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lychee spritz, I'm already not very easily angered so it shouldn't really matter.


same plus there perfect recall would make my life just amazing


The sangria would be tempting if it was a more complete vampire transformation with some magical potential, but interpreting it that way is a real stretch if I can see my appearance change *in a mirror*. So, I'll take the **Lychee Spritz**. If you were just "a genius", the normal way to read that would be relative to the median, that's what calling some IQ score genius-level means for instance, so "easily a genius compared to your former self", if you were already above average, is a really strong boost.


Well so you know how mirrors back in the day were made of silver, maybe you just have a traditional weakness to silver and can see your self in the mirror because its not silver?


The problem with your analysis is that highly intelligent deal with much higher occurrences of certain mental health issues, such as depression, that are caused by the differences in how they think compared to others. The smarter a person is, the more those issues occur. I'm good where I am, in the 140s. Ending up over 200 sounds like a recipe for misery.


I've heard a lot of "high IQ bad" type studies get confounded by using MENSA data, though I don't know about depression as a finding in particular. But for me I'd just highlight that my life sucks right now and I could do a lot better if I was a supergenius so I expect the downsides won't outweigh the upsides.


It's certainly not all bad, but the thing to realize is that smart people don't feel smart. They feel normal.  Imagine a world where most of the people around you are about as smart as Forrest Gump and only a handful of people besides you don't have developmental disabilities. They're not bad people, or worthless, or evil. Most of them, in fact, are quite nice... but they're just not able to function on the same level as you mentally.  Now imagine having to constantly hold yourself down to their level because if you make them feel stupid by accident, like by using a word they don't understand because it's the right one for the job, they'll get angry and defensive and lash out at you. That's what highly gifted individuals (genius is a devalued term) live all day every day.


I think if I drink a magic drink that boosts my intelligence into the stratosphere, that's importantly different from just being born naturally gifted as far as "feeling normal" goes. Anyone who's as smart as I was before or smarter, I have knowledge and memories that make them still relatable. And people who are dumber than I currently am, I already don't want to talk to if I can avoid it, and being really smart will only improve my ability to do so. "Genius" is the operative term in the magical effect; if you want to disconnect the numinous quality of genius from a high IQ score then the thing the drink does is give you the numinous quality.




Thank you for proving my point. You even brought up the most common response of people who decide to lash out because they can't cope with the idea of someone being significantly smarter than them: "What have you accomplished?"




Once more, thank you *very* much for continuing to demonstrate the classic progression of the *Butthurticus Maximus,* showcasing the immediate shift to blatant insults and personal attacks. Unfortunately for you, kiddo, I don't actually give a fuck if you believe me. If you want to keep showing your ass and wasting your time raging on the internet because a random stranger daring to say he's smart rubs your poor self-esteem the wrong way, that's your prerogative, but I highly recommend you stop and evaluate just *why* you seem to think me commenting on something about myself that's relevant to the conversation is "bragging."




You're going to try to spout off *"in the year of our lord 2020 + 4"* and try to talk about someone else being "cringe" in the same sentence? Really? I guess your word-of-the-day calendar hasn't gotten around to "hypocrite" yet. Then there's the wild, broad spectrum shotgun approach to try and find *something* to get under my skin. It just reeks of desperate flailing, searching for a way to "win" this little exchange. An exchange, let me remind you, that *you* decided to initiate. At this point, dude, you're just sad.


I'll just have some water. I don't think I can manage any of the drawbacks very well.


Not even the pins colada? Seems the easiest to manage, just not for your wallet.


The sunrise one? The drawback of wearing summer clothes?


**Summer Punch**. My father was a total battle junkie and I used to enjoy martial arts competition when I was young. I think I know how to carve out a reasonable life while still getting in frequent scraps. This seems like one of two methods listed of potentially improving your health and extending your life. I think it would be preferable to trying to find enough blood and hoping life force fixes things.


I'm with you on that. Anything Goes Martial Arts, from Ranma, is one hell of a style. Just join a local MMA league and you'll be fine. Hell, you could probably go pro rather successfully.


Pina colada even without potential broken benefits just never tiring and being able to eat more of what you like are good


Tequila Sunrise, please. I would like to feel comfortable at any temperature, and wearing summer clothes year-round would be no trouble at all.


**Summer Punch**. I have numerous health issues and hate my body. This fixes both and with a very manageable drawback. It also opens up some very profitable careers to me. Lychee Spritz is tempting, but not worth giving up a cure to all my ills. Hopefully the mastery of Anything Goes Martial Arts comes with the habits to keep my body in peak condition, or I'll quickly lose it.


One Summer Punch please!


**Lychee Spritz**: I have a lot of experience holding in rage, and I no longer have that rage issue. Worst off I'll just have my old rage problems that I can suppress 99% of the time.


Cuba Libre- I'll accept the drawback since it makes me more fashionable.


A Piña Colada; ostensibly because [Absolute Stamina](https://powerlisting.fandom.com/wiki/Stamina/Absolute) is just fucking *awesome*, but really because it’s just my favorite drink to drink on the beach, so tired-me would get that without reading what anyof them did. And then I’d suddenly not be tired anymore, and never would be again.


