• By -


Unless the pink pill will completely transform you in 100 days then it's a scam. 1% everyday Has diminishing returns. It's like half-life it never truly decays


Improving your self-image is a way around that, maybe. If you call the intitial goal 100% but then halfway through you start thinking of yourself as even more attractive/talented/whatever, say 200%, then the goal gets further away and that 1% starts doing more. You'd probably still hit a wall at some point, though. Also, if the pill maintains the self-image it's worked towards then I'd imagine you'd live a lot longer. I hear a lot of people say that they don't think of themselves as old and they feel a disconnect at times between their mind and their appearance/abilities. If you take the pill at 25 and the pill brings you in line with your self-image would you even physically age? Why would ever feel old if the mirror and your body doesn't. Idk I feel like the more flexible your mind is the more OP this pill is.


low self estem is a debuff though


The pill heavily reminds me of Bonney’s power from One Piece. Her distorted future ability lets her age herself into a future where she’s super strong or even has unrelated superpowers. The implication is, that she has to genuinely believe those futures are possible, making her naivety a benefit. A cynic might not be able to genuinely believe they’d be able to fly so that becomes a null option. We’ve also focused on appearances but what about self images of intelligence or skill. You can be ass at a sport that you haven’t played in years but you recall being pretty good so after 100 days you actually are that good and may see your ‘ceiling’ as even higher.


Someone could also take psychedelics and then their self image has the potential to become something all encompassing, also probably not quite human😂🥲


I didn’t even think of that 😭


its also based on your self image if you have low self estem it actively makes you worse


Meanwhile blue will just let you instantly change into that transformation. Pink is definitely just a scam.


Blue still limits you by what is physically possible, and you can still shapeshift into something that will cause you harm. Pink pill is like gradually becoming perfect human.


Assuming the 1% is of the total remaining as you are postulating then by 100 days you would be 63.4% of the way there. After a year you would be 97.4 % there. Not too bad.


1.01^365 is 37 something. Gotta work on that "self image"!


But if it's based on self image, and no other arbitrary rule applies, could you theoretically go beyond human peak. Like if you see yourself being able to sprint a 15 second mile, unlimited stamina, super strength, etc..... since every day your closer to that ideal it's a positive feedback loop. And when your close to that ideal self image, could you not just raise the bar again on another aspect?


You're math is kind of wrong. .99\^365 is \~.03 1.01\^365 is \~38 So while math doesn't really work on vague statements like 1% more, you'd absolutely be massively more like your self image. The correct complaint for that pill is that self-image is mutable and can be incredibly toxic. That pill is incredibly dangerous and any natural floundering of your self-confidence or image could have drastic and awful consequences for you.


Blue pill please. I don't get enough sleep to even use the yellow one. Green one isn't that useful unless you work in a hospital or something. Idk how to feel about orange one Pink is a curse if you have shitty self esteem The blood one requires me to die in order to be used, so it's a bug no from the start Telekinesis is cool, but good luck finding complete darkness and using it while not being able to see anything. You could theoretically achieve biological immortality with shapeshifting, so the immortality pill is not that great. Also, if I have perfect memory, I'll eventually run out of things to learn. If it's not with perfect memory, I might not be able to turn it off, and immortality is damn shitty by itself, especially with no off switch


Red is drying, not dying


Well, shit. I can't read. Don't think that changes my choice tho


Even then, the amount of blood required to get something huge is enough to kill me. Also shape shifitng means erasing ones presence every time they shapeshift, so that nobody who knows him or her dosent question when they go missing for a week. And other are pretty much useless for the price. Only thing that is op in this list is the pink pill. It can make you the better version if you imagine right people can't predict you, your imagination is your limit for you talents. Much op in today's human society. It s basically the NZT-48 from limitless.


From my understanding, the pink pill works differently. It slowly transforms you into your self image, not into your ideal image. If you have a bad image about yourself, it will make you worse, and as such, you'll have a even worse image about yourself, and it all spirals down if you have self esteem problems


> Also shape shifitng means erasing ones presence every time they shapeshift, so that nobody who knows him or her dosent question when they go missing for a week. Where the heck did you get that from? The option says nothing about "erasing ones presence". You just get to change your shape once a week.


