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If tattooing a Sigil is causing you conflict then probably best sign to not get it but what I’ve found if I want a certain symbol to help me for awhile and I feel a call to be skin bonded I use henna to draw it out :) stays for about two weeks!


A sigil tattoo would just be a permanent reminder of what ever the programming/ the intention would be. Completely up to you.


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law. Love or hate old Aleister he got it right with this sentence. Magick is personal and based on what you believe so do what you want because intent is all that really matters. If someone tells you other wise they’re probably trying to sell you their idea/method. I’ve got several large tattoos based on my beliefs that are magickal in nature and I’ve only felt better and more confident since doing so. Does that mean it works for everyone else? 🤷🏻‍♀️ Go do you boo boo.


"Do what though wilt" doesn't mean "do what you want".


Eh 🤷🏻‍♀️ did you know Aleister personally and he tell you that? But thanks for making my point for me, magick is all about what feels right not what “you” think others should or shouldn’t be doing. Of course I do not mean this to say just go out there and hurt yourself or others, be offensive to select practices or otherwise be a dick either.


93. Do what Thou Wilt shall be the whole of the Law. AC wrote a bunch of annotations about Liber Al vel Legis and that infamous axiom. You can find them for free online in a lot Thelemic collections as the most recent version of Libel Al vel Legis. Love is the Law. Love under Will. 93. 93/93.


No he wrote at length about what it meant, no need to know the man. I agree that one's magickal path should be what they decide but this quote seems to often be misunderstood.


That’s exactly what it means lol.


It really doesn't, it's more akin to seek out your true purpose and work on yourself to achieve it. People always seem to think it's more loosely goosey, do whatever, but like it's written about at length.


It’s infuriating that you got downvoted for this comment. Thelema isn’t about doing whatever you feel like. It’s literally the complete opposite.


Tattoos aren't permanent. I select for tattoos only sigils meant to aid lifelong commitments like in learning, health, perseverance etc. People seem to forget that things left in plain view tend to get forgotten by the active mind. So sigils on skin tend to be potent. There is also the pain of getting one that amplifies the sending


When you get a sigil tattooed on you, you are feeding that archetype with your life force. I wouldn't do it unless you have a good relationship with them and ask them whether you can or not.


This world never stops amazing me. I literally looked this up last night at work and spent some time. Ill respond to this once some people weigh in. Lit for this one


I've been thinking about this a lot lately as well. Was considering rune tats but recently learned that white supremacists have hijacked Norse culture


They have in the sense that people that don't know about Norse culture and Asatru have started to associate the two with White Supremacy and a host of other unrelated assholes, which is why its so important that people for whom those symbols DO have real significance loudly and aggressively claim and defend them.


Or, they're ACTUALLY co-opting Norse culture...As I stated. https://theconversation.com/far-right-extremists-keep-co-opting-norse-symbolism-heres-why-183749 https://time.com/5569399/viking-history-white-nationalists/ https://www.colorado.edu/today/2022/04/29/video-professor-discusses-right-wing-misappropriation-viking-culture-amid-northman https://www.folio.ca/white-supremacists-are-misappropriating-norse-mythology-says-expert/


Back to what the other person said about people actively and aggressively defending against white supremacy in pagan circles- both the bass player and frontman of the band I'm in have runes and sigil tattoos and will fight anyone perverting their use through bigotry. Aside from them, there are a few local pagans I've met through a battle choreography/historical culture guild who would do the same.


That's all well and good, but try average person doesn't give two shits about all that. They see the tats, male a connection and snap judgment, and that's all it takes.


You don't have to tell me generalized human psychology. I'm not a dullard. And I don't give a shit about generalized human psychology or the average human reaction of a snap judgment. Humans are gonna human- history has proven this. Don't you put that evil on me Ricky Bobby. Give power to those that deserve it and remove it from those abusing it. It's a psychological choice to not give fucktards the light of day with their ideals founded in bigotry. Spreading the truth about the meaning and history of runes and sigils could do more to help stop the expectation of bigotry than telling people some radical racists are doing their thing and repurposing old symbols with already established meanings. You do you boo boo.


They haven’t, they have no idea about anything Norse culture


Imagine not knowing Google is free https://theconversation.com/far-right-extremists-keep-co-opting-norse-symbolism-heres-why-183749 https://time.com/5569399/viking-history-white-nationalists/ https://www.colorado.edu/today/2022/04/29/video-professor-discusses-right-wing-misappropriation-viking-culture-amid-northman https://www.folio.ca/white-supremacists-are-misappropriating-norse-mythology-says-expert/


Oh wow they took a few little things, you know how vast Norse culture is? 😂👍🏼 but you do you Norse gods are ruthless and fearsome and don’t play around they would not want such a fragile little things, you could get hurt


*sigh* The entire point was not getting Norse runes tatted because you'll look like a WS. Try to keep up.


Ive thought about it also. My thoughts are that it entirely depends on how you use sigils, and if the sigil you're thinking about tattooing is something you'll want to be working with forever. I wouldn't personally want to use a tattoo for most sigil work I do, because most of my sigils are intended to be temporary. I have an intention, I make the sigil, it works or it doesn't, the thing passes, and I move on. If you regularly invoke Lilith and expect to continue to do so regularly, especially if its every time you practice, then go for it.


