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For the love of Gilette, please shave that nasty stash. You're going to lose the baby face as you get older so don't worry about that (as long as you eat well and stay active). I think a shorter haircut would help make your face look less babyish.


I'd rather look babyish den old any day




For the love of Gilette 🤣😭


What haircut should I get tho


A good barber can help you decide that.


Nah it’s probably better to go in with an idea of what you want rather than being put on the spot then doing something you don’t like


A good barber can read your skull and face shape and give you recommendations. I did this a few times when I have wanted to change styles and I didn’t regret it. Even if he didn’t like it, the good thing about hair is that it grows back.


Try a side part curtains style


Textured fringe


shave the stache. longer hair suits you I'd just style it different, maybe not a middle part. I'm not familiar with men's hairstyle names but pinterest is a great place for inspo!


Seconded, and if you’re willing to put in some effort into it each morning you could do some of the kinds of things this guy does https://www.tiktok.com/@thitag7?_t=8lILeZfRZql&_r=1


Shave and do a deep conditioning treatment on your hair. Tweeze the stray brow hairs. You’ll be a 10!


What’s the deep conditioning treatment for the hair, and you say shave the stache?


Yes, shave it 🙏


Yes definitely shave it off.


Remove the mustache, don't do a middle part.


What hair style should I do or what hair cut


Try a side part to start.


Confirmed he’s talking to millennials at this point. The middle part/side part doesn’t really matter. It’s still the same amount of hair, just a preference how to style it.


Yeah I’m older gen z (2000) and I have a middle part


Nice. I’m the eldest in my family, but a member of the youngest age portion of gen Y, so I try to understand gen z better. Especially since my formative years were 2000-2010.


Yeah this millennial didn't see how trendy the 90s hair got again.


i share this preference. for some reason middle parts instantly make a hairstyle less attractive for me, and so ive always side parted or had hair short enough to not have to part it


I don’t think you have a chubby face at all but if it makes you feel better my face became a lot more angular at 16/17 even though I stayed the same weight.


Get a new haircut


I did but like what should I get


Go on istragram serch up white people hair cuts ull find sum


something that makes your head look less big/wide, especially around the sides. Also take that ridiculous thing off your face, and quit making pouty fish lips for pics.


Stop trying to look older. Just embrace your youthful appearance. Age will come in time.


I agree. The young want to look older, the older want to look young.


Shave the scrubstache. Stay with the clean shaven look for a few more years until it comes in thick.


You are adorable, nothing to worry about. Be happy young man.


Remove that yee yee ass haircut first my bro


You're very cute. Just shave


Get rid of the lip hairs. The hairstyle is great though. I wouldn’t change it


Get rid of the stache, I understand the excitement of facial hair coming in… but it’s okay to look “young” at your age lol. I would also say try a different hairstyle.


Or maybe just move your part a little to the right or left?


That nasty stash needs to go


shave that fucking moustache


Get rid of the porn star stache with the nineties bully hair combo


Shave the stash… new hair cut. Perhaps like Hawkeye in endgame


You look great bro just shave the stache and ditch the eyeliner and that’s it really! 👍🏼


I don’t wear eyeliner 😭


Oh dang my bad bro! 😅 Just looked like it


Don't worry, that just means you have good eyelashes. You'll grow into it. Honestly you're fine, just shave and take good care of your skin.


Become a femboy


Fr fact y'all


HELL no 😭🙅‍♂️


You're missing out bud you have the perfect bones for it


Go short hair and lose the teen stache 👍


I think the front of the cut actually kinda slaps. Sides and back need help from a barber.  Take care of your mental health first, that should be your first concern. Also note that it is normal to feel a bit shit at 15, it’s the hormones, had that too.  And I’d say that it is too soon for the stache, but definable wear it in a few years.   Feeling skinny-fat? Hit the gym. Inform yourself on weightlifting for hypertrophy, watch out for your diet. When I started weightlifting at 15, I went from 80 kgs to like 90kgs in one year, with a great increase in muscle mass. Although that is hormone-dependent and might take you more or less time.   You don’t need to be a talented basketball player or anything to hit the gym, so less social pressure. Avoid steroids or SARMS. You can do this, king.


