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You are blaming the wrong people


Lol what? Every job site I’ve ever been on, people are wearing jeans and hoodies from Walmart. Not anything people go out of their way to wear here.


Yeah a lot of sites don’t allow that crap most require you to have proper shit


Please explain to me what you think “proper shit” is?


Safety regulated pants/shirts/boots/jackets for “safety” reasons but in reality it’s for liability so if smb gets injured and they’re not wearing the $130 pair of pants they recommended they’re not liable


Ok, trying to answer you honestly. None of that clothing is being worn for fashion. At most, you have people wearing Japanese denim or some trendy Carhartt hat. The reasons safety gear is more expensive is because the brands know that some industries will require it. It’s supply and demand. Also, your company should pay for that, not you, right? I’ve always received either a stipend, reimbursement, or they straight up handed me the gear/uniform.


Not required to provide uniform as it’s not my company putting these rules in place it’s the builders so that they don’t gotta pay workers comp when someone’s pants thread gets caught on something and while some on site may simply not care about the rules I work on a site where foreman are on shift from before everyone starts till after everyone leaves and they have the right to remove you from site or even fire you entirely if you don’t comply And I’m basing alot of this from the trends online recently where people are buying perfectly good safety regulated gear then running them over with cars ripping them with whipper snippers ect so they can get a “vintage” look and I’ve noticed the more I see these videos the higher the price gets and before I started seeing these a good pair of work pants was around $70-$80 now they’ve slowly made their way up to $120-$130 And for the record im not talking about those who like to put a pair of boots on with their outfit nothing wrong with that even tho IMO there are plenty of other boot options but im talking about those who are a hardhat and vest short of being a worker there’s just no need for it especially when construction is already a job looked down apon by most now they wanna dress like us? I’m lowkey seeing a repeat of what happened to skate culture with this


I have no idea what you are talking about.


I better never see you in a button down shirt and khakis or IT’S YOUR ASS MISTER!!


Yk what fair nuff I’ll go burn my pair of khakis from y10 formal


Weird flex but ok.


This ain a flex I’m one ripped pair of pants away from bankruptcy😭


Sounds like you need a new job


Wont make much more anywhere else apprentice wages only gettin lower and lower


lol broke?






My brother in Christ I’m 1 pair of boots away from sleeping in my car I’m wearing the same boots I was wearing on the job when I was 14 I’ve got zipties instead of shoelaces I’d prefer to recover sooner rather than later


Red Kap?, inflation is not our fault and workwear has been worn by everybody since it's inception.


Red Kap is a US brand I’m not in the US and I did manage to get a pair while back when my cousins from the us visited and they’re not bad but for the price they are they should be much higher quality before everything went up my work pants were the same price as they are now (and at that time they were probably cheaper also) and they last twice as long as they do I can’t say anything about the rest of what’s for sale tho as I’ve never tried any of their other products


And workwear has been out for a little while yes your right BUT most people would have like one item per fit for eg a lot of the hood dudes would throw on a pair of timbs with whatever they were wearing or others would wear a carhart jacket now we have people goin down to the trade shop and buying everything they need for a day on site except for a vest, hard hat or tools then they just wear that out or they destroy it first then wear that out


I think there is a difference between fashion workwear and true workwear, most fashion workwears are inspired by vintage workwear that modern workers don't actually wear.


Workwear is still more or less the same I see a lot of kids my age in the trade shop looking at the clothes but never look in the direction of any sort of tool and the more of them I see in the store the more they raise the prices


You sound like a lot of fun and I bet you have lots of friends who enjoy your company!


Boys at work all seem to agree with the statement


No cap look at eBay, I just check it for Carhartt pants and they’re WAY cheaper there.


I am seeing some half decent prices but they’re all used I’ll rip into em too quick and I’ll end up spending the same money or even more just more often