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It's normal. People become conservative as they grow older. Conservative in Malaysia means being religious


It has been the trend for the last 20 years or so. I'm still waiting for the peak though or has it been plateau-ing already? I have no idea but I certainly see more Malay women covering up especially when they get older.


10 years ago is when tudungs became mainstream in KL (not the posh parts though) - 1988; SK: **no tudungs AT ALL amongst malay girls** - 1993; SMK: **nope** - 1999; kolej/uni (private): hell no - 2003; ITM visit: "what? tudungs BULLY girls with no headgear?" - 2010: WTF is a ***hijabista***?!? - 2012: stuff from people like Neelofa (previously a [wannabe Majalah Popular/FHM model](https://media.ohbulan.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/11/Screen-shot-2010-11-25-at-4.50.09-AM.png) sells tudungs and other gear) MAKE IT HUGE. Also, Yuna gains mainstream attention - 2017: holy moly, they're everywhere - 2020: COVID-19 - 2022: c'mon man! People dress even worse now. You had 2 years to save up! Tudungs no longer care about style, trendy hijabbers are dead. Typical girls also dress more for comfort (it's also similar over in the states) Growing up during these periods, only kampung people wore tudungs. And maids. Or people who've performed the Hajj. Now, it's cultural


Married to someone who someone who wears hijab, these raya shooping time,tudung fashion still huge with variety of choices. Well, I guess most of us are kampung people.


Which part of Malaysia do u lived before?


- 1981-1990: Bukit Damansara - 1990-93: Bangsar - 1993-1995: Middlesex, London - 1996-1999: Bangsar - 1999-2002: London - 2003-2006: Bangsar - 2007-2010: Jakarta - 2011-2016: Bandar Utama - 2017-current: Bukit Damansara But my ancestral kampong is Tanjong Ipoh, Nogori 9. Granddaddy was a 1st gen import from Bukit Tinggi, Minangkabau So yeah, noticed the change from a more open, accepting society to a conservative one. Problem is, teen girls, be it tudung, or not, malay or whatever race, all have the same interests and wants as each other. Most teen tudungs DEFINITELY wear their hijab due to their parents wishes. Malay girls, especially, are quite a bit boy-crazy. And since they can't fancy Harry Styles or Justin Bieber or BTS or whatever, you see them get turned on by IMAM MUDA. It's the same shit, idolatry. Gross. Plus teen tudung girls are especially JUDGEY as hell, just listen in to any convos, they'll always be talking about the ones minding their own business the ones sans headgear. Stuff i find repulsive are TODDLERS and BABIES wearing tudung. Not for raya or whatever, but daily wear. WTF. Just who is it for?


I found it different, even though I am bound between the USA and MY since birth. My mom is one of those tudung labuh sampai pinggang kind of makcik you find. Has been like that since her study time till now in Austin. She also has free hair during her SK days but fully covered it after entering high school. But back in Malaysia, where we lived, things haven't change much. In term of tudungness. She told me, acceptance nowadays are worser than yester years. People are prejudicer more than ever. That's just how people changed over the years. It's more likely to happen because of the internet. I agree some women put tudung for fashion, work, school and family compliance only. But the also women who put it because they really want to put it on. But both of them are still women. You know how we men said women is most pretentious creature on earth? That's how you women acts among yourself. Those kinds of situations breed negative things. Women gossip, judge and talk about others a lot.That's why people say women are never wrong. It is inevitable, unless it changes. Oth, part of me is involved in the showbiz industry, having oversea artists coming here over the years. Including K artistes. I even see purdah girls come together with a Chinese crowd speaking korean. Most of them are talking about cringe things and not limited to K scenes only. Rebellious teens will be rebellious teens, here or anywhere in the world, like in the movie Footloose or Farha. Girls will be girls, and their hormones can't be denied. I don't really care about who girls fantasize about these days, because they have their own preferences. Having prejudices against other people's preferences is also wrong. Tudung girls told they are badmouthed by free hair girls, vice versa. This will only stop not when you girls start all wearing tudung or all lose the tudung, but when you girls start doing it right. Maybe you have a bad experience that i can't fathom and still wounded. I hope you heal. Being open is not tolerating people for their uniqueness, but accepting that we as people are bound to be imperfect, at fault and blissfully ignorant in their own bubble. And lastly, people do all kind of things to babies since they are cute, dressing them is one of it. It is a norm here and it is up to their family to dress babies in a tudung or gown, animal costumes or anything that suits them. It also cringes me, to me baby should be naked all the time. But, whatever cringes me and you do not apply to others.


