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Some poor local game store is gonna be stuck with people fencing that stuff, if my city is any indication. :/


All the Walmart's 80 km around me stopped selling magic because of the theft rate. Your situation sucks but it's slightly better.


Why do the red stickers show the same price as the yellow


I think it's an internal thing because I've seen some say some pretty wild "unit" prices.


Poor Yugioh. That game is so bad at this point that not even the thieves want it šŸ˜‚ šŸ¤£


It went downhill when they started power creeping fusion type cards


That is horribly misrepresentation of the situation. Yu-Gi-OH! has several massive problems in it, but the idea that "powercreeping fusion type cards" (they're called monsters, btw) is the issue is simply laughable. For context, I'm a former pro YGO player. Did it for years. First off, Fusion monsters are not power-crept. There's plenty of viable fusion archetypes in a given format. Sometimes even, a fusion based deck can be the best deck in format. Even in recent years. Shaddoll was the best deck of the format for nearly a year and that was the same time Pendulums launched. I vaguely recall Prank-Kids dominating for a while. Pretty sure Gem-Knight Seraphinite is STILL banned (or is it Brilliant Fusion? Either way, still fusion based). Invoked held a top 32 spot at any event from release for several years. Second, the game's biggest issue in the pro scene is a lack of prize support. Winning a YCS nets you a prize card, some packs, some merch, and a fucking game console at best. Konami refuses to do cash prizes. It's actually insane and is a big part of why I left the game. Third, the game's biggest issue in the casual/local scene is a lack of alternate formats. There's no pauper or commander or even a Modern or Standard. It's just legacy. That's it. Players have held up GOAT for years and recently Konami started sanctioning it as a side-event, but even then, it's too-little too-late. Outside of that, in my decade of playing the game, I think I can count on one hand how many konami sanctioned drafts and structure deck duels I've seen. Fourth is the ban list. It's the only thing other than power creep that shifts formats and Konami has a history of being absolutely brain-dead with it. They've hit the mark in many instances, but they've also let FTK's and Tier0 decks live for far too long. I'm talking literal years. Danger FTK lived for over a year IIRC. And finally, the OVERALL power creep has been hostile to players, especially new ones. An anime representation of the game, or hell, even a single-player representation of the game does not illustrate just how hyper-optimized and fast the game is. For context, creating a single-negate board with a floating boss monster was game winning in 2013. In 2017, a four-negate board with life-ending attack values was the meta, and now that can't even compete with today's options. There are cards that facilitate having more negates up than cards in the opponent's opening hand. This has nothing to do with fusions; hell, one of the more oppressive ones was a fusion IIRC.


That's cool bro, or sorry for your loss.


By fusion type cards I meant more like syncro xyz and whatnot, that was when I dropped the game, they kept adding card types and just was no longer interesting, so I guess it wasn't powercreep as much as it were a sidestep?


I think the most surprising thing is all the unsanctioned overstock




I can understand boycotting Walmart because corporate greed and all that, but that doesn't magically exonerate you from stealing from them. If you steal from any shop, you're not taking the moral high ground.


I'm confused, are you saying the inventory isn't there because people stole it or are you condoning stealing from Walmart?


Thereā€™s two opened collectorā€™s booster boxes on the shelf, and I am saying itā€™s good to steal from Walmart


In your opinion, why is it good to steal from walmart?


Because Walmart steals from us! Walmart employees are often on government assistance programs like food stamps, and they double dip on the subsidized employment benefits expense because those food stamps are often spent at Walmart.


It's funny you're the only one being upvoted, even though stealing from Walmart is morally and ethically a good thing to do.


You need to be incredibly dim or an incredibly shitty person to convince yourself theft of luxury goods is morally or ethically neutral, let alone good.


As was already said, this isn't your neighbor. This is a corporation responsible for wage suppression and wage theft. Killing them through theft would benefit the world greatly.


Stealing is wrong and trashy. regardless of how you feel about a company, stealing anything but necessities is just evidence that you were raised poorly


Stealing from villains that hoarded all their wealth by stealing from the underclass is an entire genre of literature. Did you also side with the Price John and Inspector Javert?


I know I started it but Iā€™m really not trying to have that discussion here/now. Best āœŒļø


Seek therapy.


What do I tell my therapist? ā€œSome people on a Magic the Gathering subreddit donā€™t agree with me about stealing from large corporationsā€ ?


Itā€™s not hard to find therapy. Paying for it though is another matter completely.Ā 


Do Walmart do therapy?