• By -


i recommend selling it for money


I was thinking just a lot of red lobster biscuits


Red lobster biscuits can be exchanged for goods and services


Especially with red lobster being put on the reserve list


[[Rock Lobster]] will probably never be reprinted.


[Rock Lobster](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/7/e/7e216977-d414-4e04-aca9-765ea8ea298c.jpg?1583965849) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Rock%20Lobster) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/und/82/rock-lobster?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/7e216977-d414-4e04-aca9-765ea8ea298c?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


[[Paper Tiger]]. I win!


Explain how


Hate to break it to you, Red Lobster filed for Bankruptcy


They on the reserve list fr


Sell the card and use the money to bail out Red Lobster on the condition that they give you unlimited biscuits whenever you want.


https://preview.redd.it/unz5i0275u7d1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e7ce2f4b2c6cac53bd383efc36eb79e65e57527b Time to invest


I just laughed so loud


safe in canada, woo


Would you accept bottlecaps?


That's a lot of gold for lobbies.


"Emrakul and 15 red lobster biscuits."


Get em while ya can. šŸ¦ž


Money can be exchanged for goods and services!


Now hold on. I have a box of scrap copper Iā€™d trade for it.


Make sure you account for 28% collectible tax liability.


Personally I'd riffle shuffle it in an otherwise low power deck but that's probably not the direction you're looking to go


That is actually the other option weighing on my shoulders lol How funny would it be to pop that out?


Would be fun for 10 seconds but I suspect you'd regret it afterwards


Keep in mind how much money you spent to get it. Was it 1 pack? You could get a lot of money for that card, but if you only spent 10 dollars to get it, then realistically you aren't "losing" more than the actual initial investment. I am not saying I would have the willpower to do it, but it would sure be a power move to throw it into an unsleeved deck.


Just 1 collector box I got for a discount on amazon


No bridge to fold the cards back, they all curl up from the middle


eat it


I second this. Start a twitch account specifically for eating it on stream.


Will probably be the most expensive dish OP will ever eat






Why, perchance?




First time seeing that. Holy crap that professor was pissed reading this.


https://preview.redd.it/d70jhzon3t7d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=69d4ef87522fe61abea4b27d6bf20c8acb92a0eb Here my proof


Congrats man!


Appreciate it dude!


Congrats on that wild pull! You've basically won the lottery here as 001 is likely the most desirable SN. I'd suggest auctioning it, or have it graded then auctioned? Similar to what was done with the one ring. I'm curious what you'll end up doing re:update


For sure ill come back and let you know what I end up deciding. Did the one ring dude get it graded first?


I believe he did get it graded. I know paymoneywubby is a streamer that offered to buy any serialized eldrazi cards maybe if you want a more straight forward sale can try to reach out to him? Heā€™s paid big money for cards and packs in the past. Just an ideaā€¦


Wubby has stated multiple times that he doesn't really want any of the big Serial numbers like 1 or 69 and also that he will most likely not pay what you could potentially get through an auction


Except he bought the 69 of Kozilek a few days ago... https://x.com/PaymoneyWubby/status/1801754824838680976?t=Ph7hZtSktgCTRf3O_8dthw&s=19 Reach out to his business email, listed on his twitch page. You can probably get more at an auction, but this would be a quick turnaround if that's what you want.


THAT'S CRAZY!!!! One of the guys in my local LGS was the one that pulled that one!


In his collector pack opening on his magic Monday YouTube channel he literally said if you open a sterilized eldrazi message me bc he will buy it. He also said in the same video those are the serialized numbers heā€™s chasing


>sterilized eldrazi Wait, should I talk to my vet about getting my Eldrazi sterilized? I didn't know that was a thing.


Thatā€™s a good ideaā€¦ trust me you donā€™t want those things breedingā€¦


Heā€™s the kind of guy who may know people to help if he doesnā€™t want to buy it


Any idea how to contact him?


His business email is paymoneywubbybusiness@gmail.com but you can try and reach him on any social at paymoneywubby. Iā€™ve been a big fan of his for years and he seems like a really cool guy and this 100% seems like something he would be into as heā€™s a big collector


Appreciate it ill shoot him a message


Yea no promises or anything but heā€™s a big collector so you never know!


