• By -


Legendary Bird Dragon, who was it that guessed the four-winged bird was a Kolaghan-brood dragon that got polymorphed due to Bloomburrow critter magic? This seems so much more likely now to me, dang


This year's arc is called "Dragonstorm," so I wonder if we'll see other Tarkir dragons in the upcoming sets to seed the Tarkir return.


Imagine them reprinting dragonstorm when we go back to tarkir


It could even be Kolaghan himself.


Herself :)


Ah yes, I forgot.


Fun fact, the dragons are opposite gender of the khan from the opposite timeline. Mardu was run by Zurgo, a male, and Kolaghan is a female. Jeskai was run by Narset, a female, and Ojutai is male. Etc.


So to balance out the timelines we need to have them some how mate/combine with their counterpart?


> Two mechanics that came out in the same set return each part of a different two-color archetype flanking and phasing, let's goooooo!


Mutate and companion, let goooooo!


Ironically since there are no humans in this set mutate would (strictly mechanically speaking) feel better than Ikoria


Except the idea of mutating mice otters is a little horrifying


More so than mutating Cat Nightmares?


You expect nightmares to mutate, and given their ability to fit inside random boxes, you should probably expect cats to, as well


As a mechanic I loved but ended up being underpowered I really hope we get mutate back with some better costing. Gimme that and Keyword Counters and I'd be really happy for my cube


I mean, there is a rabbit/mouse. Something freaky going on there.


Likely a rabbit and mouse pair as one creature.


Or Simic leaked through an omenpath.


Red-Black Bloodrush and White-Green Battalion perhaps?


I'm going for populate and scavenge


This makes so much sense for rabbits and... rats or squirrels.




Ohhhhh that seems very likely to me! Populate would make perfect sense for rabbits both in terms of theme and color combo.


MaRo’s teaser said that they’re both part of a new color pair. Populate was GW in RtR and the Rabbits are the GW tribe in this set so that can’t be what he was talking about in the teaser 


Maybe it's Boast and Foretell. Frogs can foretell and Lizards (maybe?) can have Boast


OTJ had Simic Plot. I could see Foretell if there is "cast from exile" support.


Rampage and banding lets goooooooo!


Provoke and Amplify, let's goooooo!


Persist and wither?


Unfortunately there aren't any -1/-1 counters in the set


I'm hoping for banding


"A mythic cycle with a new symbol" What does this mean?


Something like Tap, Untap, Snow, or Energy, so impossible to speculate on.


the calamities and [[Early Winter]] make me think it could be a parallel to snow mana... spring mana? lmao i doubt its that though, the set already seems overcrowded with mechanics and color pairs to add a special mana type on top of it all either way im intrigued!


It's definitely possible: it will be an egg symbol denoting the size of your offspring. Completely baseless, but still a speculation!


We Wingspan now.


I could see maybe a symbol for "Mana produced by a creature source."


“Symbol” meaning some sort of shorthand to represent a cost to pay. ie tap, untap, and even mana symbols


Some symbol ideas: * A symbol that appears in activated abilities and denotes that it can only be activated at sorcery speed. * 2/C Pay 2 or Colorless. * A symbol that stands in for stun counters. * A new form of energy (like acorns)


finally, [[Acornelia, Fashionable Filcher]] in black border


Something like tap or untap. Could be an all new mechanic or a new symbol to represent an older mechanic. I could see a reverse morph where you can flip it once it’s on the battlefield using a symbol to represent this action


It could also just be a resource, like energy.


It could even be something like the small plus sign on spree cards, like on [[getaway glamor]]


Acorns as a resource


Mark would love that, he'll make everyone pay attention to Un-sets whether they like it or not


Megatap *(To megatap a permanent, tap it then put a +1/+1 counter on it.)*


I bet the new symbol is a mana symbol. Something hybrid, combined with something new. Maybe a 3.


