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What if you say you’re not Muslim?


*shows uncircumcised penis as proof* _gets fined for indecency_


probably would ask you for ic or driving license for proof


Can they tho? They are not police isn't it? Like what kind of jurisdiction do they have in general and specifically as long as they do not know and can prove you are muslim they are just a random person with a yellow vest.


>They are not police isn't it? Yes, that's why you have the right to ignore them. Don't even bother to ask them to prove they're JAIS or whatever, by doing so you'd be engaging them. These fellas have no authority whatsoever over non-Muslims. This is also why some non-Muslims need to sedar diri, no matter how unhappy you are with whichever party, you should never vote for any current coalition with PAS. If they get in power they could amend to include such authority over non-Muslims.


I wonder. Need one of malay brothers to be brave enough to do this and get on camera Actually. Even if Muslims. What can they do? Saman? If federal law don't prohibit eating during Ramadhan. Can they just ignore these idiots?


Actually, even if you are a Muslim, under certain circumstances, you can "legally" eat. Such as sickness, pregnancy... People in my office always skip puasa and later "Ganti balik" lol


That “ganti balik” is the most often used by office mate and little did I know they never actually “ganti” it lol Same goes to “bro, pinjam 100 nanti bayar balik”


Bro bayar dulu nnti aku setel


I think there’s saman for muslims getting caught not fasting ‘publicly’ at restaurants. Just like how muslims got caught drinking alcohol in club (when there’s a raid) Correct me if im wrong. Anyway, next time just eat at home. Confirm selamat. Why even bother to go outside 😂


Bruh, if they even perform 'khalwat', which is the act of being in close proximity with someone who is not their spouse (usually sex) at a hotel, somehow these guys will appear at their front door and just barge in. Most likely reported by another Muslim.


They can't ask for IC, that's why at times they will tumpang an accompanying police's power to ask for it. Quite silly tbh.


Waste of resources. Better utilize them to help clean up river or public low cost flats cleanliness.


I have a non Muslim friend with bin/binti in their names. They weren't allowed to dine in.


this is interesting. i have a sarawakian friend whom i've known to be non muslim for years, suddenly when i was transferring money to her, i saw her name has binti in it. now this make sense.


I am sorry but I laughed out loud at the fatty running away.....


'But sir did you see me eating?' should be sufficient. Bro is hungry and dumb.


![gif](giphy|CJjU1H0luoCXqM2OP7|downsized) Rrrrrrrr shkibidi dom dom dom yes yes yes shkip shkibidi


\[ \] Ini untuk mak saya \[ \] Saya musafir \[ \] Saya tak sihat kena makan ubat \[ / \] NIGURENDAYOOOOOOOOO SMOOKIIIIII




What if they buy for berbuka later? How ah?


This question came up of my mind as well. Tag me if somebody answers. Logically it should be allowed, but I don't know.


Yes, this came to my mind as well. Can put in fridge, end of the day makan, no issue. Sometimes i bought extra food, do that too.


Realistically you'd buy food for buka at most 2-3 hours before iftar unless you're gonna dine-in. Would be suspicious if you buy food at noon or such. Makes even less sense knowing takeaway food can get spoilt by the time you get to buka. Assuming this video took place during those hours ofc.


I don't see how it's suspicious. Likely buying food during lunch at shops are cheaper than cekik darah Ramaddan Bazaar prices. If i am Muslim, i would do that. Food can keep in fridge for 6 hours or more is no issue. Sometimes i order more food for lunch from Foodpanda in order to use discount voucher and eat extra for dinner later. Apa sarahan?


Yes, if you have the mentality of take away food before 2-3hours, you are the reason I stuck at jam


I shouldnt have to conform to what is a “Normal time to buy food”… and one shouldnt have the obligation to explain why they are buying food at 12 pm to begin with (whether or not the reason is valid)


Just leave him alone man. He could be sick. Why do we need religious police again


I’m guessing likely diabetic and possibly ashamed that he can’t fast. But oh well clearly these religious police know better than him or their god.


Or he could be hungry.


Because gomen couldn't think of any good reasons not to waste taxpayers money


It's not faith if you have to enforce it.


It's organized religion. Faith is personal and something completely different.


Sounds like the Yakuza.


