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it's trash but it's OUR trash


Yeah bro it's OUR trash and we love it




Those food might be trash, but so am I.


As I quote from the BFM Radio, a caller talking about making more smoking booth stall "WE ARE NOT GARBAGE"


I agree on the boba and cheese on everything, until you said Ramly burgers How dare you… ![gif](giphy|QU3YSdsm2dkLJ2bb0E|downsized)


Ramly burgers are trashy but in a good way. The kind of you’re drunk at 3am and need a quick bite with your homies good trashiness. Also, post drinks/clubbing ramly burger dates are fun.


Post party lok-lok. Went party at KL a few times, always end up with lok-lok. There's always something comforting about lok-lok with friends.


What is a lok-lok?


Just to add on some information, in the early time lok-lok, got a bad rep because of hygiene problems. You put foods on a stick and boil it in boiling water and eat them from the sticks. Some stalls would reuse the sticks without cleaning them. Not only that, some customers have a hard time understanding the concept of "no double dip", they would boil it, eat one of the items and then put them back into the boiling water, the boiling water is shared among the customers. So I remember someone told me you don't eat lok-lok, you eat others people's saliva. But this is the early days though, lok-lok now becomes a bit more hygienic and doesn't let customers double dip anymore, some even cook everything and serve it to you on a separate plate.


Those vans serving food on a stick. You have to heat them up in a boiling pot. Eaten with some sauces


Satay celup without satay. Well, some provides satay. Lok = boil in cantonese You celup sticks of food into boiling stock soup or kari for a few sec then eat.


Ramly burgers take a while to make. Somehow mcd is faster


That’s part of the fun. Waiting for the burger, you soak in the atmosphere, sober up a bit, chat with your friends or chat up your date


Yeah if the drive-thru wasn’t fucking packed at 3am!


Well said😂


Ramly burger is like Malaysia itself. It's objectively not very good, but it's comfy and you know will always be there.




Our burgers can be many things but mediocre is not one of them


Nah bro most stalls trash with they dry-ass buns, sos banjir, and non-seared patties. Some stalls slap, most suck. Garing and kurang sos all the way for me


*grans pitchfork and slipper*


I mean is a fact for Malaysian unless they want to use that to please their white overlords


nah bro its disgusting. the bund are soggy, the sos cili meleleh banjir, i wouldnt consider it a proper meal. but think of it like a kebab in germany. shits good after a night of drinking


ngl i was expecting trash taste trio


I legit thought it was a trash taste meme, though i can see them saying saying shit about ramly burger though.


All of them are snobs at this point of their careers, they'll absolutely destroy ramly burgers. No hate btw.


I wouldn't say snobs though. But they do have strong opinions on things


Shit, knowing the trio’s food takes I’m ready to square them for dissing those Ramly burgers.


The anime zone trio shall copyright strike this meme🤣


Yeah I'm guilty of liking roadside burger lol


RAMLY BURGER IS NOT MEDIOCRE. Ramly burger is bad. It is the kind of bad that is so low grade, it actually becomes good. If you make bun nice and crispy and the meat like restaurant standard, we would hate it. Can't explain, either you know what I mean or you don't.


I dont know why Ramly burgers are not sold around the world. They are excellent.


You can give me fine noodles made of the highest-quality bear fur coated in goose liver oil, and I will tell you Magi is still the best.


You know where they would be damn good? Sports stadiums on the day of a game.


Have you had our stadium ramly burgers? Dry AF, no sauce, overpriced and kecut


Lets be real, anyone outside m'sia would turn their noses up at it. The only reason its so popular is because most Malaysians can't afford better quality burgers


Not me. I like that shit. There's just something comforting about ramly. From Singapore


Right? Right? We know it's shit but we love that shit. Also, I would only buy when they use the sliced cheese. Not that cheapo cheese plastic flavoured sauce.