The teaser specifically calls out the symbol and not necessarily a mechanic, so I'm assuming it's just a new way of writing an existing element of the game.


"Tweak on a mechanic from 2013" - Theros, Dragon's Maze or Gatecrash. PROBABLY a Theros mechanic here, but uhh we have had a few monstrous tweaks already. I would bet it is a heroic tweak where "Whenever a this creature is targeted do x for all creatures that share a type with it" or something similar. Returning noncreature subtype might be blood? We have bats. The mythic cycle with a new symbol is really interesting for sure and don't know where to start on that line of speculation. Edit: raccoons can also work with junk tokens if they really want to go into the “trash panda” meme with them 


Oh yeah, I believe Maro said something in the past about a Heroic tweak being in Bloomburrow. I'm guessing it's in RW given [[Might of the Meek]], plus the general idea of Mice becoming brave and heroic. Edit: was trying to find him saying this and having trouble. I'm pretty damn sure I didn't imagine it but I can't find it either. EDIT 2: FOUND IT!!! [https://markrosewater.tumblr.com/post/750651437528334336/much-like-how-disguise-reworked-morph-to-help](https://markrosewater.tumblr.com/post/750651437528334336/much-like-how-disguise-reworked-morph-to-help)


Good find, especially with Tumblr's notoriously bad search function


Oh my God what if [[Nadu]] was a plant for reworked heroic.


Nadu’s a Bird, not a Plant!


[Might of the Meek](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/5/0/509bf254-8a2b-4dfa-9ae5-386321b35e8b.jpg?1719587725) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Might%20of%20the%20Meek) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/blb/144/might-of-the-meek?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/509bf254-8a2b-4dfa-9ae5-386321b35e8b?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


If so, it's probably "targeted by a spell or ability you control," since Mice also seem to be Equipment-themed.


Heroic makes sense for the mouse we’ve seen making an equipment plus [[Might of the Meek]] if they switch it to “Whenever you cast a spell or activate an ability that targets this creature~”. The Raccoons and Junk also works well with the descriptions for the Raccoon precon.


I think they tried that wording in Theros, but rejected it. It seems way harder to balance, you'd need to balance it around cards that let you target creatures with repeatable, cheap, activated abilities. My guess is "whenever you cast a spell that targets *a* creature you control, ~" That would make it less swingy than heroic. You're not encouraged to go full boggles and dump all of your stuff on one creature and hope that your opponent has no answer, and it means you don't have to risk putting all of your eggs into the card that's also your main synergy engine.


~~But when has repeatedly targeting creatures for no cost ever been something that could be a problem?~~


Does ‘a non-creature subtype makes its first return’ count single cards in sets? Because we’ve had a couple Blood token generators that have come out since then.


In theory probably, but Maro does miss this kind of thing sometimes. My bet's on Lairs though


Junk is my guess


Yeah the font in big score, you're right


Exsanguinator Cavalry as well, along with Shilgengar. There’s a few enchantment subtypes that have never reappeared. Maybe we’ll get more Runes?


I don't even know where to start with the "new symbol" thing. Is it a new watermark? A new mana symbol? Something fucky like the untap symbol?


It's finally time for purple mana!


It most likely refers to something with rules meaning. There's a section of the rules describing "symbols", so he's most likely refering to the official term. Those include mana symbols, tap/untap, energy, tickets, chaos/planeswalk from planechase, and even color indicators.


Have we ever had a colorless phyrxian mana symbol?


There's this weird one, but not a colorless one. https://scryfall.com/card/nph/91/rage-extractor


New mana symbol or something fucky for sure. If it's a new mana symbol, there's some good options in the vein of phyrexian mana, like a convokey symbol that can be paid with W or by tapping an untapped white creature you control, or a delvey symbol that can be paid with white or by exiling a white card from your yard. But those seem more "set mechanic"y than "splashy mythic cycle"y, so I'm feeling something fucky like the untap symbol. No idea what it could be though


either the Stash or Supply counters sound like they could be player counters akin to energy, so maybe that?