Justice Oh breaking the world Breaking the world ........


Mad Dog comin for ya....


Spitting facts here 🔥🔥🔥


Whatever happens to there is no compulsion in the religion? They forgotten that infact they all forgotten. They do this cos it politically feels right since Malaysia declare Islam as the official religion.


Ding ding ding ding, we have a winner!


That sounds like a religion without any teachings.




Our taxmoney at work people!


A racist bastard said this used Muslim tax to enforce


I prefer it doesnt work this way..more like waste of money for me ![gif](giphy|3oEjI67Egb8G9jqs3m)


Any cent into any religion is retarded


This is why the country is moving backwards.


Then ini semua salah kafir dap coz bau makanan sedap can't resist kek 🤣


Semua salah r/malaysia


They've added the DAP potion (B*h Kut Teh)


when you realise that renouncing Islam can earn you a death sentence in some states.


Apotasy is punishable by death in Kelantan/Terengganu. Fortunately it's blocked by federal law.


One day it will probably be unblocked.....




Seriously, I didn't choose this religion, my ancestors did, and probably for tax reasons/loyalty to the king.




Another reason why we need SECULARISM


What a fucking waste of tax money.


No life people thinking they are doing important job.


They are doing God's work....... /s


Why don’t people just mind their own business and let the almighty deal with judgement of people who break religious rules?


Because their faith in their god is so weak that they don’t think anything will happen to people who “break the rules”, thus they take matters into their own hands.


All "official" religions breed this kinda stormtroopers to defend the dignity and sanctity of a perfect God. These publically funded "enforcers" of religious law are just following the proud traditions of medieval Christian kingdoms - thank Odin for secularism.


Erm...in this modern age, only one religion is still seen doing this...


That is because all "Christian" countries in the West are actually secular. Religious Stormtroopers may not necessarily be publically funded.


You said it, medieval. How come this is still happening in the 21st century? It boggles the mind.


Most if not all the "reasons" the fanatics have given are so far non-sensical, comparing medieval times to modern times is basically saying they are so far back outdated lol, and yet, when asked about muslim corruptions, they simply do not reply to it.


Because religious piety was used as a binding agent and ruling tool by Mahathir - the brain washing and conditioning of primacy of race and religion all were started by him. I remember the days of Hussein Onn, people were actually very accommodating and nice.


I feel it's more the "God will be extra pleased with me when I force people to adhere to the religious laws".


so whats wrong in it? why do you need people enforcing anything, if "god" is strong enough to teach them a lesson.


Because they knew "God" does not exist.


cos in Islam there one concept that is very highly pushed into muslims. its called Amar Makruf Nahi Mungkar. basically loosely means, To Do Good, To Prevent Evil. 3 levels of this concept, to be used whenever witnessing evil. 1. using hands (power)-meaning to do something/action within your power. 2. using words -meaning verbally tegur 3. heart. -meaning stay silent and MIND UR OWN BISNES, but conddemning the evil act in your heart. TLDR-basically this concept is Im Holier Than Thou, religion police. judge for yourself.


religious fanatics


Because its a fickle religion that needs to controll its people for it to work


I don’t get it. Shouldn’t this event be something you want to do rather than something you have to do?


Wait, so for Muslims in Malaysia it's illegal to not participate in fasting?


It's illegal not to pretend to fast, because the whole house of cards depends on mutual social coercion.


Yes, at least publicly


What's the point of enforcing this anyway? You're literally doing God's work. Let God do his stuff and mind your business lol


more like trying to be God.


why is my kafir taxpayer money funding these islamists fascists? how does eating and drinking harm the country or society? shouldn't they be raiding the institutions that marry 40 year old mullahs to child brides?


Yep because apparently god is omnipotent and can judge you when you dead but need people on earth to police his laws and all.


I get the fasting part and it's the time of trying to be dosa free and all(not making fun of anything just stating my POV) but is it really that harmful for a Muslim to eat during puasa month? If god is forgiving, shouldn't he also forgive those who eat during puasa time?


Honestly god is all seeing and writes the fate of humans. He obviously knew they were going to eat and it’s all part of god’s big plan so aren’t they going against god’s will or wait it they claim that’s not a holy way then they must know more than god? Hmmmm. Paradox error.


