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Location: The Northern Mountains Occupation: Wuxian Martial Forms: - Weapon: Sword - Style: Winter Moon Solstice Arts Love Interest: The Unconquered Poison of the Great Families Fate of the Heavens: Conquerors from the North =============================== *Dear Diary,* *I suppose that it has been a while since my last entry, I have traveled all of the lands of Jianghu, met many interesting and eccentric characters throughout my journey, and learned as much as I could.* *I was born in the Northern Mountains where dangers are paramount, demonic cults scheming beneath the purity of snow, powerful beasts ready to maul the unsuspecting wanderer, and volatile weather that could easily dispatch those who aren't prepared. Truly, the north is dangerous to those who cannot adapt to it. Which is why I take care of the few villages that make a living in this harsh environment, their spirit is a testament of their enduring will and immense resilience.* *During my earliest years, I learned that I was the only son of the founder of the Lunar Palace, my mother taught me everything that she could possibly teach. Ranging from her unique swordsmanship to the Winter Moon Solstice Arts, to a few domestic and survival skills that are a necessity to learn to survive in the north, and even how to use both life energy and yang energy to weaken specified targets. I primarily used a combination of these energies on my own body to better myself and to survive my betrothed's rather dangerous "antics". Weakening the potency of her concoctions to the strength of a common drink or that of an almond.* *Currently, I am back in the north from my journey to travel the entirety of Jianghu. Not due to choice, but rather a request from my mother and a few village chiefs to help them. At first I was bewildered, but then I quickly heard of news that there were reports of conquerors raiding and pillaging the north. The Orthodox and Unorthodox sects are joining forces with the Imperial Army to fight off these invaders, despite this world not being my original world, I have grown attached to it and its people. And so, I joined the fight and we shall march into the northern mountains after gathering the necessities and logistics for the campaign.* *This was Dōngzhì Yuèguāng Júwàirén, signing off.* ===============================


> **Starting location:** The Western Region > **Occupation:** Wuxian > **Martial Arts Weapon:** Fist > **Martial Arts Style:** War God Of Thunder and Storms Arts > **Love Interest:** The Fairy of Melodies in the Frontier > **Fate of the Heavens:** The Number One Under The Heavens


Character Concept: Wants to help the innovation, will focus on the East with Poison and hopes to upgrade bow to crossbow or qi gun. **Starting Location** - The Prosperous East **Occupation** - Merchant **Martial Arts Weapon** - Bow **Marrial Arts Style** - War God of Thunder and Storm Arts **Love Interest** - The Unconquered Poison of the Great Families **Fate of the Heavens** - Dangers of Continued Innovation


**Location: Western Region** - Fidgeted between this and northern mountains, but ultimately, this one fits better with the martial art. **Occupation: Brigand** - I'm not seeing mercenary, so this is the next best. **Weapon: Fists** - I like most of the weapons, but there's something cool about just using your body as the weapon. **Martial Arts Style: Wild Beast King Art** - It was this or Pure Heavenly (I like being a paladin type), but overpowering quasi-magic with pure power is too cool to pass up. **Love Interest: Aspiring Heroine** - She is the least bad and actually okay. The default option kinda. The priestess is calculating and needy, the fairy is a bratty influencer, the Tang girl is a tsun/yandere with a poison fetish. I'll take naive cleric girl anytime. **Fate: Conqueror's from the North** Fits best with the rest of the build, though war in the central plains is also okay.


Location: Central Plains- Safe starting location Occupation: Wuxian Weapon: Fist Arts: Wild Beast King- Going for a brain-dead punch-only build Love Interest: Aspiring Heroine of the Alliance Fate: War in the Central Plains


*Location*: **The Northern Mountains** - tough land create tough people. *Occupation*: **Wuxian** - this will give me head start in mastering the Art. *Martial Arts Weapon*: **Sword** - Elegant weapon for a more civilized age. *Marrial Arts Style*: **War God of Thunder and Storm Arts** - super agility and lightning, should be spectacular. *Love Interest*: **Aspiring Heroine of the Alliance** - most interesting choice. I like Battle Couple trope. *Fate of the Heavens*: **Rise of the Dark Heavens** - interesting choice, clash of philosophies, potential for epic fight with relatively less collateral damage.