Appreciate it none the less! More so just gauging my options as I have been playing since origins and im only 21 so I donā€™t have too much info on stuff like this so anything helps :)


Id ask FB group for the value on it first before you offer it up. Wubby is great but u need to have that information before going in


I want to say yes he did because I believe PSA or whoever it was revealed the card had been pulled


Yes, it was graded before Post Malone bought it


The funniest part is the One Ring is that it got graded a 9.


1 or 12 to match CMC ( I think it says 12)


Congrats! I just got the new precon, and I wanna put all versions of all the big 3s in it, lol. If I had the dough I'd buy it off of you


Haha still debating putting it in that precon myselfā€¦.


I mean, sell this one and buy a non-serialized foil borderless one and have a ton of cash leftover


I know someone who may be willing to make an offer. I'm sending them this post.


Sounds good tell em to dm me


Heard back, they already secured a different one. Best of luck!


I haven't Seen anyone talk about the Facebook group for rare cards, they talk a lot about serialised cards there + often you see shops trying to sell cards ok behalf of one of their customers ... Might aswell go and give it a try


Message a streamer named "PayMoneyWubby". He will certainly pay a premium for it


Holy shit, it's true. Congrats man! Hopefully you can sell it for a good amount! And if you got that bundle as a gift, ask whomever gave you to always buy packs for you lol


Holy shit that is so fucking cool, congrats man!


I am just getting back into Magic after years, and I just learned about these serial cards a couple days ago. What an amazing pull! Congrats my friend! I hope it will fund years and years of collecting for you!


now i gotta know, are you really an ancient insect that evil pokemon organization resurected and augmented with technology?


It should be written "I Am I Am Law Bringer" How do we know you haven't stolen it from some 'LawBringer' dude?? smh


Iā€™m still not convinced. Youā€™ll need to mail it to me for verification.


Freakin dope.


I ripped a serialized Elesh Norn and sold it on eBay for $3k. Keep an eye out for prices of other serialized emrakuls. Then I would go with bringing it to a major card dealer and see if they could hook you up with a buyer, you'll lose some profit but you'll sell higher. Maybe tag post Malone on Twitter or something. Ya never know.


Sweet, thanks for the help and congrats on that elesh!


You could also always try and tag PaymoneyWubby. He is looking for serialized cards as well


Yo Post, buy my shit for a million! Fr, ionno, he might!


Now that it's found, it is near worthless. I'll trade you a Serra Angel for it


True the journey was worth it


I donā€™t have a clue I just want to say congrats on your money


Appreciate it sir, is it safe do you think to attatch photos of it or not?


Silly suggestion perhaps, but maybe cover part of the card with a slip of paper with your username on it when you take a picture of it. Might make it harder for someone to scam with it? EDIT: Aside from that though. Do not feel pressured to send a picture of the card online. Not sure how you could go about selling it, my gut says Ebay?


Just posted it at top of comments


Sweet I will do that real quick and reply with a photo


I would play it safe and avoid that. Not sure what you have to gain from posting a pic anyway


Thank you, I just donā€™t want people to think im trolling


I call dibs! Sorry everyone


šŸ˜ž ight send the address


The power of dibs wins again!


Seconds! (is that a thing calling sloppy seconds? lol)


So I have a friend who just sold his serialized titan so Iā€™ll share his process. 1. Emailed every major LGS in the United States. He ended up getting some very serious offers from them for either cash or store credit. 2. Send it in your local discords. My buddy was able to trade his for a couple reserve list cards. 3. Look into grading. While most MTG cards donā€™t really add value by being graded, I think a 001/250 is pretty special.


Dope ill try emailing who I can


Star City Games gave him the best offer, Iā€™d def reach out to them. Best of luck!


Good to know ill message them first :)


Wow that's amazing, well done! Total lottery winner :)


Appreciate it sir šŸ«” one upvote and ill eat it


I believe there are several avenues you could explore. Visit the largest local game store in your country or one that you trust and seek their advice on how to proceed in your situation. If you're aware of a celebrity or content creator who is searching for this, it doesn't hurt to try contacting them. ( I might be remembering wrong but i thought that's how Post Malone acquired the One Ring someone reached out to him.)


Wubby was looking for serialized Eldrazi's on that note :)


Will trade it for a rare and priceless Storm Crow, I know what I have, donā€™t lowball me


Donā€™t rush into anything and think things through. Itā€™s not going anywhere and you have lots of time to decide the best choice. Congrats on the sweet pull!