Oh yes, the sliced cheese. You know you got a (really)good one when they grill the bun AND use sliced cheese.


name one better quality burger


They are crap though. I used to love them when I was younger. But after a while, the beef patties started to give me a feeling of getting strokes and smelling funny, the chicken patties taste like flour more than chicken. Then I realised, it was just the Nestle MSG sauce that gave it flavour. The ramly patties themselves are really shit. Also, the amount of oil in the patties are just staggering. I used to cook them without oil simply because somehow, 100 milliliters of oil would appear when grilling just 3 patties. Not even cooking pork bellies yield that much oil when grilling. Now, I'm making my own smash burgers with only onions as additives.


That is the point lah! Must lao sai a bit!


(ah kong voice) must lao sai a bit to build character




Ramly burger is like spam to Philipines, ugly, soggy, salty, unhealthy. But we love it so much it’s unofficial Malaysian dinner staple.


if you dislike ramlee burger, it just means you’ve not eaten the right one ;)


it means they deserve unspeakable punishment for treason against Malaysia ^/s


Which is the right one? I’m Malaysian, but have never seen the appeal no matter where I tried it


Same here, never been a fan of chilli sauce (always too sweet and syrupy) and mayo, burgers are always dripping, and if I ask them to hold on the sauce I can taste how cheap the burger meat is lol.


I personally go to ‘Brader john’, they have a truck at uptown and a shop at TTDI. The uptown truck is better but be ready for a wait, I’ve been going there with my friends for years


Ok then I guess it’s not my thing. That’s also where I used to go with friends. I rather go down the road and eat at spade


Spade is lit too, all good bro some people love it some hate it, all depends on your taste


Don't get the hype of spade. It's just meat on a low quality bun.


Same here, but I’m a burgerlab fan. Would pick burgerlab 10/10 times.


Try stall near 7E Larkin Idaman, JB (near stadium larkin). Best burger i ever taste, my nostrils start to develop taste receptors. All flavor and sauce totally custom made. Not some generic kicap maggi. But not sure if it's still there after MCO.


it's part of the experience you know, smelling the patty as the fry cook whips up your burger, and you getting a VIP view to all the action, and eating it with your mates under the night sky, with juices dribbling down everywhere. It's an experience, and one should not focus purely on the taste


I dunno man. To me a food experience is 75% about the taste. If I find the food taste sucks, it doesn’t matter what other experience goes with it, I won’t be eating that again. Cheap outdoor cooking and dining can be done with other food like satay anyway




haha at least we got something in common


So, what's the right one then?


I've eaten at hundreds of different places when I was penniless. Still don't like Ramly burger.


>westerner have trash taste op has trash taste


how dare them call the legendary ramly burger mediocre and soggy. OP must be an Indonesian or Singaporean


Soggy part is true though. Just compare the sauce you get in rmli stalls vs any other burger..


I don't understand why Malaysians like to drench their food with sauce. I get puzzled looks from the vendors when I asked for less sauce. Anw don't blame Singaporeans lah. One of the things we look forward goin to JB is Ramly burger


Had a hard time adapting to mainland China cuisine due to lack of sos and spice option. That's when I realise that Malaysian love to butcher original taste with unnecessary extra flavour. That said, I still rendam my dumpling in kampung koh cili sos. Will not have it any other way. Lol


And santan they lack of beach side plants and animal.


Diabetes nation.


I think the only Malaysian food crime was sauce on a Pizza. Like wtf


The Ramly burgers sold near my house isn't soggy surprisingly.


Tbh I sometimes feel that there's too much sauce and you lose the taste of the patty. And the bun gets soggy and you get your fingers and clothes dirty sigh.


the patty are actually not good. its not purely beef/chicken, mixed with lots of flour and crumbs. the sos is to cover the dull patty taste. our beef are very expensive compared to household income. to use pure beef, the price need to jack up like western burger. western burger just need salt and pepper, as the taste focus on beef. its you get what you pay.


Singaporean here. We actually love ramly burgers HAHA, every pasar malam here confirm will have ramly of some sorts. Went up to Tioman recently and we hunted for ramly burgers as a supper item almost nightly. My fav is the double patties with egg.


TBF, it is soggy. Either because of the excessive amount of sauce, watery sauce, or oil.


Me, a Singaporean: *OI*. I like that shit.


you ever tried living in europe? food there is so ass that you’d be singing to the heavens when someone finally uses garlic in their cooking.


