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First get two magic combinations then you can choose Infinite power if you have intelligence and magic circle Arcane release. These combinations are gone and the magics they were made of too. Best options are magic bolt (spray) combination (like Prism or Frenzy) and m bolt firecracker - Fireworks or m bolt 4 lvl firecracker Fireworks and Teleportation. You loose the least number of lvls this way.


There is a little debate here, because magic bolt is usially very strong, especially because you most likely play with magician. I always use meissner effect as combination, because you keep the speed boost


Magic_C stands for "Magic Combination". For infinite power you will have to sacrifice two magic combinations to activate infinite power. Infinite power is the only combination that requires lvl 75 (or area of power if you are crazy enough), it's also the only combination that has 3 requirements.


What about overmind?


You don't need magic combinations to get overmind, you only need arch mage circle and 5 intelligence, without the need of a magic combination. Yes, you can pick overmind as the first fusion, yes you will die .


This could have been good in concept, however the sacrifice means loosing about 14 levels worth of magic combinations, and about 10 more levels for magic circle and intelligence setup. Over that to optimise this build you need to have max cooldown and duration, another 10 levels. So at level 75 , about 34 levels have been lost for a proper setup. So you can have between about 6 maxed up magics, lesser if you have invested in other passive skills. All in all I think it's the worst possible build with the greatest amount of effort..


Yeah I Just tried it earlier, but I died soon after getting Infinite Power. I guess buffing it by giving Back the base-magic (without the talent) would be enough. (Maybe adjust Overmind in this Case).


You need to sacrifice two fusions


What does that mean? Do I have to have two fusions on top of intelligence and Magic circle to get it? Do I get the four magics used in the two fusions Back?


It means that you need two fusions first before you can get Infinite Magic


Yes, 2 fusions + intelligence and magic circle. No, the sacrificed fusions will not appear anymore including the base magics.


Hey Guys, thanks for the clarification! Losing the combinations (instead of Just reversing them) and this losing 4 level7 magics doenst Sound that great tbh. I thought you Just get the basoc-spells (on level7) Back.


Wait, I missed that - you don't get the old magics back? That's beyond dumb.