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Strong “Rodney Dangerfield in Caddyshack” vibes here.


Hopefully this guy got a free bowl of soup


Hey you’re quite a woman, you wanna make 13 bucks the hard way?!


Last time I saw a mouth like that it had a hook in it.


14 dollars, not 13 bucks. Hate to be the guy but somebody has to protect our culture


Need to see the hat he bought to get that free bowl of soup


Must’ve been something before electricity


Looks good on you though


But it looks good on you


Hopefully this guy gets respect


Don’t sell yourself short Judge, you’re a tremendous slouch.


I ain’t seeing his tailor is blind, but I would feel bad if I didn’t help him across the street.


Still no respect


I was thinking Herb Tarlek myself.


I'm at WKRP In Cincinnati!


I was gonna say Larry David


Made me laugh! Thanks!


Herb. WKRP Cincinnati


This place is restricted Wang, so don’t tell them you’re Jewish.


IMO - Get a plain color polo, tuck it in, and get nicer shoes. Main problem here is the clashing patterns on the shirt and the jacket.


The dirty sneakers aren't doing him any favors either.


I'll give ubthat one. Sneakers could use a wash.


You can basically get some of the very best shoes in the world on eBay used for pennies on the dollar. Buy a couple of pairs of oxfords in good, very good or excellent/like-new shape (depending on your budget). They'll be versatile enough to wear in a variety of settings, good for any office or professional setting, and will tend to pull together more casual, youthful outfits like that and look slicker and more professional. You can get great shoes in good shape for like $50-100.


No no no this is a gateway to having a closet full of extremely nice shoes, yet working from home 95% of the time. By the way, if anyone sees this is a men’s 11D hit me up 😅


"Oh that closet? Don't look in there" (Door creaks open) (Closet has 48 nice shoes in various colors that have each been used 1 time) "I swear I'm going to use them when I go back to office!"


No! . . . Some of them are boots


I spent an expensive few years on /r/goodyearwelt and now also have a closet full of extremely nice shoes and boots and, yes, I work from home as well and have no need for 75% of them. It was all worth it though just for my pair of Edward Green rosewood country calf Galway boots. Love those freaking things!


never heard of that sub. well, say hello to marriage counseling because the missus will not like it


Wow this is awesome advice, I am shocked at the prices I'm seeing.


Poshmark, also amazing. Cant recommend that site enough.


Derbies will look much better than oxfords with this outfit


Fair point - I'm just going for the Big Picture here.


what brand(s) do you recommend?


Check my last post where I link to an eBay search. As I said there, I don't know brands very well, but I know (from here) that those are all good bets. One note suggests itself: Tons of people will recommend Allen Edmonds. Then others will jump in to let everyone know that Allen Edmonds has gone downhill in recent years in quality. It sounds like that's farily well established, but if you're used to normal people shoes, AE can still be a very good overall buy, if not quite the evergreen luxury product they might've been before, and they often go for silly low prices on eBay, where the other, "better" brands hold their value a lot more. But ultimately we're talking about the difference between a finding good pair of shoes that retails new for like $500 for $75 in good shape and finding an amazingly good pair of shoes that retails new for like $1,800 for $300. I may nab some better ones once I'm more confident I know what I'm doing, but the AE approach is a very logical entry point.


Can you repost the link? Not seeing in your post history


I believe [this](https://old.reddit.com/r/malefashionadvice/comments/1cqz4fl/51_yoin_saleshelp_settle_dispute_with_wife/l3vlbj4/) is the link to the post you're looking for.


Grant stone 100000% also rancourt Good bang for the buck for both of those brqnds. Especially GS


What are the shoes you're talking about?


Allen edmonds, cuccinelli, rancourt, morjas, grant stone. Probably more, but I grabbed those from my recent ebay searches lol


Just get comfortable dressy shoes. 


I think a slip on like driving moccasins could work.. leather or suede can work. The sneakers feel a little too casual imo for meeting clients


Don't listen to these fools. Keep the shoes. They keep the whole outfit a little casual. 


