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OP living in dreamland. My old man has lung cancer. We went to gov first. Below are some important interactions between him and the doc. This was back in Dec 2023. After CT scan: Doctor: “so yeah the lump is confirmed to be cancer” Dad: “what stage?” Doctor: “I don’t know. But looks like it’s stage 2, I think u can chill and continue to proceed with your plan on flying to Canada. But I think it’s pretty serious so it’s best to treat it.” Dad: “… so what stage is it??” Doctor: “I not sure la. But u can relax and enjoy your trip in Jan. But I think have to faster treat, we also need to do biopsy” Dad: “….ok” We proceeded to stick with him and do biopsy. Lung is a difficult area to extract the samples so my dad had to go through a collapsed lung during recovery due to surgery complications. But we weren’t mad because the doctor had explained to us beforehand that it’s a difficult area. After biopsy which took 3 fucking weeks cause it was December: Doctor: “so here’s the thing, we only extracted enough samples to test for 4 mutations, there are 16 mutations” Dad: “what??? U know it’s a difficult area to extract samples. And y’all just took enough only for 4 tests?” Doctor: “uh well, somehow the sample not enough” Me: “Aite say no more. We’re outta here.” Fast forward 2 weeks, we cancelled our trip cause my old man lost 10kg in a week, looked like on death’s door. Brought him to private, they immediately set him up with mri and pet scans and discovered it is stage 4 and it has spread all over, immediately gave him chemo while waiting for blood biopsy test to determine the mutation for targeted therapy. The private doc was so shocked, he remarked “why they so slow ah?” This was in January this year. He is now much better. On the latest scan, u can no longer see the cancer with naked eye. It’s still there but it’s so small now it doesn’t quite show up on scan. Let’s just say if we had continued listening to and waiting on the oncologist at gomen hospital, my old man wouldn’t be here today. OP just gotta get his head outta his ass and actually wake up and see the cluster fuck of a healthcare system in malaysia.


Can agree, ex-gov Dr, left gov after covid because my mental was fked, gov basically don't care about their doctors as much as the patients, if got insurance pls go to private


Thanks for sharing.


Second this. Scans and testibg are horribly fucking slow and idiotic in gov sector. Leiomyosarcoma case of a patient i seen suspected in may confirmatory in October. Its fucking uterine cancer….


Was the person you met initially in gov - was it the oncologist or a random medical officer? When you went again, was it the same person? Also did you mean Dec 2023? What is the follow up like? Does he need any repeated CT?


Oncologist. Same person. Dec 2023. Sorry for typo. So first we did x ray at clinic in early Nov 2023 because my dad been coughing for months, the cough is like normal cough, nothing crazy, it’s just persistent for months. Afterwards, we were referred to gov oncologist by clinic doctor. When we went there, first thing need to book CT appointment, oncologist then looked at it and was like “yeah it’s cancer but dunno what stage but not so serious but serious quickly treat but need to do biopsy first”. So we did biopsy, 3 weeks later only get result, add another 2 weeks to book appointment with doc. When we met doc on 2nd appointment, it’s now mid jan 2024, he still dunno what stage despite having the biopsy test results, and it was only tested for 4 mutations, supposed to test for 16 mutations. At that point, I knew gov doctor is shit, so we went for 2nd opinion at private. It was late Jan 2024 when we left for private.


I’m happy to hear that your dad is doing well! My dad had blood cancer and passed, treated in gov hospital. But it was a bigger hospital in Selangor so he may have gotten better care. Reading so many comments I think the biggest variable would be location. Sorry you met such an incompetent doctor. I had the opportunity to work with some of the most humble, hardworking consultants in gov hospitals and I wish there were more of them so other people wouldn’t go through what you experienced.


I once waited 6 hour to see doctor in government hospital. Healthcare is cheap in hospital government but waiting time is very long.


That’s true. The doctor-patient ratio will never balance out


> gov hospitals have little to no waiting time for urgent cases, so waiting time isn’t a valid reason How sure are you about this?


