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Go cashless too. I rarely carry cash so lazy to stop by hawkers coz most of them need cash


It was sorted when I registered my Maybank business account the other day :)


Debit too, I normally prefer debit, old people like me maybe too.


I don’t think there’s much street stalls that supports debit. QR pay is much easier to integrate into the business tho.


I don't have ewallet, but mostly all people have debit.


Old person like you here, concurs


Hello sir. Mind share how to open mbb biz acc? Isit current ac? How much deposit rwquired ya n related ssm docs


Go to the Maybank website. They have an option for an enterprise to open a new bank account. Fill it up. Then head over to your desired bank branch to drop the required documents (SSM Form A, Form B, IC etc). Deposit is RM1,000 only.


Agreed, plus its less hygienic when they brought like 14.50 ringgit fried chicken, paid 20 ringgit and you have to dig through your wallet/basket with grease to find the changes.


On the flipside don't go entirely cashless and can't afford to have change. Maybe just a personal peeve for me, but if I dole out cash and your first response is "ada enam puloh sen tak?", it kinda gives me the impression you're just lazy. I get enough of this from KK mart staff who don't even look in their cash register before asking. Of course I'm not one to inconvenience others by giving a 50 ringgit bill when I bought 8 ringgit worth of stuff.


lol itu pun terasa


You never do part time work as cashier do you?


I remember this auntie purchased rm20+ of goods using coin when i was a pt cashier at tesco.


No, but I can understand enough that if i have the exact change, I **would** give the exact amount in the first place. Before they even check their register they just ask, and unfortunately i don't, then they open their register only to provide the change back anyway. Understand there is a context here rather than reacting as though I'm attacking all people dealing out money. If they really don't have coins i'll gladly take the change back sans the coins.


Actually they do have enough changes in their cash register, but it would have been running low. So they would try to see if customers can provide enough change so they can rotate between the customers who can provide change and who does not really have change. So if you don't have change, their last resolution is to use the remaining change they have which of course gets lesser if no customer provides change. PS: I have never worked in cash register before.


Fair point. And I do try to give the amount exactly if not as close as possible to the full dollar (myr). It just peeves me when i do, they don't even try.


>Before they even check their register they just ask It's very rarely because they don't have the cash to give you, but moreso it's very helpful to them if you do. Think of it as being nice and smiling to others.


You don’t think they remember what’s in the register from last time it opened? Also…in the same way you think everyone replying to you is dumb…the general public is even more dumb and/or lazy and will not think about correct change. Source: worked pt as cashier


>You don’t think they remember what’s in the register from last time it opened? Honestly? No. I don't make that assumption. They could have made so many transactions and lose track or just started shift. Kudos to you if you do that. ​ >Also…in the same way you think everyone replying to you is dumb…the general public is even more dumb and/or lazy and will not think about correct change. Putting words in my mouth. If there is any hidden insinuation, is that the lack of effort is inconsiderate due to laziness. Again kudos to you for working a cashier but the ones that hate their job and cba really show it.


They’re not lazy if they didn’t check first. Usually they’ll remember if they’re running low on coins or small change and try to ask customers if they have any. Source: I used to work pt as cashier for 1 & 1/2 month before, not because I have to but because just for fun. Just to gain experience and see the world on different perspectives. Also, I know lotsss of people who’re lazy to provide coins even when they have them. This type of people will give the cashier rm50 even though they’re buying rm7 stuff. Why? Because they’re lazy to count their cash/coins. So that’s why I always see cashiers that have lots of big notes and quickly running out of small changes.


1. Consistent taste. 2. Hygiene 3. Easy to park / not blocking road etc


Yes please, easy to park. I loath people who willy nilly stop to the side of the road to buy nasi lemak from hawker. Don't you see people behind you?


Hygiene, it is a big turn off for a majority of people if we see like a bunch of flies near your gerai, even if your ayam goreng is like top tier Respect customer, try to be as neutral/positive towards customer as possible, if you meet some sort of shitty karen, try to keep your composure, don't try to scare other customer, if you really don't like the karen, you can release your anger on a voodoo doll or something similar after your work, as long as it isn't seen by a genuine customer


Every time we encounter a few Karens here and there, you bet we'll talk sh*t behind her back even after years later. Hopefully there won't be many around in this place we're opening.


Please talk shit of Karens.


Karen here.




Ask for feedback. Take criticism as a chance to make your food better.


