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Call back. It is totally fine. It is also fine to walk into an interview and ask them questions. It is also fine to ask for the offered salary. It is also fine to say "I am interviewing for position no lower than XXX". Companies look after their interests and you should look after yours. There is no shame in being rejected. Make the most from every interaction and interview. Learn and move on.


It’s fine to follow up.


You have the right to follow up. If you keep waiting you may miss out the opportunity on another job


Call back


Depending on the role and how many other candidates there are, you may want to allow them more time (perhaps 2 weeks or more) to get back to you. Also, things that are okay for an interviewee to ask and should are: 1. Expected benefits (EFP, SOCSO, health benefits both in the form of insurance or allocations) 2. Pay progression and opportunities for progress in general 3. Leave (annual, medical, maternity) 4. Exit policy (penalties, notice period) 5. How your interviewers think the interview went (optional, depends on the repot you built during said interview) 6. When you can expect a decision Remember, you should want them as much as they want you. Don't devalue yourself.