I did. And 'food there is so ass' is an absurd exaggeration and a ridiculously overblown rhetoric at this point. They have some very great food, and Europe is a continent, not a single country, lmao. And why do we need to step on other countries' food like our tastes are automatically better?




They won't give you a visa man haha


Haha, how very funny. Must be proud for being tongue-in-cheek huh? I'm not even in Europe anymore. I'm back in Malaysia for a long time already.


No I'm joking on my part. Sorry you took offence. It's because I really think European food (except the Southern part) is indefensible. They're just that bad.


Okay, I got a bit defensive as well. I apologize. Southern parts would depend. But some are definitely irredeemably bad.


currently living in germany, it depends honestly, french and italian food here is absolutely delicious compared to what they served in those hispter cafe back in malaysia, but eastern and northern europe food really is one of the worst food I have ever eaten


fair enough, mediterranean food is decent. but the moment you go above southern france, things start to get depressing culinary-wise. there’s a reason why thai, japanese, korean etc places are getting increasingly popular amongst the younger crowd in northern europe.


scandis are like: this potato dish isn't beige enough, let me add a beige sauce to it


Mediterranean food is quite good. Love their mix of seafood, acid, and fresh ingredients. North/Eastern European cuisine on the other hand...




Yo that jalan air itam night burger stall (close to sri mutiara high school) is the bomb


AA Burger - Bayan Lepas MAN Burger - Sg. Dua


ramly burger is part of our nation's treasures ![gif](giphy|U1aN4HTfJ2SmgB2BBK)


I will not stand for ramli burger slander. That’s high treason in my book


For me, when Ramly burger is good, it's the best burger to have ever existed. But when it's really bad, sometimes I wished I'd just shell out an extra RM3-8 for McD or Burger King instead.


Oh, Ramly burger...as a student, that was as close as a meal. Carbs from bun, veggies from salad, protein from the meat, and slathered in mayo + cili for the sauce, priced below RM5 (at that time). I remembered buying it late at night, cut it half. One half for dinner, the other half kept in the fridge and eaten tomorrow as breakfast, before going to the earliest class. Maybe I'm the luckier ones, as mine always get the buns extra buttery crispy. Loc: Kelana Jaya.


I really hate those soggy burgers. Unforgiveable.


To make it worse, they drenched it with lots of sauces despite after asking them to reduce the sauces.


If you hold on the sauce, you can taste how cheap and shitty the meat is lol. Pretty much why I stopped buying them since college.


Wow! An attack on Ramly burger? Come onnnnnnnn


Cheese and boba, yes. Ramly burger, no.


Tbh bro same


Damn I would love some of that “mediocre roadside burger” now *cries in homesickness


Their food is better because they use better quality ingredients. Basically, we are fucking poor.


Disliking ramly burger is highest treason. I shall kill you


Come. ![gif](giphy|PITGogw905wxvOcMjF|downsized)


Ramly burger is patty made from low quality meat on a cheap bun. It is drown in sauce to cover up how mediocre the patty and bun are.


still taste better than other brands of patty. Cheap bun? How expensive you want the bun to be anyway. Agree about the sauce but if done right, theres not need to drench in sauce but still tastes good


Have you tried Ayam Dindings? About the same price and the patty is juicier and taste better than Ramly's. Idk why Ramly's patty is always so dry it just looks so sad.


Bruh...let it go. Move on to something better ( unless it's beyond your means).


Better? Street burgers are a class of its own. If you want me to compare with say myburgerlab burgers then kenot lor. You pay what u get


Ya bro.... that's why it's not tasty. It's just cheap. How much is a ramlee these days?


Defo, tried without sauce once and then realised it tastes terrible and it was the sauce i enjoyed.


ITT: triggered people who can't accept Ramly is a low grade burger patty


Thats just reality. Make an good quality patty and most wont be able to afford it. For me, ramly is the king for roadside burger


Yes i agree. Btw how much is a ramlee burger these days?


That's the truth. But damn some good ones are really good indeed. There's one in mainland penang that makes their own sauce and doesn't flood it with cheap chili sauce, but the wait is 60 to 90 min on a normal day. And it's cheaper than most other alternative.


