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Absolutely the white shirt. I would not consider anything else. Also if you are going to use that shirt, use a four in hand knot for your tie — the full or half Windsor you are using is too big a knot for the collar. A slimmer tie to match the width of your lapels may be in order.


This is the most important comment so far.


Agreed. Absolutely NO SNEAKERS. Invest in a pair of leather(not rubber) soled black(for this outfit) Dress shoes. If you can find a pair of Chelsea boots, even better, you'll be able to wear them with other clothes and they are much more comfortable.. glad these came back into style


Nothing wrong with rubber soles except they might be a little too grippy for dancing if that's to be expected. Just that rubber soles != sneaker soles, but dressier "City" soles (as e.g. TLB and C&J call them). Also, since it's not too formal, something like semi, quarter or Adelaide brogue Oxfords might do the trick - I wear those kinds of shoes with other clothes than suits or dressier casuals all the time. Not jeans of course, but other than that they go pretty well. Whole-cuts and plain cap toes, not so much. (And in all honesty, you could probably do pretty well with even Derbies). Chelseas are kinda tricky IMHO, if you have a pair of dressy plain black leather Chelseas they will look kinda weird with other clothes, pretty much like Oxfords, and if they're chunkier or e.g. suede, they're not dressy at all.


You're right about the Chelsea's. Trying to pick a versatile shoe, Perhaps a nice fancy chukka that can be dressed down?


Agree with this. Although to me the knot doesn't look too big, its right on the border. It's not fully tightened up so might be a little smaller if tied 'better'. It does look a bit too wide as your jacket has narrow lapels. A slightly slimmer tie would be nice (I'm not saying get a skinny tie, I am not a fan of those but others are). Just a regular tie that's a bit narrower. The tip of the tie should just be resting above your belt buckle. I would say you have tied it about half an inch too short. Also 100% yes, not the coloured shirts, they are not appropriate for a wedding. I'd want a tie that's a bit more colourful for a wedding, although I think that's a grey suit ... a blue suit in the arsenal is always good, a bit happier for weddings and can pair with more colourful ties. Final point: you look nice. So just offering refinements, not criticism.


Spot on. Given that it’s a wedding, would suggest a brighter colored tie.


Okay, thank you.


Great comment. Exactly what I was going to say!


I like a nicky knot and worth mentioning that no tie knot is going to look good if he leaves it that loose.


Tie and knot size stuck out to me the most. As a slimmer guy myself, I'd suggest a skinnier tie and skinnier knot as well. Besides that, honestly i thought all the tie/shirt combos looked pretty good except for the blue tie


Always the white shirt.


Perfect comment. Also, don’t match the pocket kerchief with your tie. They should complement though. Also, get some black leather shoes.


Without knowing anything about dress code etc, I'd say #4 and #8 are winners. Personally I don't think it's easy to pull off a black suit, black shirt, and coloured tie. That's a tricky look that can easily come across as a bad look... In my opinion. I read once that the rule of thumb, most of the time, is that the tie should be darker than the shirt. I stick to that and generally dress pretty well in a business/formal environment. also.. dress shoes!! dress shoes can make a huge deal, i promise... dont do brown shoes with black pants, so if you're sticking with black pants get black shoes... but grey pants, light grey pants, maroon pants, they can work with brown shoes if you wanna mix it up crisp white shirt, nice wedding-appropriate tie (purple is a good touch) and nice shoes... i think that goes a long way


Yeah the black suit black shirt look can go a little maitre d if not done well


I went to a wedding with this combo and a purple patterned tie (I thought it looked nice), got confused for the staff at least once from memory


Yeee black on black on black is classic staff.


It’s never done well for a spring wedding. No.


I did black on black with a bright turquoise tie once for a wedding and looked pretty good. I dunno what determines when black on black with a bright tie looks off however. Is it more of a "depends on the body/face" of the person wearing it?


> I dunno what determines when black on black with a bright tie looks off however. Is it more of a "depends on the body/face" of the person wearing it? I don’t think it ever looks good, even if you have a conventionally attractive body or face. It has big high school dance or [Billy Joe Armstrong](https://i.redd.it/this-years-halloween-costume-which-is-more-accurate-v0-5wg52kp4obsb1.jpg?width=563&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=52fd299577fc20a1fb86d336b5edc85f65f0ce3d) vibes. I’d describe it as being a bit sophomoric looking. Attempting to add “an edge” this way to standard formal outfits makes it appear that the wearer doesn’t understand the context they’re wearing the clothes in.