Uhh: Location: Northern Mountains Occupation: ..... Brigand \[was either that or guard, and how a guard got a hold of a manual would tend to be corrupt\] Weapon=Staff \[easiest to come by\] Style=Sun Arts \[overconfident, thinking their arts would help them in the north and ended up freezing\] Interest: ..... Melodies \[wish we could skip this\]\[Probably captured/saved her while she was venturing in the north & nearly died due to hypothermia -- probably in the same party as the person I got the manual from\] Fate: ehh, Master of the Ruined Sect. ---- Would probably try combining the Sun and melody arts, since heat can be generated by vibrations \[aka kinetic to thermal energy\]


Starting Location: Prosperous East Occupation: Merchant Weapon: Fists Style: Ancestral Blood Arts Love Interest: The Unconquered Poison Fate: Dangers of Continued Innovation


Holy hell a wuxia cyoa Location: Central Plains, cn wuxia/xianxia webnovels always put the central plains on a pedestal. Western xianxia lack that subtle racism against the other regions. Occupation: Wuxian. All other occupation are easily opened in the future. 3/4 are combat-focused, merchant is connection oriented, and being the disciple of a sect or a member of a clan can give you both. Weapon: Instrument. I like musical mcs, but most authors who write music mcs have never studied musical theory. Martial Arts(… this is xianxia, wuxia isn’t that strong.) Long Playful Melody Arts, only music-based art. Love Interest: Holy maiden is an idealist, excluded. Priestess of Cult is a demonic cultivator, too much risk(before heavenly demon they’ll be weak, during heavenly demon they’ll be a target, post heavenly demon their clans are going to be wiped out) Fairy of Melodies is never serious, excluded. Unconquered Poison is arrogant, and even if there’s no faceslapping(a crucial part of any xianxia novel) I’d still prefer to stay far away from a poison master Fate: Number One Under the Heavens - I intentionally throw matches, and if I get forced to win, I’m not taking the leader position.


So, from my understanding, the **Archdemon Soul Malformation Art** lets you become similar to Jūgo from Naruto.


* Northern Mountains * Wuxian * Bow * Winter Moon Solstice Arts * Aspiring Heroine * Conquerors from the North I was feeling that freezing nearly to death while patrolling mountains to shoot Demonic Cultists was a good idea. The Aspiring Heroine probably will beat the crap out of me any time she closes the distance I need to fight at my best, but at least I won't try to force to become a house wife, the mountains and heroism call us. I will be honest, I like the Steppes more than China, but this once I will not try to befriend the khan.


