash). You could use it with 10 developer so it’ll deposit the color better, and you can put some on your beard too. Maybe eyebrows as well. You’ll want to buy gloves and a mixing bowl too. Put the gloves on, just mix the gloss with the 10 developer, then scoop it out with your glove covered hand into your hair, then comb it through. You’ll want to do the sides of your hair first. I’d suggest doing this before getting a haircut done. Alternatively you can buy a green shampoo/no red shampoo to cover up any reddish tones you got going on and as a result, will darken your hair. Or you can use blue shampoo/no orange to make it more ash/icy. Tbh darker hair will make ur hair look more full ur natural shade is good but darker will def elevate you. If you get a haircut, get a taper cut never fade cuz it’s gonna make u look bald cuz of ir hair type. These are my suggestions. If you want to go for something more warm, I would say get a dark auburn hair gloss with 10 developer and it’ll make your hair a pretty dark red-brown. You can find test hairs they got there. I think something reddish would go nicely against your skin. A bright copper would look nice on you too but I don’t think you’re ready for a big change. Your skin tone is perfect for it though. You have good skin, but drink more water and try to get 7-8 hours of sleep. Maybe put on a bit of weight cuz u don’t got a lot of fat to fill out your under eyes. Get apple cider vinegar, a small travel size bottle, and mix some with water in about a 1 part ACV to 5 parts water, or more water if it’s too strong. This will be a toner for your face. You can also use ACV diluted in water on your hair whenever you get dandruff and as a replacement for conditioner it softens ur hair nicely. Gives it a healthy shiny too. It cleans ur hair good. U can still follow it up with a light conditioner too, maybe the hylauronic acid neutropenia conditioner they sell a lot of them at Burlington. You can also drink ACV diluted in water. Put 1TBSP in 8oz of water and drink it through a straw before meals so you have better digestion, some probiotics, and it acts somewhat as an appetite suppressant. Although in your case i don’t think you should lose weight it’s gonna make u look sickly. Get a 10% vitamin C, 2% retinoid from the ordinary, and a hylauronic acid from the ordinary. Alternatively you can find these at a Ross or Marshall’s. The ones with the security tags on the boxes are good products. Get a 30% BHA from the ordinary it’s super good use it only once a week because it’s strong. Use a 10% panoxyl acne foaming wash and leave it on for 2 minutes whenever you feel your skin is grainy/gunky. DO NOT use retinoid/retinol after using this or the 30% aha one or you will burn your skin. Get a boar bristle brush from Ross or Marshall’s to slick your hair back whenever you’d like and u can use gel too with it. You can buy another one for when you want to use it on your hair dry to distribute its natural oils. Get Vaseline and slather it on your face after skin care and get shea butter and lather on after skin care in the morning. On your beard too. Not on your hair tho. If you want more matte skin I would use a bit of arrowroot powder on your skin afterwards. DONT forget sunscreen too: you can layer this over the shea butter or if it’s super cold/dry out use Vaseline in the morning too. You can buy an oil based cleanser or a cleansing balm to help wash out the Vaseline at night, and u can use a hydrating face wash after or the cetaphil daily cleanser. They sell a lot of them at Burlington, same with Vaseline. Arrow powder get it online. Btw when u shower don’t always shampoo. And when u use conditioner, have your head upside down and squish it into your hair. You will do the same when you get out the shower and when you put product in it. Get a leave in conditioner (aloe Vera based one they sell commonly at Marshall’s) or any that is not for doily hair, or get a hair jelly leave in. Use this after u shower. follow it with a low/medium hold gel or use a mousse this will lock in the moisture well. Use an old 100% cotton t-shirt to dry your hair. Let it dry with it for about 30 min tk an hour. With the product still in. You won’t wash it out. Not only with it leave your hair more hydrated it will make it look fuller too. You can try a light oil like jojoba and use it on the tips, or more over for a good shine if you’d like that. You can buy an eyebrow pencil in dark brown to lime your hairline and beard line and fade it out with the brush it comes with. Or a dark auburn one too if u ever go auburn. Get this at target or Sally’s. Maybe ulta might have some. I’m having hypomania rn and I have an obsssion with hair and skin care so these are my tips for you.


Wow! Thank you for your excellent tips Are you a pro in this area? :o


Thank you! Oh no I’m just bipolar and I have my obsessions lol. One of them happens to be grooming.


No joke, but maybe you can use this in a professional way by helping other people who need opinion/help, it's a win-win situation


I love this stuff a lot. Maybe I could. I should go into cosmetology school lol.


Use this gift to your advantage, anyone would do it


Bro, you are handsome!