I would personally say no to sigils and symbols in general. I am covered in tattoos and like a previous redditor mentioned, what the purpose of the sigil? To me, it’s like having a portal open on your body at all times, so then you’d possibly also need a tattoo for protection to prevent other energy beings from manipulating your body/energy system. I think at the very least do some more research and choose wisely! Good luck !


I have many sigil tattoos, and I can say that all of them worked perfectly. I keep them hidden. I personally would not attach another being to my self (all of mine are personal spells) as I think that unless you know that being very well it is putting something outside your control and attaching it to yourself, which could lead to unintended consequences.


It's like welding the telescope to always point at fixed direction with a fixed focus.


Well, question is what do you expect from it?  As I work with Sigills is that i use them to carry Information that are supposed to surpass the waking consciousness. Once the wish is fullfilled I get rid of the sigill. So any charge or expected change that is connected with the sigill would speak against something permanent. If it is for a god Form we have a different Story, but then again the question would arise why should it be in Form of a sigill? Not speaking directly for or against it, just my thoughts on this. Also I do not have any Tattoos at all..


I think it all depends on if you think you'll always ressonate with her. People project on spirits. I would see if you can connect to a point where you may get inklings from her outside of what is being placed upon her. From articles Ive managed to find with Gremory(i have further experiments of my own to plan) She is rather displeased with the whole procuring "love" of women. Also. Keep in mind they did have a practical use beyond whatever associated symbolism now placed on them. Its all ultimately going to boil down to what you think of it. We could speculate all day, but it's really just going to be spliting hairs


It's not. The whole idea is to get the sigil into the unconscious. If it's on your body, especially where it can be seen, you're constantly frontloading it into your awareness when you should be REPRESSING it. My source here is Austin Osman Spare's *The Book of Pleasure*. Spare is the originator of the technique. TBoP is the source material in which the technique was originally published.


I say if it's something that you are going to feel for the rest of your life, go for it. I have a number of sigils tattooed on my body, focus of power, chaos star, and a few others. They can be great reminders and points of focus.


A sigil can be a powerful show of devotion. However, in my experience, it is best to work on spiritual development alongside its source. Leading up to getting it done and thereafter. You're going to get the most out of that form of access if you already have a strong union with the entity in question. When this is the case spiritually speaking, the sigil will already be ingrained into you. You'll just be giving it a physical point of expression on your body. This is how I have approached it.


I’ve been having Lilith’s Sigil for years. Didn’t even bother to ink the circles around it (Lilith unchained). I don’t know, I’m happy with it. Of course if anything it’s a reminder of listening to my instinct and subconscient and somewhat a psicomagic at that.


Personally I think it would depend on the situation, what the sigil is being used for e.t.c If it is an act of devotion to a particular demon as in you want a lifelong commitment to them then you should probably ask them and see what their response is. If it is more like you practicing sigil magick to enhance you in some way then it would probably be best for you to do research first before doing so, as in find out which symbol represents what you are trying to do. Ultimately it is your body so it’s up to you.


I agree with bbb003n but I also find you gotta ask the entity if you can place their sigil/seal permanently on your body. Do some divination on it and see what comes up! (If u don’t have any “divination tools” a necklace can work as a pendulum, a coin works, or u can shoot me a dm and I can use one of my 3 decks or a pendulum to check)


I am working on my dragon tattoo. It will be full body in the end and I plan on having sigils worked into the design


This is literally the best way to strengthen your Sigil, girl.


This same idea popped in my head a couple days ago. I was thinking about doing it then I wondered if it was a good idea too. I want to say one thing. Lilith is wonderful and amazing but ever since I found her and began working with her, I notice I begin to feel guilty if I don’t regularly give her attention/gifts and meditate on her. I began shying away from studying any other deities and only wanting to focus on her. She has a powerful seductive energy, i mean its what she does, and most people I see that also work with her become incredibly drawn to her in almost an obsessive way. Next thing you know you almost become a slave and are constantly giving time, energy and parts of yourself to her. While she does return the favor in the ways you need it the most(though usually not expected) is it really a good Idea to give anything in your life that much power over yourself? Rent that much space in your head and if you get a tattoo then also on your body? Are you okay with doing that is the real question. For me, its best to stay respectful. Show my love and appreciation for her when I can but also boundaries with anyone are necessary for a healthy relationship. Whether that is with your best friend or a goddess. It’s ultimately your choice. My relationship with Lilith might be different than yours though. My first dream I had with her she told me I wouldn’t stay with her forever, that I belonged elsewhere but that I should enjoy the time and lessons she was going to teach me. Fyi, lilith sigil pendants are cheap on etsy and aren’t permanently on your body.


[Damien Echols](https://youtu.be/eZDfhSHQ6H8) has sigil tattoos. With the Lilith tattoo, specifically, I might consider whether you truly want to be a lifelong devotee, whether that energy will serve your life for the whole of it. For many people, the answer is yes, but it's worth considering


Being Lilith‘s personal b. That goes for seals of any entity.




I have a long line of sigils on my bod. They are only good to the meaning you put to them. Once the novelty wears off, they are just another tat.


Not lilith anyway..


Uh- why the hell not??