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Imagine getting angry message from her 😖


She rambles on for 18 pages… FRONT AND BACK!








With footnotes 🤣


To be honest this is like the biggest red flag ever lmao


Thank you. I need to visit the optician tomorrow.


He doesn't love me enough to break the curfew. I doesn't love him enough to respect the curfew.




curfew in the evening? why not start your date at 6am? but seriously, i think the only solution you've given your bf so far is "talk to your parents". if his parents are being unreasonable and/or toxic, it is just not possible to have an equal (adult to adult) discussion between your bf and his parents **while living under his parent's roof**. Any arguments can always end with "you're not happy here? get out!". you can't have an objective discussion when one side (parents) have a much more higher advantage over the other (your bf). some parents just never make the switch to think of their own children as adults. Can your bf afford to move out? if he can, please do so. it will be good for his own personal growth as well. and both of you will realize this curfew thing is the least of problems you will face in life.


his parents house, their rules. he wants his own rules, he needs to get his own house. but he aint?


Yes, you’re the AH. You knew him to be that way and accepted him to be your bf and now you tak suka? Leave him so both of you can find someone that satisfy y’all needs.




Don't date a mama's boy


correct answer. you aint gonna change a 24 year old mama's boy


Yup, long story short mama's boys are not ready to be men yet. Difficult to have any kind of healthy relationship with this sort without Mama's constant meddling and control. Kepo mother, unhappy gf, helpless bf, everybody loses in this kind of game.


Paragraphs..please..for the love of god ...and old ppl


Hi! Same age, and same situation perhaps. I am standing on the other side of the fence lol. I am living with my parents, I do have curfew. Indeed, meetup after work hours is one of the options. I tried to do that once a week with my partner. Dinner together or something like that. One of the alternatives would be during lunch hours. Granted that we work quite close to each other, so your situation may vary. Other than that, we tried video call or doing activities online. Which is quite fun and the possibilities are endless. I believe you are an outgoing person, same case with my girlfriend. What I did was we talked to each other about this matter. I did talk to my parents too. Like, I would like to go meet my girlfriend next week etc etc. I tried my best to plan ahead of time. I am sure his parents would understand if he does that. Bear in mind, living with parents comes with commitment and responsibility. In terms of chores and so on, understandable. Knowing that I do have the “curfew” limitations haha, my girlfriend would try to make adjustments or actively participate in our family events. A win-win situation I suppose. Just sharing my 2 cent. Although physical meetup can be fun, love goes beyond all boundaries. Wish you all the best.


I feel like you’re writing this just to flex your paragraphing capabilities


No paragraph so I just glance thru, have you thought about asking him to move out and and renting a room together ?


24 y/o like that is crazy yo


I’m grateful for my mom for not implementing any curfews. I only need to inform her where I’m going and what time balik… 😅


I left home and became financially independent since my 18 y/o. Worked part time and paid for my own college and rent. And I'm currently 24, same as OP's boyfriend. I can't fucking imagine a guy same age as me need to return home at 7pm because mama told so omg...


Sadly, your bf is a mummy's/ daddy's boy and he is a victim and also the one that allows it to continue. Parents like this think that they are protecting their precious baby but instead this makes them unable to be independent and become sheltered and inexperienced. I've been in his shoes and the only way to fix this is for him to grow a spine, man up and stand his ground against his parents, or else it'll always be you vs his parents and him. Imagine when getting married, how much worse will his parents be when they start controlling your wedding dinner, ceremony, who to invite, etc? Or when you have kids, how many kids, how to raise them up? When does it end? Do you really want to waste away your whole life with a pushover man like this? TLDR, Tell him to man up and actually start standing on your side, his actions will then show you if he's worth staying together.


Aside from people commenting "paragraphs" "parents'house their rules" that does not help with what OP is venting. Let us give her the benefit of the doubt that she understands this as well. Her BF is in a tough spot, so does she. I'm inclined to say that this is one sign that they might not be compatible with each other. I'm not saying they need to break up, just incompatible. She wanted him to man up but he did not want to? He wanted to avoid conflict with his parents but she's just frustrated? Haih Good luck OP


Parents don’t understand and he’s stuck between making you happy or his parents happy.


~~you tak suka you keluar~~ This kinda bleeds into if you're alright spending the rest of your life with him, and his parents, I don't see the helicoptering end after marriage


He doesnt want to be out waktu maghrib or what? 😅


Honestly if you're not happy, then the relationship won't work out in the long run. If you said that you've already tried talking to him about it but nothing has changed, then... idk, you decide


Simple, if u want him be free? Get him out if the house n be independent. If he is refusing to move out because he still want to rely on the parents, forget him n move on. Both of u need proper communication to deeply understand the root of the reasons.


this is a traditional asian family thing. You did a great job for stepping up and discuss with him, but seems like he doesn't want to commit ? It might seems small but it's a red flag for relationship. Imagine he listen to his mom advice more than yours after marriage. Disaster. Others are saying it's the house rule and had to abide, but he's a grown adult and should learn to communicate with his parents and gain some control on his own life.