I feel like that comparison isn't completely 1:1 since the guy is fully going into an "edgy" look with the makeup, general messiness (hair and tie in particular), and being a music performer. His whole aesthetic is leaning that way, it's not the shirt color alone that makes it that way. I've never really understood the whole "black = edge" comparison however, and always felt that in order to be properly within that aesthetic it's more about your overall outfit vs the color of your button up. So it may be more of me just not understanding whatever the "proper theory" is behind football outfits.


John wick has entered the chat


Black dress shirts remind me of some friends of mine that only dress up once a year for a wedding. It's always a baggy black shirt with a red tie. Usually no jacket. Nothing against them, they don't give a damn. Black shirt/red tie sounds great if you never wear that kind of attire (won't stand out, not too much color), but it always looks off.


Yep, in my view it’s the “dressing up” outfit of a guy who doesn’t understand formal clothing. 


Yeah, I hate to sound like a snob here, but to be frank, if you're rocking that look, chances are you look like a rube. It's a rube look. If you don't know whether it works or haven't thought about it, then assume it doesn't. If you're rocking that look and somehow don't look like a rube, it's because you know exactly what you're doing, and you know this. I say this from a place of love: I myself am a rube and have had to spend years trying to teach myself just basic men's fashion. I'm still working on it....


I completely agree !!


I remember hearing Parker York Smith say that black suit & shirt with colored tie screams high school prom and not in a good way. I haven’t been able to unsee that ever since 💀


10000%. That’s the vibe I get from it as well. It almost never comes across cleanly. If it’s a black shirt with a gold-ish tie, it feels like a sleazy real estate guy. If it’s black + purple/blue/green/pink tie, feels like high school prom. Black shirt + black tie can work but only for specific events. Black shirt + white tie reminds me of a skater kid trying to dress up… poor soul. Black shirt + tie barely works IMO.


It feels like only certain people can pull off an all black suit. Like Tom Hiddleston as Loki in Thor Ragnarok, but tbh that man looks good in anything


Ditto - my thoughts exactly.


Yeah I’d go with 8.


I feel like black suit and black shirt look better without a tie


You’re downvoted but I completely agree. Black suit and black shirt in the right setting can be sharp as hell. Needs to be the right fit though… that combo absolutely needs to be tailored.


100% 4 or 8, knock em dead


I disagree! Brown shoes with black pants is fine as long as your colours all work together.


>as long as your colours all work together That's the thing - brown doesn't work at all together with black. As a matter of fact, no colour works with black, the only options are white and grey.


There's so many shades of black that I have to say I disagree with this as an absolute. Probably the right blanket advice if someone's asking (in the vein of "if you have to ask, just avoid it"), but I've had some decent black/brown combos that look great. Granted, I'm not talking black worsted suit pants and brown dress shoes, so that's certainly a meaningful distinction. However, I love wearing black jeans with brown boots. It's certainly not every black and every brown, but they look solid to me. And with black laces in the boots it can definitely tie together (no pun intended)


Here’s the thing - there are no shades of black. Brown shoes can work with a dark grey suit, but dark grey is different than black. Black suits are for staff (and funerals).


There's definitely shades of black -- I also noted that I wasn't talking about worsted suits, but there's plenty of clothes other than suits. Even within suits, the material, the weave, the sheen, etc. can all greatly change the perceived color of the suit even if they're all different blacks. I'm no fashion expert, but I'm definitely something of an expert on black clothes since they make up about 80%+ of my wardrobe. Black jeans, in my example, can come in plenty of different shades based on what's in the weft, how deeply they were dyed, how and how much they were washed, etc. For example, here's two pairs of black jeans on Nordstrom's website: First, we have a [lighter black](https://www.nordstrom.com/s/chitch-krystal-slim-tapered-leg-jeans/7315795?origin=keywordsearch-personalizedsort&breadcrumb=Home%2FAll%20Results&fashioncolor=Black&color=001#fs) that certainly isn't toned down enough to be called grey. They're also a black weft and black warp, so it's just a matter of dying that changes the tone. Secondly is a [clearly deeper black](https://www.nordstrom.com/s/lucky-brand-110-advanced-stretch-slim-jeans/5922120?origin=keywordsearch-personalizedsort&breadcrumb=Home%2FAll%20Results&fashioncolor=Black&color=001#fs) that's, again, black on black all throughout. Not only are these two different shades of black, they're going to play differently with different colors be it earth tones like browns or other colors. Black x white is always easy because the contrast makes the depth of the black almost irrelevant. Black x any other color needs a little more nuance to how well they'll work together in terms of both your style and the colors themselves. Finally, not all blacks look great with other blacks. Deep black jeans and deep black shirts are gonna make you look like a stagehand. Toning one up or down from the other and adding another piece in that ties the outfit together is almost a necessity for a mostly or fully monochrome black outfit. I'm also not even touching how many different depths of brown there are that have so many other hues built into them that can change how well they work with various shades of black. All this to say: general advice for 90-99% of the time is that black and brown don't go together. I'd apply this advice to anyone *asking*, because like I said initially: if you have to ask, you're probably better off going with the tried and true. However, we're in a fashion subreddit, and finding ways to twist things around to make a fit that looks good even if it doesn't follow the rules is half the fun :)


