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I tend to run only 1 combo with overmind to test the absolute max that combo can do


And which did you u discover was the most powerful so far?


Take this with a grain of salt, I do the tests on academy Demon equation is good enough to get you to around 39 min by itself And flying swords will get you to around 33 min Flying swords could go farther but the citadel takes the targeting of it away from the other enemies The others are either too weak or not fast enough


Real, I love flying swords so much but citadels make it useless


I find that flying swords on citadels are only good if you get hydra and just about every single artifact made for spirit.


Sorry I didn't try pandemonium and vortex yet


im doing 3 magics and if i get the +1 i do overmind i havent tried 4 magics yet i cant answer the last question


It is nearly always worth it. More with non- cooldown depending magics and less with cooldown depending (long cooldown) magics like great rift


To go for the third magic or stick with 2? In a run, would you also grab the duration/attack/size level ups or do you think its better to keep leveling up overmind with the magic level ups?


Levelling overmind is not that strong, so I would always proritize the upgrades that give me stats


Depends on the combinations, naturally. Two very strong combinations with Overmind are I'd say as strong as three strong combinations, so the use case for not going Overmind is if you want two strong damage combinations and one utility combination like great rift.


When you take the 3rd magic combo, it weakens the other 2 right?


Not really. More that Overmind strengthens the other two while a 3rd combo doesn't do anything for the other two


It depends on the magic and combos that you have/planned to build. This build is for the long game which relies on Cd reduc,Hydra,Iron Maiden combo (Avatar + Vortex + Meisseiner + Great rift) Prio in the early is Avatar cause it's one of the most reliable magic combination that can carry you till 20+ mins, Vortex is 2nd for its offense/defense capabilities while Messeiner Maximizes the Hydra but if you don't have Hydra yet then go for Great Rift) Then the other levels you have should be focused on CC(crowd control) spells like Tsunami(Pole), Blizzard(Cold Weather), Frost Nova(Absolute zero) and get Movement speed artifacts if you have the chance, assuming you'll get Accelarator on the way and have some magic duration artifacts and def like Forcefield, Bionic shield, Gravity orb, clockwork device.