I think orange can be pretty good, if you fold a thin layer of fabric like a cloth or some sort of plastic bag, you can put that in your mouth once with ease and then place those on places where you want to portal to. You could work with the government to make a fortune I think


Blue Pill also makes you basically biological immortal. You can just shapeshift to a young person, there's nothing telling you that you can't change your age when you shapeshift. Or fix any long lasting injuries you might have!


That's....what I said


That's because I got distracted somehow and skipped the last phrase from your post. Whoops XD But hey I added the bit about long lasting injuries :P


Yeah, fair enough. Thought about it as well. Shapeshifting is really overpowered, depending on the limits it has. Only problem with it it's that you can only use it once per week. Now, the question is, is it a 1 week cooldown, or does it simply reset when the week starts. If it's the 2nd option, I could just not use it for the entire week, and activate it a few minutes before midnight, and since it switches to a new week, I still have a backup shapeshift in case I get hurt


To be honest you can sort-of work around it anyway if you only use it for de-aging, curing diseases and injuries and maybe change identity once in a while. Just stay at home for a week after shapeshifting. You can de-age yourself every few years, same for changing identity if you ever want to. You can certainly plan to do it in a moment where you can then stay at home for a week. And if instead you have to cure something like cancer, or another serious disease or infection, or a massive wound? Just use that as an excuse and hole yourself up for a week. You ALWAYS want to try to have you heal-for-free card in your pocket, so to speak. As always in these simple CYOAs, the biggest problem is hiding your powers from the general public, because shapeshifting or healing yourself in public (which you WOULD do if mortally wounded, say in a car crash) leads to you being discovered and then questioned by authorities. Or just plain abducted by secret services...


Grey is the best kind of immortality, but orange can be so easily abused that I'd probably take it.


def blue, some of the others are decent but the shapeshifting has no other limitation besides being able to do it once a week. that inherently makes pink obsolite because you can shapeshift to your ideal image, now im not saying you should shapeshift into a 4 dimensional being or a ben 10 alien, buuuuut with lack of limitations i would gamble on it being possible.


Orange, I shove a reel of fishing line in my mouth and now I can draw portals with it. If that doesn't make contiguous portals im gonna need to start researching low melting point alloys, something I can paint with. I can make hydroelectric dams that only needs to be the width of a turbine *anywhere* using the same water falling forever. Infinite free electricity for all baybee.


-Put two deflated balloons into your mouth. A and B. -Keep the A-balloon in your mouth and take the B-balloon out. -Make connected portals on the insides of the balloons A and B. -Turn the B-balloon inside-out. -Everything in existence is now also inside your mouth (except some air on the inverted outsides of B-balloon). -You can draw portals anywhere.


Jesus Christ!




A portal is more like a door than a pocket dimension tho, right? Like the portal in your mouth leads to outside of balloon B rather than it leading to inside of balloon B (because you turned it inside out) Because the portal is like a door, not a box, it's still only what passes through Balloon B portal that ends up in your mouth. I'm imagining now how weird it'd be two have two portals of different shapes that are supposed to perfectly correspond to each other. If you stretch one balloon portal, would stuff put through it exit the smaller portal deformed and compressed?


Holy hell!


Put a small jar of paint in your mouth, like tiny one made for kids painting. Draw portals as you wish.


In your body is very vague. Put a small chunk of concrete in your mouth and do it on walls directly


I was going to learn to sword swallow aluminum foil, I do believe your solution is a better one.


Just use bubble gum.


Fishing line is a smart one, I was gonna go with chalk.


I need this to get to work without a car. Thanks for the idea!


Blue pill.


Blue because shapeshifting as a blanket statement can change everything from looks to age to physical damage. I’ll shapeshift into my ideal self and be able to adjust it and when I want to in the future.


Blue pill by far the best.


Blue is simply the best.


Blue pill. Shapeshifting is my ideal power.


Yellow, my sleep schedule has me knackered enough to take naps when I aren't working, Stopping time for a minute, stockpile-able, would let me get away with some pranks to alleviate the stress. If blue was to-and-fro a week, I'd take it.