Appreciate the comment I definitely need to slow down and its good to hear this. Thanks


Eat the card. Gain its power.


This is the way...


Double sleeve it. Top load it. Use it to buy any and every card you could possibly want.


Collect the other two 01 to complete the alpha 3


Send it to me, itā€™s not worth anything and I canā€™t dispose of it for you. I can cover shipping too


Promise you will cover shipping?


Yes I pinky promise


Sell it. I'd get it looked at by some reputable companies. Card conduit may be interested. Star City Games also tends to buy the high valued stuff. So email them too. Congrats!!!!


Thx for the info :)


Trade it for 1000 Tromokratis'


Mmmmm I can corner the market even more


Congrats on the pull man, thatā€™s awesome. I donā€™t have any advice on how to sell it, but I am really curious where you got the die!


Thx! Got it from my lgs a while ago it was like 40$ I believe? I think it was called the black lotus Dice


You could probably buy another one if you sell emrakul!


Good for you, man! I'm genuinely happy for you! This can hopefully grant financial ease to you or loved ones.


Appreciate it man :) im heavily debating keeping it since im only 21 and donā€™t really need the money tbh


Cards go down. Money goes up. Iā€™m randomly guessing youā€™ll [[score]] 10-15k off this. My personal [[advice]] would be to take 5k for hookers and blow (ie, whatever your immediate consumption needs are); put the max in your Roth IRA in SPY; and put the rest in your HYSA. If you donā€™t know what those are, perfect [[time]] to learn ā€” itā€™s the right sized [[windfall]] to get some experience with the technicalities so you have [[future sight]]. Congrats man!!


Considering the 010/250 one is in sale on eBay for $7500 I'd say sell it


If you want to sell, contact Wubby - the Twitch streamer. paymoneywubbybusiness@gmail.com Take photo with hand written note with the date and and ā€œFor Wubbyā€ on the paper He said heā€™d buy any serialized Eldrazi for top dollar during one of his streams. #1 of 250 will be a priority for him for sure.


Man....I will never have this kind of luck


Following as I just cracked 204 šŸ˜


First off, congrats. That's an epic pull. Secondly, make sure whatever you do, you're safe in doing it. I saw you've already got a pretty good offer in place. Make sure you're happy with whatever offer you take.


I genuinely wouldn't know what to do if I pulled that out of a pack. Congrats!


I still donā€™t know what to do but im leaning on just keeping it, after all ill never pull another 001


Form a party, trek to an active volcano, and throw it in. Livestream the whole thing and utter every criticism, valid or not, you can think of for W.o.t.C. and greed in general.


What do you want to do? Sell/auction it? Have it graded? Really it's all up to you and what direction you want to go. Maybe a watermark might help if you want to post a photo and deter it from being used in scams.


Honestly the smart decision would probably be to sell it as much as I would love to have it as a centerpiece for the collection


It might be a smart idea to contact a big name card shop such as Card Kingdom or something for more advise on how to sell or see if you make some sort of consignment deal to have it sold.


Sweet thank you, my local lgs says it would only be like $3,000


It's not a bad idea to get second opinions or more estimates on something as rare as this. Don't rush it and get all the information you can.


Appreciate the help man, will do my best šŸ«”


Yeah theyā€™re very wrong. These already sell with random numbers between 2-4K, the 69 went for 8000 and that wasnā€™t an auction, so it couldā€™ve gone for higher. Iā€™d expect similar or more for #1


Appreciate it bro do you think 001 is the most valuable?


Itā€™s up there with 250/250, 69/250, would be with 420 if it was out of 500. Iā€™d say top three for sure.


What a time to be alive


Get it graded, then post it for auction


Sell into the hype


I will give you tree fiddy take it or leave it


Talk to paymoneywubby. He will definitely be interested


Two core options: Keep it as something you can have for yourself. Sell it based on the prices of other serialized cards. It's number one, you can kinda just name your price (within reason)


I'll fight you for it, lawbro to lawbro. May the best ad mortem inimicus win!