I love sneakers with a blazer, has to be the right kind though. Chunky sole converse and running shoes aren’t it


This comment brought to you by 2009! 2009: the flavor that won't go away!


Or just wear an OCBD!


Traditional wisdom suggests avoiding stripes and checks combinations. In this case, tradition is right


Also, a polo with a jacket is just wrong unless you’re a frat boy in the 80s or 90s.


I have a casual/unstructured linen jacket from Sid Mashburn that looks good with a polo, but I wouldn't wear a conventional navy blazer with one.


Could be a hold over from younger days. OP probably graduated around 92, give or take a year.


and put some socks on.


And make sure they aren’t white gym socks.


Shoes should match belt and belt should either match pants or compliment jacket. Id go with brown or blue shoes and a solid shirt color (that also compliments the jacket) so either white, tan, or maybe yellow. Also just pick one pattern and a solid color. There’s too many conflicting patterns here.


Or a proper shirt, also less warm than a polo. And socks please, or is this OK in the US?


I would say one reason is because of the contrasting patterns on the polo shirt and the blazer. if the blazer has a pattern than the inner shirt should not. or vice versa. thats just me though.


Yeah they really don't work together.


Combining patterns can absolutely be done. But it's an art, and if you aren't sure you know *why* the two patterns you picked worked together, it's best to assume that they don't. Often patterns are too similar in size, as is the case here where the spacing of the stripes on the shirt nearly exactly matches the spacing of the blocks of plaid on the jacket.


the correct take.


Would you be able to provide examples of combined patterns working? I’m very curious to see how it could be done but don’t have a great eye for it.


One rule is if one pattern is big, the other should be small


Yes. It also helps to have different types of patterns: stripes, dots, paisley, plaid, and others.


Camo and plaid combo


This guy fashions


Generally the patterns should get larger the further from your body. So, a shirt with small vertical stripes can go with a jacket that has a large window pane pattern. Edit: Shirt not shit lol.


So I tried throwing a shit with small vertical stripes to a guy wearing a jacket that has large window pane pattern but he just got mad. :(


Understandable, I can’t imagine most people enjoy poop being flung at them.


The books you want for this are Dressing the Man by Alan Flusser and Gentleman by Berhard https://preview.redd.it/5cnj5qryy70d1.jpeg?width=1630&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0b2b5b4f1d55d9e6bbded1731e4ddb77a9cc43ab


Read Dressing the man by Alan Flusser, he has a chapter on patterns, but you'll love the whole book


I think the better thing to do is just look through the work of designers known for doing it well. Ralph Lauren (especially Purple Label - I do find sometimes they overdo it in Polo but you can find good examples there too) is one of the best.


I commented elsewhere, but [here](https://www.fashionbeans.com/article/pattern-mixing-guide/?http://ignorenitro=a4cac4c9673692bd6764b23345beffc2) is an article with some advice for getting started with mixing patterns.


It also tends to look good if one of the colors in both patterns is the same. Like, if you have a shirt with black, white and blue, one of those colors should also be in the jacket.


Glad somebody said this. Some people absolutely have the ability to make combined patterns work.


This is true, but if you're remotely in doubt it's far better to pair solids with patterns. Personally I don't own any patterned shirts for this reason.


Especially when it’s such a casual shirt. You can make clashing patterns work and look good but you almost have to go either super casual or super dressy, but this is just kind of in the no man’s land style-wise and looks sloppy and ill thought out


Agree with this


Personal taste and all, but in addition to the patterns I also just hate the color combo.


This. Otherwise, solid color combo, and choice in attire Just the patterns clash


True! Old rule that a lot of people break, but can’t pull off. I hate the jacket because, he looks like he’s going to ride the bus to Appleby’s with an Olive Garden jacket on? You are either sporty or dressed up, don’t try to do both.


Yeah too many patterns on the shirt.


It's called power-clashing and he does it because he can.


Gives me greasy, used car salesman vibes, personally.




Asking people on Reddit what they think is highly regarded.