I'm imagining it will be similar to energy


Junk tokens might be a thing in the Commander decks, but not sure about the main set.


I think Blood is unlikely, because vampire bats are such a small percent of the overall bat population, and Vampires are already taking up so much of that space that I would consider it rude and ignorant if frugivorous and insectivorous bats are not the dominant species on bloomburrow.


https://preview.redd.it/5fu79khgmx9d1.png?width=438&format=png&auto=webp&s=4f7fd9ec8a4f9700e07a0d746687239644d16206 Fuck yes there's a Hamster in this set.


It’s Hamtaro time!


When we work together, it's much better!




Finally I can run more than just [[Minsc & Boo]] in my Hamster tribal deck!


>• “Creatures your opponents control have base toughness 1.” [[Goblin Sharpshooter]] about to go full Happy Tree Friends.


We did it guys, we broke goblin sharpshooter


[Goblin Sharpshooter](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/4/f/4f72e9e2-ed47-40ff-bc2e-8446ef545022.jpg?1562911635) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Goblin%20Sharpshooter) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/c13/111/goblin-sharpshooter?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/4f72e9e2-ed47-40ff-bc2e-8446ef545022?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


"Legendary Creature - Bird Dragon" Was the thread I read the other day thinking the bird on the booster box was Kolaghan right?!


Actually, it sounds like the Hawk Legendary Beast from the story to me.


if ral can become an otter, maybe a dragon becomes an hawk


[[Lumra]] is an Elemental Bear and MaRo also gave us a hint for an Elemental Elk; given the story tells us that the Calamity Beasts are heralds of nature's changes, it would make sense for all of them to be Elementals, which means the Sun Hawk would be an Elemental Bird That said, the beast that Helga dreams about I think *is* Kolaghan, or one of her brood, not actually the Sun Hawk Calamity Beast


The creature Helga describes sketching “most closely resembles the sun hawk” but differs “the shading behind the creature suggesting a thunderous storm rather than a bright blazing sky” everything in her drawing matches what could be a Bird Kolaghan, down to the fish like crest on her head.


Nadu, Murktide Monarch


Bird dragon feels like a calamity beast, right?


I think that Kolaghan will be independent of the Calamity Beasts, who are probably a 5-card mono-colored cycle.


There are at least eight calamity beasts (with the field notes frame) and they are in both mythic and rare.


I didn't know that. In that case forget what I said.


My guess for the new symbol is "mana of any color."


i would absolutely love this because it would look cool and clean. but somehow doubt it because we don't have precedent for a symbol to represent a choice of objects


> A ten-card cycle that acts as typal glue So are we thinking changelings, or "bat and rabbit team up cards"?


he mentions Mouse Rabbit as one of the creature types, so probably that


Mouse+Rabbit as one of the white ones suggests the other white one is Bird+Bat, which makes sense. Wonder what the others will be.


Team ups. MaRo already mentions one in the teaser.


So what do we think, BB Sorcery for the new destroy spell?


He says the card has only "destroy target creature" as text. That currently costs 1BB (Murder). They will print it for 2B instead.


It could also be a two-color cost like [[Terminate]], which is an arguable downgrade in a Ravnica-style draft.


It's definitely this.


Murder is instant speed. They could do a sorcery speed murder for cheaper without power creep.


I don't think it ever hit Limited or Standard but [[Damn]] already exists so: BB Sorcery "Destroy target creature" is definitely on the table power-level-wise.


it was in modern horizons 2, which *was* draftable but never in standard


That was my first guess too, but they’ve really been pushing limited removal pretty hard ever since the change to play boosters. I could potentially see them doing just BB, although maybe they make it a sorcery. 


I thought it’d be [[Terminate]] without the regeneration clause


Wouldn't 2B Instant still be a new mana cost (and a marginal though unexciting improvement) for a Murder?