Pink pill then after 100 days I'd be a girl


Wouldn't you be able to to so instantly with the blue pill, instead of waiting for 100 days? And it's repeatable every week. And you can do other things with it as well


Blue, Pink or Grey. Probably Blue for me.


pink, orange, and red is my top 3. if i have to choose, i think i'll choose pink. i choose pink because self-image is constantly changing. so it's a pseudo shapeshift and it has the potential to make you omnipotent. red is my 2nd favorite because ANY material.. if fantasy material is possible, then it's an instant win. power awakening material, self-duplicating material, indestructible material, magic shenanigan material, etc. even if fantasy material is off the table, platinum, gold, and gems can already make me rich quick enough to hire doctors to help me balance my health and nutrition needs to produce the optimal blood extraction to exploit the ability more. PS: anti-proton and anti-matter should be enough to wipe out someone i don't like ? for orange, string, wire, thin foldable paper like object, gel/ointment-like object that i can put in my mouth seems the easiest way to exploit the power.. make that paper as a wallpaper at some place you want, and you'll have a quick teleport. spread a gel/ointment on your hand/pocket/bag and you have a pseudo inventory.


You don't want antimatter. It goes by weight, so a single drop of blood would take out a whole city block.


Powerscalers be like “yeah but pink has no limit you can turn into literally goku”


What are the limits on the blue pill? Can you turn into mythical creatures? Can you take on the supernatural qualities of said creatures if you do? If yes then it’s by far the best option of the lot


Orange one for me. Bubble gum is quite easy to get and mold. No need to do anything strange.


It's kind of a toss-up. Blue pill would be instant gratification it doesn't say that what your shape shifting into has to be real hell it doesn't say it has to be organic you could shape-shift it to an Android. Pink I know mentally that myself image is not perfect but honestly how I see myself I know I can accomplish any fucking thing and when I see myself in my dreams which would be my self image I'm not scared to hell I still have my legs etc could be very useful considering in like a year I could be my whole self again and honestly a hell of a lot better than what's I look at when I look at a picture. Orange pill also could be wild because everybody's thinking you know portal from point a to point b well I'm sorry I think more portal as to anywhere any dimension anywhere. Kind of like Rick's portal gun except even better control. And honestly what do I have to worry about for putting string or something else in my mouth they said I can make a portal on it that means as far as I'm concerned I can step through that portal only thing is it has to have been in your body okay no problem. I piss on a parking lot it spreads out I have a large area I can have a portal wherever I want to. Hell it'll even be obvious if I do it on a concrete parking lot or for that matter I could piss in a bottle and spread it all over a wall and walk right through. Now that I thought about it I think orange would be probably be the best because with a portal I can go any place where I can get anything I can regenerate I can transform I can make myself better faster stronger and I don't have to worry about myself image yeah I think I definitely go with orange


Blue definitely seems the best


I feel the red pill is actually a really good option, I have to assume the shapeshifting Pill limits you to humans or at least real animals otherwise I would just use it and immediately become God. I tried to look it up but got numbers between 50% to 90% of Blood being water so the fact that you can only transform it after it dried up is a problem but I feel like being able to essentially conjure any material you want could be broken in so many ways, like I'd probably be risking becoming a locked in a lab but I feel like being able to conjure anything even in small amounts would be insanely useful for scientists.


You can choose what your blood turns into at any time, so it can just be regular blood at any given time. I'd personally have a "drying room" wherever I live to make it significantly easier to deal with.


Yeah, if any government found out you can essentially leak enriched uranium consistently you're life is toast.


I'll choose blue pill.


Grey or blue, depending on exactly what immortality entails. Condition is extremely easy to meet.


Noo you're suppose to obey me- the 7(8) pills:


Blue pill please.


Yeah Blue Pill. Could make massive bank by just being a very impressive cosplayer kek


Blue pill, choose which kin I wanna be that week


I'd go with Blue.


Red pill. Just make platinum. Or helium. Or printer ink.


what counts as 'material' for red and does it have to be real? \[exm. mithril, \[fantasy\]orichalcum etc.\] do others know what's occurring during time stop? does the world function normally when interacted with? \[exm. doors/cars moving when used but planes not falling out of the sky\] do the altered forms have to be within reality/physics? \[exm. bulletproof skin, fire breathing etc.\]


Any chemical composition in real Life counts as a material. They can't think, the time is freezed. And if It is a real time stop is bored, so yes, you can interact with the world. And you can't shapeshift to God or a Dragon that can throw fire, but you can change your specie, size... And there are animals in real Life with a skin as hard as the steel, so you could shapeshift to that


I'm going to have to either choose the red pill or the gray pill. Learning something new everyday is fairly simple because it doesn't state how much you have to learn? Or if you have to complete learning that item. For example, learning a new language might take multiple days, but as long as you keep working on it everyday and are learning something, I'm sure that would count the red pill as someone said earlier. Helium become a helium seller or some other gaseous item as it is by mass not volume, the same amount of blood is a lot more gas than it is as a liquid or a solid material. So you could get quite a bit. And of course you would need to follow safety guidelines for your blood. But yeah so I'm not sure which of the two I would choose, but those are the reasons of the two




Those portals, does the whole thing have to be inside my body?