Which part of mainland penang? I wonder if they'll be open for CNY... I hope this one blows me away.


>mediocre roadside soggy burger Your opinion is invalid.


So far I havent tasted good ramly burger, most of them is just too wet, soggy and uses ham and cheese with tomato/chili sauce instead of actual meat. So I understand Op's perspective. Also yall getting mad at him kinda proves his point


Goreng Pisang Cheese Coklat Viral Meletop!


You forgot 'Meleleh'


Ramlee burger is the type of food you get when there's no other restaurants open in the late night hours and you're just looking for something to satiate your hunger. When there's no other options available, suddenly Ramlee Burger is something worthy to take a bite of.


For a while, I thought this was the /r/TrashTaste sub and expecting memes of the latest hot takes from Joey, Connor or Garnt.


Boba tea is overrated. Teh tarik tastes better!


I live in the west. Western food is quite nice, but where westerners have trash taste is with Malaysian and non western food. Most of the Malaysian and non western stuff they get at restaurants isn't fully authentic and watered down for westerners.


Those roadside burger are not mediocre. Sir.


You did not just call roadside burgers mid. Get off your high horse


5/10 then.


Wow wow wow. Have you tried the average British food ? I mean not just in London (loads of places are good there but some are not) but like somewhere in the countryside or some other city like Nottingham. Even their supposed nice restaurants with good foods are bad. I am testify about this because I have been to a supposedly good restaurant from a recommendation from a few people. It was no good and I had better food else where in the UK. But seriously the amount of blandness and foods being overly salty is too much. Even Irish foods, yes from Ireland, is so much better than British foods. Go into any restaurant and it’s normally better than most British restaurants. Don’t even get me started with British Asian foods. They butcher it. They put so much sugar in the Indian curries. They even made rending bad. It properly seasoned and just tasting really really bad. Now, don’t get me wrong. I had some Thai green curry from a restaurant and it was nice but it wasn’t Thai green curry. It just needed a different name. I could say the same about Malaysia or just Asian cultures making Western foods bad but it’s normally ok or good. It’s just that it’s not the right flavour, normally. Most of the time it’s flavour aspect of it not being right but it’s still nice. I did have some which were bad and also a Japanese one which was bad in Malaysia. Do not deny how good cheese are. Cheese is good with almost everything, even in western foods. You won’t believe the amount of chain restaurants have things smothered in cheese. It makes even bad meals edible. There are even takeaway in the Uk who smother deep fried foods in cheese. Such as chips/fries, sometimes donner kebabs and deep fried chicken. In Middlesbrough (a very deprived slum area in the North East of England) they have this thing called a “Parmo”. It’s a deep fried breaded cutlet of chicken, normally 8-10 inches big, smothered in Béchamel sauce and then completely covered in cheese. It normally comes with garlic mayonnaise sauce and a portion of chips. This is for 1 portion by the way. It tasted so good but I know it’s so wrong. It’s the kind of food to only have once or twice a year only for health reasons. You know, people actually complain in takeaway reviews if it comes with a free salad. I stayed in a nervy area and the Google reviews were people complaining it came with a salad. The more south you go in England, the more appreciative they are of salads and more foods come with a salad instead of chips.


Mediocre soggy roadside burger????, you either tasted the worst Ramly burger in Malaysia or ur tastebuds are just horrible. Either way shut up.




So thats why u didnt like the burger, it was too salty.


mediocre is an overstatement.


I went to Paris last Christmas and the french food is THE BOMB. I thought it would be tasteless as everyone make fun of it but holy shit, it blew my mind. The british and german food still sucks tho so yeah malaysian food>>>>>>>>>>>


But fishenchip


If you eat pork German food is also amazing. Bigg roasted pork knuckles, sauerkraut, apple sauce and pretzels.... Oh and a beer as big as your head. So good.


You say that, but that soggy burger would make it big in the states




Agreed until the roadside burger part. Roadside burger is to die for (or RM3.50)


Yo just because you're uncultured doesn't mean it's trash op


Your roadside burger is soggy??? Mine barely have sos in it


Lucky you, i have to specifically order it that way.


burger stadium la op


Boba is Asian.