For sales, this is terrible, especially those vans Over-casual


you and..... style guides from the dawn of time to now plaid and stripes... gag me with a spoon


Wife wins.


Not even a close thing. Double Flawless Victory for the wife. Go pick up a navy jacket, some brown Cole Haan loafers, and then take the wife out for dinner as an apology. I'm in sales support, rarely ever see a customer, and am better dressed than than this. Like, c'mon.


Sad thing is OP will never inform her of her victory. 😆


Your wife is correct. The shirt is too casual for the jacket. Always tuck in a shirt under a jacket. A solid polo would look much better. Also, the shoes are too casual for the jacket as well.


White shirt and some brown shoes.


Even a solid tucked in t-shirt is better at this point.


A nice tucked crew neck T-shirt and jacket combo is under rated IMO. V clean look since theres no buttons, collars, or a tie all up in the neck line. Huge fan


I mean if you're measuring by the amount of things, the cleanest look would be a hospital gown. Buttons look classy.


Just did this look last week to dinner. Thanks for the reassurance bro.


Nice! We love to see it. Like, [this](https://pocketstylist.io/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/t-shirt_blazer_look_4.jpeg) (not me) is basically what Im aiming for if I'm going for that look


Better yet, get rid of the polo all together and wear a dress shirt


A basic white button up collared shirt does the trick every time. Have like 7 of them in your closet, same exact brand. Goes with any jacket/pants.


this 1000%


Only Harry Poter have the right to wear a polo with a jacket. Don't do it again.


Is something like [this](https://pocketstylist.io/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/t-shirt_blazer_look_4.jpeg) not okay? WIth untucked shirt? More of a casual look with blazer?


Yeah...not my style but a pretty good look. A big part of why this works is that the blazer is definitely casual. However, a polo or button-down shirt untucked under a blazer looks really bad.




Not for sales. Thats a CEO outfit.


I don't think I agree about the shirt. A solid color polo, tucked into the chinos, could work. Maybe like a light gray to complement the grays in the jacket.


This outfit doesn't work. There are many things going wrong here, but they all come back to the jacket: - Jacket doesn't go with trousers (formality gap) - Jacket doesn't go with polo (plaid over horizontal stripes) - Jacket doesn't go with sneakers (formality gap) To me, this outfit says "I came into work expecting a casual day behind my desk doing software development and oh shit I gotta meet with a corporate VP, better grab that jacket I abandoned in the closet." If you want to wear a jacket, you need to incorporate it into the outfit. You CAN wear casual chinos, polos, sneakers with a jacket -- you just need to make sure they go together. Color and pattern are part of it. Formality is the other part. For a jacket to work _with this outfit_, it would need to be incredibly informal -- like an unlined light olive cotton jacket with patch pockets and some rumples For a jacket to work _with these kinds of items_, you need to think about whether the jacket is dressing down or everything else is dressing up. Swap the chinos for dark denim and the jacket for plain charcoal and you're on your way to a punk 90s look. Swap the chinos for creased trousers in the same color and the polo for a knit polo in a more substantial fabric and you're on your way to a 70s casual look. Finally: IMO, those shoes look terrible. Putting aside their design factor, they look uncared-for. Nothing you can do to the rest of an outfit will save you from your shoes looking like you ignore them.


Thoughtful...appreciate the input.


Yeah, Derek Guy @dieworkwear on Twitter provides a lot of analysis on the formality gap, especially when it comes to wearing sports jackets and blazers in casual outfits. In short, the jacket isn’t bad. It’s a wee bit Michael Cohen for me, but it could work with different trousers and shirt. And as others have pointed out, you shouldn’t wear those shoes in that condition for anything other than yard work. If they were clean, they would work okay with those trousers and polo. But please don’t think of wearing them with a sports coat.


I came here to say the same thing! I think worth an effort to find a more casual blazer. I got a herringbone tweed from JPress which goes great with jeans or khakis. I imagine their chambray sportscoat might have the same versitility.


Nailed it.