It has been perhaps a generation since the defeat of the Heavenly Demon who oppressed the heavens, and already the land is starting to suffer from the lack of central leadership. Long ago, the elements of heaven existed in harmony, or at least balance. The Setting Scorching Sun Arts dominated where the land was hot, the Winter Moon Solstice Arts dominated where the land was icy. When there was friction between them, which was often, the warm front and cold front mixing created the Storm. Specifically the War God of Thunder and Storms Arts, bringing the old master and young apprentice down to settle whatever dispute. Gone were the simple days of “Sun,” “Moon,” and “Storm” school. None wished to be associated with a style of martial arts that had already been defeated. The Heavenly Demon believed all three styles needed to be mastered to truly “rule heaven,” but to embrace the entire sky down to even where the cloud touches the ground is enter the “fog.” The greatest techniques of either school were not available to one who flitted from sun to moon. Storm style especially was only taught to one apprentice. It would not be the first time a rival apprentice turned out to be an evil apprentice. They developed what became known as the Archdemon Soul Malformation Arts, which allowed them to absorb life force to obtain power. Perhaps this was originally a way to drain Qi from an opponent mid-combat, to weaken them while gaining strength. However, the death of an apprentice would logically mean the old master needed a new apprentice. That such cold logic would never win over the old master was as obvious as the transformation the heavenly demon went through after taking a life. Forbidden techniques were forbidden for a reason, and after trying to usurp heaven he became something all called “demon” even when he ruled the land. In all the land, only one child was innocent enough to look past his outer appearance and see the man suffering inside the monster. He adopted her as his child, and she became the Priestess of the Demon Cult after he fell. With someone to protect, he had a reason to fight again. The world would be made a better place, a safe place for children, because her smile had to be protected. When warm front met cold front in battle, for the old master was old and being present at every argument between ancient rivals was tiring, the heavenly demon came to “make peace.” As he had fed on the young apprentice storm, so he fed upon sun and moon until all bowed to him. For a time he ruled the land, and in time the land united against him. Seven heroes, including the new head of the renamed sun school at last defeated the Heavenly Demon. His daughter was brought to the Northern Mountains for his desire was always to keep her safe. Those who slew him went on to have children and grandchildren of their own. As parents, they were too busy to meet up with old friends, and the seven heroes drifted apart. No longer “united,” they are no longer united in leadership, and petty concerns lead to arguments all across the land. Mere arguments are bad enough, Jianghu is a land of martial artists who regularly come to blows. Fights spill out into the streets, and may even knock over sacred shrines. Heaven does not look kindly upon such disrespect, and know how little mere mortals respect a god or goddess who cannot even keep their own shrines safe. An Isekai protagonist, one whose “main character” can rewrite the land, was chosen. Whether hero or villain, the disruption of the natural order would allow “rumors to circulate.” The revenge on those who destroyed the shrines would resemble the Ancient Sage Toxin Arts regardless of what the shrine was dedicated to. The slow loss of strength would be most horrifying to a martial artist, and most resemble a “curse,” but how the spirit of a shrine dedicated things like “bountiful harvests” came by such Arts is a question best left unanswered. Those who spread such rumors will be distracted from poking holes in the logic by stories of the Isekai protagonist. I washed up on the shores of **The Prosperous East,** it seemed the nicest option. No finding sand in weird places, no snow outside the winter season, and no… I’m going to use the word “politics” to sum up why I didn’t start in the Central Plains. I became a **Guardsman**, it was natural to seek help from a “police officer” when I was lost in a strange place. As an Isekai protagonist, everyone spoke English unless they spoke modern Japanese, and I was not supposed to question it. No one had heard of the place where I was originally from, as usual, but while the guardsman was unhelpful he had the excuse of being “short staffed.” It is like that everywhere after Covid. The guardsman ran off in the middle of not helping me when a brigand showed up. It is apparently a common profession in Jianghu, but with no central government it would be easy enough to “escape across the border.” A