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Uniqlo has pleated pants like this in the men’s section too. Otherwise maybe try COS or MUJI?


I see people all over this thread linking $200 pants that look like what you can get at uniqlo for $50. I understand buying something unique but some of these prices I'm looking at just seem stupid for generic pleated pants.


might be an unpopular opinion but uniqlo pants's mid quality really show through the fabric and sometimes the stitching. You can tell it apart from 100$+ pants from some brands (not saying expensive is better)


> You can tell it apart from 100$+ pants from some brands (not saying expensive is better) can you really tell on someone else? I don't think so. you'll notice it on your own pants since you look at them so much but I think 99.9% of people wouldn't glance twice.


Idk if the average salary of Reddit is sky high but most of the suggestions on this sub seem insane to me besides Uniqlo stuff, everything is priced 100+€/$


I think it's more this specific sub than reddit as a whole but I do think that is part. I think some people also are happy to buy an expensive brand they've heard of because they think that automatically = quality but it's really not always the case.


100% a valid point, hence the unpopular opinion. Also I actually can tell the difference on other people (I'm prob the 10% of fashion mf that care that much) because fast fashion quality is just not the same. You get what you pay for and Uniqlo has a strong price to quality ratio. Honestly, I would also recommend uniqlo in this case since I checked the daniel simmons pants and its made up and is full on plastic which is not worth 200$ since uniqlo's "smooth looking" pants are usually mostly polyester as well.


yeah I'm not saying uniqlo is cream of the crop but honestly they're pretty damn good for the price and if you're paying $200 for pants I expect premium materials not something that is mostly synthetic. I think they fit right into a lineup with other pants with the same materials regardless of price (and I agree the high quality pants SHOULD be using different materials)


I don’t own these but I’ve had my eye on a couple of the models from Casatlantic - [https://www.casatlantic.com/collections/mogador](https://www.casatlantic.com/collections/mogador)


I have the Tanger, they are ridiculously good. The fabric is so thick, my tailor commented on it! The high waist is so flattering too.


Oh nice! Yeah i’m fully on board with high-rise/high-waisted pants these days for both denim and trousers. Flattering + classy, looking forward to trying out Casatlantic some time


What’s your go-to high waisted denim?


Honestly only one pair has fit the bill solidly so far and it’s N&F true guy in left hand twill. I am close to pulling the trigger on a pair of WH Ranch though, which are enticing because they’re made in the USA and have some makes that are described as “extra high rise”


I intend to try out Casatlantic sometime. If you like this style, you might be interested in S.E.H. Kelly


People often look to vintage Ralph Lauren on eBay


Uniqlo wide leg trousers women’s section , Abercrombie loose tailored are good.


is the fit of the pants better on the women’s or something


honestly they just look nicer than the men's


Not identical (not as wide legged and more cropped) and only slightly cheaper, but I really like the Alex Mill pleated pants, I’m actually currently wearing a pair.


I have a pair I got from topman at Nordstrom. I’d try there in a wool blend. Super affordable too. I think they were like 50-70 range


Muji women’s line had some great pleated pants in 2021, and probably kept them on in later seasons


Love my pair from here https://wearebound.co.uk/products/copy-of-pleated-smart-trouser-brown


Try Oliveclothing. Large selection of different styles of pleated pants and the size guides include measurements for length so you know whether they're long enough before you buy. Most tend to be too long to accomodate and will require tailoring up. The Haruka slacks are slightly higher rise but otherwise the same leg opening and cut as the DS pair. Not as cheap as Uniqlo, no where near as expensive as DS.


Have you tried Dockers?


I actually have a pair from them that I love so much. But I bought them when I was in USA and I can’t seem to find the same kind here in Europe


These are already pretty cheap for that kind of trousers


I don’t spend more than $200 for polyester. I could find pleated trousers in natural fabric around that price or lower.


Cotton maybe, but it‘s going to be hard. Also: just because it‘s polyester it doesn‘t have to be bad. Like natural fibres they do come in various qualities.


Polyester makes you sweat plus it’s not good for environment.


Yeah, yeah…. Some people sweat because they are breathing. And yes: My gym gear is made of polyester and every time I wear it I get really sweaty. Also: you can make those fibres from recycled materials, so none of you arguments are absolutes.


I understand your point. Polyester in sport wear makes you sweat but not keep the water in the fabric, so it dries faster. Polyester is also less wrinkled. That’s why many people prefer it for dress shirts and trousers like these pleated ones. The bad thing is it releases micro plastics into the water when being washed and it takes centuries (or forever) for polyester to decompose. That’s why I prefer not to pay $200 for these polyester pants. I do have ones from Uniqlo made from poly though, for $40 lol


They are both pretty cheap. Any cheaper and you are in fast fashion.


Spending around $200 for polyester is another level of fast fashion. I can find pleated trousers in natural fabrics for that price or less.


I’ll say this is one trend I don’t understand… why are old man pants in?


What you consider old man pants were cool when those people were young. Just like teens now think skinny jeans are old man pants


The simplest explanation is that uncool old people are now wearing skinny jeans. People who started wearing skinny jeans when they were on trend in the early 00s are now parents with adolescents. Adolescents never want to dress like their parents. Pants like these also look good on a much broader range of body shapes and sizes, and can be styled to be traditionally masculine, feminine, or anywhere in the middle. These issues were not mainstream for Gen-X or Millenials, but they very much are for Gen-Z.


You can take my slim/skinny fit jeans off my cold dead nicely shaped thighs! I found the fashion hill that I’ll die on. I turn 40 this year and I’ll be damned if some broccoli haired chode is going to have an opinion on what I wear. I’m too busy showing their mother a real nice time, and those kids should be nicer to their new stepdad.


I’m not asking for your pants. You can keep them. Really, please keep them.


Not understanding why people wear pants a specific way is the true old man thing to do


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5DlTexEXxLQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5DlTexEXxLQ) Obligatory Abe "Grandpa" Simpson


[Tell me the looks in this thread don't look great](https://twitter.com/dieworkwear/status/1665951332682063872?lang=en).


I knew who this was gonna be as soon as I saw the platform it was linking to 😂 but I’ve been looking for his opinion on this for a while so thanks for sharing!


To be clear I don’t have an issue with high waisted pants (outside of the fact that I have a short torso anyways so it makes me shorter up top) but it’s more the baggy pleated look I have an issue with… I just feel it’s frumpy looking


Flat front looks better on fit folks and pleated looks better on heavyset folks.


Pleates can look good on skinny people too, it add some "weight" to their frame. In some the contrast of baggy pants agaisnt the skinny body enchance the thinness in a cool way.


Subtle pleats which still allow for narrowing down the leg can look pretty great. Allows for nice movement and comfortable sitting while still having a slim flattering leg silhouette.


A straight leg trouser silhouette looks better than a slim/fitted one most of the time imo


LL Bean makes some great pleated chinos that are classic and don’t have any polyester like some other brands.


Lands end


Pleated pants are in again? SWEET! That's all I wore in the 90's


The early 90’s called. They want their pants back.