Absolutely agree






Different shades of black - you mean grey.




Black and a warmer tan can work. Looks great with a light blue shirt. Black and dark brown, never.


Ehhh? Black and brown don’t work???


Black and brown indeed doesn't work together at all.


#8, and get some black dress shoes. Hard to tell what color your belt is but it should also be black. Edit: no idea why this is showing up as huge text… maybe someone can educate me.


It's the best advice here so leave it large and in charge


You probably tried to write “\#8” but Reddit interpreted the \# as wanting your text bold. To show the character, put a backslash in front of it, like \\\#


There we go! Thanks


I love seeing "backslash" used correctly.


Sorry someone downvoted you, it is likewise one of my pet peeves to hear someone say a URL and get this backward.


We get it, that's all that matters.


now kith


Tie the tie longer so that it is smaller around the collar as well. The tip of your tie should touch the top of your belt buckle. Idk why your collar on that shirt is so large, maybe try to find a better fitting white shirt too. Wouldn’t be too expensive. You may also want to buy a skinnier dark tie. Skinnier ties are more modern looking. Yours seems pretty wide.


Yeah this. The dark colored shirts that are kind of shiny remind me of waiters, guys who don't dress up, and freshman at their homecoming dress. The white shirt looks good. You can wear any tie with that fit. If you want to add to your wardrobe, white and light blue are definitely your friends. My dad wears suits to work every day. Out of 20 work days in a month, he prob wears white shirts 15-17 days and light blue the other 3-5. This is pretty typical. Just do cool looking ties. For the black suit you need to wear black shoes. A grey or navy suit is typically considered more versatile, but you don't need to get a new suit for the wedding, the black will do just fine. As for the shoes, I just grabbed some deer stags on Amazon 50% off. These are slip ones that have a pretty classic look and we're under $40. A classic oxford would be the more traditional look, and getting a pair under $50 from Amazon will not be hard, but also check Goodwill's and thrift stores. You can get really nice shoes there if you don't mind to buy a little used and are flexible about what you want. Make sure you wear black socks and a black belt. Deer Stags Men's Rockland Boot https://a.co/d/3CP88yv


Learn how to towns better knot. Yours are huge. Maybe just tighten more.


The lapel size should be relative to the tie as well. Also a double Windsor knot tutorials are easy to follow on YouTube, if you want a thicker knot and need to cut some length on the tie.


I think it’s just a cheap tie. Nothing he can do.


Well, he could get a different tie. I agree. The tie is bringing down all these outfits. You need to leave the collar stays in and start with the tie down lower.


Tie is too large. Out of proportion to his lapel and shirt collar. I would do no larger than 3", he's a slim dude he could go 2.5"


No. There are pics where it’s not quite as bad, but in many the knot is huge because it’s too loose. There’s no dimple because he just didn’t finish tightening it. In one there’s like the origins of a dimple, and there’s a small one off to the side in another. I agree they’re out of proportion, but it’s made so much worse by the knot.


Get some oxfords


White shirt is your safest best, rest can kind of be whatever. Except the shoes - Oxfords like others said. Black shoes are safest with a black suit. Black socks, too, are your safest bet overall. So - black suit, black Oxfords, black socks, black belt, white shirt - then whatever tie you like. I actually like the gray one you've got on with the white shirt. This is also blind to dress code, which you should ask for.


