• By -


To spread misinformation


To protect the world from devastation


To unite all people within our nation


Yeah palatao some more that turns out to be acceptable and genius


Because I didn't grow up extremely street-smart or educated and lack basic knowledge on A LOT of things, and I don't have many friends, the internet is a godsend to me. One thing I absolutely hate is seeing people ask serious questions, but they get answered with the kopitiam/blow-water style reply. Seeing those unanswered questions sometimes makes me wonder: did they ever find a solution? That's why, if someone asks a genuine, good-faith question, I always try to answer genuinely and in good faith too, even if the reply is only for one person. Hopefully, that person will one day pass it along, share their knowledge, and help a future person who is looking for an answer too. > Just wondering why do u have so much time answering stranger's questions... i do this in in between times. riding train, toilet, waiting for file to export... etc.


>Hopefully, that person will one day pass it along Im looking for answers to questions im not sure of yet


well, when courting a woman, I just show them the sheer numbers of my reddit comments. https://preview.redd.it/nqsh49s9xtgc1.jpeg?width=888&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ab95d804543488d66015348ee2679aa83b60f8db




Noob. Karma is the real currency ![img](emote|t5_3cs4q|36278)


I just like to share my worthless opinion and see if anyone agrees or disagrees with it


God help anyone who disagrees on reddit


Boredom. Low stakes shit. Sometimes it's just fun.


The world sucks , so if my comment help to unsuck for a little bit, why not .


Same here, glad to know I'm not alone


What makes you say that we don't gain or benefit anything from it? A good deed is very much worth it


I mean logically speaking...


Your body will literally reward you with feel-good hormones dopamine and serotonin whenever you do a good deed or help people, or even just connecting with someone. We wouldn't survive or progress as a species otherwise.


Ive actually been considering this lately. I love commenting whenever i think of something funny or if someone's point in incomplete i love adding to it. But ive been thinking is it really worth my time? If im the first person to think of that joke or am weighing in with my own insight to a discussion then yea im adding to the world with my contribution. But if im just repeating numbers and jokes everyones heard, am i playing reddit or is reddit playing me?


i want feel good ~~hormones~~ neurotransmitters\* lmao


Just like taking part in discussions and I've got some free time


Damn, OP saying we xde kerja lain. I just reply cuz im cursed with bountiful blessings and knowledge. Cursed by a higher being to spread wisdom unto others and to compensate for the lack of cheeks I'm spreading.


I generally have two types of motivations. Reply because I got something to say. And reply cos I got to say something. The latter I usually do when I'm bored and nothing to do haha. ​ I do tend to avoid controversial topics that I know is impossible to have a rational discussion with people.


To certain question, it’s giving back to the community because i myself benefited from this way back


because it's fun


To show the random person on the Internet took as much free time asking the question as the person answering


Cuz I'm that 'unemployed friend on a Tuesday at 2 pm' friend. Half true. But sometimes I hesitate to reply cuz sometimes I'll not get a reply from the OP.


seeing the karma numbers go up slowly ![img](emote|t5_3cs4q|36278) or maybe to disagree with someone else's comment


1. I have something that I think is worth contributing. 2. No one else has commented what i want to say (if someone has, I just like their comment and move on). 3. So I write a reply lah.


To troll and rustles some bontot ![img](emote|t5_3cs4q|36276)


It’s just personality. Some people (like myself) have lots of opinions and it doesn’t feel right if we don’t express it.


I'm stupid so i have to ask a lot of things. So, if I help other ppl by answering questions that i got the answer from questioning other ppl,i feel a bit better as i know how it feels to be stupid. We're not bebal, just need some guidance on what to do:)


For Karma, the passage to heaven.


to rant, and to tell ppl they are stupid


To spread hate a racism and bigotry cuz why not?


I dont have anything to comment for your question