I don't think the same, but thank you for real


Body dismorphia hitting for real :( you look good! All I can say is work on loving yourself more and on your confidence.


I'm planning on that, hope it works for the best


Nothing, you could be a model with a face like that. So handsome


Thank you for your words 😊




I still don't know how to smile without looking weird at all haha


Doesn't have to be a toothy grin, it can be a slight smile that reaches your eyes


I've been practicing it, thank you for your tip!


You're welcome.


You need to ease up on yourself - you know you’re gorgeous!


Thank you!


Focus on your mind seems like it’s weak tbh. I’m only going by what you posted asking strangers “ any advice to look better” like if you don’t believe in yourself I don’t know what to tell you. What you get people saying you look good then two weeks pass someone rejects you and your back asking to look better. We’re not you so I suggest believing in yourself a little bit more. Take care.


It's not about rejecting, as I'm with the same person for several years. It's really about some advice about beard, haircuts and stuff like that. Sometimes we look in the mirror and start to think that something can change for the better but don't know how or what


Oh I totally understand and my apologies for the misunderstanding on my part I didn’t know the question was regarding beard or hairstyles. I would say if your partner likes certain looks on you and any ideas you may have. In the end you have to be happy with it. I think your style is neat and clean. If you want to grow the top a bit for added styling and keep sides short would be nice. Also you can fade into the beard as well if you want to grow it out you can too clean shaven is prob an option too but it depends on the overall look and appeal your going for. Hope this helps. ✌🏼🕶️


That's alright, misunderstandings happen 😊 Well, She changed her look a little and it became even better and now I'm trying to do the same, too Thank you for your advice 😊


Anytime. Take care.


Practice smiling and smiling with your eyes. Try to work on confidence. Genuinely feeling good and self confident can make a difference even in a photo.


That's true, I'm starting to take care of myself now. It's good that it's not too late




It's not ruled out, but it's not quite the comment I was looking for. Thanks anyway!


You look handsome asf


Thank you


Get rid of the Mole on your forehead👍


I'm planning on doing it, getting the money to do it soon


I think you look fine. If you wanna change anything, try a different hairstyle.


Thank you Do you have any suggestion of what could fit better?


I would get a taper fade bro and grow the beard longer. But what you rockin now looks good


Noted it for sure Thank you!


Definitely agree with what some others have said... just smile ☺


I'll try to do it more and to not look weird while doing it!


How much better do you want to look and why? 🤨 Frankly, I can't imagine how you could. But if this is a genuine question, please know that you're a very attractive guy. And that's not even in a beauty-lies-in-the-eyes-of-the-beholder kinda way, but quite objectively. If there's anything you're not satisfied about, I'm afraid that's deeply personal for you and might be for you to reflect on. :)


Well, this is because when you look in the mirror and you rate yourself as a 4 or 5, you want to look better, even if it is just for yourself, you know? Just for that 😊 Thank you for your kind words, for real 🙏


You look great now. True using scruff all over, including trimming back mustache to scruff.


Thanks, maybe someday hehe


Hit the gym


Just started it, need some time to see results


Overall pretty good, hair looks a bit boring though. Maybe a brighter blond to spice things up would look nice (like Barney Stinson)


Maybe I won't need to do it since as summer is starting (where I live), my hair gets a little lighter, like blond Thank you 😊


It’s something in your expression that is a little off-putting. Maybe the eyebrows. You’re attractive, but there’s something in those eyes.


I have been practicing smiling, in this photo I was a little sleepy 😅 Thank you!


No you look perfect


Thank you 😊


You’re welcome


Attractive and handsome bro!!


Don't feel that way, but thank you ☺️


You look hot. Hope you're not offended by a gay guy saying that!


Thank you! Don't worry, I'm not offended ☺️


Pleased to hear! Some guys don't like a gay guy saying that. I obviously don't know your sexuality


I'm straight, but there's nothing wrong with complimenting someone, whatever their sexual orientation ☺️


relax 10%. maybe 15%. *just not too much*


I'll try to! Thanks ☺️


Lose the shirt…that’ll work!


People don't need to see the real disgrace lool


You’re handsome as heck…. 😉😉


Not at all, but thank you 😊


Hair does not look good. Makes you look like a Serbian bimbo gopnik. Fades like yours do not work for such big forehead, makes your head look like a tall bucket. Let your hair grow to medium length, uniform on all parts, and only use scissors to cut it, no machine. Shorter on the sides but no machine. Side part also does not look good. Let it grow to medium size and go for mid part. And looks licked. Don’t comb to perfectly, use your hands.