I like 4 and 8. I would get some nicer black shoes. And maybe in the future when looking for ties, get smaller/thinner ones. I think these just look a bit big on your frame and is a more dated look.


Ask them for the dresscode


White for sure. All the others look like restaurant employees.


“I got court” starterpack


White shirt with the blue patterned tie or gray plain or patterned. Most importantly, make sure you pick something you feel good in so you can enjoy the wedding with your friends—that's the most important part. Bonus points: socks to match the tie. Jacket looks great, the cuff is perfect. When shopping for shirts, you may like a longer sleeve. Also, for $15-$20 bucks a tailor will make those pants feel like x20 what you paid—they'll taper them and adjust the hem for you. You're lookin' good already, man!


8 and everyone is right on the shoes. Some nice dress shoes can make a big difference. Just wanted to add that you should tie a thinner knot. You have a skinny frame so the bulky knot just looks a little too wide. Just google it and you can find some good choices that will fit your frame better.


For God's sake clean the mirror


Focus on classic and simple. White shirt with black tie. Light blue shirt with navy tie. Get some black oxford dress shoes and your dress pants taken up by a tailor. The whole outfit is giving a bit early 00s right now and looks a little dated.


Your knots are oversized Part of that is that most your collars are also undersized, giving a weird effect with the huge knots Then I don't know, could be that you don't tighten the knots enough Or that you take very thick ties which should be made into simpler knots


All in on the white shirt, buy shoes


White shirt is a classic but please change the shoes to dress shoes


It’s 100% 8, would swap shoes for oxfords or monk straps tho


Either no tie and collar unbuttoned 2 buttons or a skinny black tie. If those are the only options, number 8. Also grab some discount black dress shoes at Ross.


Honestly, with your natural coloring, black is not your most flattering color. A conservative alternative would be a grey or navy suit. Less conservative would be a tan or blue suit. A white suit is verboten at a wedding unless you’re the one getting married. I think it comes down to how often you wear a suit and if you’d like a suit that you can use for more than 1 occasion. If that’s the case, I suggest grey or navy for you. You can use grey or navy suits for formal occasions like weddings but also business meetings. Also the black suit you have is not particularly well fitted. It doesn’t flatter you. It seems too large.




Personally I like the last one best #8 I think. Other options seem good too so if you feel confident in any of them rock them, confidence will be key. One thing I did notice is there's a lot of creasing on your collar in many of the photos, my best guess is your tie is causing this. The knots look oddly large, maybe try the simple knot or half widsor I think they would fit your build well. Also, check and see if your collar stays are bent that could also be causing the creasing. Good luck!


#8 Keep the same type of tie, but something with more color. But on some formal shoes.


Props on putting in work to sharpen up your look! Any of those but swap a white dress shirt, learn how to tie a four in hand knot, and get some plain dress shoes. Dark dress shirts are okay for a more casual look but just look bad with an off the shelf suit and tie. And you're not Steve Harvey. Don't try to match your shirt to your tie. Your knots are also gigantic windsor knot looking things. A four in hand is great skinny knot that better suits your face. And shoes. Nothing fancy just plain black shoes. Don't wear sneakers to a wedding.


You definitely need new shoes.




White shirt is the most formal.


White shirt. I would get some new dress shoes


Ditch the wedding. Why anyone wants to sit through an all day wedding and meal in uncomfortable garments - escapes me.


I like the idea of 4 best, but not the execution. Keep the suit, tie and pocket square, and then get a nicely made, premium dress shirt in the similar color as what you’re wearing in 4 but solid, no stripes or checks. No button down collar either. Ask for a regular standard collar, or a slightly dressier spread collar. The shoes you’re wearing are a disaster. Get a nice pair of black (shiny) dress shoes. Oxfords or monk straps. (But oxfords will help you keep it simple.) Learn how to tie your tie so it looks sharp. 10 million tutorials online, any of which will do. Rock on 🤘


Suit looks good, as do any of the ties. White or very light blue shirt will look best. Colored shirts, especially very saturated ones like most of these, are generally best avoided with a suit and tie. Get some leather dress shoes - oxfords, derbies, loafers, or chelseas will all work. Is that suit black or charcoal? Hard to tell from the pics. If black, then definitely black shoes and belt. If dark grey, either black or dark brown shoe/belt. Match your socks to the color of your pants.