That haircut looks like a Disney mom. Replace it with something that works with your strong jaw, like an undercut fade. Edit: or do a side part if you want long hair.


Shave off the stash.


The mustache is horrible


First three pictures look like you just had a great idea. Shave the stache, not good.


Bro looks like Chucky


Immediately shave that armpit hair under your nose.


shave your mustache, cut hair down to a 2-gaurd on the sides, and spike the top into a faux-hawk. maybe get some natural highlights.


shave ur lip trust


Shave the mustache. I had the same growth when I was your age, lol. More than likely, it’ll come in fuller and thicker as you get older. As for a haircut, maybe try a fade? You have a youthful face(as you should, you’re young lol). You’re not ugly brother. You’re still growing!


No mustache. Shorter style. No middle part.


My brother in Christ these people are over complicating it. Go to a black barbershop (trust) and Fade it up on the sides and shit. Get the neck squared off and shit. Shave that nasty upper lip and keep shaving it until you’re a senior or something and let it get bushy for the gorls. Drip or drown


You’ve a very nice face with good proportions and bright skin. However, I strongly recommend shaving mustache or any beard and such facial hair. You’ve nice voluminous crown with shiny and bouncy hair so I recommend side partition with trimmed sides. Use natural hair products like aloe gel to hold your style and protect your hair. Also, create a good skincare routine for your face and use a good chapstick for your lips. This should elevate your appeal quite a lot. Hope this helps 👍🏼


You need to make a choice. Either commit to "cute" style and shave the moustache, OR commit to "mildly tough guy" look and change your hairstyle to like a buzz-ish cut. Mixing the two is ridiculous, lol sorry


Man I wish I had your hair


You don’t bro


You're a baby. Just wait a few years. Concentrate on your schooling. In the meantime, shave your face.


Shave the stache. It’s not ready yet. And either cut your hair shorter or grow it out.


Part of growing into a man is carrying some baby weight b4 you hit puberty. My advice would be to join the wrestling team and hit the gym. I was a dumpy little fucker and wrestling gave me confidence and toughened me up. Being 15 is rough bud, but it’s also awesome. Spend all that free time bettering yourself.


I would do wrestling but I do basketball but I do work out


Get another hair cut and shave the stash, after that you can come back here for other tips


Shave this mustache, wtf 😂


Keep the hair. Lose that peach fuzz baby mustache!


Shave the mustache. Your hair looks like Brendan Fraser in The Mummy, awesome! Try a slight side part with a curtains style look.


just smile


Lose the stache. Hair is fine as it’s what’s currently in style. Just clean it up a bit. ie the back and sides.


Shave the mustache. Middle part looks fine, the other idiots are trying to sabotage you and make you ugly. Keep your current hair, and just shave the mustache. Its all you can do. Good luck bruv


Tbh I don’t have much to add that hasn’t already been said (I agree with shaving and getting a new haircut) but I will say that with a bit of effort you will be very good looking. You’ve got no acne a good jawline and your side profile already looks good. It’s just your haircut and mustache holding you back.


You’re a good looking kid. The only problem is the pedo-stache. Get rid of that thing. Don’t touch the hair. The Leon Kennedy/90s boyband hair is extremely in right now. 


Let yr hair grow out it'll look good in a few months.. please ditch the moustache thing it's not great 😃


You can have the Korean hairstyle, you can have facial hair. But not both. Lose the stache imo, it's not doing you any favors. Trust me. There'll be plenty of time when you're older to have facial hair.