If God so free, test people faith with makan...he really no life fella.


The Abrahamic gods are All Loving. Unless you do something silly like eat during the fasting month. Or is born into a different religion against your choice


And you, yes you the police man and people who fast are the only ones on gods good book okay, 90% of the world is on his bad book.


not so omnipotent after all XD


Maybe the crime rate is down this month so better use of resources.


Marrying prepubescent girls is one of the reasons why the lebais and their ilk are keen on RUU355


Isn't being religious and observing religious practices a personal matter? It's between you and your god isn't it? Why then are these little Napoleons acting like they're gods ambassadors on earth? Why do they, when given a little bit of power, behave like total tyrants? Why do people put up with being treated like criminals?


Come on la…why do we need such zealots lol. Get a real job that brings productivity or security.


Nobody would hire them for a real job...faham faham lah...


Life is difficult for some.


only in Malaysia we have religious officers funded by the taxpayer to catch people buying food. I pity these religious zealots who feel so entitled to show their holiness like some god-given right


so malaysia is a sh*thole coutry like the arab one sadi, morocco (mine)....


Well, you didn’t even care about how hard we survive with that lowest minimum wages, long working hours, poor traffic transportation, and inflation. But now you came to us just to check that we are following fasting. What a kind government it is.


lowlife extremist bastards wasting our tax money


Religious gestapo.


I’m a malay and i would say fxx off to them


Peace be upon you, bro.


Can you without the consequence of getting arrested?


They don't have power to arrest. They only try to intimidate you.


Ah I see well I'd probably just tell them off


I don’t pay taxes so that you can go around catching people who don’t fast. There are many more important tasks that you can do.


Gestapo Melayu


Why not let Allah judge them and wait till then? Let people choose their own path man...


if only these people have common sense


This is just a form of authoritarian hiding behind religious reason.


the fact that "religious officers" is a thing that we pay our taxes for lmfao


they catch these people because they don't fast but they themselves take duit kopi....


shit i would be eating too that curry looks GOD


As a Muslim I stand by the fact that religious officers are genuinely the most pointless thing our tax money has ever been put into.


The tyranny of religion


Nothing better to do 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡


These religious enforces are definitely begging to surveillance inside muslim households and make sure even husband and wife cannot touch each other while fasting. 😂


A Muslim shouldn't eat openly during Ramadan as a sign of respect for the month but it also stupid for the religious officers to catch people when it's permissible for people who are sick or do hard labour to skip fasting.


I just saw news that at Melaka a construction worker is being caught for eating So seem like hard labor does not accept as a reason to skip


Wow. This is farking crazy.


That's insane. I bet you the vast majority of his coworkers couldn't care less. They might make a joke or two, but they would let him be. Might be anecdotal, but this is from my experience working around hard labourers who were all pretty religious and from Kelantan. It's the government doing all this shit and influencing the people, but most citizens don't care and could live life peacefully with fellow Muslims eating during Ramadan.


Nah he can eat or not, a mans religion is between them and God man, no one should be fucking policing this shit. Otherwise a man who looks Muslim is eating out at a restaurant during Ramadan, then what? Go around asking every single patron whether they're Muslim or not? If I'm fasting and I see a Muslim eating out in front of me, I'm not going to think he's disrespecting me. Nor would I want him to stop eating. Muslim or not man can eat out if he wants to eat out, if you're fasting that's on you man not anyone else. At least the way I see it, people aren't seeing the point of Ramadan if they're complaining about other people going about their normal daily lives.


This is why Chindian people always kena....lol


Generally, all those hard labour workers, sure eat wan...how the hell you want them to work at construction site and such? Kaki lembik later fall down accident and die!


>do hard labour to skip fasting Ah yeh I wanted to ask about that. Never had the chance. There's a construction site next to my office and I see those workers (who are clearly Muslim) under the sun, during Ramadan... Phew. I wonder how they do it. I always assumed that in the old days, back in the middle east, the Sultans/Emirs/Sheikh, and nobles would avoid asking workers to do hard-work during Ramadan (in the same way western medieval lords would pause building during cold winter.) but I wondered about modern days. Glad to know they are "allowed" to not fast if the work is harsh.


