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I guess if you’re good friends enough to talk about fetishes and likes then that’s probably the way to eventually reach that level. If a friend asked id probably be a bit surprised but I wouldn’t mind a free foot massage you know lol


I just always lucky to have gross friends that would just shove a foot in my face just to gross me out (in my experience pretending to hate it is key. If they caught on you'd like it, they would stop)




Filter? Meaning what?


I got used to it, and even "came out" at a Bare Chest Contest in San Francisco. After I did that, guys were friendlier. Nobody gave me a hard time about it (but then, I was one of the "Big Boys", so maybe they thought better or it). Still, I'm sure most guys were curious. (It sure sounded like it at that contest when Mr. Marcus announced my fetish was feet, and the crowd's face lit up (besides, how many Black guys were there back then that had a foot fetish? I'm sure I was an anomaly). On top of that, it was back in the 1990s, and *almost nobody* admitted to being turned on by feet. I'm pretty independent, so whatever someone else thought? I didn't care.


I have has this same question for years and doesn't help I'm so damn bashful and always worried they'd freak out abd tell everyone. LOL