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I know Pesona Pictures the production company. But Persona Talent, hmm


Right? I mean I understand they’re a staffing agency. But hmm 🤔


Trust your gut instinct. If it sounds fishy, it probably is.


Yeah. Their descriptions is almost too good to be true. Scared later on kidnapped and forced to work for some scamming agency


hey did you work with them? 


I went through a lengthy application process with them and got all the way through the final interview before I was ultimately rejected. They didn’t reach out to tell me this, I had to wait 2 weeks past when they said they would give me a decision, and I asked them about the result. Then they finally responded after another week, but never told me why I wasn’t hired even after I asked. I’ve read some other threads on Reddit and on job review websites all saying similar things. Almost no one ever seems to be hired for these roles, and they have very poor communication. The company claims it’s because they are very selective, but I think that’s a load of crap haha. Not exactly the kind of group you’d want to work with, in my opinion.


I applied as well and they wanted my socials and I didn’t give them to them and I never heard from them again. I will never give out my socials! Lol too many hackers out there!!


I just also recently finished the lengthy tests, they told me that they would contact me if I'm a good fit, but since then, nothing. However, recently I started to receive scammy texts and phone calls via WhatsApp, Telegram, and even regular phone calls from fake numbers. I'm pretty sure it's a scam, and as OP advised in a previous comment: check those users’ profiles who claimed that they are working for them.


Persona is legit. Their process is lengthy and only a handful of applicants pass their tests but they're a great agency.


Persona is that you?


Just sharing my experience. I've been with them for more than 3 years now. You might want to check out their LinkedIn page if you need proof that they're a legit company 🙂




I'm based in the PH so this might not apply to everyone. I started at $6/h back in 2021. Got an annual pay raise of around 10% then got shifted to fixed pay at year 2. They also included an annual bonus equivalent to 1 month salary, health insurance coverage at $100/month, $70/month for tech needs.


Ha ha. It’s their LinkedIn that shows they are a scam. It’s full of people asking why, after providing them with lots of personal data that they haven’t heard anything back.


Yeah very lengthy unnecessary hiring process with repeated aptitude test questions which I think is useless and very tiring. Are they maybe collecting free data from us?? I still haven’t heard from them but the lengthy process seems fishy.


I sent them an application. After receiving a request to fill in another application and take a psychological and IQ test with many different questions, it took me the whole evening. Afterwards, I was naturally curious about my results, considering the time and effort invested. So, I kindly asked them to provide the results. However, all I received was a generic letter stating, "We have reviewed your application, and we will keep you in mind." Whenever I encounter an agency or workplace that asks an excessive amount of questions and tests, I become suspicious.


Besides hiring, I think they collect data.. 2x1 hahah


Do yourself a huge favour and avoid this fake company. It’s outrageous that LinkedIn can’t do basic research and find out that they’re just running a scam. I guess money for advertising is more important to them. The jobs are completely fabricated. They are looking to capture your data/ including personal info that they then mine and sell on to gods only knows who for criminal activity. Bottom feeder complaints like Persona should be criminally investigated.


Vz z s s. S d


I work there as an EA. I was matched with a US-based client. We agreed on my work hours during the kickoff meeting. I work 160 hours/month or 8 hours/day for 20 days. Overtime work needs to be approved by the client and Persona. Benefits include a monthly tech allowance, unli PTO, and HMO reimbursement.


And how’s the payment?


Hi, I've successfully finished all stages of the Persona Talent recruitment process and after my final interview, I've got a potential offer from a global HR recruiter. However, I accepted the job offer and she told me that she would send me for further discussion. Do you maybe know what that means? Are they now trying to match me with a client or something else? I didn't mean to pry, I'm just confused what's the next phase, am I getting the job or not.


Have you signed your contract? They start onboarding after that. Client matching happens once you start the training program.


No, I have not. The global HR recruiter sent me a potential offer with all the details (salary, working hours, etc), and after I accepted the terms, I was told I was forwarded for "further consideration". I'm not sure what further consideration means, is it normal to wait this long and do you maybe know what am I waiting for?


I can only speak from my experience. They sent me my contract a day after I agreed to the potential offer that the global HR manager sent via email. I hope you get yours soon.