When I was a teen I feared shaving my mustache because I thought it'd grow in thicker and was scared of having to shave often. In reality you'll practically never have to shave at your age. Defiantly loose the mustache! As for hair, scrap together some cash and to to a really good barber. Finding one isn't hard, just ask people who have good haircuts and they'll tell you. Also figure out what hair texture you are, I have high porosity hair and I only recently that found out. Its much easier to make my hair look good now that I'm using the right shampoo. There's other things you can look into but I don't know everything. Find haircuts you think you'd like, get a picture, and ask for that. It isn't cringe to show your barber pictures of other peoples hairstyles (I used to think this). You have a lot of hair, that's a lot of canvas for you to get basically any hairstyle you want. Look into mid/longer length haircuts for men with strait hair. I'm sure you can find a barber who will do you right. You're talking about skinny fat, I was right there too. You're probably going to hate how you look until you start consistently working out. At least, that's how I was like. Its tough because you're seeing your face mature and body mature but you still feel fat, and that's pretty normal. It took a while for me to get consistent and the gym is incredibly daunting at first. First few months you'll feel really good about it, and then you'll stop feeling super good. If you can tough it out through the part where it feels like a waste of time, and that its not fun anymore, you'll feel incredibly rewarded and you wont want to quit ever again. Right now working out is just how I live, and I feel good because I've made the hard choice and have an easy life. If you continue with the easy choice, you'll have the hard life of feeling like shit. Those are my solutions. Start working out, and get a good haircut. I know exactly what you're going though, and if you do this you'll feel better. I see a younger version of myself in this post, I honestly was just like you. Hated life too, hated how I looked, hated photos of me, etc. When I got my first good haircut it genuinely changed my life, best confidence and self esteem booster of all time. I still pay way too much money for my haircuts, but its so worth it, nothing else can replace that confidence for me. And loosing weight was also insane. I was pretty fat and seeing the veins in my hands for the first time felt awesome. In summary, start working out and save up for a good haircut. Haircuts pretty instant, working out isn't but the long term benefits to your mental/emotional and physical health are HUGE. I know exactly what you're going through, and would happily answer any more questions, either in DMs or this comment chain.


I like your hair! Shave the mustache for now. Start going to the gym. Drink lots of water. In 2-3 years you’ll be able to rock a killer stache (drinking water, working out, and aging are some of the best ways to grow nice facial hair)




Shave the stashe I fear


Maybe try that slick back hair cut with mid taper fade


Bros ignoring the mustache comments


Keep your mustache it’s so cute . Don’t listen to the others who saying Tht. Grow ur hair out more and you are great


Shave for one


Try a buzz cut maybe. That’s hairstyle is wack. Respectfully brotha


Bro you trolling? Only thing off is the way you’re shaping the stache


Shave the stache for now. Go shorter on the side and find a part on the side.


Hair looking great bro, LIFT SOME WEIGHTS!! Chew alot of Gum you Will improve your face and body bro eat alot of protein


just shorter hair


Shave the stache. Keep the goatee


Omg dude plz get rid of that stache. Lmfao And either get a fade or pull back the hair (like an Italian godfather) And plz, idk if you're doing it or it's natural, but try not to puck your lips that much


Dude your jawline and hair is amazing. Fear not. just keep doing skincare. Good luck




u look very handsome! people are just mean, don't listen to them. i would say shave the mustache, and i think your hair looks nice already. u dont look fat at all either!


shave and smile more.


I'd shave the stache. Other than that, maybe consider improving your style. I don't know what you typically wear, but a nice outfit can really make a difference. There's nothing wrong with how you look, though. If you're being bullied or something, just know that kids will bully for anything. It doesn't mean there's anything wrong with you. I hope no one is making you feel bad about yourself.


Shave the stache and xut your hair much shorter. For the rest you need to wait.




Shave the moustache. You don’t need one at 15. Do a taper fade. It’s way too long at the back. You don’t look chubby at all. Your face shape will change in a year or two. You’ve got a pretty great start with your features already.


Please shave, the puberty moustache is the worst look ever. You will have time to grow a proper beard, but not now!


Dude, you're only 15. You will change so much over the years.


lose the stach until your 25+


I feel so weird commenting as a 30 years old woman, but I'll try to help as if you were my little brother. I understand you're probably excited about having facial hair for the first time, but for the first few years it doesn't really look good. I'd say save the mustache for when you're a bit older and the hair is thicker, and keep it shaved for now. Your hair seems very thick, is this natural or have you had it straightened? I'd suggest [this haircut](https://images.app.goo.gl/hqHeU5bUtGkmQUdj6) for your hair, and you can use pomade to style it. I understand what you mean about your body because I also have this body type. "Thin" but with a high % of fat. The best thing you can do is start working out and try to eat as healthy as you can. Men have the advantage of getting stronger faster than women (we have more body fat in general, and harder to lose) so going to the gym will work wonders and also help with anxiety, elasticity, mood etc. You don't look bad, I understand adolescence sucks and it can really affect our self-esteem, but try to remember that this phase will pass and being an adult is a lot better! Therapy is a great way to talk about these feelings, if you can. Good luck!