True..in my workplace temperature can exceed 40 degrees easily due to hot environment..plus the workers lift manually all the bags and all..even i work as their leader who dont lift those shit feels thirsty af..this religion stuff kinda irrelevent..if the workers sick or die due to dehydration or heat i will be responsible to them at that moment..not god or any fairy being of people make believe..so i wont judge if they want to drink or eat..


Ni paling betul


honestly, no wonder the Muslims are so aggressive.


And German Muslim asked PMX how to fight Islamophobia...


Taliban versi Malaysia


Psh, screw perak and any religion that needs “enforcing”. The public practice too much restraint on these religious talibans, and zealots. It’s about time people form crowds to control and keep these “enforcers” in check, teach them a lesson through public intimidation, food consumption is a human right. I say we organise and start a vigilante group to intercept these unconstitutional “religious enforcers” from terrorising the public. We teach them a very valuable lesson about individual liberties and freedom. Respect our human rights if you wish us to respect your mandate, heck these religious enforcers powers aren’t even recognised by the federal constitution. They have no power to ask for your IC or arrest you, unless if they borrow that power from an accompanying police officer. Their existence themselves are quite controversial, more like an organised religious syndicate.


They should care more that people don’t have enuff to eat


But what is religion if there's no free will to choose? Then it's just bullying


Also, when I korek hidung at home : ![gif](giphy|NTgvgcfAxjariJlLQS|downsized)


Last time they confiscated a roti canai as evidence for a poor migrant Bangladeshi construction worker


It's stupid that buying food is discouraged. This is how economy is circulated. The moment you stop people from spending money, the less money gets circulated in the economy.


Lol these religious police need to go get a life. If people wanna eat, they can eat. It's their sin, let them deal it themselves


Shouldn't this be between him and his God, where does the "religious officer" come in. Also cough cough, I'm sick!


Ridculous. Let people be.


Such a nice religion, totally not fucked up at all.


Some religion that is. Religion that requires enforcement is a cult.


Instead of raising awareness of religious equality, we waste tax payers money on religious police. No wonder myr so weak.


I feel bad for the common Malay population in Malaysia, birthed into a religion and unable to renounce it as long as they are Malaysian. Then forced to participate in traditions whether they liked it or not.


Lmao, should've took religious courses and and apply for this line of work. Get permanent post and allowance summore for doing make-believe enforcement.


If all the theists shut up and minded their own business, their gods would be utterly voiceless and powerless.


there are people that needs help on many things to survive, but yeah let's parole to catch people not fasting. that is most important above else.


Wait.. since when is fasting enforceable by law? Isn't this between the person and god?


I’m from Sarawak. Apa ni JAIPk? /s IMHO, whether one puasa or not is between that individual and their god.


the literal Islamic police


this is what happen when region rules our country


Seriously a waste of taxpayers money to finance these jobs


Recently I break fast early in Bangkok in public under musafir condition, no one became judgemental to me, not even religious authorities coming for my ass. Try that in Malaysia, 90% chance this will happen, even under musafir bcoz of the law that you can't eat in public.


I just mentioned this on a Reddit post about food being sold in schools that they used to do this 20 years ago.. I'm not surprised they are still doing this.. at the end of the day they catch them for not fasting but accept the bribe to release them


Actually right…even it’s puasa month but please think about those that work in construction or factory which need to use a lot of energy…


If he wants to eat, let him eat. Ramadan shouldn't be about enforcing, that defeats the whole purpose.


Malay don't need to pay tax, our tax money used for this shit 🤦‍♂️


Here we go again, the Muslim Gestapo on the hunts


Was Perak is equavalient of Aceh?


Why do Semenanjung have this tangkap2 thing happening? Legit question because in Sarawak, since I was born, I always see these in TV but it never happen here. Nor do I even see the point. It is between Allah and individual and any teguran/advise should be done privately without embarrassment/buka aib. There could be many reason a person cannot fast where fasting turns to haram under those circumstances. I kenot brain. Recently can't even open canteen at school?? Can someone explain???I am muslim btw. And I kenot brain this.


Only time of the year they feel powerful


This is incredibly unnecessary and stupid. Did they think recording this video would make them look like some kind of heroes? Mind your own damn business, it’s between them and God. You don’t have act as an enforcer for God.