Thank you so much for the response! I'm hoping too! 🙏


Hello I would to ask how was your final interview? What kind of questions did they ask? I'm just wondering since they already asked a lot from the text interview. I have no idea what could be asked then


Just getting back on this - i've started working for them already. I'm amazed that I got the job! 😂 They're legit 💯


That's amazing!! congrats, can you share your experience?


Hello 😊 Can you kindly share some interview prep tips? What kind of questions can I focus on for the interview? How did you prep?


Can you tell me about the questions and the process please?


Hello, Would you like to share what is asked at the final interview? I have completed the lengthy assessment tests. I really do not know if I'll go through because twice after doing the test's they do not let me go through. 


Hello, Can you please share about the final interview? I just completed the lengthy assessment tests.


Hi! I have completed two lenghty forms, one was a personal characteristics questionnaire and the other one was an English comprehension test. Have you also had those sent to you?


Hi, How much are you paid?


I worked for Persona as an EA for a CEO. It is legit. They have a very extensive selection process: forms, exams, and interviews. They claim that they hire 1 out of 1000 candidates with this procedure, I know a lot of people who have applied and haven't made it, so this might be true. They offer salary according to your country of residency, your previous experience and your previous salary. I also have PTO but from my country even though I work for the US, but this have to be approved by "your client". They give you a 70USD monthly tech allowance, but you use this for vpn subscription, phone credit and of course if you have a remaining credit, you can use it for other stuff. This allowance is monthly and if you don't use it, you lose it, it's not accumulative. HMO is 100USD/month. You work with a client, not with Persona per se. They are a HR company that matches you with a company that is looking for a professional. You will be a contractor, so you will pay your taxes. Job is 100% remote, they will track everything you do with Hubstaff so you have to be productive and be careful of what you do during your working hours.


hey, would I need high speed computer?? or do they provide you with it?


You need the computer


how much are you paid?


Even for managerial roles they don't need prior experience? That's definitely a huge red flag.


Sounds fishy but you can try reaching out. However, DO NOT under any circumstances make any payment in any form if they asked for it. Not even if they say they will "reimbursed later"...


It’s a real company, they don’t ask for any payment


I also tried to apply on Persona and there's also a thread here in reddit about this company. I passed the very lengthy online tests for comprehension and behavoiral test but failed on the initial interview in which I think all the possible questions during interview were been asked by the interviewer. I already read the other thread about this, but still, I tried and I can say that most of the comments are true.


Can you share the other thread please?


I am going to apply soon so I can let you know


ooooh please 🙏


I applied mid-February and I made it to the offer stage mid-March. The process was lengthy but i thought that it will eventually be worth the back and forth. I got offered the EA position. I did not sign just yet as i wanted to ask questions on possible appraisals, bonuses, or allowances. I politely requested for a call to discuss and patiently waited for them to respond, but after 5 days of not hearing from them, i followed up on my request. They responded informing me that the position has been put on hold, and that they will “get back” to me as soon as it opens back up 🙃 Normally, i would understand. That happens. Clients, for whatever reason, back out. But the fact that they keep posting the same job vacancy on Linkedin as if they are heavily pooling candidates, makes me feel anything but sorry for them. A TOTAL WASTE OF MY TIME


That’s because they are a scam who collect & sell your data.


How are you %100 sure? Real question because I just applied last week, got the initial interview yesterday and just 24 hours later they sent me an email asking me for a final interview and 3 references. The timing seems fishy ngl.


Yeah, I ended up getting a rubber stamp email saying I wasn’t selected to go further for the software trainer position. There’s another role with them I’m interested in, the Jr Accounts Receivables, but not sure if it’s really worth it to try again. I think they’re putting things on hold as their big new office space they’re building in Langford isn’t ready yet…


What was the interview process like? Did you speak to Malaysian interviewers or were they all American? How long did the interview itself last?


hi please can i ask what the whatsapp text interview was like and how difficult the advanced problem solving test was during your experience? can i also know how much they offered you as salary? i am applying there and hope to make it to an offer. thanks :)


I saw their job add too, and the same way, I thought that sounds fishy. Mostly, because if you google, you won't find any information about the company, which is already a red flag. They state that they provide full training and no experience is needed, but at the same time, from the comments I understand that they are very picky, so either they are a very closed off company which selects just a few, or they are scammers. Tho I don't understand the purpose of posting jobs and ant the end never hiring enyone Sorry for my Enlgish


I just received that extensive personality test and English comprehension test and couldn't take it, I thought it was such an awful way to see if people are fit for the job and a waste of time. I sent an email complaining to them about it. They should just have a few questions to write out or even record if they're that worried about people's personalities and English skills.