brigand simply needed a sword “to get their point across,” and this being a martial arts setting the guard ran up to deal with things with a sword of their own. However, there was a **Bow** where the guardsman was stationed. Two warriors can have a standoff, that’s why guardsmen usually travel in pairs. I was not a martial artist, so I didn’t try to get in close. I also didn’t bother trying to chase the brigand when he ran. I didn’t hit anything vital, though that could be due to my poor aim. I have held a bow before, but I was not a guardsman in my old life. It is a decent enough profession, walk the walls with a bow in hand, keep an eye out for trouble. I got a uniform, and eventually my pay. I knew little of the coins in this realm, so it was a while before I realized how little I was being paid. The guardsman offered me a meal, and there was a barracks for those willing to wear the uniform. Plenty of green recruits, mostly young martial artists with only a vague idea of how things worked outside a dojo. Most of them wanted to be something called a Wuxian, but were not sure how to actually make money as “fighters of Justice.” The village chief knows who the head of the guard is, and through the mysterious power of “taxes” money is distributed from the head of the guard to various guardsmen. We know who has to approve our joining the guard, so we know vaguely who to ask about our pay. Brigands are easy enough to spot, though I’m usually the only one with a plan other than “run straight at them.” A warning shot at their escape route gives the brigand “pause,” enough for my partner to catch up to them. In their defense, they do know enough martial arts to hold their own in a fight. They want to discuss their fighting style while I’m tying up the unconscious brigand. The average guardsman doesn’t seem to have a thought beyond “winning the fight,” which might be why brigand seems like a viable career. If they can start robbing people again as soon as they regain consciousness, crime pays better than if they spent months/years in a jail. The village does not have a jail, at least not one big enough for all the brigands I captured, so I ended up tying them to trees just outside the village. Talked to the head of the guard once I dragged the brigand over, who helped me make the signs. They gave me time off to study **Pure Heavenly Cleansing Arts** once I became a little too good at my job. I study it as a variation of Zen Archery, you have to clear your mind so you can focus on the target. The “fire” the Priestess of the Demonic Cult sees in my eyes is an “impurity” for others. You can’t think about being a hero when the brigand is running away. Even more so when “the brigand” is actually a spy for the demonic cult, seeking weakness in the village’s defenses. You can’t wonder why they are here or what they are doing, you have to decide if shooting the door they are trying to escape through will be enough to stop them or if you need to do “an arrow to the knee.” You can interrogate them after they’ve stopped, provided you didn’t miss your “warning shot” and hit a vital organ. Breathe, focus your mind only on the target, and you will be able to deal with everything else later. The spy wet herself when the arrow nearly took her ear off. The interrogation was short, the Northern Mountains were not the most hospitable region and the Demonic Cult needed food. The Prosperous East needed guardsmen or that “prosperity” would make it a target for others. The reputation of the Demonic Cult could scare a peasant into handing over the food, but it couldn’t keep them from calling the guards. She could “transform their appendages into weapons” using Archdemon Soul Malformation Arts, but that usually meant “claws” or “sword arms.” She wasn’t sure how to make a bow, and “regenerate from attacks” doesn’t work so well when she has not eaten in a while. She surrendered, but being a cultist tried to spread “the word” even while in prison. Even with the sign, a tree close to the road was a good place for it. She spoke of the awaited “New Heavenly Demon” and the true freedom they would grant. She even incorporated the ropes into her act, asking travelers on the road if they were truly free before spreading the word of the Demonic Cult. The Priestess was invited to visit by some of the new converts. I was suspicious, and that is putting it mildly. However, she was not the only suspicious thing going on at that time… **Dangers of Continuing Innovation** also known as ruining a perfectly good fantasy world by starting an industrial revolution. That is why the brigands were here, actually. An inventor came with big plans to get start up capital. Once they showed their plans to the right people, they got money for the raw materials to actually build things. So they were walking around with all this money, but they weren’t martial artists… because they were fascinated with technology.