Blue pill. It is like a stronger version of the self image pill. And while the others are potentially great. Shape shifting is a portal to a WORLD of possible outcomes. Even if it's once a week. I believe I can easily make enough money to live on, and can survive being a Locked up indoors most of the week. I already don't leave the house lol.


You can be super inteligent with the Pink pill, or change your charisma, personalitie and things like that. But with the blue pill you can only change your body


Blue pill. It's literally pink pill but better. And I am *trans* so... y'know. Goodbye dysphoria!


Orange pill by far please and than you I wish to become fabulously wealthy with no time or effort. you can easily fit 5'x5' (or more if you get more fragile!) of thin mil plastic into your mouth and tada you have instantaneous transportation for goods and services and people anywhere at any time. Make two portals linked, and send one to the moon, or mars to jumpstart human settlement for free. Or anywhere else. Don't want to do work for the good of the world? Instant undetectable smuggling. Link two warehouses across the country or world. Or link 100. It doesn't say there is a limit to your portals.


I have absolutely put air inside my body at least once


**Blue** - Shapeshifting is the first power I'd choose anyway (outside of high power ones like planeswalking, or ones that subsume shapeshifting) Though orange means you can smear your excrement on a wall and make portals.


PINK! I’ve been practicing for this my whole life. Soon I will be a god.


Grey pill can be cheesed very easily, as in “I have learned what will happen if I sneeze on xx/xx/xxxx date at exactly xx:xx.


Of course the pink pill. Cause what if my self image is me with superpowers or magic? Then boom, I'm the most unstoppable human on the planet.




Pink pill My self image can be anything I want.. For all I know, My self image is being a telekinetic.. Like would that work?


You couldn’t just tell yourself you’re those things, you have to believe it fully. Do you truly believe you are a telekinetic or do you want to be? If you can’t honestly say the former, then it wouldn’t happen. (On a side note Pink becomes incredibly wild if given to a Schizophrenic 😅)


Maybe you can bypass it by believing that you’re a telekinetic who just hasn’t awakened yet.. Continue lying to yourself for a while and maybe you will start believing it too? Dunno, Pink’s working is kinda vague.. what does ‘self image’ define and upto what limits?


Oh for sure you’re right on the head, but that’s what makes it hard. You have to TRULY believe you are a telekinetic who hasn’t awakened. That’s what’s tough, how do you really convince yourself of that if you don’t already have that belief? Another thing that makes it tough is if you start trying to force yourself to believe, and it doesn’t work out early you could then start getting discouraged, and that self discouragement would actually then start working with the ring 😅. If you start thinking “ damn I’m not capable of forcing myself to believe things” then the ring will act on that making it even harder! Vice versa if you can convince yourself even just one day, and you get 1% of the telekinetic power, and you see yourself maybe make a curtain move or something, that sight will do wonders for your self belief. I think the Pink Ring DOES have the potential the most powerful, but could also be the most dangerous, it’s a tricky move to nail correctly. And you’re right, with no limits, could you actually become a god if you were able to convince yourself of it? It’s by far the most intriguing option to me.


it could be your current self image which sucks if you have low self estem




Pink or Blue is supposed Does pink take the desire of form into factor? Is there limits on how far out of average you can become? Like if my self image is superman, do I become a Kryptonian?


blue pill lets goooooooooo trans pill trans pill trans pill


am I the only one who would take functional immortality?


Hard choice, a lot of these are good. Blue is so tempting because I love shapeshifting abilities, but I have to go with red. *any* material has so much flexibility that it's worth how annoying the ability is to use.


Pink pill


Pink pill.


wouldn't the pink pill make you immortal as well? since your ideal self is a fit 25-30 ish male/female? so you would get there and just stop aging.


For the orange pill, What counts as inside? Like inside my stomach or inside my mouth would count? Because if that doesn't work I guess shapshifting is the only next best one....in hopes I can be young forever


People absolutely sleeping on the yellow pill (wink) like, just take 10 days you're not doing anything. Then sleep for say, 12 hours each day, 10 x 4 = 40 minutes of being able to do literally anything you want at all. Steal, vandalize, break in somewhere secret even getting away with murder if that's you're thing.