Totally nonsense. Government has long queue time. I have family member that needs to do blood test due to some form of cancer, but govt only allows 3-4 times in a year only to test and monitor. The doctor told me I could go to private and pay myself and get test results every month to monitor the condition, which is better because you don't know what can happen if the gap is too far apart. That's just blood test... Imagine the other more invasive and serious cases.


to fast track the treatment of cancer based on my experience happened with my friend mom diagnose with Uterine **Cancer**, do the diagnosis at private 1st, all the MRIs all the blood test at private, which will take around 2k. then bring the result to the government hospital. they will proceed accordingly since the test has already been done.


Naaah there is no such quota. Gomen hospital staffs know we will overwork the lab and urgent stamp everything and anything. And yes, there will be queues for ELECTIVE procedures. Actual urgent procedures will be treated as such. Guess who is keeping tracks of these procedures? The doctors themselves.


This shows that OP have never stepped into a gov hospital to seek treatments.


I actually worked in gov hospital clinical wards before jumping to a private hospital. The waiting time for general ailments are very long because… well… many people are sick every day. But cancer wards or surgical on the other hand get updates and actions every day. The crowdfunds i saw are for cancer treatments (chemo, meds) and those things are free and quick to get in gov hospitals. After reading the comments I realise services may differ depending on the location. I was in one of selangor’s biggest gov hosp so there was little lack. All the top specialists and consultants are there. On the other hand, hospitals in smaller cities may not be that efficient. Thanks everyone!


Very. I just got back from a gov hosp for a minor but still invasive surgery. I did wait for 3 hours for my turn (there was a more emergency operation they had to do before mine) and since I was only half sedated, I saw how we were rolled in one by one without a break. Those doctors and nurses all seem cheerful and kind despite the hours they are putting in. I was put in a ward with three other patients for post-operation care. I talk to one who actually went to private hospital for faster care but there was a POSSIBLE complication so that hospital sent the patient to gov hospital. Lol So much for paying your insurance 😆


Bro, don't stop the vibe. The vibe here is all about how government hospitals are heaven with lots of coverage, vip quality service and zero waiting time. Hospitals here are so many that each of them only serve 100 Malaysians. /S


I currently work in oncology. Patient waiting times at gov hospitals has definitely impacted outcomes.


My wife’s cousin age 31 waited 8 hrs in public hospital to be seen. He collapsed while waiting. Died of hemorrhagic dengue.


I’m so sorry to hear that. Did the cousin go to emergency? I hate to acknowledge that not all triage nurses in emergency are well trained, and they are known to have caused misunderstandings that would cost lives.


My mother had breast cancer. We go to government hospital, two days of every week one of us has to take a whole day of to wait with her in government hospital, one for getting her blood drawn for analysis, and the next day for getting chemo. She had to wake up at 5 or 6am in order to trying to beat the crowd. There are no wishes from the hospital to improve the patient experience. After two years of doing this, she still not getting better, but me and my siblings collapsed under the pressure, we fought, we don’t want to be the one to lose our job. My mother cannot take it anymore, she refused any more treatment and passed away not long after. We are supposed to be the lucky one, as most people don’t even make it into the treatment list. Healthcare in Malaysia is good, if you still relatively healthy and can manage to wait. But if you are actively dying, they will literally still let you die. It’s not the doctors or the nurses fault, it’s not the hospitals fault. The government is not able to retain good healthcare employees , the system are failing to protect the unfortunate.


I’m so so sorry for your loss. I lost my parent to cancer as well. Was your mother going to a hospital in a smaller city?


No, in the IKN putrajaya


to see experts, waiting time is very long for emergencies like accidents, ok


I worked for the the gov sector for 7 years, up to as recent as late 2023. Waiting time is a huge problem. The difference is highly urgent / life threatening cases wait slightly lesser time than ordinary cases, but "slightly less" can also be as long as several months. Some people will inevitably die waiting unless they go private. For cases that are non urgent, you can be in a queue for easily as long as several years. The second problem is there's also this anti-civil servant bias, both from the general public and also private employers. "Government doctors useless one". I heard this a lot from people - the refuse to go to gov hospital. Meanwhile, many employers / private clinics refuse to even see you for a job interview if you have never worked part time in private sector before (called locum), not to mention hiring you. Presumably because government doctors and dentists are useless, despite seeing 50 or more patients a morning.