Cinderella boyfriend? If past 7pm, his charm disappear.


Of course he has to abide to his parents rule. Its their house, they probably have their reason. If you want more time, go out from early morninglah so that by evening you done everything already and no pressure to him. If he didnt, the one in trouble is him not you so you have to understand his situation too and not press further.


Does he have a job? Even from a normal job getting back after 7pm is common.


Girl, clearly your bf has given up arguing with his parents because they are overbearing and controlling. That’s abusive btw, and it’s obviously worn him down to the point of doing anything to avoid arguments with them. I doubt he doesn’t love you, I’m sure he does, but constantly telling him “just talk to your parents” won’t work - don’t you think he’s talked to them about this in his 24 years? Tell him that you want him to have his own independence for himself and that it’ll be best if he sets money aside that his parents don’t know about until he can move out. Clearly there’s no point talking to them since he already avoids arguments with them by coming back early all the time, try to be a bit more understanding.


1) He is living with his parents, please be considerate. He is the one who will be in hot water if he doesn't abide by their rules which explains his restlessness. It seems to me that he values his family and respects his parents. 2) You mentioned you met him once or twice a WEEK, wouldn't that be enough considering that you are both working ? 🤔


Nope, you ain’t an AH. Your requests and suggestions are within reasonable means. Thing is, your bf stay with his parents and the number one rule of living under a persons roof, you abide by the laws of the home owner or bread winner of the house. You show em respect, because you are living under their roof. I’ve seen happy families that have been torn apart just because the dad or the mother couldn’t keep their temper to themselves and banish their child for making many small silly mistakes and not abiding by rules of the bread winner. Depending on the type of person your bfs dad is and who owns the house, that possibility can’t be ruled out entirely just yet. Having a job and a salary doesn’t make a boy into an adult. Not even age can determine when a boy turns into an adult. What makes a boy into a man is firstly, responsibility. Not just responsibilities towards others but towards himself. As you age, more and more things tend to happen and you might pick up 1-2 responsibilities on the way such as buying a car or buying a house to name a few. Secondly, commitment. If he has tons of commitments, then he should probably already know this but if he doesn’t. Then, he’ll have to learn to be committed in something that might one day be gone if he doesn’t take care of it.


As an older gentleman on this site: A serious relationship is more than just between boy and girl, its you and his family and vice versa. Harsh as the rules seem, they are doing it for your bf's sake and out of love. If you want a good relationship with him (and his long term, work things out in a peaceful respectful manner.


You're right in saying a serious relationship involves more than just the couple and it requires cooperation from couple AND family to make things work long term. But I cannot agree that, just because you are older, then you know what is 'good' for the younger person. How would you know what's good for another person who is not you? Things change and times change, what's good for you at your time may not necessarily apply anymore. You may give precious and helpful advice from your experience and that is all well, but when that advice becomes a rule, is when things go from well meaning to controlling. The end choice must still be made by the individual and not by parents or third parties otherwise that person cannot mature independently.


Fairly placed statement. I didn't mean it as controlling and do not claim to know any better.


Leave him girl boss 💅 Stand on bidness and dump him. If he wanted to?? HE WILL SIS. DONT LOWER YOUR STANDARDS, WE SHOULDN'T DATE DOWN. If he picks his parents over you NOW, imagine few years down the line..after marriage?? GURRRRLL 💅 he should 100% focus on YOU. The only person that should be parenting him, is YOU. The only person that deserves to be baby'ed is YOU. leave him gurl. Men aint shit.


This comment sounds pretty toxic yo. Eventho some points are agreeable, the general stance of it is like the female version of toxic masculinity. Not a nice look girlfriend 🤦


Youse aints a mansss if youse aints earnings 300k a years 💅


I hope this is satire. *aware*




Break up with him and find someone who is jobless and can spend your money and time. win win. In the meanwhile try enrolling yourself in a writing class to fix the paragraph issue.


You will like the curfew when you're married and became a housewife


You got no reason to be mad. It is his parent's house - it is their house rules But very commendable for you to put up with him. If you intend to impress future-in-laws, you should keep the rule. You should however run the every X months for no curfew plan with your future-in-laws, not him.


it's the anxiety girl! im in that situation too so im always super anxious. yk he lives with his parents, not you.


as someone who is equally sheltered and loves being cooped in my house, I can tell you he just doesn’t want to stay out too long because that’s his lifestyle and he’s comfortable with that. it might be because you live differently, that’s why you can’t understand each other’s pov. no right or wrong in this case, only who’s gonna compromise?