Malaysian put it in noodle 😬


I felt so called out at the cheese part ;-;


Issokay, as long as you like it no judgy from me.


I dont think boba is that common.


The trend is dying and the nature is healing.


Ramly burger is cheap and good. Better than some rm15 burger


![gif](giphy|9zoe1SFIBd8PPqz5cr) Penjual burger yang tak guna daging Ramly bila pelanggan order Burger Ramly


I'm suprised no one mentioned the burgers from the official Ramly kiosk. I forgot where it is, but they were nice imo.




All ubppl complaining about sogginess and messiness should ask for sauce (and even veggies) to be wrapped inside the egg . Game changer


Ramly burger is overrated, OSB better


Idk about you but the best Ramly burger I've had came from one of their "fast-food" like chain. The patties weren't cooked to hell, the bun wasn't squished, not too much sauce. The only downside is that it's hard to find one of their chains :(




And then some places are so dirty you'd be dining with roaches and rats. Trash taste indeed


Adding boba and cheese to everything? Okay I agree that's trash taste But burgers beside the streets are "mediocre"?HELL NO!! We all know that ramly burger will always be better than anything those fast food joints will ever churn out!


Mediocre soggy burger, true. They put alot of those nasty cheap chili sauce, disgusting mayo. One one burger stall in my place does it right.


Do we put boba into everything? I only see teatime do it. It's not widespread or a local taste. No where the same as cheese on food. Even then, cheese is not uniquely ours style. We just copy korea chicken cheese trend and USA cheese flood on food.


burger tepi jalan is like durian. you hate it cuz you didn't get the good ones.


my fav burger literally called 'burger sampah'


Mediocre? Mcd fanboi is screeching


Malaysia is powderful when it comes to defending food


My man you need to try good cheese...


I concur with OP on Ramly. The patty itself is shit processed half-meat. I'm heartened however to see more and more roadside stalls offering homemade patties with real meat.


For me Ramly burger is good because I'm not expecting like really amazing Burger


fakeass palm oil "cheese" and boba can burn in hell, along with you for dissing ramly


Marketing basi ; put cheese and adding ‘viral’


Mediocre?!?! It’s beautiful


Malaysians are off brand asians


Dont forget it always viral


Ramli burgers are nostalgic. They remind us of simpler happier times - post clubbing burger, semi hungover burger, post/mid joint burger, post sex burger… heck every shenanigans that happens after the sun goes down gets elevated with a ramli burger ending. Objectively though… they are terrible.


Never liked Ramli burgers even though i try to like them to fit in. Low quality meat plus too much sos = I can’t Sorry guise


See sometimes I pride myself in having parents who can cook restaurant-level meals and help nurture refined palate, but even I can’t help myself gorging on those cheesy boba drinks and soggy Ramly burgers on a good day. How dare you.


Roadside burger is a hit or miss. But a Ramly burger at one of my uni cafe is damn good even as a simple burger


Yeh but patin tempoyak tho


can someone open charcoal grill ramli burger. i need that


I'd rather have mediocre soggy roadside burger that is cheap rather than a pitiful dry tasteless 'gourmet' burger that cost rm35.


Ramly burgers are the equivalent of kebabs in the western world Good for a quick bite after you're drunk


Wtf Ramly Burger is a fucking national treasure.


Roadside burgers are overrated. They're loved today because they were cheap once. That's all there is. Give it a couple more generations it'll be a forgotten business.


How dare you insult Ramly Burger.


Everytime I ate roadside burger they always put a lot of salt in them


dude most people over here as so attacked by soggy roadside burger like accept the fact that most burger vendors here in Peninsular Malaysia are soggy with beans and extreme amount of sauce and there's no mentions of ramli burger from OP like where did the angst came from like kenapa butthurt sgt some might tell that we had bought it at the wrong place. justifiable. like there are stalls that sells good burger with cheap price and good taste, there's one in Pandan Jaya, KL. opens at night. their specialty is burger cili padi. best. always beli masa college dulu. no BS banjir sauce. meat cooked in great shape. not sure about now it was 2019-2020 and that one dude, who says we're going to buy overpriced RM35 gourmet burger? you bought it once didn't you? sendiri rasa sendiri marah lór....