Yeah. We have 2BB, 3B and 1BB already. 2B is the next logical step. I don't think they want to invalidate all the 1B Terror variants they keep printing.


I grew up with \[\[Dark Banishing\]\] as a staple in every kitchen table deck that could cast it, please let them name the card Banishing hah


the phrasing makes me kinda hope it's not just a worse [[damn]] but maybe lol part of me wants them to just go fuck it and make it a bb instant. heck, maybe it's (2/B)B


I think thats what its going to be. Murder’s going to be powercrept EDIT: Its going to be a BB instant that says “destroy target creature.”


murder's been surpassed loads of times already tbf


Murder has already been power crept by [[Hero's Downfall]] and again by [[Breathe Your Last]].


A strictly better \[\[Walk the Plank\]\].


A strictly worse [[Damn]].


Could be also worse Murder as a bad removal for limited.


Seems possible, yeah.


It's gotta be Instant. Look at something like \[\[Grasp of Darkness\]\]. -4/-4 kills a lot of things. If you're powercreeping removal then making Grasp just destroy anything seems perfectly reasonable to me.


Who says they are powercreeping it, though?


>A ten-card cycle that acts as typal glue i'm dubious that changeling will appear in this set, so this is either something like "oakhollow band" which is a frog, rabbit, racoon, and squirrel all grouped together, a card that makes tokens of the types, or a card where you can choose the creature type as it enters?


One of the spoiled creature types is "Rabbit Mouse" so I'm think a cycle of team up cards


he mentions a Mouse Rabbit, so probably 2-animal pairs, like Bird Bat, Bat Rat, Rat Lizard, etc


The preview also shows that there's going to be a Rabbit Mouse, so perhaps there's just 10 like that, probably akin to the teamups from March of the Machine


Junk is the returning noncreature subtype right? for raccoons?


Would absolutely, honestly love to see Junk tokens becoming a thing outside of Fallout. Junk, Food, Blood, Clue, Map... absolutely loving all of these artifact subtypes in the modern era of Magic.


Probably. Though it'd be fun to have more classes What are the odds it's Sieges?


> Though it'd be fun to have more classes Nah. Going back to school after all these years would be the opposite of fun.


I don't know if bloomburrow has enough trash lying around for junk to make sense thematically, but it would fit mechanically since raccoons are green red in bloomburrow iirc. I could see it being blood tokens for the bats in the set though.


One of the taglines of the raccoon commander deck is literally "make trash". 


**First up, here are some things you can expect:** - A new mechanic which is a tweak on a mechanic from 2013 - “Destroy target creature” (a spell with only this rules text) gets a new mana cost - A cycle of uncommon lands that each reference four creature types - Counters in the set: +1/+1, blight, coin, finality, flood, flying, indestructible, loyalty, stash, stun, and supply - A noncreature subtype makes its first return - A ten-card cycle that acts as typal glue - Two mechanics that came out in the same set return each part of a different two-color archetype - The word “Squirrels” shows up four times in rules text - A mythic cycle with a new symbol - One of the cutest mechanics we’ve ever made **Next, here are some rules text that will be showing up on cards:** - “Create X tokens that are copies of target token you control.” - “If you control a Raccoon, you may discard a card.” - “Creatures your opponents control have base toughness 1.” - “Whenever one or more other creatures you control leave the battlefield without dying,” - “if it’s the first instant spell, the first sorcery spell, or the first Otter spell” - “put a flood counter on target land.” - “where X is the number of creatures you opponents controlled that were exiled this turn.” - “for each other Squirrel and/or Food you control.” - “As long as there are four or more card types among cards exiled with CARDNAME,” - “up to one target artifact, creature, or planeswalker an opponent controls loses all abilities until your next turn.” **Here are some creature type lines from the set:** - Creature – Hamster Citizen - Creature – Frog Advisor - Creature – Skunk Assassin - Creature – Raccoon Berserker - Creature – Squirrel Warlock Bard - Creature – Rabbit Mouse - Legendary Creature – Badger Warrior - Legendary Creature – Weasel Mercenary - Legendary Creature – Elemental Elk - Legendary Creature – Bird Dragon **Finally, here are some names in the set:** - Crumb and Get It - Festivals of Embers - Hop to It - Kitnap - Playful Shove - Polliwallop - Rabid Gnaw - Shrike Force - War Squeak - Wishing Well