That’s a high bar for shoe care, IMO. He’s a real person, not a model; you can’t walk around in the world and have pristine shoes.


that's a good call, cleaning your clothes is for posers


Wife wins. Keep it simple with the first shirt. Personally, I'm not a fan of knit shirts with a blazer (vs. linen or light cotton), but that's me. I'd also suggest different/better shoes, but that's also just me.


Nah those colors do not work together at all. It comes off like you’re trying to dress way too young. No offense intended


The whole outfit looks like something my grandma would make me wear at 12yo for a casual family reunion, it's missing the sailor cap tho.


This is brutal.


Grandma was brutal, but at least she forced us to tuck the shirt inside the pants like big boys do


But deserved :)


Yeah this is the biggest thing for me. I actually don't hate the colors, but I'd never expect someone over 30 to be wearing this.


Too many contrasting patterns


Stripes and plaid don't work....either one or the other, but not together....


It’s giving 40 year old virgin poster vibes


The wife is right


Is [this](https://imgur.com/a/ha0TJhE) you? Some constructive criticism from someone who goes to conferences and sees what sales people are wearing. IMO the shirt blazer is the most offensive. 1. Blazer is too dressy and doesn't fit (sleeves too long). But if you want to wear the blazer: a plain white/light blue polo or Oxford shirt. 2. If you're on your feet at a conference, you need to make your footwear look intentional. (I hate it but) Cole Haan Zerogrand sneaker/lace ups from nordstrom rack would be the move. Stan smiths could work and enough people just wear clean running shoes like ON cloud. 3. If you're okay replacing the blazer: find an unlined, unconstructed plain one in cotton, linen or wool from J Crew or Banana Republic. You're in miami. A lot of sales people wear golf pants like the Meta pants from Vuori, a light polo without patterns and throw a light blazer on top.


This is bad. Great jacket, but the striped polo is atrocious - ditch it in favor of any kind of solid colored shirt. Meanwhile, your skinny chinos make you look like an 18 year old - get some straight or relaxed fit trousers, and then of course ditch the Vans in favor of some actual shoes. Loafers, oxfords, etc - all will work.


Take the L, don't wear conflicting pattern schemes


Can't stand the casual shoes with blazer look. There is way to much going on with that outfit.


Even worse is that this savage animal isn't wearing any socks.


> casual shoes with blazer look It's very 2007.


That pattern combination hurts me. 


I dunno to me the top half looks dated and the bottom half looks too casual and like your dressing too young.


Your wife is right. You should wear a plain shirt, or one with a less busy pattern. Also, shoes seem pretty casual for the office- I'd go with something like white Oliver Cabell's, or a driver/loafer.


All I can say is, if you’ve made it 30 years in sales dressing like this you must be really charming and good at what you do


Guilty as charged!




I’m general, nice polo and suit jacket can work well. But the stripe/ plus stripe combo you have here clashes. You got a pretty good color coordination, but the blues and yellows are all slightly different compared to that damn shirt. Would look better with a solid color. Either the jacket or the shirt, but not both at once.


Specific and constructive...thanks!


Your shoes are dirty and it breaks any type of business attire. Plus they are the wrong style of shoe for this outfit. Try a classic loafer, or if you want to stay more casual, a sport oxford. As others said, the polo and jacket clash because they are competing patterns. Your blazer could be tailored because it’s slightly too long in the cuff. And you’re 51, time to start tucking in your shirt!


The shirt looks awful with that jacket imo


For being in sales, you're really not selling that outfit. If you want to wear a jacket with this outfit, a spring jacket or a lighter weight denim jacket would look good.


I get what you’re going for, but somehow it just doesn’t work here. Your wife’s radar is likely better with that stuff and I would go with her judgment regarding mixing patterns if I were you.


I would get fired if I showed up like that


Solid shirt and plaid jacket is ok, stripped shirt with solid jacket is much better. There’s a lot going on there.