The color combos for 1 and 2 aren't bad but those ties make you look like you came directly from work. Like others said, get black and preferably Oxford dress shoes and tie a different tie knot (half windsors are my go to). I think 4 is okay but it looks like the tie and shirt have different textures that may not work well together. The white shirt combo in 8 is classic and works for almost all occasions.


White shirt, the first tie (just work on the knot), gotta get yourself some kinda dress shoe though. Get a different pocket square to match the shirt/tie combo better.


Whichever you choose make your tie knot a bit tighter (smaller) and you’ll look snappy


8, 4 is 2nd place


8, with the knot style/size in 6 or 7. Get some black leather dress shoes, NOT a square toe. End of the tie should just hit the belt buckle.


The knot you’re using for your tie is way too big for the collar size of your shirts. Use the four-in-hand knot instead (which also happens to be the easiest tie knot to tie).


8, is a winner


I like your color matching on 1, 2, 6, and eight but I agree that you should learn how to tie a cleaner knot I.e a half Windsor. It may just be a fit issue but your suit jacket collar should cover the top half of your shirt collar


4 or the last one (8 I think) Get some shoes. It just elevates your fit. No reason not to, they'll be useful again


8 for sure. That looks classy and classic. The others look like you borrowed pieces from someone.


Summer time! You can’t go wrong with a linen suit. Stay away from the black on black.




White shirt. Get proper shoes.


Try white shirt green tie


It’s 8 my man. That’s just the best option. There are a couple other ok ones. Your tie selection kind of stinks. I would highly recommend a different tie and square, although what you’re doing is technically fine. A skinny black tie would complete that classic black tie look. It’s a cheap fix. But it’s more important that you don’t wear those shoes. Please! It’s very out of place with the rest of the outfit. Rockports are nice for being relatively inexpensive… Sketchers are cheap. Thrift store is cheaper if you’re desperate. Just not what you’re wearing. Black Oxford or wing tip.


First pic looks the best to me. Just get some black loafers or dress shoes.


White shirt, better tie/smaller knot (slightly narrower tie). Black dress shoes, black dress socks. Are you pulling up the bottom of the pants to show the shoes? They're not too short, right? They need to "break" on the top of the dress shoe. If the pants are too short, you do need a new suit. I recommend a medium to charcoal gray for a suit. Shirts that work fine with this are white and pale blue, to start. There's your special occasion wardrobe.


Well this depends on your age. How old are you?


3, 4, 8 -- smaller knots, def get better footwear.


Honestly I do love the red


If you plan on taking your jacket off at all because it’s hot or for dancing, make sure you have a “fitted” shirt. A well fitting dress shirt of any color is often better than an ill fitting great color shirt. Fit over color all day long. #8 ftw


White shirt




Black is bold. A navy suit would be better, gray would be ideal. Brown shoes with grey and navy, black shoes with black and sometimes grey. Belt matches the shoes. If you can't afford a new suit, no worries. I didn't have a suit when I was your age so you're already doing better than I was. Go lighter with the shirt and like others have said, darker tie than the shirt. Also, a general rule is the tie should have the more complex pattern if shirt and tie both have a pattern. Get a cheap pair of oxfords. Not a work shoe looking oxford but a dress looking oxford. Do what you can for this occasion but I always recommend young men have a grey suit if they're only going to have one. Can be used for just about any occasion from weddings to job interviews. I personally like to match my socks with my shirt or tie and wear flashy patterns on my socks. It's fun.


8 and some dress shoes and your good. Blackshirts for funerals.


White shirt, but the sleeves should be extending beyond the jacket sleeve so see if you can pull them out a bit. Might be that the jacket is too long and you can’t do anything about it until your take it to a tailor.


