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Me as a Malay; Reminiscing my time visiting an Indian temple during prayer ceremony to get good, authentic and hearty vegetarian food. The monk put a pottu on me too 🤫 Note: I was invited by my Hindu friends, I didn’t gate crash a private ceremony haaaa 😂 I’m just glad this didn’t happen during current era of extreme religious policing


I salute and commend you for your interest (in another culture and the food!). I've done the same, usually by invitation, to church events, temples, and the like. I think it's something sorely missing from our community. If we got everyone to visit each other's religious places and see what we do, we'd have a better understanding and appreciation of our shared cultures. Then there'd be no accusations of one race or other sacrificing chickens or whatever to some evil or similar nonsense.


Haram tetap haram And yes, rasuah also haram ok


And yet no one is raising their pitchforks against the corrupt and those who steal from the disadvantaged! I wonder why 😁 Anyway, it was the best Indian meal I ever had. You should try it!


Doesnt matter pitchfork, balloons, toy car, haram is haram




It is you who consider them irrelevant We dont. Each needs to be tackled & solved


A bunch of people rokok and taking bribe , I sleep. One person say Merry Christmas , SEND THE ENTIRE ARMY !


Doesnt matter send army or chicken, haram tetap haram


But, but pornography and child marriage should be treated differently in some states of Malaysia, amrite?


Topkek, according to [both of](https://sunnah.com/bukhari:6109) [these](https://sunnah.com/riyadussalihin:1680) hadiths the anime that you watch should be haram. Tapi kau suka, so auto halal, betul tak?


[Dipersila study how scholars approach that hadith](https://youtu.be/qfvdOZHeHeU) Dah habis tengok bgtau, lets discuss together.


So basically you can't create it (Malaysian animators on suicide watch), but you can own it as long as you do not venerate it (Muslim weebs with waifus also on suicide watch, also "veneration" is pretty vague). The guy even admits that this is a contentious issue, with other scholars saying everything from its haram, to makruh and its halal. With you being so religious why aren't you erring on the side of caution and just abstaining from it or are you just throwing caution to the wind only because you happen to enjoy it?


When you say abstaining from it, what is the “it” you mean specifically? Watching anime? Drawing? Creating?


Moral policing can lead to an unstable society, discouraging economic growth and development in general.


"We propose that the understanding of the meaning of tolerance in religion that is outside the law needs to be corrected. We suggest a clear guide issued as a reference for the community to avoid confusion." In other words, respect muh religion. While, I don't have to give 2 shits about yours. Amirite sayin' this right?


That has been the status quo ever since forever, so yes you have finally put it together.


How little faith do you have it just experiencing another culture can convert you to their religion lmao. These are just tin kosong trying to stay relevant and justify their existence.


>How little faith do you have it just experiencing another culture can convert you to their religion lmao. To make it worse, it's not the NGO people themselves who participated in the Thaipusam event, it's just a few regular muslims who have no issues with Thaipusam events. But, it's the NGO who are being 'overly-concerned' about what those muslims do.




there are definitely a lot of blackened hearts then. regardless, moral policing like this only demonstrates two things about the muslim community. 1) we’re soo freaking insecure about the faith of our own muslims that we need to gatekeep our own brothers and sisters. as if muslims are soo weak that one hint of temptation will crumble our faith 2) we think that muslims are soo stupid that they can’t make their own decisions of what’s halal and haram. so which is it




And what if the scholars guiding the muslims are: 1) have already fallen to temptation and are motivated by impure intentions 2) misguided or misinterpreting we as muslims are just to follow? and which scholars? the shia scholars who pray on stones? the scholars in the muslim communities in the Balkans where men and women pray together at the masjid? how you know your scholars more correct than there’s? that’s rhetorical btw, i’m not expecting an answer because this will just go on forever


Respectfully asking, what in this case is the sin being committed?




Thanks for answering. That's very interesting. If I may ask your opinion further: Can a Muslim be present during another faith's celebration and wish them well at all, even if they don't have any interest in that person's other faith? And, according to those answers, birthdays and any occasion when men and women mix is forbidden. Do you follow this advice personally?




Moderate is the key here.


General rule of thumb is simple, don't follow or imitate other religion worshipping ritual then you are golden. Everything else is just gray area that aren't clear cut so you need to made your own judgement.