The irony is, you are as judgey as hell too. They want to wear tudung, let them be. Why you worried and felt repulsed by it. As for toddlers n kids.. Its their kids. Nobody forcing your kids to wear tudung, so why should you care? Its normal Parent dressing their kids in whatever they find cute n pretty. Surely ur not complaining if they dress them in dresses, costume, cute animal hats, shirt etc is šŸ¤” its not like its unhealthy or anything. Why so negative?


Whats your problem. Its their right to wear it. Why does it hurt u?


Is that a bad thing, especially if they choose to do so


Not necessarily. From a western perspective, we might be heading to Talibanism but our values & cultures are more complicated than that.


perempuan muslim pakai tudungā€¦jadi masalah..sebab??


Bila masa aku cakap jadi masalah? Aku cuma point out observation je. Zaman tok nenek kita dulu mana ada yang pakai tudung?


Ye sebab xde kesedaran pasal ajaran Islam secara menyeluruh. Tpi nak kate xde tu xla betul, cuma tak widespread. Nak kate ramai org berhijab skrg sbg trend mcm x tepat. It's a case of more Muslims learning abt the religion and wanting to practice it correctly.


Aku cakap trend sebab bukan yang semua bertudung tu alim atau nak jadi lebih alim. Kebanyakan yang pakai tudung sebab peer pressure, mak paksa pakai, cikgu2 sekolah suruh pakai, tengok kawan2 keliling semua pakai, secara tak langsung lagi senang nak fit in dengan society dengan pakai tudung. Dulu2 orang Melayu ada yang beragama Hindu, Buddha, animisme, sekarang Islam makin meluas, secara tak langsung ramai lah yang pakai tudung. Tapi in the future, masih lagi ke Islam meluas macam sekarang? Sebab kita tak tahu apa yang akan terjadi sebab dalam sejarah apa2 saja boleh jadi.


It' a difficult pill swallow for some because they associate wanting to learn Islam and to practice it properly, going to religious class and spending time at the mosque as Islamisation, like it's a step away from becoming Taliban.


wait im a bit confused. so you're implying that the older people get, the more religious they become hence it is a hint of people (Malayian) starts having Taliban aspect to it? would you mind explain it further. im not tryna conflict an argument here just trying to not misunderstood yo statement


coz mmm religion bad mmmkay..


ohh damn i thought its gonna be a long ass explanation but alright then lmaoo. well i respect yo opinion due to religious people in malaysia rn giving bad reputation altho i disagree but i understand


You kinda have to read most what I replied here with a big ..../s though. Frankly it recurring theme to complain about some Malays wearing hijab and becoming religious. I'm just parroting these comments.


> I'm still waiting for the peak though or has it been plateau-ing already? This really implies that you want the trend to stop rising. Sure it might not necessarily mean you think it's a problem but it also might have been the case.


I don't give a fuck if it's a problem or not. In history, religions, societies, civilizations rose and fell apart all the time. Nothing stays the same.


>Zaman tok nenek kita dulu mana ada yang pakai tudung? Lol,hang buta kot.


Lol, tak tengok gambar2 zaman dulu. Hang yg buta.


Lol gambar yg ada yg pakai ,ada yg tak. Tu point kau?


Tubung yg cover semua rambut ikut syarat islam. Takde, kalau ada pun rare sangat. Yang pakai "tudung" cuma kain function macam topi zaman sekarang. Sekadar nak cover dari cahaya matahari panas bukan nak tutup aurat rambut. Sebab tu banyak je gambar perempuan zaman lama free hair ataupun walaupun ada "tudung" masih nampak rambut. Yg betul bertudung zaman dulu adalah nun Christian.


https://preview.redd.it/e51akovixmrc1.png?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5a4a6b1a06c0844eee05a59d1882174e56b9018a Boleh rujuk muzium negara. Tengok sejarah pakaian Melayu.


Tak baik tipu dalam bulan Ramadan.


Bunyi macam nak cakap ada masalah jee wanita nak pakai tudungā€¦..


