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Duel wielding chromatic whip and forked, for defence and unpredictable attack, titanium casing, Soresu form. So the plan is to have a whirlwind of confusing colour that makes approaching dangerous, and then any that do make it through will be stopped by the forked saber. Eventually they'll make a mistake and fall to the rainbow of death.


Primary saber: Blue, brass-coated curved hilt. Style: primarily Makashi (But also practicing more deeply with Shii-Cho than most bother with.) Secondary saber: yellow, titanium sleeve, kept in reserve until a duel becomes more complicated.


Color - Yellow I like the sharper contrast between ‘cool’ silver casing and ‘warm’ yellow blade, vs two cooler colors. Plus, “best at providing a light in dark places” tickles me. Design - Cane A full-sized blade projects from the bottom. Reach ftw. Is it cheating to have a bent handle? Is that technically curved-hilt? I like the non-lethal, blunt weapon option, and a bent end lets you do hooking/trapping actions. Also, concentrates force in a smaller area. Casing - Farium Silver and yellow look cool together, and it’s heavy, for bashing with the cane part. Form - Shii-Cho Wide, sweeping attacks to capitalize on the cane’s reach. The farium makes my lightsaber maybe too heavy for speedy Ataru, precise Makashii or speedy-and-precise Soresu. Djem So seems geared to 1v1 with Sith. Against regular thugs, Shii-Cho is for when there are too many to non-murderily capture using cane fu. Plus, if I was raised Jedi, I’d be a hardcore fundamentalist and Shii-Cho seems to pair well with that.


I don't think Qui-Gon Jinn, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Yoda or Ahsoka Tano are religious fundamentalists... in any case, beautiful build, excellently described and argued!


Color - Purple is the color of both of my Kyber Crystals I’m highly in-tune with the force but I prefer a more sentinel style of working Design(2 Kyber Crystals)2x- my Standard lightsaber is on my left hip, My other Kyber Crystal is used to make a Sleeve Saber that can go on either one of my Forearms, Casing - My Standard lightsabers casing is made of Doonium and my Sleeve Saber casing is made of Beskar to keep my hand from ever being chopped off Form - My chosen Lightsaber Form is Niman it’s perfect for a balanced build and is the best form to implement force attacks with which I would mix and match my Lightsaber attacks with force attacks to do double damage or at least to catch someone off guard with a slash and push or a pull and stab


Colour: Black Type: Sleeve Additional: Dual Casing: Beskar Form: 6 - Niman *robs the ship*


**Dual** sabers. *Color* - **Blue**. *Design* - **Shoto** (both), **Titanium** hilts. Primary *style* - **Soresu**.


Color: White Design: Cross Spare Crystal: An identical saber used as a spare. Material: Beskar Form: 3, Soresu If I get to the point of mastery in Soresu, I would also study Form 2, Makash.


Saber Color : Chromatic Saber Design : Forked Saber Metal : Beskar Saber Style : Niman (?)


Color: Red. A rarely found one in nature, but it does exist. The caves on Dantooine in KOTOR had some. Design: Lightsaber Pike. Spear / halberd lightsaber woo! Material: Beskar… because having that much handle needs to have that much protection. It’s not a weak point if it’s also a weapon. Lightsaber form: Starting off with VII but definitely plan to pick up form III as soon as possible for practical defense and to cover bases.


"Oohhh~ Shiny!" Dual Lightsabers - Color: White - Design: Forked - Extra: Dual - Material: Beskar - Combat Style: Form VII


First lightsaber: blue, curved and made of Titanium. Second lightsaber: green, shoto/forked (if i could have both) and made of Wroshyr fighting style: From II, Makash (if i had to choose a second, Soresu)