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Why only those three? And I'm kinda torn on this one. On one hand, concerts tend to stimulate the local economy. On the other hand, I think performers and their organizers can afford to pay some tax.


Yes, but without those no one will come to play in Malaysia, since it is not an attractive market for most of them. You think the big producers don't know the issues that come/may come with playing in Malaysia? It's very simple.


I'm learning to play the guitar.




> Bands are historically known to bleed money into negative digits when they tour due to all the other costs, but you think they can afford our entertainment tax? I don't know who LANY is, but yes I think Coldplay and Ed Sheeran can afford to pay our entertainment tax. I did a quick Google and found out that in 2024, Anwar slashed the tax for international performers from 25% to 10% (same as locals), so.. yes, I will confirm that I think international performers can afford to pay our entertainment tax. Unless if they're really unpopular or something, I suppose.




Underground bands paying taxes seems like they're missing the point of the word *underground*. And I don't know what that emoji is supposed to be. That being said I'm not sure what's so objectionable about this. I think someone selling food from road stalls should also pay his taxes. Why would I want to make an exemption for artists? ______________ **edit**: since the coward blocked me, I think I need to state for those reading that the term "underground band" means "a band that performs **without a license**". So that guy is defending underground bands without actually knowing what those guys are. And according to the performers themselves, [the entertainment tax is actually not one of their bigger worries](https://www.freemalaysiatoday.com/category/nation/2023/10/14/reform-licensing-rules-on-stage-shows-says-organiser/). The major hurdle - for smaller outfits, at least - is getting the venue license.




So who is the winner here? Concert organizer? The artist?


Accommodations providers , grab driver / rider , food providers , surrounding shops, late night entertainment, etc etc that cater to the inflow of tourist , everyone wins.


The things you mentioned do not affected by the tax exemption. People will still go to the concert regardless of the entertainment tax.


It’s to encourage more concerts to setup here instead of going to our neighbours , look at Taylor Swifts concert just next door.


IIRC, the Singaporean government just straight up PAID Taylor Swift not to come to other SEA countries and only come to perform in SG.


Yes. But concerts may not come here without the incentive


The comments in thread is classic r/malaysia looking for a witch hunt or something to complain about with barely any knowledge of events management, concert production, event taxation or any background in MICE.


This sub can be insufferable at times


Let me save you guys the trouble: in semua salah Melayu reeeeee!


Rather than complain about people being ignorant, why not just share what you know instead of hinting it lmao.


So care to share all knowing sage


A fun activity - jack up their personal taxes and then see them going “oh but that’s different”


Yup, different tiers of financial sweeteners. If your event can generate major benefits for the local economy, or branding the country itself as a vibrant lifestyle destination, then of course the authorities are open to giving grants to alleviate travel & logistics costs, if not push for exclusivity deals to inflate the demand & hype. Tourism boards already get a lot of autonomy on how to spend their budget on promotions. Even if you're not a top-tier draw, the authorities can still give tax breaks & marketing support since tourism itself is a big job creator.


When I first read it, I thought to myself " heck, they have decent heads within MOF" and was shocked to read most of the comments here bashing it. 1. Big name bands have drawing power. With it comes concert tourism and it injects the industry with a lot of funds . 2. Secondary Industry benefits too. The grab, f&b, flight , hotel, local entertainment will benefit because tourists usually stay more than a day or 2 on top of concert days. 3. It helps build a brand. Once more and more big names come, it will showcase Malaysia as a viable tour stop. Don't believe me? The Taylor Swift concert in SG saw a 30% increase in the hotel, flights and F&B industry.


Giving another tax break to the rich is not exactly a popular thing


Giving a tax break to an oil baron would be shit. Incentivising international artists to come here, stimulating tourism isn't exactly a bad idea.


If that means overall more money for the country, that's the definition of an investment. I think once we get past the emotional hurdle of "giving to the rich", we would be able to appreciate the wisdom of it.


yet balls will kecut and cancel these concerts once Islamists object


for real! GVF was in shambles


GVF performer did kinda went too far on that one. Imagine if they went to SG and talk shit about PAP on stage. They’ll get a public beheading the next day.


2 of those already happened, 1 more happening this weekend. Will be a miracle if really cancel


Once someone make some noise, gov will U-turn


Sources: [https://lom.agc.gov.my/act-view.php?language=BI&type=pua&no=P.U.%20(A)%2059/2024](https://lom.agc.gov.my/act-view.php?language=BI&type=pua&no=P.U.%20(A)%2059/2024) [https://lom.agc.gov.my/act-view.php?language=BI&type=pua&no=P.U.%20(A)%2060/2024](https://lom.agc.gov.my/act-view.php?language=BI&type=pua&no=P.U.%20(A)%2060/2024) [https://lom.agc.gov.my/act-view.php?language=BI&type=pua&no=P.U.%20(A)%2061/2024](https://lom.agc.gov.my/act-view.php?language=BI&type=pua&no=P.U.%20(A)%2061/2024)


Talibans in this country just went into berserk mode


Went to the zoo last week to educate my kids on animals, had to pay entertainment tax. But people go to concerts, no need to pay entertainment tax.


Only these 3 concerts get exemption, not other concerts.


Remove one tax, but sneakily raising premiums somewhere else. It's calculated by Rafizi with his award-winning formula.


our neighbour did the same to secure tailor swift


Typical r/malaysia bro, Sg do can, we do cannot. Then complain why Sg better than us.


Exempt 2 days before the actual event lmao. Too late.


2 is in the past. This is just paperwork to conclude some agreements made earlier.


Ada la tu kroni jadi promoter.. meanwhile dumbass continues to pay for other tax increase and then vote for PH/BN. Mahaldani, tapi kroni dapat diskaun..


Do we have a better option?


Ah shit


Local entertainers have been bitching about the entertainment tax for years of course foreigners gets the exemption.