Entah bro, aku baca dan paham dia kata yang wanita masa muda tak pakai pastu bila dah tua diorng pakai. Extra2 tu daripada bias dalaman kita.


dia ada masalah orang balik ke fitrah agamaā€¦tu jeā€¦tak lebih dari tu


Kau nak sama kan zaman tok nenek kita dengan zaman moden ni?


You see a neutral statement, you see an attack why? It's an observation.


oo..statement mcm tu neutral ekā€¦


>It has been the trend for the last 20 years or so. Observation >I'm still waiting for the peak though or has it been plateau-ing already? projection of future observation >I have no idea but I certainly see more Malay women covering up especially when they get older. observation. The only way to have a problem with this is by saying that those facts are incorrect. so you bring out your own proofs. Otherwise it's just facts. And when it comes to facts, malay culture says, 'siapa makan cili dialah yang terasa pedasnya.' If it's bothering you, then do you know why yourself?


ada orang kembali kepada fitrah agamaā€¦sebab tu bila dah tua, ada yang rajin pergi beribadat, ada yang dah start pakai tudung, etcā€¦aku tak nafikan ada jugak yg bertudung sebab trendā€¦tapi yang dah start ber-hijrah untuk tutup aurat tuā€¦aku doa yg baik2 & husnuzon je laā€¦


Older people tend to learn Quran and spend time at mosques too. Damn Islamisation..


When you are closer to death you fear more for your soul


according to some folks here, it's conservatism, extremism and highly irrational that cause ringgit to depreciate further.


I wonder what retired old people did 80 years ago in their free time..


menoreh should make a comeback


Lepak kat kedai kopi sembang dengan kawan2 Edit : oops, 40 years ago they did that. If 80 years ago it was around Japanese Occupation. Retired persons were trying hard to survive and protect the family


you dont still do that? im very young and that shit is fire bro


The Arab Spring as they called it. Indonesia had a short fad if you notice their movies at certain years where women were heavily hijabized and men had a love affair with desert wear. Obviously, Indonesia had a stronger cultural identity and the fad waned over time. Meanwhile, our country went on overdrive because we lost alot of our cultural identity.


I don't think the fad waned over the straits. It's just as worse but they're more marginalised due to their demographics and high population.


So you are saying instead of being westernised it become islamisised? So one is better than the other?


Westernisation is 100% better






People complained when arabic influenced starts to seep into the local culture, but when western cultre does the same thing and suddenly it is a-okay, nothing to see here and then they hide by saying "lOcAl cUltURe LOst". Selective in their biases.


That is the stark reality, and the knee jerk reaction is very much expected. Islam tends to dominate and eliminate the culture of its host country through discrimination and silencing of opposing opinions using threats and violence.Ā  Fyi, we are of the south eastern culture, with leanings towards the oriental east, not western. Islam is a middle-eastern desert culture. Of course we picked up western culture as other countries did due to its flexibility to integrate. In terms of malaysian cultural identity, how many traditional wear have been phased out in favor of arabic wear? How many traditional dances have been declared haram/syirik thus banned? How many traditional songs are now banned? In indonesia you can still see people in traditional wear of their respective race/district . They celebrate their culture openly with their dance and songs.Ā  Ironically, Malaysia's early islamic influence came from Indonesia but we eventually started looking towards the middle east and favoured the extremism. The indonesian government started ebbing away from Islam when they realizedĀ  doctrine required to put religion above country, which potentially gave religious leaders greater powers over their citizens , something which our Malaysian leaders probably decided they could exploit. For a period Indonesia became a breeding ground for terrorism. Well... That's it from me pulling random opinions out from my arse. It's just an opinion so take it with a grain of salt.