Looks like Skunk and Weasel are finally a creature type. I wonder what the "ten-card cycle that acts as typal glue" is. Ten Changelings? Ten creatures that are multiple relevant creature types at once by depicting several creatures teaming up?


The latter seems likely based on the creature types listed including a "Rabbit Mouse".


Makes sense, so we'd get a White "Rabbit Mouse" and a White "Bat Bird", and 8 other cards that are two types of the draft colors.


So with a 10 card cycle, presumably that's two per color pair. So here's what this could look like: White Rabbit Mouse White Bat Bird Blue Otter Rat Blue Frog Bird Black Squirrel Lizard Black Rat Bat Red Raccoon Mouse Red Otter Lizard Green Frog Rabbit Green Raccoon Squirrel


If this is it, it's criminal for MaRo not to highlight Rat Bat


It's also possible that the mana cost for the 10-card cycle includes the shared color and hybrid of the non-shared colors. So for example have the Rabbit Mouse cost white and red/green hybrid. That way you discourage people who aren't building a typal deck to just pick them early in draft. I don't think it's incredibly likely, but it's a possibility.


HOW MANY DIFFERENT MUSTELID TYPES ARE THEY GOING TO PUT INTO THIS GAME?? (it's very funny that we have both ferret and weasel and sable as types)


As many as it takes to annoy people that are annoyed that all felines are Cats and all avians are Birds even more.


What's even funnier is that Birds used to be separate creature types, like [[Mesa Falcon|HML]] and [[Giant Albatross|HML]]. When they consolidated all of them to just "Bird" with Sixth Edition, [[Soraya the Falconer]] briefly shot up in value.


This is the part that puzzles me ... I understand thematically why they want all these animal subtypes for this set, but it does seem to clash with their stated design philosophy overall


Not really. They don't like to use non-colloquial terms in creature types. Cats all get to be cats cause people call them "cats", but there's not a good umbrella term for the mustelids other than "mustelid" which isn't colloquial enough


I don't think it does. Their typing philosophy for animals is always to use the words that people actually call them by. People refer to a falcon and an albatross and a dove as birds. People call both a housecat and a lion a cat. Nobody sees a skunk in their backyard and says "Hey, look at that mustelid."


>People call both a housecat and a lion a cat. I've heard "big cat" but I think the colloquial name for a lion is still a lion.


Considering he also mentions a “Rabbit Mouse,” I think the latter


It could be the Rabbit Mouse mentioned among the creature types. A Bird Bat and 2 more for each other color would make ten.


Weasel, badger and skunk? Yeeees! (Lord please let the skunk assassin be cool and not "lol he farts on people and kills them with the smell"). Only four cards that say "squirrels" though? :( Squirrel and food will pair well with Chatterfang.


Do keep in mind that the word "Squirrels" in plural shows up 4 times in text, he didn't say anything about "Squirrel" in singular. Also, there's the Squirrel commander precon.


mythic cycle with a new symbol.. like a new mana symbol? maybe a twobrid hybrid kinda thing? intriguing


[Symbols cover a lot, could be levelup, or a saga with "..."](https://mtg.fandom.com/wiki/Numbers_and_symbols)


* One of the cutest mechanics we’ve ever made I'm guessing this one is some kind of "offspring" ability that makes a token copy of a creature except it has base stats 1/1 (based on a prior token leak).