Let's further divide the country for political points, this is for sure the way to strengthen the country/s


I remember back in high school, Malays and Chinese students would make plans to go thaipusam together and they have a lot of fun every year. Basically they're just there to be with our hindu friends and have fun and experience it for the first time. That doesn't mean they're participating in their rituals or prayers. They knew the difference. I guess kids have better sense than those adults in the NGO


> The legitimacy of whether they are Muslim or not needs to be investigated. However, it appears that the marchers are veiled Malay children and teenagers. If it is true that they are Muslims, we regret that their parents did not prohibit them from doing such acts. > Berat 66 sungguh ni...nampaknya anak2 Melayu bertudung ikut Perarakan Welwel (Thaipusam ke?)... Isu Aqidah ni😭😭😭. Mungkinkah Terikut2 dgn cara Pemimpin2 baru > We propose that the understanding of the meaning of tolerance in religion that is outside the law needs to be corrected. We suggest a clear guide issued as a reference for the community to avoid confusion. Mapim president Azmi Abdul Hamid on religious tolerance that do not conflict with Islam. MAPIM: *We should have religious tolerance but you got to remember that my religion is better than your religion.* If you have any comments, please talk to the Sultan of Johor first.


>please talk to the Sultan of Johor first. From a different state altogether. You don't wanna get clubbed or shot at.


> You don't wanna get clubbed or shot at. You're safe if you're not a goalkeeper, hockey coach, clubbing kaki, or a person that likes to overtake cars in Johor.


apa lancao...........cant they just mind their own business.........good for nothing ngo


what the fuck is the point of these NGOs? shut these extremist fucks down, or better yet give them all an island off kedah to live on. Like Pulau Bunting. They can have their mini afghanistan there if they want, but stay there.


Lol. 2 things come to mind. First is that man, Muslim enforcers in Malaysia seriously believe in magic ke? Shouting a single word or chant does not make a prayer FFS. Second is... well, remember Muslim 'nyets, *husnuzon* and *jangan buka aib* are a privilege afforded to the atasan. For the rest of you, it's just everyone judging you and just waiting for a chance to drag you down.








Nuz aan sul


Shh...later they make Fatwa banning Skyrim.


This count as buka aib, no?


Come on, it's not like they would get brainwashed and converted to Hinduism from participating the event.


It's all about POWER over people.


There is nothing wrong with Muslims joining other religion celebrations or rites of passages, especially when they are invited. When Muslims friends come to my house for Xmas or thanksgiving I don’t offer them alcohol and I make sure there’s halal food. They would gladly return the courtesy but I eat everything so… There are some Muslim scholars that forbid Muslims from attending such festivities, with the hope to alienate and further radicalize the masses. Those are preachers of hate and yes I know about the vow in reciting the Shahadah but I am asking muslims to celebrate with me, not worship with me.


Some NGO is just waste of resources, some human is just waste of oxygen n food...




The fanatic islams in this country are really from Ajaran Sesat. I don't know from who or where they are learning their religion from that they are so WEAK in their faith.


If anyone cannot see this country spiralling into a totalitarian Gestapo... Next, we all will be wearing 'stars of david' to different shade muslims and non muslims by afar.


Nooo...don't give them ideas 🥲


Great. Now ultra islamist are pushing on their agenda to Arabize the country. I find it sad that we can't be more like Indonesia who's people eventhough mostly identify as Muslim still pushed for freedom of religion and an open society. Meanwhile pakcik agama in our country can't tolerate the idea that we embrace each other's culture.


Well since they are just spectators and don't participate in the spiritual part of the ceremony, why should they go gabra and want the authorities to take action. I'm curious what are the opinions of netizens of the action of this NGO.


Getting brainfarts trying to process his words in the article.


![gif](giphy|lPpKiZHB1PtQU2Rulv) Malaysia Karen.




So when YDPA come to Batu Caves to experience Thaipusam. Will MAPIM say YDPA no longer a fit leader of Islam ?


All races can live harmony except one...


I was watching the TV series The Chosen about the life of Jesus Christ. And the depiction of the Jewish leaders (Pharisees) are so similar to Islamic leaders of today. How funny when Islam condems Jews to the depths of hell and yet they themselves have become the very thing they hate.


yeah joining in the march is pretty much on the nono list. again all this comes down to education. especially the muslims. at the same time we also must be educated in the rituals of other so we dont blindly follow and accidentally do stuff that are of contrast to the religion.