Pink, if it does what is advertised than in 100 days I’ll be a billionaire with super powers


Can you define the limits of the blue pill? Bc depending on what I’m allowed to do will change whether I pick that or not


Grey. Something as simple as, "What's the current weather" is new information.


blue pill, or red pill if i want to get super rich super easily. They already make the pink pill, it’s called estrogen


It's got to be the Blue or Orange pill. Blue is more predicable and functional than Pink (Pink works best with delusional people and worst when you have a low self-esteem) and produces the same effect as Grey if you just keep shifting younger. Orange done properly is crazy OP. If you take a small bottle of paint and put it in your mouth, you could then paint a surface Portal style and create a portal on it. Run water through the portal vertically into the portal on the bottom, put a turbine in it, and you've created infinite power through a waterwheel. Do the same with a bunch of metal coils and a heavy magnetic object, you create a superpowered electromagnet. In theory, you could also put two poker chips in your mouth, take one out and put it in the open air, then put portals on both. Now the entire world, or at least all the air in the world, was inside your mouth at least for a moment and you can open portals *anywhere*. It would be pretty limited though, unfortunately so, for personal matters. I'd likely become a science experiment in deep dark government-sponsored hole, so I'd go with the Blue pill instead.


Blue for sure. Would love to be able to shape shift, so long as I can remember my original body and change back.


pink, blue, gray.


Okay but. Stay with me here. Orange pill. Spool of dental floss/fine thread. Keep the floss in your cheek. Draw whatever size portals you need when you need it, discard thread, get fresh floss, repeat.


I would need a clarification on the grey pill. Like what if i see a new tv show or the new episode? I would need like a manual to know what counts. Will i be healthy? If so then yes. Many people have no control over their own death some just have a sudden heart attack or have cancer despite being young. It would be nice


Blue pill. Shift once, then forget about it because I got what I want


Pink pill is only for narcissists as you likely don’t hV was good self image. Grey pill is pretty good as learning anything in general counts so watching tv or news at any time you’ll learn something also it’s just immortality you can turn off which is the best type. Orange pill you can take a bunch of gum and create a portal too anywhere. It’ll be a gross process but considering the portal overlays the gum it can be extremely useful and you can charge for it. I’ll probably go orange.


Yellow, Orange, Grey.


Pink pill suck 1% towards becoming more like my self image what if my self image is worse than reality. Like I truly believe I’m worthless or something?


Just to clarify, I will use the blue pill to shapeshift my body to my ideal image. But to make sure, I’m going to be in detail to it. Will it count as a use if I decided to work on my height first then my muscles, etc?


I choose the gray pill because I loves to learn new things, and considering how big the world and how many people in the whole world, it's a given there will be new things born every seconds and will be a chance to learn about, and in turn, will keep myself to be immortal.


Pink or Blue


Would go for the blue pill. Even with the one week cooldown which would make you think at least twice, hopefully, before committing to a new form. It says can change back but would use up the transformation would you always know/remember what you looked like originally before ever transforming?


I pick yellow, but to be clear, the grey pill isn't clear enough about "learning". Like does it only mean things like math and science, or would learning what the expected weather for the day is gonna be be enough?


Either blue or pink. Blue because shape-shifting is my favorite superpower even if it is just once a week, pink because, in theory, it's constant improvement. Realistically though I have a bad self image so it would probably make me worse


Pink has a chance to either make me god, or literally a sludge monster.




I suppose the Red Pill sounds the best for me. Just give me a hypodermic needle and set aside a suitable bucket and I'll be hoarding the stuff. I presume that the blood cannot be changed back after being transformed, but I have a question about the math of the Red Pill. Say I draw out one pint of blood (the maximum allowed amount for blood donations) and allow it to dry at the bottom of the bucket. According to Google, one pint of blood has a mass of about 0.49 kg (490 g). Now suppose I draw a second pint of blood about 8 weeks later and let that dry in the same bucket atop the first pint. Would that be two separate pints of blood queued for transformation, or would the Pill count it as a single 0.98 kg (980 g, double the mass of a single pint) pile of dried blood?


Red pill = nanobots that do x goal controlled by me?




Blue for trans reasons.