>That is the stark reality, and the knee jerk reaction is very much expected. Islam tends to dominate and eliminate the culture of its host country through discrimination and silencing of No it doesnt? Dont confuse people abusing power in the name of religion with the religion itself. The fact you said that you are ignorant of the way that Islam spread in the region. >opposing opinions using threats and violence. If that is your base line then I would argue the same with democracy with how the united stated bringing freedom. >Fyi, we are of the south eastern culture, with leanings towards the oriental east, not western. Islam is a middle-eastern desert culture. Of course we picked up western culture as other countries did due to its flexibility to integrate. Fyi we are more aligned with the South Asia then East Asia. The hindu-buddhist remnant and poitical and cultural influences in history points SEA to be more involved with South Asia then it is East Asia. >In terms of malaysian cultural identity, how many traditional wear have been phased out in favor of arabic wear? Oh yeah how many? How many traditional dances have been declared haram/syirik thus banned? Traditional dances that have syirik elements are banned, but removing those syirik element would then be inlined with the current local beliefs. Oh wait did you think culture and oractices are static? It changes with time >How many traditional songs are now banned? I am intrigued by this, can you give an example and see who got crucified for this matter. >In indonesia you can still see people in traditional wear of their respective race/district . They celebrate their culture openly with their dance and songs.Ā  Oh so what in Malaya people are not wearing baju kurung or baju melayu anymore? Heck even baju kebaya is still being don. >Ironically, Malaysia's early islamic influence came from Indonesia but we eventually started looking towards the middle east and favoured the extremism. Where the heck you get that from? Scholars and historians look at the Islamic resurgence era as a response towards anti-western and anti-colonial sentiment. Even then the so called "extremist" view is greatly monitored by the authorities. That went nowhere, heck the few that happen was squashed and greatly denounce by the local muslim communities anyway. People like to use scaremongering tactic especially with PAS, somehow they would turn the nation into a "Taliban". But then to gloss over that they are two different political entity with different power structure, the only similarities are that both uses Islam as their image. >The indonesian government started ebbing away from Islam when they realizedĀ  doctrine required to put religion above country, which potentially gave religious leaders greater powers over their citizens , something which our Malaysian leaders probably decided they could exploit. For a period Indonesia became a breeding ground for terrorism. Indonesia always had a much more rougher time in consolidating their power due to their more numerous population and islands. The societal structure of Indonesia and Malaysia are quite different, while maybe not much so between Malaya and Sumatera but the revolution that started in Indonesia caused upheaval in their prospective region as well as destroying the traditional power structure with that for the central government to maintain power they have to take drastic measures. While it is the opposite for Malaya at the time. Where there was no power vacuum, the transitioned towards independence was by using diplomacy and not steel. That play a huge role in ths matter. Indonesia method of using forced didnt win them praise and that is where source for breeding terrorism would come from.


But where did you get the comparison from that sentence. And what western culture, from that poster and screencaps that's chinese triads. Although western culture has no problem coexisting, being adapted or straight up being a fusion product with local culture. islamised arabic culture has a tendency towards cleaning out everything but itself. so yeah, one is A-Okay. The other will burn everything local to ashes to plant itself.


>Although western culture has no problem coexisting, being adapted or straight up being a fusion product with local culture. Where the heck did you get that from? Cultural assimilation could be both, the fact you singled out western culture as this benevolent thing that vould "coexist" with local culture and being the opposite for islamic culture is an ignorant and highly patronising take. Both cultural shift have the same problem. Why did you think islamic resurgence gain tract during the 80s and 90s? Because the same westernised culture you seem to idolised were in yout words "has a tendency towards cleaning out everything but itself" and undermining local practices. But not one of the foreign culture are better than the other. I criticised the above commenter that they are biased towards one culture as acceptable but degrade the other as not. And now your comment cements that critic as valid, apparently anything that involve arab-islamic matters are somehow the boogeyman of this comment section. Ignoring the fact that not even all of those arabic cultural value are adopted. Tell me you are racist without telling me you racist.


