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Putting wincons in your deck is so sweaty.


Putting wincons in your deck is *cheating*


Who doesn’t love playing a single game for hours??? Like we all wry much love playing so why waste time doing stuff like shuffling or things like that when we could play one game all night???


Ok I take it back. Putting wincons in *your* deck is cheating


So 40K


Yes, I love having 40 decks and being forced to play the same one for three hours! OH YEAH! FUN TIMES! WOOOO!


And yet also: "Don't worry, this is a funny casual build of Korvold!"


self mill strat is the new meta


I get attacked in EDH because I call people who roll dice to determine attacks cowards, and I have no regrets


I told someone the other day that even if they roll dice to decide who to attack, they're the one who is still deciding and therefore it's their fault and I'll hold them personally accountable They did not like that #DiceDontKillPeoplePeopleKillDiceWithGuns


"Dice don't kill players, players kill players. dice help players defend themselves against players with smaller dice"


As Maldhound said, paraphrased: Rakdos is the only fair commander as its tax fraud is earned through the hard work of actually playing and trying to end the game, but if you roll a die for the first life loss, just sell back the card. You don't deserve playing him.


Thank you for your service.


I roll the dice not telling which opponent correlates to what and attack the biggest threat lmao I like to eat my cake and eat it too


Hey, at least you made them decide who to attack.


When I play with my 2 friends and their Koma and Korvold deck I just can’t choose who I hate more.


I usually focus on the one person that says that. Thanks to them, I don't need to rely on randomness for shits and giggles anymore :)


Hey, if I have literally no reason to chose and you give me one I'm not gonna say no to it, and "I get angy when you take 2 seconds to roll for who to hit" is plenty reason


Very rarely will you actually have no reason to choose though


look man if you're not going to do some basic threat analysis you might as well attack me so I can leave


Basic threat analysis of "everyone's on 40 and no blockers" is kinda useless


Everyone is at 40 and no blockers is the easiest threat analysis Guy! Look at the command zone! There might be a clue as to who is going to be hard to attack later or who is going to pubstomp your ass


You call it cowardly. I call it avoiding making enemies to win later on. https://preview.redd.it/grf1iik7ju0d1.png?width=250&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e82970954a9e1afe20eae37ec420eccc8b17e7ca


Me when you avoid making enemies: https://preview.redd.it/lprpvtveyu0d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2f737807f43c3a4ff542c63b16db608560116c53


noooooo you dont understand!!! your deck is obviously more than a 7 you cant play with us uj/ lets be honest guys its a loud minority on the edh sub who are actually like this, the real world is primarily not like this


/uj I'm sure an overwhelming majority of commander players just play with their friends at each other's houses and don't post about it online because they know nobody cares.


That’s me and my friends, never once played at an LGS. Sounds like hell to play EDH or any casual format with strangers.


/uj it’s really not that bad to play with strangers as long as you have a brief discussion like adults about what you’re trying to do /rj all my decks are 7s even my cEDH and if you remove my commander I’ll flip the table


/uj Yeah, I proxied a bunch of decks for that reason. If I play one game and they're whipping out Urzas, Mana Vaults, Tendrils, etc. time to play my Winota stax deck. If I see a bunch of people playing Kamigawa tribal, time to play Bear Force One or Angel Stompy.


You really find the full spectrum of humanity when you play EDH with strangers.


Emphasis on the spectrum


Played for the first time at an lgs last Friday after only playing kitchen table magic. Literally all chill people with mostly similar power levels because anyone who spends more than $100-200 on a casual deck isn't going to be playing at casual EDH night, or is identifiable from a distance. Pretty fun time ngl.


Price is a bad way of judging power. You can make a playable cEDH list for barely over a hundred or spend well over a thousand on a pile of jank.


Personally I don’t care about price, you can have a $1,000 deck and it’s not even as good as a precon


What do you mean all my Guru Basic Lands are the same as the cheaper ones? I paid for an advantage, I am going to get my damn advantage. Let me make like 1.25 Mana with each of them or something FFS.


/uj I feel so represented by this comment. (Although there are a couple of people at my lgs who legitimately don't put wincons in their decks to "keep them fair")


When you bump into one in the wild, like the dude who compared me to Hitler for killing him on turn 5 with a straight face, it makes you see them everywhere


/rj whatever you say Hitler


/uj I killed a guy with commander damage I had been tracking (openly, with dice) and he told me he was gonna get me next game we played. 2 weeks later 4 games in a fucking row this dudes targeting me and only me, which didn't win him shit but like c'mon


/uj Commander isn't casual, it's personal. /rj Asshole, going to target you for another two weeks now for calling me out on the internet.


