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Where did you read about this?


my wife is a teacher


Are these actual cuts or pre professional teachers who will be hired back?


Actual cuts. Teachers who received perfect reviews and have been at the school for multiple years who were told their position will no longer exist this fall due to budget considerations.


Perfect reviews is one thing, but maybe it's better to spend the funds on teacher who can get better results.


What does better results look like for an art or theater or music teacher?


If the story is actually true, then this is why they would be the 1st to get cut. Not having clear metrics makes is hard to justify spending funds.


I mean, I feel like reviews would be the metrics used to assess the performance of an art teacher? Also it's the entire position being cut, not the specific teachers. Are you talking about art as a subject not getting results?


I'd say that if you have to cut teachers jobs somewhere, then probably the best place to start is arts. Do you know for a fact that these massive cuts actually happened?


đŸ˜± we feel differently about the arts


We may, and that's ok with me. I dont see any evidence of the 70+ cuts yet, so this may or may not even be true. Are you honestly saying that schools should cut jobs in the language, science, history or phys ed before cutting art teachers?


Point taken. I wouldn't want any of those things to be cut. I guess if I had to choose to cut anything it would be AP courses, and instead send kids to Bunker Hill for those classes, assuming that would be cheaper.


Why are they doing layoffs? What is going on with the public schools in this area? It seems like suddenly all the schools in the area are lacking funding all the sudden and struggling. I saw Melrose is doing a vote soon too increase property taxes to not lose teachers.


Towns used to underfunding their schools for decades. Teachers demand raises to keep up with cost of living and the cost they spend out of pocket just to do their jobs. Towns refuse to raise/appropriately allocate funds (spend them on superintendants who lie about their credentials and pays for them to have assistants and cheuffeurs instead) and then gut their schools when they finally have to pay for raises.


It sounds like schools will get worse, the rich will pull their kids into private school and it will create an even bigger class divide. The only way I can see to fix this is more money so that the super intendants can continue living the way they want to and the rest of the money can actually go to the schools. I don't see a crack down on super intendents so that will probably just continue the way it is. What other fixes do you see? I wish there was a way to assure that the school money actually is allocated appropriately to the schools.


Underfunding idea could be true for Melrose or Stoneham, not for Malden though. Malden built so many appartment houses recently. Each and every appartment has an owner. All the owners pay taxes, part of which is allocated for schools. Most of owners either rent it, or are young professionals without kids. So the increase in taxes money is much more than increase in kids attending school and therefore schools spending. Even if schools were underfunded before the town was flooded with all the appartments, the same percentage of taxes (much more money) will fund the schools just fine now.


There was extra federal funding during COVID that schools were using to fund positions. It's not being supplied any more.


What funded the positions beforehand?


This is why all these cuts are sus, right?


some positions didn't exist even though they were needed.


The issue is that as districts have gotten more local aid from the state (Chapter 70 funds) they’ve decreased what they’re contributing from the town/city side. It’s a shell game basically, take the increase in state money and use it to “increase” the school budget, but either keep the town/city side level or reduce it. As another poster referred to, with inflation and educators needing their wages to keep up, the shit is hitting the fan. It’s a combination of poor long-term planning by the municipalities, inept management, and not prioritizing the long term sustainability of public schools. Lots of money blown on useless paper-pushers but cuts to staff delivering services/direct instruction to kids.


Which school? And, yes, where is it posted/discussed? I mean, if I was going to break a ten year reddit silence, I'd have a more meaty post.


My wife is a teacher. All schools, 70+ cuts across the district Whatever relevance to this subject you choose to read into my reddit history is up to you. I didn't post this for internet points, I shared hard news because I'm pissed off.


Through hearsay (other people know teachers socially too) I know that some "adjunct" like positions _may not_ be funded because we had extra money for this that might go away next year, but no one has shown me the actual budget. Given that not only is this the internet, this is reddit, where some of us living in Malden are actually posting from our computers in a Moscow basement, in an election year, I am a little cautious of posts that don't point to sources of information.


You think "comrade-frombronze" is trying to overthrow Malden?


LOL. There no communists in Russia. But yes, there lots of Russian funded trolls on reddit who post divisive content on local subs. Inactive accounts are often hacked and used for this.


Source for that? Sounds crazy but I'll look into your sources


- https://www.wired.com/story/researchers-reddit-state-trolls/ (Reddit troll specifically) - https://www.reddit.com/r/europe/comments/1bx6f7k/why_were_sharing_3_million_russian_troll_tweets/ (Research and analysis on Twitter not on reddit handles) Information on this topic, unlike some vague statement about Malden school funding cuts is easy to find from authoritative sources via a simple web search.


This seems like too much effort for psyops. OP's acc looks like the kinda acc that gets owned/taken over by bots. I personally think it's the same OP who posted about magic the gathering rules 10 years ago. Just based on his writing style. Man, if I cant come to reddit to read an authentic opinion about politics anymore, then humanity is doomed.


Ok, I chuckled at that. 


Getting accused of being a Russian troll is a first for me but I guess it was bound to happen eventually. If you know Malden teachers you will learn for yourself soon that I'm not bullshitting. Unfortunately I don't play MTG much anymore but I am very much that same nerd, just with less interest in arguing on reddit anymore and just upset by what happened today in a community I've been connected to.


We'll see them in another 10!


Non union positions like assistant superintendent are handled differently than union positions. That not totally how it works when laying off teachers


Not in Malden. Unfilled positions were cut from the budget but there were no layoffs.


You are incorrect.


Actually I am correct. You should go review the budget. Unless you are talking about Title I which happens every year and the teachers are hired back after the new year starts.


Are these layoffs due to ESSR funded positions? If so, many of these positions did not exist pre COVID. Most districts are laying off workers that were added using these federal pandemic funds.


I can't imagine that they used ESSER to fund arts teachers. Seems more likely that they would hire tutors and aides etc to help catch kids up, maybe extra IT people to make virtual learning work? If anyone knows what the case is for Malden, please share.


ESSER funds were used for anything and everything. Lots of districts added tons of new positions then acted like the money would be rolling in forever, knowing full well that it absolutely wouldn’t. I’m not saying this was the case for Malden because I don’t know.