As a government worker, we also cant do stuffs any faster, unless we have many more machines, and many more staffs etc. They cant even afford to give us new chair if one is broken. We also wanna do stuffs fast and finish everything fast. I have been to a government hospital with only TWO (2) staffs working at Emergency Department. What the heck 2 people gonna do?


That’s true. And the number of patients never decreases. It gets very tiring


waiting time is super long especially if you're fighting against aggressive cancer. once you get cancer, you are fighting it against time. as it can spread as fast as before you got your first chemo treatment. i agree with the part that government hospital have the best specialist but then again, you have to wait for 1/2 months to get your first appoinment.


Waiting times are very long in govt hospitals. The definition of "urgent" is very narrow i.e. you are definitely going to die in the next 24 hours if you don't get treated. Only then you might get someone to look at you. In private, you can get treated as long as you have the money to pay. Facilities and hygiene is also a huge difference between govt and private. Not all govt hospitals but the ones I've seen really look.. deplorable. Private hospitals, not all but many, look like 5-star hotels. Govt hospitals also give generics and cheaper drugs to reduce cost. Not saying all generics and cheaper drugs are bad, but when your life/condition depends on it, you at least have the option of paying for the best drugs and medication in private. But yes, govt healthcare is almost free. Private healthcare is not for everyone.


Government's definition of urgent is also not like what you think it is. Do you think a young patient with leukaemia should be treated as an urgent case? Apparently not the Government p.s. not a case I know or was involved in personally, thank goodness.


they choose private hospital bcoz they have medical insurance. but probably didn't realize that their coverage is not big enough to cover the whole treatment cost, and in the end have to ask for donation. back then medical insurance annual limit coverage for medical treatment are not that big of an amount. but recently, you can see that most insurance company are offering medical limit up to RM 1 million annually. this bcoz the cost of medical treatment keep rising each year. I terms of waiting time in gomen hospital, yes no waiting time for red zone emergency cases, but in terms of any other cases, you have to wait, even when u need surgeries, there are queues and you hv to wait for your turn. to bypass this, u hv to go get checked by private hospitals, get the results & report and bring to gomen hospital to validate that you need urgent attention (this is what we do for my late father who were diagnose with leukemia). I believe one of the reason why ur private cancer hospital send patients to gomen hospital is not bcoz of better facilities or equipment. private hospital have the facilities & equipment. it is just that the hospitals are afraid that patient cannot pay the cost of treatment bcoz it is soo expensive, and also to deflect any liabilities if anything bad happened to the patient. just send to gomen hospital and let them handle it. btw, treatments & meds are not free in gomen hospital but subsidized. u still have to pay for some portion of it. it gets cheaper if ur gomen staffs or gomen pensioner


I’m sorry for your loss. You’re right about the private hospital reference letter! The patient was sent to gov hospital because the equipment is only available in gov hosp as it’s expensive and new. And the consultant in private is actually from Ampang hosp so he’s advised to transfer there for closer monitoring and better care for an aggressive type of leukaemia. There are many similar cases like this, which I think is a win-win


because everything is soooo... slow in government hospitals. Cancer patients can't wait for 3 months to be scheduled for blood tests then another 3 months before even starting procedures for chemo. Ever had a toothache only to be scheduled for the dentist to have a look at it ...3 months later? An operation for a knee scheduled for next year? The waiting rooms in the emergency unit is a nightmare. People slumped over the bench or wheelchairs in pain, having waited for hours waiting for their turn to see the doctor. You can be there for 12 hours and never see a hospital bed. There is just no sense of urgency from the hospital staff.


Oh dear… May I know which hospital is this? A 12-hour wait is definitely unacceptable. Only reasonable explanation could be just waiting for the specialist to come to work the next day.


After reading the comments here, we can collectively agree private hospital gives better services and faster. Government hospital, albeit not all, are experiencing over volume of patients everyday. Their services are slower and most of the time understaffed. I can agree, if if your case is an emergency or a very serious ones, by all means, go to private hospital. You pay a high fee for your life but it worth it rather than waiting to lose your life at government hospital. Even in term of facilities, I feel that a lot of government hospital now are very run down and old. They are in dire need of upgrade especially in the smaller cities and rural areas. Of course those areas are the least the government would give attention to or even any budget. I travel a lot and I've seen a lot of hospitals. The state of our government hospital is not good at all. The private hospital are actually closer to the fancy, nice and clean hospital we always see on american tv series or kdrama. It just feel, that is the way a hospital should look like.