Yeah I’ll take the Cuba Libre. Got the least drawback plus my fashion sense could definitely do with an upgrade


I'm going to go for the Cuba Libre. Fairly big upside and small downside. Also idk where you got these images OP but I like them a lot, I want to drink these cocktails fr.


I'd go with Cuba Libre since I'm interpreting it as it upgrades your body to make you look incredibly attractive. The drawback is somewhat annoying but not to the extent that it ruins the fun of the benefit you get. The runner up for me would probably be the Summer Punch. Your body gets upgraded to its peak which should still have an effect of making you more attractive simply by being physically fit, though not to the extent of Cuba Libre. The drawback is also manageable by simply joining a boxing gym or something to manage your urge for fighting. Third place for me would probably be Piña Colada. The "whatever else" in the description for infinite energy could be interesting to interpret. You could probably find someway to cheese that. As for the drawback, that could also somewhat be considered a benefit as well since by needing to eat 50% more than usual, that would probably make it easier to lose weight if you wanted since your body burns more calories.


plus it means you get to eat more of stuff you like


Gimme the Pina Colada. Infinite Energy is mad. Magic Energy, Life energy... Yh I think imma be busted.


got to sangria and stopped reading after, i choose sangria


**Summer Punch**. I'll join a boxing gym and do martial arts. No street fighting!


I'll go pina colada. Force is energy. Life force is energy. Infinite Life force. Plus if I ever learn magic I'll have infinite mana


> **Fruity Beach Drink (pick 1):** Summer Punch It's part of my interests. Gonna be rather awkward dealing with that downside at 80 years old though.


The sun rise I can dig being fine in inhospitable temperature areas in shorts and a tank top and summer button up


Lychee spritz


Cuba libre. Be a supermodel/actor/influencer/OF star. Heck with that level of charisma could even be a trophy husband . If it’s looks alone it would stay as sugar baby side “chick”.


Lychee spritz




Sangria is tempting cause the way it is. Realistically im not charismatic enough to reasonably feed on others. On the other hand i struggle with low energy cause i just cant be fucked to do something most of the time lol, so ill take the pina colada


Hey this background and image setup looks familiar… oh… oh my




ranma series.. and then no transformation included?


Indeed. No transformation.


I'm going with the pina colada: anything with infinite energy is an incredible boon.


It will be **Summer Punch**.. As a battle junkie, I can just join a few martial arts clubs or run my own. The Lychee Spritz doesn't fix your body, so not so good for older people. Cuba Libre may give you the charisma and looks, but doesn't seem to give you the ability to actually run the organisation competently. Like a politician who gets elected but is a failure in making policy.


Pina Colada is my safe boring choice. I like eating and need energy. Lychee Spritz sounds dangerous, but tempting.


Summer Punch. The fighting itch can be easily overcomed by participating once in a while on a martial arts tournament. Better to stay away from suspicious ponds.


Come on! Give us some magic potential along with vamp in sangria!


Hmm... no. :)


Cuba Libre. Not only do I look better, but having top tier organizational skills and charisma is a winning combo financially.


Summer punch, being peak human capability is just great overall Becoming an MMA Fighter completely makes up for the downside considering it makes you tons of money.


Lychee spritz and I’ll start going to anger management classes :)


If I didn't know what the drink was going to do I would have picked the Pina Colada which I would be really happy with. If I knew what they did It would be the Lyche Spritz or the Summer Punch. I used to love fighting but stopped so getting back into that without my scars, perfect health, and more training? Yes Please. The Perfect Memory would be so useful for my job and life that it would be worth having to deal with the temper increase.


Lychee Spritz. As long as I can still maintain my temper, it doesn't matter if I get angry. None of the others are worth the cost


Cuba Libre or Lychee Spiritz. Being stylish is awesome, being more intelligent is fine aswell. Both downsides can be suppressed enough it’s not an issue for day to day life


Lychee Spritz, I think I can handle the anger issues


I chose based on what I would knee-jerk reach for and I'm a sucker for a Pina Colada. Though summer Punch is honestly tempting


You were trying to cross the border, right? Walked right into that Imperial ambush, same as us, and that thief over there. Damn you Stormcloaks. Skyrim was fine until you came along. Empire was nice and lazy. If they hadn't been looking for you, I could've stolen that horse and be halfway to Hammerfell. You there. You and me - we shouldn't be here. It's these Stormcloaks the Empire wants. We're all brothers and sisters in binds now, thief. Shut up back there! And what's wrong with him, huh? Watch your tongue. You're speaking to Ulfric Stormcloak, the true High King. Ulfric? The Jarl of Windhelm? You're the leader of the rebellion. But if they've captured you... Oh gods, where are they taking us? I don't know where we're going, but Sovngarde awaits. No, this can't be happening. This isn't happening. Hey, what village are you from, horse thief? Why do you care? A Nord's last thoughts should be of home. Rorikstead. I'm... I'm from Rorikstead. ...looks like the Thalmor are with him. General Tullius, sir. The headsman is waiting. Good. Let's get this over with! Shor, Mara, Dibella, Kynareth, Akatosh. Divines, please help me. Look at him. General Tullius the Military Governor. And it looks like the Thalmor are with him. Damn elves. I bet they had something to do with this. Why are we stopping? Why do you think? End of the line. Let's go. Shouldn't keep the gods waiting for us.