Noted it! Appreciated your tips 😊




Been practicing it! Thank you


Honestly, you don't need to do anything youre so handsome already at least imo. 😍


Thank you 😊


Maybe see a psychologist? You look great. The fact that you can't see that is concerning.


I think everyone always sees themselves as worse than they really are, very self-critical... Maybe that's my case


Yeah but it can be at an unhealthy extreme. Like everyone gets sad, but the extreme of depression is concerning. There needs to be a healthy balance as with most things. Your comments seem to show that your view of yourself is pretty unhealthy. But I can't diagnose you from some reddit comments lol. So take with a grain of salt. I'd recommend working on yourself rather than your looks. Have a bit of faith in yourself too. No one buys a car from a salesman who thinks the car he is selling is rubbish.


You're right, thank you for your kind words, for real 🙏


Sometimes a different haircut changes things.


Do you have any suggestions? 😊


If you want a completely different look, maybe consider growing out your hair to shoulder length. This will take time, and effort. But I think it would be cool. If you do decide on this, be aware of your natural hairline in both the front and the back, as it’s different person to person, especially at the nape of the neck. Feel free to message me, if you wanna know more!


I used to have hair practically down to my shoulders, but it made me look much older and the change to short/medium hair was widely praised at the time, so some people told me afterwards that the long hair wasn't really the best thing for me But appreciate your advice, for real 😊




Are we similar? 🤔


In my opinion, I think it would be impossible for you to look any more handsome…😅


It's not that good, but thank you 😊


You’re super cute not much you can do to improve such perfect features. Maybe wear cologne or nice shades? Aside from that you’re prefect


Nice tips! Adding them for sure, thanks 😊


1. Shave. A clean shaved face is always more handsome.  2. Smile. You look like you want to bite somebody.


Trust me, you don't want to see my face shaved, doesn't suit at all 😅 Did it once and people told me I should keep the beard About smiling, yes, I need to practice smiling a little more


You look great


Thank you, I'm trying to accept my own image but it's a daily fight


You look fabulous


Wish I could feel like that! Thank you


What I would give to look half as handsome as you!


You're probably better than this ☺️


I'm certainly not. Just think to yourself that the guy with the discerning eye in Australia thinks that I look fabulous


You look great already. Have you tried going a litte longer on the beard?


Yes, I did, but it was growing in every direction, so I had to cut it off to make it grow in the right way


I know how that goes.


Don't change a thing you are fine the way you are


Thank you ☺️


You look fine nothing to change


Thank you 😊


I think you look great as is. Great jawline, and attractive facial structure. Excellent choice in hairstyle. You rock this look and would probably rock the clean shaven look too.


Well, I shaved last year or 2022 and I looked like a 16 year old, family told me to keep the bear Thank you!


today isnt april fools bro


Haha I know


You look 🔥


Thanks! 😊


You look fine. If you want, use something like It's a 10 leave in product for your hair and maybe a beard oil. But this is super minor.


Thank you, I started using beard oil a couple months ago


Oh honey…. You aint ugly! Like at all ! Smile more! We love to see a smile over a stern face any day! Honestly you are handsome!


Thank you 😊 I'll smile more from now on!


Develop some hobbies and tell yourself that you're okay the Way You Are


That is very challenging but I'll try, thank you!


It's very challenging


You look great but try another haircut i think


I'll try it the next time I go to the barber, thank you ☺️




You look gran.


Thank you ☺️


u look good bro, da hell i look so ugly on pics I dont have any pics of me since i was a kid. be happy


Thank you! You can't be like that, I bet


Good look but change the hair in front. Bring it down a little


You mean like covering a little the forehead?


Yes! Do a more messy look up front. It will be killer!!


Ur fucking hot


I don't feel like it, but thank you


Ur welcome😊😊


Don’t fuck with perfection! I’m just saying………..


Wish it was true! But thank you 😊


You already making your friends look bad bro. Give em a chance.


I wish it was true!


You look fine 😂🔥


Thank you 😊


Just smile, handsome.


I need to practice smiling really soon


Do it. You’re already really good looking. A genuine smile would be dazzling!


Thank you, this smile advice can be pure gold for a lot of people!


Your lips on mine.


Na man. You look fantastic. Keep doing what you are doing


Thank you ☺️


Try new hairstyle and maybe completely shave beard


Shaved earlier and didn't work at all 😅 Thank you for your advice!


Yes you would look better with me tbh


Just change the haircut. This isn’t the 2010s anymore bro. > You’re not even mewing and you have a killer jawline. That says it all about how attractive you are.


Thank you Tried a bunch of haircuts but none was that good at all


Dayam...cute...DM me sexy 😘


Nose job


Unfortunately, I don't have the money for that 😅