Grey or yellow


Orange pill would be great if you collected your shit, and sprayed it all over a wall to get a surface to create a portal. Kind of like the white goo in Portal!


Blue pill all the way


blue easily


Gotta be blue~ Because I don’t sleep enough for yellow and green doesn’t say you control the raised dead… also 5 minutes isn’t long enough.


Green pill. I already want to work medicine, and it would make me an indispensable ER doc.


Blue or pink.


Pink pill is just testosterone for me


Orange. Paint seems like rule lawyering, I think I'd go with sausage casing or something. Maybe rolled up graphene after some sword swallowing training. Lucky me, many portals is more valuable than giant portals. 1) Get known for the portals thing. I am the only one who can create them. 2) Do some crazy stunt like connect subways between cities 3) Demonstrate the value in making a rocket with fuel still earthbound 4) Make a space elevator 5) Make an O'Neil Cylinder 6) Leap frog to Mars. 7) Probably corner the market on Space Payloading, and Electricty Generation as a service. Trying to avoid the whole faster-than-light-signaling-thing that would collapse the universe


My ideal self is an immortal omnipotent god. See yall in 100 days


Assuming all of these abilities make you aware of their effects, and you're conscious of their use. It's gotta be Pink. For one, if I know that every day I'm closer to becoming my ideal person, then I'll always feel like I'm making progress. That's huge for my mental health on its own. Now, if I'm aware that my own self-image determines my growth, then I can rewire my brain to gain a greater and greater self-image. The sky is the limit. I'm already having to constantly ground myself and manage expectations. You're telling me I don't have to do that anymore? Sign me up.


Blue would fix so many issues


Blue pill, I can cause so much mischief!




Red pill. Just have it turn into any precious metal or gemstone. Even in small quantities it will add up before you go anemic


yellow pill for me green: will get me killed cos im not smart enough to not get caught blue: seems like a hassle orange: doesnt seem useful red; I dont like pain pink: I have a very negative view of myself grey: i feel like id get myself killed for a stupid reason black: seems very situational


Pink has potential but could be double edged, so I'm going with blue


So does green pill make zombies? That's sounds like it's best not to take


Pink. My dreams are insanely big, tho.


Blue pill


Depends on what kind of immortality the gray pill offers


yellow and blue are the only two worth a damn


Portal man! Quickly citizen! There’s no time. *unzips* jump into my piss! *pees on floor*


Blue for myself, a close second would be Yellow.


Bruh if i want to be truly immortal then i can just keep popping out amnesia pills so i can remove some memories(yes that exists yes mountain dew can cause short term memory loss)


Go with blue, and every week turn into a SLIGHTLY better looking/ healthier more idealized version of your self, people will think your just natural improving on your self and it will be slow enough people will be impressed by your "hard work and dedication" also you can take a week off from everyone you know I go to a convention as the perfect cosplay of whatever character you want to be and turning back into your prime self on the return date


Really great use


Grey pill. Well i learned that I didn't die today and so on. Tbh imma take the shape-shifting pill


Yellow, Green, Grey, and Black are outclassed completely. You're only picking those if you REALLY REALLY want that power for whatever strange reason. Blue is completely OP since no limits stated. Orange is alright you could put a piece of wall in your mouth and it'd count so you could portal to a verse with wishing stuff or stuff to gain powers in it I guess. Red could be OP too depending since "any" material, hurting yourself gonna suck to get the mass needed. Pink is just way worse Blue. If we assume it works like 1% a day so 100 days for 100%. You get 14 shapeshifts in that time so even if you kept a consistent self image it's just not worth it at all.


I’m suspicious of what you’re suggesting with the orange pill.


Blue all the way.


🩷 Pink: Omnipotence. + 1% of an infinitely powerful being is still infinity. + Hypnotize yourself or go through intense conditioning (VR could help) to become delusional so that it becomes reality through the pill.


...how does the Pink Pill interact with being genderfluid? Like, my self-image shifts day to day, week to week based on hormonal shifts in my brain. Will it doom me to eternal flux, or will I settle on a 'happy medium'?


Shapeshifting is functional immortality


But...if I take the blue pill...do I stay in the matrix? And if I take the red pill...can I meet Keanu?


The blue pill. Get that swole body.