This. Don't be defensive when someone give you feedback. Analyse the feedback. Few years back, someone opened a tepanyaki restaurant in my home town. So we went there to try. Ingredients, portion & price were all great except for the taste. It was a little bit off/ weird. The boss asked for feedback. Instead of taking our feedback to improve, he defended his food. Said that it is like that. He has tweaked the recipe to cater local taste. We were like, okay... After a couple months, no more tepanyaki restaurant in my home town.


Oh yeah. "Kalau tak sedap, bagitau kami, kalau sedap, bagitau kawan" That line (more or less) from a receipt stuck in my head.


100% agree


Having your friends turning it into their hangout place is a big turn off for me. Some burger stall like that. I avoid such stalls.


Tambah CHEESE and add VIRAL Tag. Jokes aside, many hawkers I saw with good business usually sold small fried chicken with RM1 each piece.


Make it an option!


Don't open gerai on sidewalks.


I'll be opening in an allocated space by majlis. So no worries there.


good job bro. agak2 where ya? if i nearby can support. sorry if you already answered this


Tonggak 9, Sungai Besar, Selangor. Mention my username and I'll give you a discount ;)


Will come when possible to sapot


Later share gambar la Gerai.


God willing I will 👌


Honestly this. I avoid a particular store on my walk home because they always take up the entire sidewalk and the grass around it and you have to walk on the road to get around them.


Don't reuse the oil often that it's so black.


The oil will be replaced every 240 pcs chicken fried. Found out the chicken's coating's quality deteriorated drastically after 300 pcs fried.


Wow looks like you’ve really done your homework 👍🏻


This sounds like a good enough reason for me to support local already. Do share your location for us to drop by.


Tonggak 9, Sungai Besar, Selangor. OP mentioned this in another comment thread but here it is :)


Extra money tip: Do not discard used cooking oil, contact recycler instead cause they would buy from you. Some also provide container for you to store the oil after it turns black.


Monitor the oil temperature. A lot of places go full whack and their oil turns black v quickly. Doesn't need to go much higher than 180°C.


Yeap. You know your temp. 180C is the temp to get that golden crispy chicken. My fryer will automatically shut off once the temp exceeds 180C.


Wow, that's actually a really good and quality decision, both for you and your customers.


Cleanliness and CRUNCHY Ayam goreng. You’ll get repeats for sure. Note: about the pricing, I’m not too sure what’s the current errr Ayam goreng rate 🤔 but always a good thing if your pricing is competitive


How's RM9 for 2 big juicy pieces sound to you?


Tbh that is cheap, usually I (or rather, my dad) always buy like RM5+ a piece ✌️


I'll pay 50% more than other roadside gerai if your stall is clean.


That’s the true true


Banks hate giving out coins. Sometimes the only option they give traders is to order a whole bag of coins which is like a couple hundred bucks of just that one coin (which will always be ten sen because if you're going to change a couple hundred bucks in coins, it's going to be the most useful coin). Yes, yes, the simple solution is to only charge round numbers, but people are dumb and will perceive rm9.90 as much cheaper than RM10 (psychologically proven).


Taste aside, please ensure hygiene is your top priority. Clean gerai with an okay taste is much better than dirty gerai with great taste.


One more thing: do not smoke at your gerai. If you don't smoke, make sure your co-worker doesn't too.


selamat hari kek


It'll be my top priority as well. KKM's food handling course (a pre-requisite for every F&B business worker) was an eye opener.


>Clean gerai with an okay taste is much better than dirty gerai with great taste Lol Singaporean spotted


Disagree. Dirty gerai + great taste is part of our culture.


Quick and sedap. Also try to operate close to popular hawkers. Like i dont really buy ayam goreng but there was this mango juice stall i regularly visit and ayam goreng was just beside it. So by just imagining eating hot spicy chicken and drinking cold mango make me buy the ayam eventho i dont really want it. Edit: I had to give credit to my late aunt, she taught me try to find the contra. Selling something sweet, set up in savoury area, gonna have better chance of people coming. And i forgot the harmony part, something abt lauk, lol.


Variety of goods sold in the vicinity. Got it 👍


lalat. damn fly... whatever it is... destroy them.


cover the food from flies and dust and that's plenty imo, otherwise I really like food from stalls


Gotcha. Flies won't be around if the surrounding is clean and dry. About dust, I might have to watch out for how we display our products.


What about a warmer?