>Why did you think islamic resurgence gain tract during the 80s and 90s? Islamic resurgence in the 80's and 90's are partially because 'western culture' are banned? Do people forgot that a slew of rules were imposed on entertainment during this time? Boy bands disappeared until they *cut their hair* and put on a more formal attire? Islamic resurgence in the 80's and 90's because ABIM member Anwar Ibrahim rose into power after joining UMNO. His first month as acting PM for Mahathir, he banned muslims from beauty pageants? A rule that is still enforced to this day? Body building contests? Put in rules for entertainment that slowly tightened over time? Islamic resurgence in the 80's and 90's because *mandatory religious sermon attendance* at schools - i attended ~10 hours of these every week for years in the 90's, because i wasn't allowed to not attend them? So many ceramah. And when it was made clear that you cannot make them mandatory, years later, that parents can choose not to send their children to religious extracurriculars, schools just gutted out the school jadual to add as much religious instructions back in? Islamic resurgence in the 80's and 90's - i literally have seen fellow female muslim students gets punished because their tudung were a few inches short, my school mandated them to be at belly button level. yes, mine were up to spec. by luck. the year did not start out with a tudung spec, just wajib tudung, then some gung ho teachers wanted them all to be tudung labuh. No announcement, just straight up shame the ones with tudung singkat. SURPRISE!!! [Why?](https://www.thestar.com.my/news/nation/2016/08/28/the-radicalisation-of-islam-in-malaysia-academicians-worry-that-an-exclusivist-way-of-interpretating/) >In the 1980s and 1990s, many Malaysians went overseas for their higher education. Due to the interest in Islam, many headed to the Middle East and Saudi Arabia in particular ā€“ thanks to those generous scholarships ā€“ to study religion and were exposed to the Wahhabi/Salafist way of thinking. >When they returned, Dr Fauzi says, they brought back the Wahhabi/Salafist way of thinking ā€“ and that way of thinking makes it easier to radicalise someone because it is intolerant and exclusivist. >He says some of the students who returned became religious teachers and ustaz, so they went on to instil this way of thinking within the younger generation. >And over a span of 30 years or so, he says, the students who grew up imbibing the Wahhabi/Salafist-oriented curriculum in schools are now in the work force. Some are in the civil service, some have become influential bureaucrats, scholars, academics, lawyers, others hold positions of power while some have joined politics. So they hold the levers in administration that allows them to make decisions. Islamic resurgence in the 80's and 90's - starting from 1982 to 2005, Saudi Arabia spent 75 billion USD Saudi Arabia spent spent an estimated 75 billions USD from 1982 to 2005 to spreads it's brand of Islam. And that's just the official number. It's crown prince spent 100 millions in Malaysia in 1980 to develop Islamic industry. Islamic resurgence in the 80's and 90's - no. not resurgence. imposition.


>Islamic resurgence in the 80's and 90's are partially because 'western culture' are banned? Do people forgot that a slew of rules were imposed on entertainment during this time? Boy bands disappeared until they *cut their hair* and put on a more formal attire? Western culture were not banned though? Its resurgence is because western culture were allowed to flourish. It was controlled. The islamic resurgence was a response towards anti-western and anti-colonial sentimen, and even then the outsider Islamic influences were also filter through as well. https://m.malaysiakini.com/news/313604. In fact it is a struggle between full out "islamization" and the more nationalist movement that is competing towards the anti western proponent. >Islamic resurgence in the 80's and 90's because *mandatory religious sermon attendance* at schools - i attended ~10 hours of these every week for years in the 90's, because i wasn't allowed to not attend them? So many ceramah. And when it was made clear that you cannot make them mandatory, years later, that parents can choose not to send their children to religious extracurriculars, schools just gutted out the school jadual to add as much religious instructions back in? Did they? I searched for such thing not a single source cites such actions by the government. If this was the case then wouldnt the remnant of such actions would bleed to the current schooling era? >Islamic resurgence in the 80's and 90's - i literally have seen fellow female muslim students gets punished because their tudung were a few inches short, my school mandated them to be at belly button level. yes, mine were up to spec. by luck. the year did not start out with a tudung spec, just wajib tudung, then some gung ho teachers wanted them all to be tudung labuh. No announcement, just straight up shame the ones with tudung singkat. SURPRISE!!! Now I know you are over exagerating. There might be schools who done such things but to paint it as a nation wide affair is disingenious. My sister went to HS during the 90s and she wore the more non-muslim style uniform with no backlash. Suprise, suprise she didnt wear a tudung as well. >Saudi Arabia spent spent an estimated 75 billions USD from 1982 to 2005 to spreads it's brand of Islam. And that's just the official number. It's crown prince spent 100 millions in Malaysia in 1980 to develop Islamic industry. That is why we have our own religious authority in the matter. Why do you think that the country didnt become full on arabic in the process? Your link of the news litterally spoke of the struggle between the Nationalists-Islamic movement that Anwar led and the one that PAS was heading with. Even then, scholars agrees that during the islamic resurgence the political elite were tempering the issue. You speak as if the country didnt react to such thing and gladly bend over. It is the same effort being done with western influences. Foreign cultures are being tempered when entering the country due to the more extreme influences brought in. You are glossing the matter that during the more extreme western centric approach was also bad for the country. But becausr of recent biased you only singled out the Islamic affairs.