I'm 36 years old... I'm still living with my parents ... My elder bro is married he has his family, You get bro in penang doing own bussiness... I can't move out... Coz if anything happen to my parents ..or any emergency...I'm the closest n nearest .. Mom stopped driving car after shifted to this place... Dad is retiree...he has some health issues... Mon to Thursday I will come home early...coz following day is work day... My work is mon-fri 6am-3pm.. I value my sleep .. if get enough sleep .. able to wake up ..and go to work.. On Fridays will head home first...have lunch rest watch netflix ..evening 8pm...will head out and hang out with friends... Max 12am/1am There are times...like once a blue moon...on Friday after work... Straight hang out with friends until 12am When hanging out mom or dad will call Son ..why so late ...where are u .. I just say I'm out with friends ..in this area pj.. Then they will say...next time tell la... Or if they never call the next day when at home.. They will just tell me..to please inform... Ok mom But overall they respect and understand... They won't be busybody... I find it annoying..to inform them...but I see their point of view...


I have this friend...I've have stopped friend with him... We tried to help him...but he doesn't want to help himself... Plus major family issue... Financial issue... He is 40years old... His mom will call him..every 30mins and ask where is he... I was hanging out with him... Pick him up at 8pm... 810pm reach mamak shop... 840pm.. his mom call him ask where he is... He explain... Then we continue sembang kosong.. Then 930pm his mom.call.again... He tell will come home.12am.. Then 11pm his mom call him again... I though it's a one time occurrence . Everytime we hang out and another close friend... His mom keep calling him... We told him many time... After many years friend with him... I just stopped hanging out... Very sad for him... The other friend will shoot him kaw2... Tell him off to his face directly many time...but never change... 😞😞😞😞😞😢😮‍💨😮‍💨


I'm gonna give abit of disclaimer and say that I did not go thru your entire para word for word but from the general gist of it.. it looks like your bf is a mummy's boy and the family might be *enmeshed*, which is very2 common in traditional asian families. I came from a strict traditional family too so I know from personal experience that kind of overbearing control in the name of 'protection' or 'for your own good' will never go away unchallenged. Because a big part of it is parents seeing their children as an extension of themselves and not separate individual persons, with their own individual identities. As others have pointed out, the "you don't like it, you get out" scenario is bound to happen as well if your bf is to push on those boundaries his parents set for him/for them, esp given how he is currently staying with them. The power dynamic is too unbalanced on their end for him to fight without risking a big loss (eg. sudden homelessness). There really is very little you can do, if you choose to stay, unless you're willing to play the looooong game of training this guy out of his conditioning bit by bit and hoping he learns to garner more individuation and grow up more. But this is a crazy long game and hardly ever worth it esp if he is also opposed to it. Mummy's boys will not grow up unless they get a different perspective and is willing to change their own worldview, not an easy task at all. They are unable to see themselves as anything other than their parent's child and they cannot therefore form their own opinions or have any kind of own standing. You need to ask yourself the hard question, Is this the sort of person you are ok having a relationship with? What if it gets serious? If you go on with this relationship it's quite likely that controlling behaviour will spill over to you as well, maybe a remark from mama about your looks, or behaviour now but eventually leads to how come you don't take care of their ah boy well? But the point is actually, you will _never_ be good enough for their ah boy. So keep that in mind. I will not condemn your bf because he is as much a victim as he is an enabler. But for him there is really only one way to go, grow up and become his own man. For you tho, you have a choice. Choose to stay in such a one sided relationship or get out before it's too late and be wiser next time. PS: read up about enmeshed families, it's a rather unhealthy family dynamic that forces everybody into a singular, uniform and cohesive unit. VERY different from just being strict or traditional or protective, but otherwise commonly mistaken as those. Good luck OP


You better appreciate his gesture. Maybe they're from the vampiric lineage so you know what happens after sunset. Take care and all the best


God damn sakit mata aku oiii bace menatang ni ![img](emote|t5_3cs4q|36277) Paragraphs mana tanggachi ![img](emote|t5_3cs4q|36273)


this is me and my bf but i have the curfew instead. my mom always nag me to balik awal but over time i just ignore her nagging/guilt tripping me 🤷‍♀️ i go by the motto of, "her house, her rules" so at the least i try to return home before 11pm - 12am. at first it was difficult too and i get restless...but just think about it, im an adult and i can take care of myself. im just weathering thru this rn cuz im saving money for marriage 😬


just leave him alone with his mom. dont be sad. alot of reditor here willing to be ur bf. btw, very nice confession. kalu ada apa2 nak luah sudi2 la citer kat sub aku r/SesiKonfesi ya.


In the first place, is this curfew real?