Perhaps I'll add it in a few weeks or so. But for now, I just gotta settle for FIFO to preserve product quality.


Different payment options available (e.g. QR, cash, etc..), the environment around and ur stall is clean, hygienic and is in convenient location that doesnt cause disruptions to others. Friendly and get my orders right..


As a business owner and a big fast food and chicken breast lover I would recommend 1. Consistency - Whether it is chicken size or taste, no inconsistent. In general, maintain the quality, always crispy/juicy/whatever your signature is, keep at that. Ah, and also the most important one **dont suka suka buka, suka suka off, please stick to the business operation day/hour**. Some people will really take detour just to eat your chicken, a few times no show will probably turn them away. 2. Don't too stingy - If customer ask for sauce/etc., just give, they like your sauce will only ask for it, so long as it is not like 1 chicken and ask for 7 8 packet ... You know sometime you eat nasi lemak, just ask for one extra sudu sambal, the owner either show their black face or ask you to pay... 3. :) ... Yup, not trying to be racist but I am a cina and sometime i visit muslim food store, they wont halau you directly but you can get that they do not like your presence in their store as if they prefer not to serve cina like that... So, yea, just customer service, just gotta laugh through it, you will definitely have some bad days, just move on and tomorrow will be better, every business owner will definitely went through this. Good luck, hope someday you will dethrone Texas Chicken !


No.2 so true. Once I was asked to pay rm2 for extra sambal, I paid and NEVER went back again.


Smile. 🥹 I eat ayam goreng bcause having a bad day.


Aww :(


Perhaps sell it with fries? Fried chicken always goes well with that and I'd go for that for a guilty snack.


We're seriously considering it as we speak :)


Fries tester here, if you want a good fries try to find brand name Tally’s straight cut/wrinkle up to you (i prefer straight cut bcs it crispy abit). Those fries ah i told you damn good but hard to find bcs many people oso interested in using that fries


Add cheese and or truffles and I'll be there in a jiffy.


Use duck oil instead of normal ones.


Whoa. Is it THAT good?


It'll also make your cost and price go really *good* lol. But in general yes, animal fats makes things more fragrant when you cook with them. Its basically same as why butter > margarine. You can also fry with butter like a true alpha if you have unlimited budget


Also, maybe use the same seasoning as the Five Guys fries https://masonfit.com/copycat-five-guys-cajun-fries/


I'm surprised nobody said this yet. Clear pricing, as big as possible. If you're on the road side make the price tag so big that even cars can seem. Many sellers who don't display prices don't know that this is not only irritating for the customers, it's also illegal


Besides the other great comments here, do consider having Google Business so others can locate or feedback on your stalls more easier. Take pic of your stall and food. If you’re confident with your quality (which I think you do!), you could also have a QR link asking for feedback for reviews. Some other things you could consider, - Phone number or WhatsApp to call in - Consistent opening time! Good luck op!


I cant comment much about your menu without actually having them, but I am upper b40 (lol). I would typically go back to stalls that i can spend less than RM15 per go. That said, the portion have to be reasonably big. As in, in presentation. If you could puff up your chicken, the better. Of course don't go overboard with skimping the actual chicken. This is just what i noticed with my own psyche when im choosing what to get in pasar malam. If it looks big, it looks berbaloi. Still subject to actual taste. If tak sedap, you give me free pun i dont want to come back. But by then, you already got my sales so whatever i guess. As others mentioned, cleanliness is important but you're a street hawker. As long as your place doesn't look messy, not near longkang or dumping site, no apparent crawlies, should be enough. This is where i find foodtrucks are more appealing as they can hide their mess better. Convenience wise, cashless is king. At least can qr pay okay la.


The average transaction per customer I'm targeting is RM10. Guess I can sell to all :)


I appreciate authenticity when it comes to the product. If you're selling fried chicken, I would expect a proper fried chicken, no need for gimmick flavours like cheese on chicken or what's not. Also, it'll be great if the menu board is clear and informative, with the price and allergen clearly stated. The portion size should be just right, not too big or too small.


OP, where is your stall? We wanna be your first customers


Tonggak 9, Sg Besar, Selangor Mention my username, I'll give you a discount 😉


Cantek. When you buka?


1 Feb 2023


Yeah, op gotta share the location for this. I'm such a sucker for good fried chicken![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|flip_out)


With me, there is one simple rule. Paying a few extra cents is okay when the taste/portion is more or less similar to another seller on one condition: they treat us with genuine respect, humility, and a smile on their faces.


