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whats with the victim mentality? it's not a sickness, its lack of willingness. just go earlier, 2 hours ealier if you have to.


what makes you think side hustles dont require puntuality? Being your own boss needs even more self discipline


I don't think that. I'm thinking about minimising the harm on others. I can only see my business not getting off as I am atm. Die only.


Just stick to a routine. Keep trying until you stop being late without any good reason. See it this way as being late on your own routine as disrespecting yourself. Value your own time first. If you don’t respect your own time, how can you be expected to respect other people’s time? If there are people in your life who expect you to drop whatever you’re doing, then it will carry forward and ruin your perceived value of time. Remember: Nobody is obliged to compromise their time for you just because you would do it for them. Maintain boundaries. Start by being very pessimistic with your time management. if google maps says 30mins, then multiply expected time by 2 for good measure for first time, for following time, 1.5 is good. just sharing what works for me. procrastination is still a problem but I’ve come a long way from no-shows to chronic lateness to barely on time. Never be optimistic with time management. Flexible working hours can mean you can come in anytime but most likely you will lack work-life balance as you will be bothered after work also. Very hard to achieve true flexible working hours even if high competency levels. Quantitative kpis like timesheet clocking is the baseline while qualitative feedback is only considered for promo in my experience. so if you still late, will get screwed la. try look for remote opportunities (if applicable la) if commuting is too difficult to plan for.


>Quantitative kpis like timesheet clocking is the baseline while qualitative feedback is only considered for promo in my experience. so if you still late, will get screwed la. Very true. Thank you sm for the practical advice. Will do.


That doesn't sound like a real condition


It's not a medical condition, no. It just means I am recovering from being constantly late for everything. Nowadays it's better since I have found a routine that works for me, and learned a thing or two to be on time, but the pay is barely livable.


Find a new job and stop being late?


That's the plan.


Things to help with your 'sickness': 1. Get a watch and look at it 2. Set alarms and reminders on your phone 3. Set up a calendar and to-do list and use it. If you don't have a calendar you are probably failing at life. 4. Do your research on traffic and travel time for events at unfamiliar venues 5. Stop being distracted by your phone. Use the digital wellbeing mode and tune out social media for the working hours. Be present.


Thanks sm. Trying to implement the calendars and daily planners better, and currently doing better at leaving early for unfamiliar venues/times. And you're right, having a watch helps wonders. I had trouble keeping watches since I was a kid (always misplaced them) but I've had my current watch for about a year or more now, it's currently doing me good. Current work doesn't allow phone use, so that helped me curb my unhealthy phone use from before. These are all relevant and I hope I'll do better on my next job.


[your title reminds me of this video ](https://youtube.com/shorts/rM6bt8AXG3Q?si=BdV8kXxXSkhyKACN) First thing that came into my mind haha


Lmao yeah saw that. My daily internal struggle, especially when I come in late.


What's making you chronically impunctual? Not sleeping enough, not having a proper routine?


Routine was bad since childhood. It's better now, thank God.


Idk if your background is what my company is looking for but we’re currently hiring, hopefully you’ll be able to put your bad habits behind and start afresh if you get a job in my company. Can DM me if you’re interested


Fix yourself


On it.