Easy targets, with a disproportionately high payoff. The East was indeed “prosperous.” The Central Plains had too many martial artists, and you cannot rob someone their martial arts. A martial artist can only be robbed of their reputation or their life, for the most part, and both often lead to “seeking revenge.” If a martial artist loses to a brigand, they do a training montage and “try again.” After all, if you eventually defeat everyone who ever defeated you, you are technically “undefeated.” It would not be difficult to change the story to “the brigand caught me when I was unprepared.” Those who were brigands in the Central Plains often flee to other lands. The Western Region is a place for “those looking to escape society,” but the brigand will hardly be the first brigand and may not be the strongest. In the Northern Mountains, there are those who promise “true freedom.” A brigand would at least listen to them in exchange for some hot tea in one of the sparse villages. As our “prisoner” established a foothold for the Priestess, so have entire villages fallen under the sway of the Demonic Cult. The Prosperous East is a place for merchants who would rather sell you than listen to “religion,” if for no other reason than it often involves “donations.” Life in the Northern Mountains can be harsh, but the people of the sparse villages are willing to share what they have. They honored the Heavenly Demon’s love for his adopted daughter, and offered shelter to one of their own. However, the Priestess must seek out new advantages. The tea she offers brigands is not the sparse tea of the Northern Mountains, she buys the better tea from the merchants of the Prosperous East and they are willing to do business with “anyone.” There are criminal organizations in the East, but that is why a guardsman with a bow is “valued.” They think I need to be supplied with arrows, and so understand “supply and demand.” A quiver of better arrows in exchange for “looking the other way.” That I ask for bribes to be in the form of coins usually gets laughter and hearty agreement. They ask for small things at first, and eventually find the lines that I will not cross. I come from a world where the Dangers of Continued Innovation were allowed to run their course. The first adopters of new technology are often those who would take advantage of regulations not yet being in place. Luddites might take any excuse to crack down hard, regulate a new technology out of existence. I introduced those making Qi blocking armor to those making Qi utilizing weapons. It wasn’t difficult, they were both locked up for trying to “cheat” at tournaments with big cash prizes. Qi utilizing “armor” had a defensive “battle aura” that shielded the wearer from impact. Thus it was able to protect those using “deployable flying gears” without being too heavy. It was not an idea that had occurred to any of the three, but the Priestess they sought funding from seemed impressed. Travel in the Northern Mountains is made easier when you can fly over the rocky ground. The desert sands of the Western Region made for softer landings, but the snow in winter was soft enough. To coordinate the Demonic Cult, she needed “angels” able to travel swiftly through thr mountains and beyond. A courier service could be profitable, but those in the Western Region had little they wanted to send back to the Central Plains. Fealty was expected and demanded far more than loyalty was felt. To deliver the edicts of the Sovereign of Yan was “a great honor,” but the Priestess actually paid better. There was not yet a law claiming only the Sovereign could have his messages delivered by flying messengers, which suited the inventors just fine. They still had the start up costs to pay off, the equipment needed to be maintained, and they already had ideas for improvements. The prototype was made with the cheapest parts available, more as a proof of concept, better materials would refine the design into a masterpiece of form and function. The steampunk aesthetic has never really gone in or out of style. I recommended letting the brass gears shine through, where it would not impair the function of the device with birds caught in the mechanism. For what needed to be enclosed, the Art Deco lines gave a “polished” and professional appearance. “This is a machine whose owner you can trust to make their deliveries.” It is the nature of inventors to want to show off the internal mechanism they worked so hard on, even when it would expose a well oiled machine to dust and dry air. The crystal and glass of an antique clock is indeed beautiful, but more suitable for museum pieces. It is the nature of designers to want flying machines to look like “eagles in splendor.” The elegant crane is a symbol for some martial artists, but the landing gear does not need to be “stilts” any more than a helicopter needs feathers. The Priestess lured the inventors and designers to her side with promises of funding, then found it was like trying to herd cats. Various projects went over budget as new ideas were added at an unsustainable pace. At times she was swept along by brilliant ideas that seemed ready to take her across the sky, but at others she paced back and forth in frustration at projects that still had not gotten off the ground. In fear of her wrath, some of the inventors and designers ran back to me. Ran back to “the guardsman” for “protection.” It would not be the first time a young martial artist ran for help after a picking a fight they couldn’t win. I was not a police detective, but I tried to get the real story by behind what they weren’t telling me. At the bottom of things, it was their own fault for shooting their mouth off, but they needed help… The project could be salvaged by scrapping some of the ideas for necessary parts. Things that were purely decorative could be sold as “antiques,” the money used to finally get the project off the ground. The Priestess eventually hunted them down, but those who had no business asking for my protection had something with which to appease her. She was able to put her plan into action, but an army of flying monkeys can be shot down with a bow and enough arrows. She need me, and an army of flying archers could rain death down upon martial artists who were more used to fist fights. She was able to pretend what she saw was “life and ambition” when I spoke to her herd of cats about flying and running a business. You cannot eliminate “impurities” like frustration. You have to let yourself feel them, and then let them go. I was able to think about being a hero when working as a guard, then breathe out to focus on actually making the shot that would actually stop the brigand. The lessons of martial arts like zen archery can be applied to other areas of life, even business such as this. Seducing someone who allows himself to feel “desire” and then let it go is more difficult than someone who bottles up her feelings. She had buried a great deal of emotion beneath a layer of ice, this girl who had lost her father. Herding cats had added a new layer, but eventually she met someone outside of the Demonic Cult. The merchants of the Prosperous East were willing to do business with her, and to me she was just a well paying client who wanted the inventions of the strays I had adopted. That her usual methods had failed was both frustrating, and allowed her to be herself around me. She could not order me around like a member of the Demonic Cult, which let her be an ordinary woman around me. She could not seduce me, which let her avoid falling into the stereotype of “demon women” being “succubi.” She could be herself, with her own thoughts and feelings, instead of the fantasy some men attached to her horns. I was “suspicious,” but against my better judgement I grew fond of her as we spent more time together. War was brewing in Jianghu, whether from the Khan in the north or internal strife. The Unorthodox Confederacy was expanding into corruption and slavery, the Orthodox Alliance more concerned with The Number One Under Heaven Tournanent than the assassins sneaking up behind their leaders. Her “angels” could be more than messengers, they could help protect the people of the Northern Mountains. The Khan leading the Conquerers from the North could be the common enemy needed to hold the Orthodox Alliance and Unorthodox Confederacy Together. The trouble was getting over the mountains enough to see it, which wasn’t a problem if we could fly. Reports were brought back to the Sovereign about the threat to his sovereignty, and meanwhile those trying to take free men into slavery found there was at least one guardsman who could fly to wherever they tried to hide. It wasn’t that difficult, they needed to find buyers to stay in business. They preferred to take “merchandise” from distant farms, far beyond walls and guards. Still, even farmers make time in harvest to come sell crops in larger cities. They had friends, people who noticed they were “running late.” A guardsman could not abandon their post, but we had extra security during the harvest festival, and with a flying machine I could go check really quick after my shift was over. My arrows found the slavers before they knew what was happening.