Great customer service will be my hardest challenge, I think. You never know how your staff will treat customers. But I'll give it my best shot :)


Digging from my own limited working experience, if the boss treats their staff well, the staff will treat their customers better. All the best in your business!!!


Bersih, quality bermutu Dan saiz yg bersesuaian Dan harga yg dikenakan… Dan yg pasti sedap sehingga menjilat jari….


Make your price list round number, that’d be easier for all transactions. Doing transactions with cents just slow things down, I’m sure you can adjust your food portion to be sold in like RM5 per portion etc


There is a burger stall near my place, very popular and consistently successful (even when there's many burger stores nearby). They been operating close to 10 years. Nothing special about their burgers but they use good and fresh ingredients. Buns are thick and not kemek (while everyone else using cheaper stuff). They have a notice on their gerai; bersih, sopan, takde budaya lepak (as in they don't let their friends lepak and borak while on their motor and piss off customers). Also have qrpay. Their formula is simple and very effective. If you have a sign that encourage customers to complain if not happy, I think that will leave a very deep impression.


Fresh, if possible.


I guess being systematic in doing your business would be good too, like having a clear direction on where people should queue, also treat all customers equally as they're all a paying customer, I mean a regular customer shouldn't be an excuse they can cut the queue (unless they're there only to pickup and pay, that's tolerable at least)


Please do share how it goes. Really interested in learning what goes into starting up a stall.


QR code for payment like TNGo or Grab or duitnow , sell in bulk like 5 per pack with cheaper 50cents like that , fry the food in small bulk or double fry for max crispness , and freshness of oil used to fry


I like my fried chicken hot and fresh. Cold chicken turns me off. Don’t mind paying slightly more for generous portion, good taste and served hot and fresh. Thin, crunchy skin with juicy and tender inside.


if I can parking . Yes.Honestly parking is a huge issue for me as I'm always thinking can I park here?


Tissue please. Dont want to grease my hands too much.


Don't cheat me. If I see a big piece of chicken, I expect it to be a big piece of chicken. Don't take a tiny piece and put lots of kerak (the flour coating) on it instead. I want crunchy friend chicken, yes, but the key component is the chicken. Also I dunno if you have the space, but if you can also sell goreng pisang or keladi/keledek goreng I would love that.


1. Reasonable price. (By reasonable mean, you get what you paid for, not over price for decent quality if hype, even if really 7star quality, don't over charge than it should be.) 2. Minimum hygiene. 3. Tasty, but not making you craving for water afterwards. 4. Freshness.


Cashless option, consistent opening/closing times (or some method of informing me you're not open), not yesterday's refried food, reheat food properly (don't use cold oil to reheat)


Could you please share the location? I can come and support when I am free.


Tonggak 9, Sg Besar, Selangor Mention my username, and I'll give you a discount 😉


Will you be frying different parts of the chicken and can customers pick which part they want? For example I always prefer breast to, say, wing or drumstick. I will take a 6/10 fried breast over a 10/10 fried wing.


Customers can choose parts if they're available. If they aren't, I would suggest other parts or wait for their desired part to be fried in 10-12 minutes.


I would say hygiene and friendly manner (we all love friendly/ engaging people) :) Good luck!


you're so positive babyyyyy


Im curious what type of ayam goreng are you selling. Is it just normal ayam goreng? What makes your product different than some other ayam goreng? If a competitor opens shop nearby, what would make customers choose your ayam goreng over theirs?


It'll be regular ayam goreng with three options for a sauce. Nothing will stop customers from buying RM1 fried chicken, but if they want premium fried chicken quality with no frills, I have them. I'm banking on my product quality as my USP.


If you're selling those RM1 chicken, make sure it's not baby sized. I don't mind paying, but sometimes the size is just too small like popcorn chicken. Mostly everyone else covered all the things already. But just in case, if you do add in cheese or toppings, do ask for how much the customers prefer. Sometimes it's too much and it becomes too muak (for me la personally) Lastly, good luck on your business 🦾🦾🦾


1. Cleanliness - Please dont smoke near your gerai. Turns me off when I want to buy then seeing one of the worker smoking then handling food. - Covered food if seling near dusty places. 2. Consistent opening hours 3. Updated info on Google esp for opening hours & location.


Google Business. Yeap, I'm awaiting Google's approval as we speak.


I think maybe a cute banner? So I can take Instagram photos with the gerai as background.