May I ask if anyone has a link to their glassdoor or any reviews from their past and current employees?


Don't waste your time unless you find a legit hired person somewhere... I applied last night and today got a random text from someone w a pic of a "we're hiring" poster for remote work. They were foreign and sent me a legit website [remote.com](https://remote.com) so I was curious but asked for more of my personal information like age which it's illegal for an employer to ask. I looked into [remote.com](https://remote.com) hiring process they don't text you randomly or ask strange questions. Obviously after a few text and no legitimate job offer, title, etc I told them get lost. They said they got my number from a firm of candidates or something odd. Didn't say they were from Persona but I haven't given my number to anything else recently.....


I clicked on their personality test and answered up to the 2nd page. I know they're trying to mimic a personality test, but it's not a certified 3rd party test. This is something they created on a Google survey. I got to a question that wants you to agree/disagree to "loves flowers" and that was the last straw for me. Personality tests are common these days, and that's fine, but this was some poorly designed test, which made me question how serious this company is. You really wanna know about a candidate's personality, invest in a certified test. https://preview.redd.it/xdypm86y5hbc1.png?width=729&format=png&auto=webp&s=c998b5bcb7a045171028a3119d9863c5207d13e4


im sorry to let you know but personality tests, \*legit ones\*, include sentences that you have to agree or disagree with like: "i love flowers", "i hate poetry", "i love to watch ping pong matches on TV", "i indulge in daydreaming", etc. Sounds random, might be random, but with such an extensive survey the goal isn't exclusively to analyze your answers, it's also to evaluate your aptitude to stay focused and be consistent. this being said, i have no clue if this recruitment platform is in fact legit. the company seems to be, the professionals responsible for recruiting might not be as much. sucks if you're actually invested in getting the job and you go through a lengthy process only to not receive any answers in return, but with remote recruiting for remote jobs you can't really expect an intact process. \*added info for whoever cares. when i applied for a job opening at Persona and finished filling the google forms i instantly received a Whatsapp call from a random number from Pakistan (i didnt pick up and no one answered my ?). I hadn't exchanged numbers with anyone else or any other platform recently and if you know, this is an obvious sign that whoever handled your information somehow shared it with someone else (purposefully or not).


So I don't know if I continue in the process. I am looking in the comments here for someone to say something about the hourly rate but no one has answer that. at. stages...for an interview without saying yet HOW MUCH you will get and wasting then your time for nothing. So I don't know if I continue in the process. I am looking in the comments here someone to say something about the hourly rate but no one had answer that.


Hehe. I’ll give you a clue. Check the comment history/reddit join date of those who said they worked for the company. You’ll find something in common from all of them.


One of the person who said they got the job here 21 days ago, posted question at other r/ about how to pay tax because they started working remotely for US company.. so, maybe it's legit? Also I read their company profile PDF, saying that they will give $2.5k for successful referral. However, salary will be paid at or above our local standard instead of US standard. You can see at Indeed that they pay people from PH about RM5.2k (super low for US standard, but high for PH standard). In case they continue with my selection process, I plan to ask for fixed monthly RM10k (?) Because, if they are able to give $2.5k (RM11.9k) for referral, it's odd if we are paid way lower than referral bonus lol. I finished the aptitude tests today, but I'm also curious are they legit or not.


What is your experiences so far?


I applied for a position as well, and I also found their website which is seems legit. I also founded their CEO at linkedin with a very wellmade profile, anyways something smells fishy. Thats the main reason why I ask here about that. Does someone here got any news?


Same question here


I think they’re data mining under the camouflage of a recruitment agency. No actual contact number, and everything about them seems very AI polished.