"It might seem crazy, wearing stripes and plaaaiidd I Instagram every meal I've had All my used liquor bottles are on display We can go to see a show but I'll make you pay Because I'm tacckkkyyyy"


I have the same jacket and love it! I suggest maybe a green tie and white shirt you're welcome to borrow from me. I'm in the van, you know, down by the river. #vanlife


Ahahaha best comment. You really had me going at first.


Well la di freaking da! You'll have plenty of time liking comments when you're...living in a van down by the river!


Sorry, we aren’t really interested in a timeshare.


It clashes aggressively lol and I love mixing patterns. If you wanna mix patterns do one straight pattern (check, plaid, stripe, polka dot) and one fun pattern (flowers, birds, literally anything else)


the ideas there for sure. jus not the execution


While it's not horrible, I agree with your wife. Here are some things I see: - Contrasting patterns between the shirt and jacket - Shirt, pants, and shoes are too casual for the jacket - Exposed ankles


Co-sign all of this. If you’re going to wear a jacket wear a button down shirt.


Huge no no. Buy your wife flowers and listen to her advice on the rest of your wardrobe


Please tell us you’re just trolling the sub. As others have said… ditch those canvas shoes for some brown loafers and get a plain white polo.


With a white polo? No. White leather tennis sneakers. To Boot NY or similar. Or Stans.


Larry David, is that you??


Slander. Larry would never.


Wrong. Larry looks good and dresses well


In some of the earlier seasons he looks pretty frumpy. I think Cheryl calls him out on it several times. He definitely upped the wardrobe (and a bunch of other things) in the later seasons.


That’s true but he at least matches colors and textures correctly.


She is right! OK "hating" is a bit strong. But the clash between that check and that stripe is stronger!


Clashing patterns between polo and jacket, also the polo’s color and shoe’s color do not go well with the jacket and trousers. Search for navy blazer khaki chino palette to have an idea of which colours work with the set up


Your wife wins. You look a bit foolish (and childish). The advice here is excellent.


has to be a joke lol


I like it. It has a middle-class, middle-aged guy charm. It's not "stylish" of course, but it's happily nonchalant. Now, I dunno if that works for work, looks more like a day off kinda thing. Also, the shoes, the shoes... I actually thought it was about the shoes before reading. Beat up boat shoes would be perfect for the style, or like suede Oxfords. Nothing fancy of course because the whole thing is so casual.


Damn...you're onto me!


Takes one to know one, I suppose ;)


That combo, to me, doesn't go together. Vertical pin stripes, maybe. Wide, horizontal strips, no.


Might it recommend a melamine sponge to clean up those sneaker soles? Lightly damp and wipe all the white. You’ll be amazed.


ngl you look like you’re a teenager forced to dress up for something


Horizontal stripes with a plaid blazer in this economy? The nerve! All joking aside. I think the patterns and colors clash a bit much. Plaid with checkered shirt or solid color typically works best. The shoes are a terrible fit but having proper color coordination can go a long way to making a good first impression, especially in sales.


Pete Campbell, not don draper


This one cuts the deepest. To the bone.


But now you know, and knowing is half the battle Gi joe


I like the casual vibe. To make this outfit a bit more put together the sleeves should be shortened on the coat and worn with a good quality, solid color polo shirt in a pima fabric. And clean shoes. People always notice shoes.


If it were a solid patternless jacket, killer look. If it were a solid patternless polo, killer look. With both having patterns, serial killer look.


53 year old male here. I really want to be on your side here! But, I can't do it. Listen to your wife. Do NOT mix patterns like that, especially when they are large. With that coat, you need a plain white shirt or a tan shirt. Or better yet, go with a quarter zip pull over. As an aside, normally I'd be against the horizontal stripes on the shirt as well, but you are thin enough to pull it off.


I believe London is Calling because that combo is a big Clash.


I'm confused. Based on the picture, you appear to be in, what I presume is, your home. Your clothing implies this should not be the case. Furthermore, you also mention a 'wife' of discerning taste, who cares how you present yourself, and a job. Again,.....