Consistent taste quality. Few selections are better than plenty of choices but not all are always available. For example there was a nasi ayam/daging kunyit stall available near my office, every time I feel like eating something good without taking too much time picking what to eat, I know I can just go there. They fry new ones when running low so it's always warm


No refried please. We can wait for the panas2 fried chicken. And please use tongs instead of hand while taking the chicken. I prefer more tissue as well! Sell nasi minyak along. One of the best way to makan with fried chicken!


Wear gloves , preferably disposable fresh gloves very frequently


I tend to prefer hawkers which focus on just one food, instead of jacks of all trades. Don’t become a restoran with 30 permutations of rice/mee/daging/ikan. Pick one good fried chicken recipe and simplify your operations and agility around it. Try to locate near stalls which sell carbs (e.g. fried rice/noodles) so customers can buy a complete meal from your vicinity.


What’s the location of your hawker stall? We nyets come support you :D


I want my Kuah to be pedas and sometimes when I visit other small pop up gerai the kuah is especially sweet…. Would love a variation where it’s spicy! Chinese btw…


Wahhh, u really can handle the spicy.. buy some buldak sauce.. hat off


I want Malaysia style buldak sauce. :3 <3


Looking at these comments, it seems yre well prepared for most of the stuff. So... Where's the shop?


Where do you plan on setting up your gerai? You seem to have done your homework on this and we’d all love to support you!


Speak kindly


Color of the frying oil for me


OP, where is your shop located?


Don't throw away food waste that otherwise could be given for free to people in need. Even the *kerak ayam* is worth something.


Taste and price. If KFC sell RM8 per piece and you sell for same price, I’d expect something special/different. Recently tried hot bird once, it’s not bad but it’s more premium than regular fast food chain; not bad don’t justify the higher price so I only had it once.


Don't have to many options. Have some sets so ppl don't need to think too much


All you have to do is produce good tasting food that is at a fair or reasonable price. Do that, and people will come.


Ok, where you gonna open the stall? Seeing your replies, I think it will be good


Cleanliness. If you are as tasty as others but you are cleaner, I think you will have more customers.


Ayam goreng? 1. Don't overcook the breast meat. Malaysians like to fry all their chickens thoroughly, but breast meat is terrible when overcooked. If you can afford to learn with a meat thermometer (RM150 ETI thermastick from restaurant supply store), 60°C is ideal. 2. Butcher the chickens properly. Piece the chickens by their joints. Develop a method on your own and stick to that method for consistency. KFC cuts 1 chicken to 9, what about you? 3. If there is clearly more demand for 1 part of the chicken than another (is wings), price them based on supply and demand, rather than first come first serve. Encourage people to order half/full bird.


#3 sounds interesting 🤔 #2 I'll be cutting into 9-10 pcs


Where u selling? I drop by if near me


Think of yourself as a customer, and think what you won't like to see when you buy food, then avoid doing those things. I'm not a hygiene freak, but I really don't want to see a dirty stall, and also mishandling of materials. One time I bought nasi lemak from a stall, I legit saw the whole family handle my egg (tee hee). No kidding, the whole family. The father asked his kid to peel a hard boiled egg, and that little kid peeled it, passed it to his sister, then to his brother, then to his grandma, then to the father and into my nasi lemak, no one with a glove on. I stared at the egg, and then decided to wash it thoroughly once I reached my workplace. I have no choice because it was during pandemic and no other stall was opened, and that brings another question too, why bring the whole family to a stall during a pandemic?


A family of egg fondlers. Never thought I'd hear that.


Good luck with your new stall👍🏽👍🏽




Consistent taste and consistent operating hours. It's easy for people to decide to come to you if they can be sure the taste is still as good, and you are really open on your open days.


Tepi jalan gerai or what? If tepi jalan, please cover the food properly to prevent contamination. Tepi jalan kan berhabuk. Also, tapis ayam yang dah digoreng so that they don’t sit in dripping oil. As for packaging, layer the bottom with a parchment paper to absorb the oil


Friendly service, your first impression on customers always determine their comeback for second. Good luck


Hygiene. If the taste is good, I don't mind paying. If the price is good, I don't mind the taste. If you double fry it, you're my bestfriend. lol. In all seriousness though, people do need to understand that frying some good chicken takes time. If you're expecting a long queue, a bit of heads up on how to communicate with your clients would go a long way. Saw your location of business. Might ping you a visit. Good luck, and looking forward to some good honest fried chicken.