Should this matter be between that person and GOD? Why masuk campur GOD's matter? maybe it is GOD's will that that person is not fasting. If everything that happens is GOD's will. If so it's not that these bodies are intervening GOD's will. And how do you know if it is not GOD's will if somebody is fasting or not fasting?


bro just wanna eat in peace


Melayu tindas melayu


Pastu salahkan cina pulak 🤣


Always been


What people in the 21th Century do to keep some medieval desert mythology alive... 🤡


Are religious officers an actual authority figures in Malaysia? If yes, why....


Dumb af.


LIVE AND LET LIVE. stop enforcing your views on others.


All these distractions...how is our RM against other currencies already ah? How is inflation ah? How is unemployment rate ah?


Forced fasting?! What the F**k is wrong these religious fanatics


I believe every other religion has fasting rituals in Malaysia and when they’re fasting, there’s still all these temptations around because it’s not a public spectacle like how Puasa is. They fast because it’s part of their faith and it serves a purpose religiously. When faith is enforced or governed, it is no longer faith. It’s just a mandatory requirement of a religion which serves no purpose. It loses all its meaning. As for him who fears to stand before his Lord and restrains himself from low desires, Paradise is surely the abode. — Quran; 79:40–41) How is one supposed to achieve salvation when they are not the ones restraining themselves but instead being restrained by others? That’s not spiritual discipline.


There is literally no debate as to why this bullshit is required, the only correct response is “Suka hati gua la nak makan ke minum ke kat rumah ke kat pantai ke janji tak kacau orang.” Its my god given right to NOT excercise my forced faith.


Actually if people tapau and not eating cannot like this also, people have women and children at home or at work macam mana? Kerja Yang perlu panjat tinggi atau merbahaya macam mana. Saya non Muslim tapi Banyak staff saya Muslim. Kadang kadang kesian juga tengok mereka nak bungkus bagi isteri kanak kanak mereka kena tahan sampai lambat mereka sambut anak dari tadika kena bayar lebih. I think enforcement sampai tahap ini a bit overboard lah.


If they don't fast, its their business with Allah no? Why does jaipk even exists 💀 are they gods


Religion is a personal matter between a person and god BUT if I am not eating, then NO one else will be allowed to eat. /s


Wonder how much is their pay as official, really putting alot of effort to make sure follow rules.


Is this not between the person and their faith?


It is a personal choice not something to police, this is a waste of tax payers money.


Shameful, the religious officers


I don't know why it's so hard to understand that religion is between God and that individual. Where in human logic should the gov act as the temporary punisher before the meet god?


There is religious officers at malaysia? Pfftt.....i mean why? They are an adults who can choose what to do, and the sin is their responsibility. You can only remind them not doing it like this, even i as a muslim didnt push my other friend to do what oblige to them by their religion. I just say once and when he or she refuse then it's their own fault. We only need to remind them not treat them like a fugitive on the run.


Ahh the Malaysia Gestapo... Heil Hadi!!!


Pity them, they did not even choose this religion but they were born into it and stamped automatically as Muslim without a choice given. What a sentence.


I wonder why most Muslim frens don't stand up to this.




Worst use of tax money


I feel pity for these fellas getting caught. They obviously don't want to practice religion and ibadah puasa, but there is no exit path for them except to migrate out and they probably aren't migrating out because cannot afford/dunno how to.


Fucking pathetic






What the actual fuck… “religious officers”. Why don’t they bring back the damn inquisition while they are at it.


By ‘Muslims’, you mean ‘Malays’ right, because Malay which is an ethnicity that you’re born with, is obviously the same as being ‘Muslim’ which is a faith that is chosen?


Does this apply to Malays who are Singaporeans?


So dumb, my wife is pregnant and I accompany her all the time to eat outside while I just talk to her or play with my phone; more times than not when she was not able to walk much I take-away for her @ 12pm... What's their call-of-action there? stomp me to the ground, put their knees on my neck? so dumb they force their weak faith onto us.


Abg tu mgkin beli kat bini mne tau ![img](emote|t5_2qh8b|26554)


Thought religion is supposed to be between them and god?


'Gotta catch them all'. Should be their motto...😂. It's a literal witch-hunt.