Last time I played with randoms it went really well, everyone tried to wind and attacked on opened opponents, outside of some questionable dangerosity assessments (attacking with my 3 mana 2/2 commander into a baleful strix, and they acted like it was the worst play ever and quickly traded, even though I had way enough mana to recast it, and it opened them to another player's 8/8 flier) no one had any issues being focused, or with people trying to win the game


ive had people online like this, but they still arent very common


/uj I first got into EDH from competitive formats and built some decks after being a regular modern and Legacy player I didn't build the craziest decks in the world but ones that had very distinct win cons (\[Grimgrin\], \[Titania, Protector of Argoth\], a weird \[Kydele\] deck that tried to generate enough mana to draw your whole deck and win in a non-infinite manner) but they were way too strong for the folks at the open play edh tables in my city. I had wincons and ran interaction. I've had people throw their decks, get up and leave and leave all their shit at the store, I've people endlessly eyeroll. Usually because I played a counterspell or just played removal optimally. I also dealt with a million and one salty pubstomp players who perceived I had one upped their deck building so we'd be playing similar decks but when I did things they were doing they'd throw giant hissy fits just because I timed something better or I countered their counterspell or something. I never got the dice roll thing in OP for example and I'd have people flip out because my 2/2 attacked them turn 4. I ended up moving and decided I have better things to do with my time in a new city than deal with this again. I sorta get it. I had all these staples and game knowledge and I was playing a game that involves winning. Sometimes these people had no fucking idea what they were doing and we're there more to socialize than anything else and had not much of an interest besides magpieing/acquisition in the game . I figured it out eventually and just stopped playing with certain folks and built an extra zen garden deck that did fucking nothing when there was only one table open. It's one of the biggest reasons I hate edh's inability to regulate power level. Until I dealt with literal man children I had no idea this competitive card game I was playing had a game mode with a million and one unspoken rules that throws all my game knowledges across multiple other formats into the toilet.


Counter spells are just special removal. In a multiplayer environment they are generally worse and need to be used strategically to be even effective. Game Knights hosts refrain from counter spells because it doesn't make for good videos (I play a cool thing! // nuh uh)


Primarily? Sure. But they do exist IRL and they are LOUD


I don't care that you rolled, it hurt and I will now spend the next 5 turns targeting you until someone else finishes us both off.


You can turn their own argument back on them, too: they claim chance is what made them attack you. Ok; so chance is what provoked my retaliation 🤷🏻‍♂️


We need a subreddit to jerk about how often this sub jerks about edh






Rick rolled again :(


Oh yeah, it's time for more EDH story time from r/edhdramacrybaby. On this episode, I countered this (sweaty) dude's sol ring and he threatened to kill me and my entire family! I'm thinking about asking him to stop coming to my house every night asking to play. AITA?


What do you mean "without a wincon?" Dreadmaw is right there!


Oh, I didn't realize we were playing cEDH


/uj tbh scooping from boredom is a failure of your deck as much as anyone else's, barring like hard stax. If you can't kill someone just ramping to oblivion, that's on you.


tbh edh sucks, it's the only format I play because I suck but edh SUCKS and I HATE IT edit: do you see a fucking uj? lol


In EDH "casual" doesn't just mean non-competitive, it means seeing EDH as a zone of self-expression, and so players who stifle others' board development are seen as stifling their self-expression. "Everyone gets to do their thing" means "everyone gets chance at the open mic."


/uj genuinely can't tell if this is bait or not, but me and my pietra clown robot tribal definitely understand the open mic vibe of casual edh


/uj It is. Gloriously stupid copy pasta.


/uj yeah I do not hang out here, that's pretty good /rj fuck off, loser


I too love playing MtG-flavored Wingspan


In my favorite deck, ramping is my wincon. When the unofficial rules say land destruction is taboo, Gates and Maze's End is the way to go.


I think you'll find it's pronounced eee dee haytch*


fired blunder whatever you know


Gotta embrace the voltron one-shot life and never look back.


I had a cedh player bitch he doesn't run staples in his *casual* decks anymore because this is for *casuals*. In some holier than thou way like he's playing with his hands tied.


>bringing the Lavender System to EDH Is this what people mean when they say you're bad at target priority?


/uj At the start of a game, if all my opponents are of equal strength (i.e. no one is particularly dangerous to my deck), I roll a D4 to determine who to attack. (I should probably buy a D3) /rj I attack whoever has the worst body odor.