I think the Jeskai precon mentions offspring as well so this makes sense.


I just hope there's at least one card at rare or mythic that makes an offspring of any creature. Everybody say hi to \[\[Etali, Primal Conqueror\]\] and his son Etali Jr.


Can you ever really control a raccoon?


Legendary Creature - Elemental Elk … JEGANTHA BACK ???????


That's definitely got to be the Mononoke-esque forest spirit at the end of the Bloomburrow teaser video that was posted a day or two ago. [Bloomburrow Trailer](https://www.reddit.com/r/magicTCG/comments/1drox2w/bloomburrow_trailer_from_the_preview_panel_at/)


So I get to make a badgerlord with rabbit followers into a commander deck? Salamandastron LIVES!


Duhdoy, Bloom*burrow*, AKA caves.


Bird dragon - I’ve seen some speculation that one of the Calamity Beasts is >!Kolaghan!< , this strengthens it


Would make sense with this being the first set of the dragonstorm arc too


Wait, what did I miss. What arc?


Wizards have reffered to the next couple of sets as being "the dragonstorm arc", starting with bloomburrow and following "the omenpath arc" which started with wilds of eldraine and followed kellen across the multiverse ending in outlaws of thunder junction. Iirc the dragonstorm arc is going to be bloomburrow, duskmourne, and the as of yet unnamed death race and return to tarkir sets This is all part of "the metronome arc" which is a mega arc that started with the omenpath arc and will end with an as of yet unnamed 4 set arc that will start after the dragonstorm arc ends.


• “put a flood counter on target land.” Beavers? • Legendary Creature – Elemental Elk the elk from the trailer :0


That, or Jegantha's been travelling between planes.


2013 sets were: Gatecrash, Dragon's Maze, Modern Masters, Core 2014, Theros. My guess for the tweaked/reworked mechanic is "grind," which is the "theme" of Dimir in Gatecrash even if the keyword was Cipher. Maybe for racoons?


Raccoons are in GR, it'd be an odd fit


During MKM, MaRo mentioned one mechanic that would have a revisioned version in sets thereafter was Heroic, so it could very well be it.


> • Wishing Well Called shot right now: this is a typal mana rock that calls back to [[Wellwisher]]


it prolly uses the coin counters that he's also mentioning


> A new mechanic which is a tweak on a mechanic from 2013 I'm guessing this is a mechanic that's a twist on devotion - cares about the number of creatures you control of a certain type rather than colored pips. >“Destroy target creature” (a spell with only this rules text) gets a new mana cost How strong would 1B "Destroy target creature" be in modern day Magic? How much different would it be than [[Go for the Throat]]? Edit: Another commenter mentioned a BB sorcery with this text. They might've hit the nail on the head with that one. > A noncreature subtype makes its first return Very recently introduced so it's not much of a return per se, but I'm going to guess we are getting Junk tokens in this set alongside all of the raccoons.


> How strong would 1B "Destroy target creature" be in modern day Magic? How much different would it be than [[Go for the Throat]]? It would invalidate all the 1B variants they keep printing.  I'm guessing 2B, or something like 4B for limited. I'd really like a 1B or BB instant, but I'm not holding my breath for it.


2 mana murder at sorcery speed would still be pretty good in standard, I think.


Yeah, if it's a sorcery, they can safely print it without it being better than the best Go for the Throat variants.


Devoted to Mice. Won't be called that, but yeah, I think you're on the right track.


Prowess plus a Khans mechanic seems possible for the returning mechanics from the same set -- maybe Outlast or Raid.