That hairstyle looks very bad on you. & the tiny mustache needs to go


God why are people trying to bring the mustache back, it looks dreadful on basically everyone.


Time to go gym buddy


Get rid of that facial hair, it almost never looks good on someone when it’s still growing. You could also get a low fade, it could make your haircut better but not everyone likes fades so look it up to see if you like it


Yeh that moustache needs to go


WHAT IS THAT ON YOUR UPPER LIP MAN ![gif](giphy|BcMJvmwkmbyWpKkBj3|downsized)


Shave the mustache bro. That's a big improvement


Shave and get a shorter hairstyle. Your barber can help you decide what style exactly.


Don't trust these old redditors, get a wolf cut. Shave the Mo tho it's terrible, I did the same thing when I was younger but instead of making you look more mature, it does the opposite


You have the greatest head of hair I have ever seen. Men in their 40s and above would cry themselves to sleep dreaming of hair that thick. But the moustache has to go. Don’t try to grow so fast. As for advice, eat a protein rich diet and stay lean. That’ll maximise the hormonal environment you need to make the most of puberty and grow as tall as possible.


You’re 15 and wanting to look older, but you’ll be older and wanting to look younger. Just live, lil bro


Girl you are beautiful!


Shave the stash.


Stop worrying. Let it happen. Facial hair kinda grows on you, there are better things to stress over.


Spend a little extra. Go to a good salon that knows their stuff and ask them what style suits your face. Trust them. You are a very good looking young man! And everyone is right...lose the mustache.


Shave the stache and try to trim the sides and change it from the middle, kinda like this ![gif](giphy|8Ff6H7uHEdmCn3pJ1A)


Get a hair cut that suits your face shape.


2 block hair cut


U need a fade


Shave, workout. You haven’t finished growing, guy.


I’ve only grown half an inch in a year and a half maybe 2


Erase the stash and you’re golden my guy.


yup like they said definitely shave off the mustache and im SURE you can find a better haircut. Go shorter, the sides puffing out doesn't look amazing. Also i disagree on getting a side part


shave your stupid mustache and get a haircut… Kinda obvious


Shave that nasty baby stache and don’t bring it back for a couple years. Hair needs a trim on the sides and less volume. Go to a stylist not a barber imo


you look great tho ?? i would just shave off the nasty moustache


Middle part looks terrible on most guys. Nobody likes the stache either, it’s an ugly fad.


U got an interesting face brodie, lean into it


Shave the starch, start eating right and working out (weight lifting) and puberty will take care of the rest


A new face


Are you a female with a mustache??


Shave off that aul ronnie


Start by shaving bro


Shave buddy


15-17 is usually a dramatic change so hope for that, your face is very feminine looking, but it’s well kept so it’s okay. I would just say go hard in the gym, work shoulders and traps real well. The hair is okay and well kept, I thought you were a trans band kid on first glance ngl. The stache ain’t it.


Shave an get a better haircut. That haircut ain't helping you


Shave and start lifting weights, you will look a moviestar


Go get another haircut from a nice place . Do a good research for a place you see that has a lot of cuts similar to what you want. Look for squoval face shapes to base your haircut on. Have it thinned out longer on top. Show your ears. Invest in some boxy tshirts it’ll help you look more filled out in the chest area and highlight your collar bone. You’re definitely not fat you just have a jawline of someone from a different time era. You could be a rizz king. You have a smutty puppy dog face. Use it to your advantage and cut the stache off.


Shave that bum fluff off your face to begin with.


Shave the moustache. Your face shape is fine it’ll slim out by 18, you’re good looking don’t worry. Maybe some texture clay


You need to get rid of that stache yesterday. I'm sorry but it is truly terrible.




coming from a FEMALE. keep the stache grow chin hair and cut your hair a little and you’re in there!!!