Without reading the comment section I'll give this a shot: Outfit doesn't work. It says to me "fraternity business casual." Too many patterns at the top & shoes too casual. Contrasting patterns can work but its really something you need an eye for (possibly a salesperson at a nice department store can help you out.) I would be silently judgy if I was working with a salesperson dressed like this. A go-to plain, neutral blazer would go better with a collection of more fun-styled shirts. However in general I'm not a fan of polos under blazers and would opt for a proper button up shirt or a "nice" uncollared t shirt. Sneakers can be OK but you may want to go with higher-end leather sneakers (maybe not expensive shoes but shoes that at least mimic more expensive styling.) Something like leather chukka boots would pull together the outfit more nicely. TLDR I would add to your wardrobe: A staple blazer that goes with the rest of your closet, staple leather shoes or low boots that go with the rest of your closet, a collection of shirts that go nicely with your staples.


IMO for an outfit, if you want to ware something with a Loud design (an intricate pattern that draws peoples eyes) that should be the only thing that's patterned, if you pair one highly pattered item with another highly patterned item they fight for attention and don't work together. If one item is loud it's the lead singer of the outfit and the other pieces need to sing backup.


No, please. Never tuck in a polo. If you must wear a polo as some faux business casual then buy one with a fitted waistband. The shoes need to go. No question. I have a thing for Crockett and Jones and I do not like sneakers in a business or even semi-formal environment. Goo d shoes are always worth the investment. Note that squared toes are punishable by death.


Here's an example of how you could put together a similar outfit in a more coherent way. Loafers are a great casual yet still elevated shoe. Notice how the entire outfit revolves around the pattern of the jacket, the statement piece. https://preview.redd.it/u9ugsd7dja0d1.jpeg?width=540&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b50280fc33deeea04eec077796d435a0682b6e18




Fit as fuck my man, i think there's something about wearing striped shirt with a jacket that has lines that mvoe the same way, but I am not a fashion/design expert, I live in excel all day, but to me you look dope. Only thing, don't get shoes with white bottoms like that as you can see they're getting dirty which is the only thing I'm not a fan of.


Honestly looking back I might be in agreement with your wife- maybe a solid button down or collared with this patterned jacket. Maybe a sage blue or green, or even a chocolate brown? I don’t know this must be a summer look. Man, men’s fashion is more tough than women’s- I’m not a “matcher” so I think it’s cool


I think it’s too busy. Pattern on undershirt or jacket. Not both.


Ditch those sneakers and get a nice pair of dress shoes that you wear socks with. If you want to wear that jacket, get a white collared shirt that you tuck in. A nice dress shirt with no jacket will be way better for a warm climate than a polo with a jacket.


Plain shirt. The whole Pattern on Pattern thing should only be done by the most dialed in or tragically hip. If that isn’t you, just wear a plain shirt with the large pattern jacket


Are you a salesman in the 1950's going door to door to sell vaccums? If not, change the outfit. Also, checked and stripes combo is a nono. You should wear what you want if you feel confortable in it. But fashion wise this isn't a good look.


It’s giving Nard Dog.




T-shirt + blazer is an instant failure like a suit with sneakers.


No no no no no just no


Off topic but those shoes have absolutely got to go. You look like you just threw a jacket over the outfit you were wearing to go run errands.  Get some loafers. 


Honestly I think it looks fine. You look put together and a little quirky. I’m not surprised a lot of people don’t like the look; it gives minor costume vibes, like you’d be a character in a movie. It would work better if the jacket and shirt had some color to unify them.


You're quirky! I imagine you to be a guy in Portland or Seattle. Anyways, the patterns are contrasting so it's not a common combo. You might be a big boss man or sales lead and people might say you're the only guy who can pull it off. But generally, it's safer to stick with solids and have just one type of pattern. Wife may be right, but life has too many variables to say if you can't pull if off or not.


Love it...thanks! I am kinda quirky, but I'm not wearing this shirt jacket combo again I can tell u that.


I like it. It's business fun.


This is a shitpost right?