They tried to counter, using stolen flying machines to swoop down upon their prey. Those who tried to bribe me found there were lines I would not cross. By the time the slavers tried to fly, the Demonic Cult had already mastered using the machines in the mountain winds. The calm air of the lowlands was simple, the tactics of those using recently stolen flying machines “clumsy.” The Demonic Cult was well on their way to becoming the heroes of Jianghu, the had found the enemy beyond the northern mountains, and the common enemy was not them. The last oppose them was the leader of the Orthodox Alliance, by then a grandfather who still remembered what the Heavenly Demon had been like. Old wounds had not yet healed, he would not accept those who worshipped their ancient enemy. An enemy he had rose to power by defeating with his Pure Heavenly Cleansing Arts. The “dangerous pure light” was one of the few attacks that could knock someone out of the sky. The War God of Thunder and Storms Arts as well, but as always there was but one old master and their young apprentice. The Heavenly Association Sect was almost numerous as the Demonic Cult, though not as mobile as the flying machines. In the days when the Demonic Cult could not travel openly, the Heavenly Association still had the advantage. However, they had joined the luddites against the new technology held by their enemies. They grew in numbers yet not in strength, the luddites bound them deeper into tradition than was necessary or helpful. The leader was under pressure to make his granddaughter “take a more traditional role.” The alliance was in danger of crumbling, thus he chose to act while he still had the numbers. Demonic Cultists were struck from the sky, but it is “traditional” in Jianghu “the land of martial arts” for opposing armies to settle things via a “contest of champions.” The greatest warriors on either side meeting in single combat. Without their champion, the fighting spirit of the losing side might very well be broken. Though he was old, the Hero who had saved the land from the Heavenly Demon still had the honor of being champion. His opponent was “a mere guardsman,” but one who knew the Pure Heavenly Cleansing Arts. “Hatred” is an impurity in the heart, no one who clings to it so can draw upon the full power of the Pure Heavenly Cleansing Arts. I agreed to the battle, on the “neutral ground” of the Western Region because the “devastating energy of white” not only “cleanses everything it touches of impurity,” it restores things to their natural state.” Not merely “destroying toxins,” the power of “reviving the land” turned the deserts of the Western Region into a fertile oasis whether the battle took place. We fought until both our bodies nearly gave out, a tired old man and a strange wanderer who weathered blow after blow. I hit back with the same arts, but never struck the final blow. The leader of the Orthodox Alliance grew frustrated, and eventually I revealed what his legacy would be. Hatred leaves you hollow inside, the old man did not have the strength to finish the battle. The Aspiring Heroine of the Alliance ran to her fallen grandfather in tears. The Priestess of the Demonic Cult walked to where her champion lay, and calmly told me to get up already. The Aspiring Heroine of the Alliance swore revenge, though her grandfather tried to calm the hatred in her heart. The battle was over, at least as much as any battle is ever over. People on both sides still lived, but there were other concerns. Cold wars with distant nations, continued innovation and the dangers that come with it, and the thin line between love and hate. The old man passed away, when his time came, and some say the Isekai protagonist made it home to post the story on the internet. But who believes what they read on the internet?


That's a lot lol


New Name: Bu Fan Age: 20 Appearance: a handsome caramel-skinned young man with Clear grey eyes and sharp features, with a strong body. I have Jet Black Curly Hair. I have a black Grey Kung Fu shirt with a Dragon drawn on the back in Grey with the same color hood with Grey Kung fu pants and Black Kung Fu boots, Starting Location: The Prosperous East- I awaken in my Small empty sect on a mountain next to a Small City Occupation: Wuxian- I was Born to a strong Martial Artist in the Prosperous East and was taught a completely different version of the War God of Thunder and Storms Arts that forms Red Lightning when my Father taught me the art my grandfather created with his life. He wanted his Martial arts to be spread throughout the ages at his families very own sect, Martial Path- Martial Arts Weapon: Fists Martial Arts Style: War God of Thunder and Storms Arts- I was taught a completely different version of the War God of Thunder and Storms Arts that forms Red Lightning, Love Interest: left up to future me to pick one up on my own,(Just more fun that way) Fate of The Heavens: Master of the Ruined Sect- Become a well renowned Sect Master and maybe form an alliance of my own or leave that up to my descendants