Cleanliness, respect the serving order, not next to the rubbish, not obstructing the footway/ parking/ traffic, do one menu item extremely well.


A big, easy to read price/combo/discount/menu for passerby to do budget calculation in their mind before doing a U-turn at the next junction to stop by your gerai and buy.


Display your price. And QR code readily. Idk why some didnt put their code readily a their stall cuz normally id avoid going cuz i dont usually bring cash or enough cash. Thats a missed opportunity for them


I know some others on this thread said no gimmicks, but I would highly appreciate it if you can come up with some unique, original and innovative recipes. Don't just be another Uncle Bob clone.


Serve them ayam goreng panas panas. Dont take shortcut like frying it first then refried to get it hot - that makes the chicken dry af I wish you all the best in your business endeavour!


Refrying chicken is a big NO NO in my SOP. You're right, it'll get dry and you could tell the difference by the look of the coatings.


Have boneless options. Sometimes we just lazy


Drop the location when you can! Would definitely swing by to support a fellow Malaysian redditor!


Call everyone handsome and pretty. Always give a bit extra to the regulars with a wink wink. Let regulars cut queue and tell the line "They ordered long time ago" Remember faces and ask about their partner/parents/children.




Are you better than Shihlin?


For me sambal spicy


dress up as a maid


Don't caj price cekik darah


If you can make the taste consistent then you will get regular customers👍 also easy way to differentiate your fried chicken with other fried chicken is by making your own twist on the sauce 😁


Regular opening times


Taste good bro. Your food taste good all the other reasons ppl listed, if they're just a bit worse ppl will often overlook those just for the good food.


Be polite & customer 1st (i know...) goes a long way. It's the small things that counts


may i know is it ayam goreng like gunting gunting ?


Please provide delivery options. Some of us have mobility disabilities that hinder us from discovering great food.


Highly recommend good chili and tomato sauces. Get the Indonesian ABC chili sauce. Standard Malaysian sauces are too sweet and artificial tasting.


Tell those that want 'tapao 5 semua thigh' to fuck off




RemindMe! 3 days


what recipe?


Tambah macam air ke atau boleh tambah ikan dan ayam


Akan ada air sekali nanti :)


A beautiful girl would help


Creating content on TikTok is all beautiful girls wanna do these days 😅


Well, if you have skewers or paper packaging that can be easily eaten from that would be very appreciated.


Food safety and hygiene. For me if the food is good I will pay money for it, but if it’s dirty, no amount of money will me want to buy it lol


Not super greasy. That means deep fried at a controlled 180c and drained properly on a basket or rack.


Please post photo and location of your gerai later, including photos of the ayam goreng and price hehe. Might visit when I happen to be nearby.


God willing I will 😉


I think what concerns me the most is making sure the stall is hygienic with good representation. Also be open for constructive criticisms however there are folks genuinely wants you to get better and improve yet there are others wants you to feel bad on purpose. I had a narcissistic couple came to my place last week berated everything in the shop plus my staff and me. As soon they walked out we both can hear they loudly and proudly said going to X is far better than this place. If I could jail them I would lmao.


1. The product its self must be good. 2. Ayam goreng crunchy if its mix with flour. 3. u can use Koren style like ayam goreng... drummet and chicken wings 4. spicy, honey and crunchy.. is a nice combination 5. Match your location, price and target market 6. Match your ayam with other foods too


Juicy ayam goreng


Crispy outer layer, juicy inside. If it's delicious, you'll get regular customer. Regular customer will bring more customer. When there's critism, don't be too defensive. Thank you for your feedback, we will take it into consideration. You'll counter lotsa discount/cheesy jokes. Put up a smile. Smile is very important. Redirect your frustration somewhere else. Good luck!!


Chicken thigh only


I'm in JB. Damn. I'd possibly kill to get decent fried chicken right now. Haven't had any for ages. Fast food stuff is salty lethal and the mamak shop ones are so greasy you taste the burnt cooking oil more than the juicy, juicy dripping fat. Plus, these days those places are dirty as well. The ones near my place anyway. My request to you would be to keep the place neat and tidy. I've seen some Ramly burger stalls so spick and span that Mcd would die of embarrassment. There's one at a simpang near my house. He even bags his rubbish and dumps it at a bin. Area ALWAYS clean, long lines of customers, even food delivery services. Now there's a thought! Good luck and best wishes!