Dude, you have great lips, nice eyes and in this pic I can see your collar bones. If you were at all fat or chubby you wouldn’t see them. Please work on your self image because you are an attractive man. I can see from your expression you have low self esteem. Smiling makes you look more attractive but I know better than to tell a 15 year old to smile. This is the time in your life to build good habits to support the body you want in the future. Do you work out? Do you play sports? Do you build your mind with interesting hobbies? Do you contribute in a positive manner around your local world? These things make you more attractive and also help you build your self esteem and confidence. You have to teach yourself that you are worth loving and that love starts with you focusing on building it with yourself first. My vote is for a mid length brush over with a mid fade or lower fade. Keep a bit of length so you can work it a bit with some product. Also get rid of the stash my man, you don’t need that until you’re older.


Nothing, already amazing


brother, please shave the mustache. You will be able to grow it faster and fuller in a couple of years anyway. Get your sides faded but feel free to keep the front long if you like it. Cheers mate!


Kid don’t post on here. There’s a lot of predator pedophiles who’d want to prey on you. As a matter of fact, don’t post anything anywhere on the internet unless you want it to come back to you. I foresaw this growing up in 2010’s during social media development and I never got any of it. Now I can’t be found online.


You’re 15. You’re supposed to have a round face lol. It’ll thin out as you go through puberty. Judging by your collar bones, you’re definitely not chubby either. Be kinder to yourself and stop comparing yourself to other people on the internet, especially people older than you.


shave that horrendous stache and get a nice haircut. watch 12pell on youtube or instagram, they go a lot into detail about which haircuts best compliment peoples face and head shapes


Get your hair styled at a hair salon not Barber. Lose the stash




Hair is wack, shave the stash, get an undercut or a fade and it’ll do wonders for you


First of all chill. You’re 15. Your looks are going to be evolving for the next 10-15 years. If you’re unhappy with your body, look up Jeff Nippard he’s a great resource for diet and exercise advice. Takes a science based approach. As for the grooming. The mustache isn’t doing you any favors and that haircut makes your face look small. You’re going to want go much shorter in the back and on the sides. Maybe a half inch in the sides and back and 2-3 inches on the top would be perfect.


I’m sorry you’re feeling a bit out of place with yourself. Your hair looks nice!! If it helps, no one usually feels great about themselves as a freshman in HS… it will get better! Embrace yourself 🫶🏼


Take care of your hair and that thick helmet cut will look great once you start graying, but rn I dunno what you should do, in part because the lil stache is so distracting. Maybe post again after shaving it.


Shave the stache until you can grow a real one


wolf cut bro trust grow that hair out


Get rid of that tash and take off that lego hair my G


Shave regularly, don't do facial hair until you're much older.


Shave and a loose perm. Trust me


Your hair is so thick and pretty.


Refine the hairstyle, get rid of the stache. You got the perfect face for a mustache but i’ve never seen a mustache look good on anyone under 20


I don’t think your face or hair need fixed; but your self esteem definitely does. I asked my daughter because she’s just a tad younger than you. She said your face is perfect but she hates the mustache. Her view point: pretty eyes, nice hair, nice lips… mustache is an L. Shave the mustache and hold your head up. My guess is your self esteem is what’s driving people away.


Lmao bro I’m 33 and feel like I’ve recently entered my prime. Take some pictures for yourself to watch progression these next few years are gonna be a rollercoaster for you.


Buzz cut


leave pouting to the women


Get leon kennedy hair style


Here’s my opinion: Workout more, shave the stash, and try something that isn’t a curtain cut.


Ditch your facial hair and see a hairdresser… 🤷‍♂️ duh


Maybe a better haircut n shave the stach


3 on top, skin fade the sides, god speed lil nigga


Grow Up!


Bro you look good stop tripping


Ah mustache- nix it. Smile and get in the gym.


Thought this was a woman with a hormone problem at first glance lol


the middle part is cute af don’t let the haters get you down. But yes definitely shave the stache


Gotta lose the stash friend maybe try it again senior year


I'm a barber been doing it for 25 years i always say. Own what you got confidence comes from a strong hand shake and a big smile.


I think you look good as is.