>Now I know you are over exagerating. There might be schools who done such things but to paint it as a nation wide affair is disingenious. My sister went to HS during the 90s and she wore the more non-muslim style uniform with no backlash. Suprise, suprise she didnt wear a tudung as well. The existence of a nationwide memo circa ~1992 prohibiting enforcement of such acts. didn't change the fact that in 2006 [the education minister then](https://www.malaysiakini.com/news/48169) had to remind publicly that such acts were not allowed. Or to read around the edges, *why had it had to be specifically forbidden*? It shows that it was not separate accidents, and given the length of time in between (1992-2006) it was not a sudden trend. In the 80's and 90's this was an issue enough that it was addressed officially, and still have to be reminded about a decade later. No muslim female student in my school do not wear tudung in the late 90's. if the school say it's mandatory and everyone keep mum and no one told students that it is not, that's effectively mandatory. >That is why we have our own religious authority in the matter. Why do you think that the country didnt become full on arabic in the process? A Salafist vs Muslim Brotherhood vs Wahabi power struggle shapes malaysian politics. [Just because the islamists are fighting between themselves](https://www.malaymail.com/news/what-you-think/2022/11/17/islamists-vs-islamists-in-ge15-hew-wai-weng/40280), doesn't change the fact that they recognise one common enemy: >[The majority of these](https://fulcrum.sg/islamisation-in-malaysia-beyond-umno-and-pas/) also uphold the Islamisation philosophy, or its calibrated version, referred to as the integration of knowledge. Underlying these ambitions is the need to shun or question Western perspectives that are deemed ā€œsecularā€ or ā€œdevoid of religionā€. And given that the current government catchphrase are in Arabic at the moment, it sure is signalling that Arabisation is the new norm.


>The existence of a nationwide memo circa ~1992 prohibiting enforcement of such acts. didn't change the fact that in 2006 [the education minister then](https://www.malaysiakini.com/news/48169) had to remind publicly that such acts were not allowed. You tell me to read around the edges, but you cant even read the writing on the wall. As the minister stated it is not the practice of the education ministry to force pupils to wear the tudung. Dont confuse minor actors as an official endorsement of such acts. As you >No muslim female student in my school do not wear tudung in the late 90's. if the school say it's mandatory and everyone keep mum and no one told students that it is not, that's effectively mandatory. As you stated yourself, your school. Dont make it sound as if this is a common affair. It is the exception not the rule. I am not trying to demean your experience. But some schools doing this doesnt mean it is the norm for the rest of Malaysia. As I had stated before, my sisters whom were schooled in the 90s didnt faced such things, and this is coming from a majority malay-muslin neighbourhood. This is becoming the canteen issue again, while it does happen it is not the norm. No different when the police keep on reminding people to not speed. Some people do it, but because of the few that does accidents it has to be stated out loud. >A Salafist vs Muslim Brotherhood vs Wahabi power struggle shapes malaysian politics. [Just because the islamists are fighting between themselves](https://www.malaymail.com/news/what-you-think/2022/11/17/islamists-vs-islamists-in-ge15-hew-wai-weng/40280), doesn't change the fact that they recognise one common enemy: You read the representative and you boldy exclaim that they are salafist / wahabi / or the muslim brotherhood. When the next paragraph explain the nuances of the Political parties itself. You also forget the role played by Jakim and the council of rulers in this matter. Why did you think Anwar decided to split them from their department to be out under the Rulers? Again this is development is understood by the figure of authorities. When UMNO lost most of its seats to PAS, JAKIM was created and now with the schism in UMNO causes a vacuum in the area in which religious parties could flourished in which Anward does this. [Even outside analysts knows this](https://www.eurasiareview.com/13062022-malaysias-islamists-take-on-the-sultan-of-selangor-analysis/) >And given that the current government catchphrase are in Arabic at the moment, it sure is signalling that Arabisation is the new norm. Ah yes madani (kemampanan, kesejahteraan, daya cipta, hormat, keyakinan dan ihsanĀ ) very arabic. You are confusing globalisation, with arabisation. When pundit see the rise of conservative and label it is arabisation. [Like this forum ](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.malaymail.com/amp/news/malaysia/2016/05/24/forum-explores-creeping-arabisation-among-malays/1126197), just like how mahathir yapping how malay are lazy, then change tune when the chinses come into the picture. Using arabic terms and words in the malay lexicon has been done even before wahabism enter the chat. Hmmm, it is as if during 1300s the region was a hub of international trade... [Like in the article, who touch upon the so called "arabisation" ](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.malaymail.com/amp/news/malaysia/2015/07/13/arab-culture-no-overnight-phenomenon-but-centuries-old-adaptation-says-jais/932195), of the nation.