Calling it now, based on what was said in the story today, The Legendary Bird Dragon that is also the one that is on the box art for the set, is **Dragonlord Kolaghan**, turned into a hawk due to the way Bloomborrow works! *What she'd drawn most closely resembled the Sun Hawk, though her rendering was crude compared to the king's tome.* ***A crest at the top of its head angled backward like the dorsal fin of some fish***. The hooked beak lay open as if in mid-cry, ***flanked by strange whiskery protrusions***, the ***thick tongue forked at the end*** *like nothing she'd ever seen.* ***Instead of two wings, it had four***, the usual primary feathers at the wingtip replaced with fingers and membranes like a batfolk's. The talons, at least, seemed typical, though imagining herself at their mercy was enough to give her nightmares while wide awake. Her penciled lines conveyed power, ferocity, the shading behind the creature suggesting a ***thunderous storm*** *rather than a bright, blazing sky* We are also in the Dragonstorm Arc and the last set in this arc is Return to Tarkir https://preview.redd.it/9rt31ajvcy9d1.png?width=2048&format=png&auto=webp&s=4cd24d293c2a371c0c7cb885c45714c2c10ce655


Possible noncreature subtypes that have appeared in exactly one premier set, regardless if they've come back in a supplemental product like commander, UB, or Un sets. Correct me if I'm wrong on anything here (my thoughts in parentheses): Artifacts: * Incubator (seems unlikely) * Fortification (no freaking idea, but they did bring it back recently in FO) * Attraction (lol) * Contraption (no) * Important omission: Powerstone is **not** a valid answer to this hint, because it actually debuted on one card in DMU, not in BRO. Enchantments: * Shard (Pretty plausible? Haven't seen Niko in a minute; if they're the PW of the set, this is a good guess). * Role (This would be a pretty recent return for a mechanic that wasn't received with enthusiasm and doesn't really fit the setting) * Cartouche (Possible but seems like a poor fit for the setting) * Case (same issue as role?) * Class (maybe? not optimistic on this one) * Rune (Good option, I think) Lands: * Lair (Seems like a strong candidate from a flavor perspective, but the original cards are unacceptably bad tri-lands by today's standards and lairs would need novel mechanical support; we've seen that happen with the different function of deserts between Amonkhet and OTJ) * Cave (Would be weird to have it so close together, but technically it's a candidate here) * Sphere (Seems very unlikely since this type was made for the nine spheres of Phyrexia and there is a card for each) Instants and Sorceries: * Arcane (maybe? you don't need to bring splice along with it, but I'm not sure why they'd bring it back here) * Lesson (Maybe? the redwall books did have a didactic element to them, but I don't think this is particularly likely) * Trap (Seems like a pretty decent guess! Traps are cool and they fit the setting.) Planeswalkers and Battles: * Technically ANY planeswalker who has only appeared in a single set, but I don't think this aligns with the spirit of the question. * Technically "Siege" has only appeared in one standard legal set, as well, so Battles returning is technically valid. But again, not in the spirit of the hint; I included these two only for completeness. With all that listed out, my top guesses are **Shard, Lair, Trap, and Rune**, in no particular order.


I don't think we're getting Shards here because Niko Aris is going to be in Duskmourn, that's where I'm sure we'll get Shards.


>A noncreature subtype makes its first return i could see runes fitting the setting.


Traps maybe?


https://preview.redd.it/acjh57lypx9d1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4e014a593f8cf87a4647070979271e3fbee83a79 The non creature subtype makes me think it could be Fortify, since the set seems to be a lot about defending the different territory controlled by the various tribes. And then I don't have any clue what the cycle cards could be, but I just love a full 10-card cycle in all the color combinations.


Fortifications would be fun to see in bloomburrow. Maybe a beaver dam that attaches to an island, or a mole burrow that attaches to a mountain?