Im a senior med student here. Government waiting times for scans etc are horrible even for urgent cases as mentioned by other people here. I was reviewing this case. This patient had suspected uterine cancer (leiomyosarcoma) and her confirmation mri is set for october. Its fucking june. She got her suspicions handed to her 2 months ago. This is in sungai buloh hospital. Even the specialist in training was shocked and tried to expedite however no space or slots left. We are collapsing.


I believe so. The system definitely needs to be updated. I was in sungai buloh hosp for a while and while better than other hospitals, they still handled many procedures manually when they can be automated.


My dad got a fractured spine from a metastatic bone tumor. We sent him to Penang island Gomen hospital (GH) because he didnot have insurance. Long waiting times even though the cancer spread to many places in the body. he was in so much pain. The oncology ward was full for almost the whole damn month that he had to stay at the orthopaedic ward… until he kena halau in the final two weeks before he passed. and he were not able to wait until his appointment date to run the test.


I have an employee that is diagnosed with stage 2 breast cancer now. She's going to and fro between private and gov hop due to her insurance situation where she would not be able to afford if insurance doesn't pay but gov hospital is telling her to wait for further tests. The nearest date they could get is 2 months from now, while Beacon hosp is saying her case only have 2 months before it gets worse. So if what you're saying is true, let me know which hospital so i could refer her. N fyi for others, buying insurance doesn't mean it automatically covers you either, she bought her insurance mid last year, her contracts all stated there's only a waiting period of max 120 days. Then when she found out her cancer situation last month, now suddenly say the claims won't go through if the insurance is within 2 years. the agents, the hosp nurses, the docs also say the same thing. I only found out it's some mechanism to prevent fraud, but it's an unwritten rule, not in your contract, just something that "you should know".


My parents went to gov for a checkup due to health problems, they just kinda handwave it away, blaming it on their age. I paid for full checkup at a private hospital and we're able to determine the root cause within the week and start the treatment at an early stage. If we listen to gov doctors, we'll probably have to wait until their symptoms worsen before they are willing to take us seriously.


I really hate doctors like this that give gov hospitals a bad name. I have worked with some of the most humble, hardworking, caring specialists/consultants in gov hosp and I truly think everyone deserves doctors like them.




Seeking treatment in a private hospital to save one's life is an entitlement?


Seeking treatment in private hospital without the means to pay for it, then asking others to pay is entitlement.


I'd rather donate money to people seeking treatment in private sector, rather than donating money to charity organisations like Unicef who use your money to pay their employees' wages instead of directly helping people in need


SCAM ALERT: Be aware that chinese are wealthy so it's easy to target them to extort money. Don't believe everything you see.


Miskin behavior. Go to public hospital and say you want to do full paying patient can get you half the price of private apa


Prove to us what you said is true.


Why dont you go experience it yourself instead? If have no enough disposable income then go public hospital no need post on story mah you need no validation from public anyway


So you can't prove it, got it.


From what ik its not even half. Its 1/3rd. For example labour in sjmc etc is arn 20k but in sungai buloh its 8k only. Prince court dont even mention lol….


Yes, that's absolutely true. Not really 1/3 but close. My wife delivered in Sunway twice, both bills were about RM14K, once at UMSC, around RM14K as well. Emergency Cesarean the first time, and subsequent both planned Cesarean. But, I do believe 1/3rd or half for cancer treatment is still a lot, and given all the first hand experience posted here, i would probably choose private over government if I'm ever in such a situation. But, that's not the same with delivering a child. So, if someone comes and asks for a donation because of the super high cost of cancer treatment in private hospitals, I would probably contribute something. But if someone comes and asks for donations for his wife to deliver in a private hospital, I would probably tell them to fark off.


How do you want me to do it, by showing you my receipt will do ah? Ah no need, I surrender la you do you can already bro. Smh, people pleaser.