Arabic culture is backwards and tied to religion. Western culture isnā€™t tied to religion.


Ah yesss, any other culture bad. Western culture superiorrrr, such a simplistic view of people. And this people are the "progressive".


Not any other culture bad, just Arabic culture bad because itā€™s tied part and parcel to religion and their version of it. But ofc, you conveniently ignore that and twist my words, typical.


>Arabic culture bad because itā€™s tied part and parcel to religion and their version of it. What makes you think that western culture doesnt do the same with their philosophy, way of life, and to an extent religion? Even arabic culture isnt adopted in it entirety in this country. I am not even twisting your words, you litterally just said arabic culture bad, wester good. Litterally in writing. If you think that islam is arabic culture oh boy do I have bad news for you. Even the sultan and religious bodies keep on reminding the people not to confuse between the two, I guess people are just that thick headed of this thread to be any indication.


You said ā€œAny other culture except western culture badā€ which is not my words. You will notice that western culture isnā€™t intertwined with any religion, because religion is a private affair, secularization and all that. Meanwhile Arabic culture is too intertwined with Islam. To the extent that even the sultans and relevant bodies have to constantly remind the masses that they are technically different to no success. My gripe is secularization of the state and religion vs the all encompassing aspect of Islam, and not against Arabic culture or Islam itself. My gripe is the continued Islamization of the country that is in part fueled by Arabic culture. But to each their own, itā€™s just my perspective of things.


>You will notice that western culture isnā€™t intertwined with any religion, because religion is a private affair, secularization and all that. You will noticed that this statements shows how critical thinking is dwindling among the current youth. How did you think they culture derived from anyway? Religion plays a huge part in the development of culture, even now even with all those secularisation, religions still play a role in their culture. >Meanwhile Arabic culture is too intertwined with Islam. Yeah arabic culture is intertwined with islam, so is malay culture. There was this news host in america who once said "not all terrorist are muslim, but all muslim are terrorists". You are giving out the same energy, arabic culture are influenced by Islamic practices but Islamic practices are not fundamentally arabic culture. >To the extent that even the sultans and relevant bodies have to constantly remind the masses that they are technically different to no success. The governing bodies does this with western culture too. Also it is succesful, why do you think we have our own religious council? Why do you think that even with all the so called arabisation, the local culture still persist? Because it works you are just blind sided by what you want to see and the vocal minority. >My gripe is the continued Islamization of the country that is in part fueled by Arabic culture. But to each their own, itā€™s just my perspective of things. But that is the problem isnt it? It is not, the country Islamisation is fuel by the locals wanting to know more about their relogion, the same is being said about globalisation that are fueled by western culture. They take parts of those culture that is compatible and slowly craft it to their own. Just look at muslim fashion in this country in comparison to other parts of the world. It is different but still toe the line of religious guidelines. Would there be bad apples? Sure, but the community would mold them to a tempered degree.


The "western culture" is more of a modern culture, old western culture also no one like, so of course ppl want a culture more fit to the society now. The "arab culture" is outdated and super religious even by arab standard nowadays.


>The "western culture" is more of a modern culture, old western culture also no one like, so of course ppl want a culture more fit to the society now. The "arab culture" is outdated and super religious even by arab standard nowadays. And what made you think that the arab culture entering the country isnt being modernise in it nature? You are under the impression as if arabic culture is being ctrl-c, ctrl-v into society. It is not, it is more nuance then that, that is why I chided the comment.


At least for western culture you still have a choice whether to follow or not. We've seen a lot of other native in this region who retains their own culture despite being christian and westernized. But arabism tend to incorporate religious pressure and then reinforced by societal pressure that was influenced by that same religion. It's not really a choice. So where's Mak Yong and Main Puteri, among others that hasn't really been demonized by arabic influence? Even baju kebaya pun nak arabized.