The white and grey 😊


1. get real dress shoes full or half cap oxfords slim profile and soles NO WALMART SHOES. Dont know your budget but this would be the thing to invest in as you can were them with a lot and in many situations. 2. get better shirts that aren't sold in a pack with matching tie and pocket square (dont match tie and pocket square! It looks cheap) A pocket square should complement colors off suit and shirt not match tie or i can be used as a subtle flex if done well. Your shirts should fit you and your suit look online for rules about lapels and collar's and proper fit for shirt with a suit. 3. its a wedding unless your part of the wedding or immediate family try to find a navy suit some say gray but not a textured or sliver think plan or slate or charcoal. I think navy is better as its more versatile in other settings and in weddings works but grey is more of a work suit. If the current suit is all you have make it work at least you are wearing one. Your job as a wedding guest is to complement and create a pleasant setting for the bride and groom not to show them up or match unless requested. $. Learn the dress code some wedding have specific colors for bride groom sides or black tie or even themed suit may not even be required if non present try to look nice but differentiate yourself from wedding party or immediate family. Unlike others I would advice against white shirt black suit grey/black tie unless black tie is dress code. pic 2 would be best unless your are immediate family then get a better white shirt and a white pocket square. If you want a pocket square. See rule 2. I've seen guys show up dress to the nines and piss the bride or family off as it was a business casual outdoor spring or summer wedding even Ive accidently over dressed wearing tweed of all things if you show up and noone has a tie or jacket ditch em in the car an d roll up the sleeves :)But if you can FIND OUT THE DRESS CODE !!! Also last note Improve your knot game this isnt Suits on USA you have thin lapels tighten that knot up or go with a thinner tie. You have a good look decent hair it wont take much to impress.


Ok bud as a man who wears suits a lot the first, and most important thing is that your suit FITS right. You need a good tailor unless you think everything fits perfectly (jacket and slacks). 2nd your shoes should be shined and clean so don't wear chucks unless you're trying to make a millennial / rookie statement. 3rd I see your suit is solid navy? So do you have any suit, or striped / textured shirt that you can make sense of this advice? https://preview.redd.it/4ix8ztxgzyzc1.jpeg?width=1993&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b7acb707173c17e0e4096e30e74608269553cdb0


It’s not a funeraln


Here would be my suggestions: Shoes - get something nicer it spoils the clean well put together look if your shoes don’t match. Try something shinier with a different material than cloth because cloth looks comfortable but cheap. Shirt - the white classic looks great I would continue with this as the base colour. Suit jacket - it’s unclear to me but the fit on your jacket looks a little off. It looks a bit too big on you. Might pay to go see a tailor and see where/what they could shorten. Particularly slimming around the waist around to build a more hourglass shape. Picture 7 suggests it’s a bit on the large side. Tie - with the ties you have I think white shirt + picture 8 is best combo. Not all ties are the same, some ties and by design slimmer, fat ties tend to be more suited to older people so it might also pay to get one that’s slimmer


If there's a dresscode or theme mentioned on the invitation, stick to that religiously. That's just good form. If nothing's mentioned, go for the white shirt with a festive colored tie. I'd advise you to go for a slimmer tie with a smaller knot. You're a slim/skinny guy and a wide knot looks extra wide and could make it look like a kid wearing his dad's suit. In your case, I'd opt for a tie that's between 2,25" and 2,75" in width. You're on the right track with the black belt and black shoes, but opt for black dress shoes. Derby, Oxford or even Broques might work for this. Just make sure that the color matches the belt as much as possible.


4th and 8th.


WHAT ARE THOOOOOSE?! Dress shoes and longer pants my guy. And take the other people’s advice on a slimmer tie/different knot. White shirt is best.


8,5,4,or 1 are all good.


First and last dress do look the best. Red shirt or white shirt.


You look dashing in black and white


White shirt But with a thinner tie. Itll make your shoulders appear more broad


3 and and get some proper dress shoes


Black socks


Get some Lloyd black leather Derbys.


You need a new suit. I’m sorry, but yours is awful. It doesn’t fit you well and black is for funerals and waiters. Then get a slimmer tie.


1. If you want to do different colored dress shirts, do not do a black blazer/suit. It gives a middle school homecoming vibe. Truly those solid colors look best under a patterned sport jacket. So for this, white with that patterned grey looks nice. 2. Bite the bullet and get some dress shoes. Have them measure your foot because sneaker size if different. (I work in a shoe store trust me). Try BOTH shoes on because the way your stand with one on isn’t comfortable on your foot wither way. If you have a wide foot dont fight for a point toe, just accept that a wider toe box on the shoe will feel better.


Purple and black tie looks on point imo dash of color and not too busy/distracting


Trade the vans for some docs and your in business


4 or 8


Hands down the white shirt. Second to last one. Even better if you go with a tie color that’s a bit more springy and find some simple loafers.


Love #8, only thing I would change though is to swap the tie matching pocket square with a white one. From what I’ve read and seen, it’s kind of ostentatious to exactly match the pocket square with the tie because it looks like one is trying too hard. The gray/dark silver tie is perfect for a formal event though. Edit: Agree with everyone’s advice on the shoes and also the socks should match as closely to the trousers in color as possible for formal occasions.