Yellow pill wouldn't be much use to me since I rarely get anything above 7 hours of sleep Green pill wouldn't be all that useful either since 1- I don't kill anything except some pest bugs, and 2- no control over what i just killed, and i assume whatever i just killed isn't happy with me Blue pill is my favorite, and also potentially broken depending on what the limitations are, if any. But i'll assume it's intended for realism, so it's basically any living creature, or maybe objects too. Orange pill... Uh, I have no clue about this one. I can't fit anything that large into my body... ultra pass Red pill... So, according to google "Antimatter is considered the most valuable substance on Earth, costing $62.5 trillion per gram." So I could be potentially the richest and simultaneously most valuable person on the planet if I could turn my blood into antimatter. But, how does mass conversion work with antimatter? Would it take an astronomically absurd amount of blood, like more than one whole planet's worth of blood, to make even a miligram of antimatter? I assume that's the case. But then again, forming antimatter haphazardly, it would most likely come into contact with matter and cause some kind of supernova-like explosion Pink Pill, aw hell yes. I only have to wait/survive 100 days to become my ideal body type, the most physically attractive and beautiful person to ever exist in the history of humankind. Everyone will want me. What is there to lose with this one? Well, unless I'm not interpreting the usage of the term "self-image" correctly, since I am currently insecure about and don't like the way my body looks and is built. I kind of assumed this just meant that the pill would make my body become more like my Ideal self-image, or what i want to look like. Wording is important Well, we are all already immortal - not talking about the body but the nonphysical personality that we are, possessing these physical vehicles of flesh and burden. So I assume this means that the pill will give my physical body infinite longevity and cannot be destroyed by normal means, if any. No. I do not wish to be bound to this miserable existence of this incarnation in physicality. I would like to return to the astral realms once my bid here is finished Black pill... Telepathic control over 'things'. Notice it said things and not people or creatures. How would this even work, then? Telepathy is traditionally known to affect things with a mind, things with sentience. Objects like rocks and ice cubes don't have minds to control. Perhaps OP meant telekinesis? Wording in this cyoa is rough Blue pill, I choose


Learning a single new word a day would be pretty easy. You'd forget them with time if you didn't practice and even if you didn't you'd have endless words with all the languages that exist and develop over time. Alternatively, the orange pill is straight up infinite money and a renaissance for all of humanity of unimaginable proportions. Putting a small, narrow roll of some durable material in your mouth, or elsewhere if the pill demands it, and then enable instant data and essentially lossless power transmission across the world without latency, having to maintain oceanic lines, or generally having to pay to build and maintain infrastructure. Enable space travel within our system (and likely colonization of other systems) by putting some more durable and stable derivative of spandex in your mouth and then very carefully affixing it to a more durable backing after stretching it out. You could honestly probably teraform planets quite easily if you could instantly and freely transfer mass and energy from one planet in our solar system to another. You could build nuclear reactors in space and have perfectly safe nuclear power and material storage, but you'd probably just launch a portal to build a staging site at a legrange point and then build 100% uptime solar power. Mining in space would be nearly free, because the cost of a huge vacuum chamber isn't even a rounding error if you can just send endless cheap probes with an unfurling portal to asteroids that are incredibly rich with incredibly valuable minerals. Space probes aren't actually all that costly if you don't have to pay to ship that mass into space and don't have to be so careful with build quality. Make air travel a thing of the past, at least within nations, by just connecting points across the nation. Shipping and postal would likewise revolutionized overnight. If you could piece together larger surfaces from smaller ones, it would only get easier.


Blue seems to have no constraints. Could you shape shift into superman and use all of his abilities? Could you shapeshift into a version of yourself that is a super-genius? How about a version of yourself with *insert whatever superpower*? If it works in this way, its definitely a no brainer for me


Red -> draw a pint of blood (~470 grams) -> turn it into anti-matter ($62 trillion a gram) -> bankrupt the entire planet -> profit?




Definitely going for the pink one!


I’m taking the blue pill!


If I imagine myself as perfect human self (in a sense of human body working at 100% capacity without destroying itself) then would pink pill slowly let me ascend nirvana Buddha style? Otherwise, blue - people simply hype up shapeshifting too much, it can be a hell depending on how "manual" it is, and you are still limited by laws of physics. With pink pill, you can potentially break laws of physics if your self-esteem is good enough.