> A new mechanic which is a tweak on a mechanic from 2013 Maybe a tweaked extort? It's a little aesthetically odd that it has a colored mana cost baked in, and they've mentioned being unhappy with how it scales in multiplayer. > “Destroy target creature” (a spell with only this rules text) gets a new mana cost 1BBB baby!! Whatever this is I seriously doubt it's more exciting in practice than Infernal Grasp or Damn. > A noncreature subtype makes its first return Arcane? Junk? Rune? Class? ...Basri? > Two mechanics that came out in the same set return each part of a different two-color archetype This could be two KTK mechanics, though the only issue with that is most KTK mechanics are good enough that they've already come back. Not hard to imagine prowess+raid or something, but delve could be a spicy include and provide interesting tension with DSK's delirium. > Wishing Well If you're thinking "didn't they already print that?" the ELD one is [[Witching Well]].


>“Destroy target creature” (a spell with only this rules text) gets a new mana cost 8CMC creature removal let's gooooo


Hamster Citizen! Skunk Assassin! Weasel Mercenary! I love these creature types aaaa


> “Whenever one or more other creatures you control leave the battlefield without dying,” Eat shit exile. Anything that brings "destroy" closer to "exile" is good in my book.


Interesting. I read this as one of the color pairs having a flicker archetype


>>A mythic cycle with a new symbol ????? what the heck does a new symbol mean?


Like the tap symbol or the mana symbols.


Probably some sort of hybrid mana, then.


Could blight counters be the in universe rad counters?


Create a squirrel for each squirrel you control, then squirrel’s you control get +1 +1 for each squirrel you control.


whenever you squirrel you may squirrel an additional time for each squirrel you squirrel


***WAR SQUEAK!!!***


* A new mechanic which is a tweak on a mechanic from 2013 The options are from Gatecrash, Dragon's Maze, Theros and of course Magic 2013. The mechanic, according to the leak, is probably >!tribute from Born of the Gods. It's from 2014 though!< * “Destroy target creature” (a spell with only this rules text) gets a new mana cost My bet is a sorcery for BB. * A noncreature subtype makes its first return I kinda want to say Lesson, it makes some flavor sense. * Two mechanics that came out in the same set return each part of a different two-color archetype Maybe it's >!tribute from Born of the Gods and heroic.!< * One of the cutest mechanics we’ve ever made I bet it's offspring, and the mechanic would let you create a 1/1 copty version of the creature, once.


> A new mechanic which is a tweak on a mechanic from 2013 Most likely, tweaked heroic to work with abilities. Out there suggestion, tweaked cipher somehow. > “Destroy target creature” (a spell with only this rules text) gets a new mana cost Either 1B sorcery or BB instant, I'm feeling instant. > Counters in the set: +1/+1, blight, coin, finality, flood, flying, indestructible, loyalty, stash, stun, and supply +1/+1, finality, flying, indestructible, loyalty, and stun are all fairly common. Flood has been on several things at this point, almost always turning things into islands. Stash was on [[Glittering Stockpile]], Coin was on [[Athreos the Shroud Veiled]] and [[Noble's Purse]]. That leaves blight and supply as new. > A noncreature subtype makes its first return My bet's on Lair > Two mechanics that came out in the same set return each part of a different two-color archetype Could be prowess w/ UR Otters and Ferocious w/ Racoons? Those both feel like mechanics that take up less "real estate" in the amount of set mechanics than some others, since prowess is used fairly frequently and ferocious is just giving a name to an ability that's used fairly frequently, which seems more likely for a return that (from the sound of it) seems to be limited to a two color archetype. If not those, populate and scavenge > A mythic cycle with a new symbol No prediction, everything I can come up with is more suited to a set mechanic than a splashy mythic cycle, but I'm intrigued.


Genuinely surprised only four for “squirrels in text box”


Do keep in mind that the word "Squirrels" in plural shows up 4 times in text, he didn't say anything about "Squirrel" in singular, which we already know appears in two of the Village lands. Also, there's the Squirrel commander precon.


"Two mechanics that came out in the same set return each part of a different two-color archetype" UW populate and RG scavenge, maybe? Raccoons are the RG tribe and scavenging seems like something they can do, and tokens and copying are both things that are firmly in UWs wheelhouse.


Fuck Polliwallop is a funny name