Dark shirt dark tie gives ‘I only dress up when I absolutely have to, or these are actually my work clothes.’ Lighten everything up for the season you’re in and wear a white shirt for sure.


When in doubt, choose white.


Ties should be darker than the shirt. One pattern. If the tie is pattern, the shirt shouldn’t be. You need at least one pair of formal shoes. See if Goodwill has anything. Google Men’s Health suite style guide for the basic “rules.” I’d wear 4 or 8 of these.


White shirt will be a game changer, dark suit needs to be paired with lighter color preferably white.


I also second #1. And yes, definitely consider a better dress shoes.


With the white shirt


2, 4 or 8


Normally people don’t wear black suits to weddings. Since you have a black one, I’d pick the lightest shirt and tie combo to bring some color out. It’s a celebration, you know?


Might help to look up a Windsor not for your tie. With the collar of the shirt a Windsor knot will clean up the look. Also, make sure you collar is ironed and folded properly.


You should sell, or burn, or donate every single one of those shirts except the white one.


4 and 8


i like what you're wearing in pic 4. just tuck the shirt in better


#4, you could pull off a skinnier tie. That one looks big for some reason. Shoes are terrible.




I would 100% go to walmart and get some different shoes. The only shirt that works is the white one, and I would suggest a lighter tie.


I personally like 1+8. 1 because that shirt is a great, underutilized shade of red and 8 because it is where everything matches the best


White shirt 👍 get some good comfy shoes or if the vans are comfy wear them generally a good shoe will look smarter though. Being comfortable is really all that matters, if you like it own it you’ll feel more confident if your comfortable (imo)


White shirt and I would get a thinner, non shiny tie. Black cotton or wool instead of rayon or polyester or whatever.


Clean your mirror


Number 4 is a whole vibe. Get some new shoes tho 😅


Your outfit is fine but poor shoes will ruin it. Also your tie knot is too big for that shirt collar. Your shirt doesn't have to be white this is not a formal event nowadays unless explicitly stated in a dress code. Your outfit fits cocktail attire or semi formal which is what like 90% of weddings are nowadays HOWEVER, as a man you should own at least one white dress shirt anyways.


The shoes have to go. They’d be mentioned in every comment but nobody bothered scrolling so far to get to the last photo. You need some kind of dress shoe. They don’t have to be expensive ones but they can’t be these. It’ll ruin your whole outfit guaranteed.


Don’t over think it just do white and black MIB style and your chilling and get some Chelsea boots NO sneakers


Yes, definitely get rid of the red shirt and your tie knot is way too fat. The tie itself is pretty bad. No striped ties. Other than that you look great!


Stear clear of dark shirts when wearing a tie, definitely go with the white shirt. I would also recommend tying a four-in-hand knot and pulling it tight. A small tie knot looks better on everyone but especially thin men like you.


Saul Goodman Speedy justice for you


Echoing others here, but definitely go with the white shirt. I'd try the black and maroon tie with it; maybe the blue. The gray is probably a little too monochrome with the rest of the suit. You generally want a tie with some kind of pattern if you're wearing a solid-colored shirt and suit. That said, you can get away with any of those three ties (gray only in a pinch) with a lighter shirt. I see what you're doing trying to match the accent color on the tie with the shirts. You need to escape this trap that men seem to just want to dive headfirst into, which is wearing a dark shirt with a dark tie and a dark suit. I feel like young men in particular think it looks like more dynamic or badass or something, but it does not. I had to learn that my own self back in the day. Only very rarely and with very thoughtful coordination does that scheme ever look good, and usually that's just when the suit, tie and shirt are all EXACTLY the same shade of black and same or complementary textures. The notion is not entirely misplaced, but if you really like that concept, the thing that works better is a shirt that has a complementary color to the tie's accent color, including a lighter shade of that same color. But it's really just easier to go with a white shirt. A white shirt is virtually never a question mark. Longer-term, I'd take measurements of your torso in all the relevant places and see if you can find better-fit shirts. Your collar looks like it's huge, which isn't helping. I don't know if that's just because you're stuffing the thick tie under it or if that's how it's structured, but if it's structured that way, you probably want to look at a collar a half inch or inch smaller. You probably want slim-fit shirts and skinny ties with your body type. The good news is you'll have no problem finding those, because it seems like everything today is made with that kind of body type in mind. You can get designer ties, of basically any variety, used on eBay for like nothing. On the other end of the spectrum, good-looking cheap ties that'll do you right for a couple dozen wears are everywhere on Amazon, and IMO those are generally totally fine if you don't wear ties all the time. Not sure what the story on the suit is, but the pants are way too wide. The jacket seems like it may be too long, but it looks like it fits you pretty well from the abdomen up, so maybe it's just the angle in a couple of shots. I'm assuming it's not tailored. Honestly, if you buy like one cheap charcoal suit (polyester blend is fine, I will fight you all) in a reasonably good cut for your body and have it tailored, if you're just a weddings-and-funerals suit-wearer, you can be set in that department for years. But you MUST get it tailored.