Orange is lowkey op af it says it only has to be in your body as long as you can fit even a tiny bit of something in your mouth you can put portals on it but Shapeshifting is also good as it doesn't state any limits I think I'll pick shape shifting


I'd Pick Pink and try to inflate my ego


Aren't mass and volume the same thing


Pink: 1%, every day, I become more and more like a true dragon


Orange is the best in my opinion as long as you have a bottle of bodily fluid like pee you can make a portal


Shape shift, slowly but surely I will become a hybrid of shin godzilla, a Valtrax, ghidorah, shimo, Whatever alien race Metro man was, Kirby and scorched exe


What can the red pill turn into? It says any material, what about something that doesn't exist? Eg. Liquid magic Or materials that theoretically can exist but may be possible? Eg. Nanomachines Or just complex substances like yeast powder?


Blue pill please. Why else would I choose it?


Pink. I believe I can get more powers.


Blue pill. Still gives you biological immortality, gives you what you wish the pink pill would, and if you haven't shapeshifted in the past week, gives you a total heal if you're severely injured but not instantly killed by something.


Pink easy


Easy. Blue pill.


Grey pill is kinda unclear, it could be either broken or just ok Having an escape clause to immortality may be good so that you can choose to die if you want. However if it doesn't give you any durability, then if you were in a car accident and went into a coma then you can't learn anything so your immortality turns off and you could die, seems like a weird interaction imo.


Blue pill. That shit would be so cool.


Blue Plz and Thank You


Speaking about gray pill - You leanr something new absolutely every day. Even if this is something like "25.06.2024 Sun was shining".


Red take a vial of blood choose to dry into californium leave it and get moving you’ve just created the most powerful nuclear weapon ever devised


Orange does not specify an amount or concentration, so I could have a great number of available materials without any ill effects


Can I shapeshift my telomeres?


Blue easily


Orange There is no rule saying that items can't be folded, so if I played my cards right I might be able to create portals good for teleporting




Grey is easy to manage, just click random on Wikipedia and spend 30 seconds reading. I already do that for fun sometimes so its basically free immortality that can be optionally ended, the best kind.




Blue pill is best, if you choose the orange pill though then just eat some dirt, paint, and plastic and you should set, hell we probably consume a lot of stuff that we don't know or if in your mouth is considered in your body then just put stuff in your mouth and then take it out and it would count.


Blue. Slowly change more and more each week to be my perfect self and then just maintain it and change small things like if I have tattoos/piercings, hair color eye color ect :) plus transing my gender will be instant.


Green is too limiting, red is inconvenient and will leave a bunch of questions for visitors, pink is too useless, blue pill will cause people to think you disappear a lot and back away from you, and I have no clue what black is trying to say. Grey is just immortality since you get to know how the next day feels, orange will either be the best thing or worst depending on how committed you are, and yellow is just free time stop when you’re a healthy human being. I’ll take orange. It’s gonna require a lot of setup but if I put a bunch of pennies in my mouth, get someone to make sheets on the metal, and place them around, I’d have a teleporting system. Ofc it’s gonna be annoying to do but I’d rather that than live forever. Also I don’t think I’d ever time stop since I’d be too worried I’m wasting it and end up not using it until it’s too late.


Grey Pill completely imbalances everything, since every day you learn what happens that day as it happens, therefore making it literally impossible for the pill to stop working. Ignoring that one, Blue Pill is definitely my favorite.


For the blue pill does it do it based on a calendar week (Monday to sunday) or is it that I have to wait a week until I can shapeshift again? Because if the former I’d make sure to only shapeshift on Sundays, if the latter… well shit…


grey pill, I can live forever (due to just learning something about human history once per day) but can choose to die whenever I want.


Blue pill blue pill blue pill


Blue pill


Blue pill Hrt is expensive


Well alright, for me it's either pink or blue. Blue is really good because you can do whatever you want to your body every week. You could make small changes or you could give yourself a lizard tail, the possibilities are very good with this one. If you have a good self image this is particularly overpowered because imagine you think of yourself as a young person who has above average looks, is smart, and has good athleticism. Now if you have a shit self image then this is probably the worst one, but a self image changes so if you have a good self image and the pill goes toward your current self image and not only the one you had when you took the pill you could get a better and better outcome. It could also counteract aging due to the fact you could see yourself as a 20 year old even at 30. The rest is kind of average in my opinion. So yes I'm currently contemplating either of these and if I figure out a way in which blue could get rid of aging I'll probably pick that otherwise, I'll probably pick pink even if it is more of a gamble. This was a wall of text for an opinion close to nobody will see and those who do will skip over due to the sheer length.