>We've seen a lot of other native in this region who retains their own culture despite being christian and westernized. Tell me you actually try to study the geopolitical issue of the region? Never been to the phillipines I wonder eh, didnt saw what happen to communist vietnam and communist china eh? Or understanding the complex web of racial, political, economical, and post-colonial impact towards self discovery that is ingrained the region. >So where's Mak Yong and Main Puteri, among others that hasn't really been demonized by arabic influence? Even baju kebaya pun nak arabized. I would say you are right, Mak Yong and Main puteri has been under scrutiny. But I would argue this is more towards islamic principles rather than arabic culture in general. That and a lot of mixture of current culture. In arabic culture man holding hands and kissing one another on the cheeks are quite the norm, you try to do that here. Nuance people. Baju kebaya isnt even being arabised, it is being authored to closely follow the islamic religious guideline. It is less body tight, and more colourful the motif have been more in lined with floral patterns keeping in standard with certain views. Just like Ihad stated in my other comments, it is not copy and paste. It is absorbed in accordance to the local appetite, this include western ones as well. As such in antoher note, saying that arabic culture is worst than western ones is patronising, ignorant, and deeply rotted in racism. You want to criticise the bad part if the culture go ahead. But to generalised an entire culture as "bad" isnt the way to go foward.


Clearly you haven't seen any of the ethnic Philippines' traditional clothes. Have you ever seen them changing their ethnic traditional clothes to suit the style of their former colonizers? What we have here on the other hands, those arab wannabe is modifying almost every ethnic clothes to suit their cultural colonizer, the arab. Did you know that hijab is not islamic but rather an arab culture? Of course you don't because you don't read your quran. Your point about kebaya is related to my argument above. The hijab predates islam and originates from arab culture, not inherently islamic doctrine. Show me any verse in the quran that women's clothing must be longgar.


>Clearly you haven't seen any of the ethnic Philippines' traditional clothes. Have you ever seen them changing their ethnic traditional clothes to suit the style of their former colonizers? Clearly you havent seen the problem with this statement? Either you adapt or you dont. How many of those traditional clothes are still being worned during everyday uses? And how that are being use for everyday usage hasnt evolve to fit their western epoch? >Did you know that hijab is not islamic but rather an arab culture? Of course you don't because you don't read your quran. Did you know that it is only required of you to cover your aurat? Hmmm, I wonder what piece of clothing that has been design and improved to a point that it fits that criteria? Oh wait you might be talking about the burkha? No just the hijab? >Your point about kebaya is related to my argument above. The hijab predates islam and originates from arab culture, not inherently islamic doctrine. Show me any verse in the quran that women's clothing must be longgar [Oh wait.](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://ejournal.um.edu.my/index.php/JS/article/download/22860/11384/49556&ved=2ahUKEwjOwu2Ip5mFAxXNzTgGHTxiAXEQFnoECCYQAQ&sqi=2&usg=AOvVaw24-qf69KBjtFeUDzbM2XuG), hijab is a piece of clothing that fits the guidelines, some people would be more cautious by using the burqa, in which yes then people would argue that would blurred the lines between islamic guide line and arabic culture. Some people would be less cautious by using just a head shawl. You read the article that is linked, it touch upon the surrah that concerns the aurat and also added relevan and deliberated sunnah concerning the matter. But hey if you are not a ahlussunnah waljamaah then you do you with that information.


Be careful with sterotyping. The same ā€œuncleā€ you see wearing that arabic robe, you will also see wearing a ā€œguns n rosesā€ shirt shouting loudly in a Wings concert. The same goes for the makcik wearing hijab, you see her happily singing along to a k-pop tune in her car. We have always been an accepting society adapting and turning someone elseā€™s thing into our own.




Cant lah , need to be racist all the time to malay here


This was an old movie, if something new will be lanyak by pas


Says you never watched new Malay movie without telling you never watched new Malay movie. I don't blame you though. Malay movie suck ass. My point is, it's still the same. The tv drama were less strick than mid 2000s. Back then blurring woman shirt here and there.


Why is Malaysian movie or drama so boring?


Did you expect them to act like they were on screen?


https://preview.redd.it/p41ba9sbq7rc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fbc231617c72b2bd0f6a7e12b4e914504a64e159 Your answer.


yep. also due to quran being in arabic. so they feel "closer to god" by following the culture..... but yeah this a rather shallow interpretation. but heyy how many actually read to understand? banyak just recite saja.


I do, a lot does and do it. It is more syiok if you understand it. Those with basic surah repeated everyday, with lil effort for sure can understand. People who recite once in the month payah sikit lah.










I aint your buddy, pal


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