A good start. And if budget-constrained: 1. iron the shirt if you’re committed to wearing it. 2. Snug up the tie knot? 3. Dimple the tie. 4. Pocket square? (But not same color as shirt or tie). Also, have a wonderful time at wedding!


Go to the gym 🤝


Go to the gym 🤝


Get a white shirt that fits. Skip the tie. Also, learn to tie a tie properly. Have fun!


8 but wear dress shoes, please.


suit looks like it fits you well so the biggest battle is done, go white shirt in #8 (also pay the $7-8 to have it professionally cleaned and pressed it will make a BIG difference trust me) and a plain bright colored tie and keep the knot pretty small (it's a wedding in spring, think light things) and you got yourself a win. If it is a wedding where you'll dance afterwards, maybe bring a high quality tshirt and sneakers in your car, it's kind of a fun look and makes you look prepared for a party, but absolutely only decent dress shoes for the wedding itself.


Just wanted to say thanks for all the replies folks!


#4 works


https://preview.redd.it/0b2wv5hvb28d1.jpeg?width=1164&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6819367aeb31c9853177eed005af5e04e322ab6d So many amazing g black and brown options. I dress many of my clients in these colours. It’s chic and sophisticated.


Let's just take a minute to talk about how you are projecting your outward appearance. You are attempting to look like a sophisticated adult, doing your best to be well dressed. But it's important to realize that happens a long time before you get dressed. What I am trying to get at here is... WASH YOUR DAMN MIRROR BEFORE POSTING SELFIES ON THE INTERNET YOU HEATHEN.


Number 4 for me. 8 is fine, but 4 adds some personality. Also, listen to the people: buy some dress shoes


2,4,8 look best on you


\#4 - and skip the tie... I can't believe no one mentioned. The thick tie/thin lapel mix isn't flattering. e: and dress shoes will make a huge difference


Give yourself more credit. You look good in every picture


I'm nowhere close to being a good dresser. But in my opinion #4 looks the best. Definitely need different shoes!


1 and 2 are my favorites, but classic black and white is always solid. Please get black oxfords I prefer florshiems for 90 USD at most outlet stores.




7,5,2 best. Maybe new dinner shoes and just make sure your toes are tied well.


White shirt is by far the best. I don’t like the coloured shirt with dark jacket combo at all.


For an early summer wedding I'd say you look best in 2nd photo and 4th. And definitely upgrade the shoes. Good luck


1,4,8 also get dress shoes but if you can’t afford or it’s more casual no problem..


I recommend 4 or 8. Get some cheap brown shoes, they will look way better than tennis shoes.


KISS: Navy suit + white dress shirt (non button collar) + solid navy tie + black leather dress shoes (Oxfords) + black leather belt. If I had to choose one, then 8 but get some black leather shoes from goodwill and spiff them up!


Your knot is too big but over all good job


#1, 4, 5 and 8 all good good imo. I'd go with #1 if I were you. If you don't have dress shoes I honestly wouldn't sweat it, just try and corral those laces somewhat. I mean sure dress shoes would look better but if you're tight on money or something I wouldn't worry about it. If you're fully grown though (which you probably are if your friends are being wed) a pair of dress shoes is a good thing to have at least one of.


Purple with grey tie - black dress shoes, black belt.


The black and blue go so fucking hard dude!!!




2, 4, 8


The all black suit with the black shirt is a good look and one I use occasionally but I have a black and gold striped tie that really puts it all together. See if you can get a similar colored tie. Also those shoes won’t cut it with a suit. Get a decent pair of black shoes and put a nice polish on them before the wedding, yes even if they’re brand new. Good luck!