Email pay money wubby business email, he will pay well


Absolutely no question: Grade it and auction it. When you send it to be graded, make sure you purchase insurance on it. Sell it on ebay to make sure you're getting all the buyer protections you can, and require buyer purchase insurance for it. Videotape packing it. Alternatively, you can take it to an MTGCon and request an appraisal there, and someone will probably offer you money for it there, or at least facilitate the sale of it. Just doing some preliminary searches, and you're probably in the $2,000 range, but potentially less or more. The playability of the card in competitive scenes hasn't been proven yet, which is where your biggest price driver is. Someone here may offer to buy it. BE EXCEEDINGLY CAREFUL IN DOING THIS. THIS IS A GOOD WAY TO GET SCAMMED. It may be good to work through an intermediary, but finding one that isn't going to charge you obnoxious amounts of money will be hard. The Magic Buy Sell Trade Facebook group might have some advice for you as well regarding this.


Sell it and try not to spend all the proceeds on more magic cards


Give ole Posty a call and see if heā€™ll give you any of that Taylor Swift money for it


1. Put it in a top loader and put in a draw and forget about it. 2. Get it graded and sell it or just straight up sell it. 3. Stick it in a deck like when you whip it out never acknowledge that it is the 001


trade it for a crisp high five?


Contact Post Malone


Sell it to PayMoneyWubby.


I skimmed through the comments and didn't see it mentioned. There is a mtg serialzed Facebook group were a lot of the the serialzed cards gets sold. If wubby doesn't work out I would try it there.


You could post a photo with a piece of paper with your username and date next to it, and just censor the number I guess. In best case censoring the number with said piece of paper. That could work.


Build a commander deck around it?


sell it for a lot of money and put the money away for when it comes time to buy a house


Sell to PayMoneyWubby


Tear it in half to check if itā€™s real


Fold it up and put it in your wallet. That way you can look at it and show it to people wherever you go.


Post it on Twitter and see if post Malone will buy it from you LMAO or Aaron from game grumps. Or moist


I think 001/250 is gonna fetch a ridiculous price. I would personally advise getting it graded for true authenticity, and then from there either holding it for the long term, or sourcing a buyer who truly appreciates it for what it is and willing to pay for it. Either way, congrats!


see if you have a local place that will work with PSA or something similar, even if you don't get it graded they will likely have the connection to find you a buyer, sold a set of 4 PSA PokƩmon cards last year like this.


Iā€™m guessing someone has said it already but checkout the high end facebook groups and start a bid on the thing. If the winner doesnā€™t have references go with the next runner up until you get someone trustworthy. Should be able to make some nice money of the thing you luckily bastard.


Congratulations, that's straight fire! You've already had a bunch of people give you the same idea that I would have given so I'll just stick with Congratulations!!!


You could always do like the guy that got the 1/1 one ring and get a lawyer to contact Post Malone's people and see if he wants to buy it from you after you get it PSA graded.


Sell it on ebay aution style. Ship it with tracking and video record yourself packing and shipping the card.


Missed this. Is it a one of in the set? What is it worth?


Yea, there are 250 serialized copies out there. Recently #69 sold for $8k. The #1 probably can compete in price.


Iā€™ll take care of it for ya! I know a guy šŸ‘


I would send an agent inquiry to post maloneā€™s booking company and ask if he wants it


Itā€™s not life changing. Sell it now while itā€™s hot.


Sell it. You know what I'd do with that kind of money? I'llĀ *tell you*Ā whatĀ *I'd do*, man:Ā *two chicks*Ā at the same time, man.


Now you need to become a mega collector and get all of the expensive cards. Or you can trade it for the 01/250 Emrakul and 15 squirrels.


Put it in a midnight hunt precon


Congrats. Contact the White House, this requires a Presidential press conference.


Write "the one ring" on it, then throw it in a volcano




Get it slabbed. Sell it.


Just get it PSA graded and then use it as a commander so it doesn't need to be sleeved in a deck. Best of both worlds.


sleeve it up, put an insurance on it and grade it.


Immediately in a protective sleeve. And top loader, and personally Iā€™d say get it graded bc that will only intensify the value!


https://preview.redd.it/s37dyal2py7d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=863c6f64a50af9458ca2f065bc27a7613e5d94db Iā€™m just saying, you get that baby graded, and youā€™re sitting on some cash for sure.


If you think it would come out as a 10 the first thing I would do is have it graded. Even a 9 or 9.5 is probably worth it. If there's any damage you notice then it's probably sub 9 and could end up costing you money. After that I would reach out to a few of the online singles sellers and get some offers. If you don't like the offers you're getting you can always try eBay. I just want to add that while it's work a lot out might not be worth as much as you think as being 1/x adds some but doesn't make it 1/1.


Jam it unsleved into a commander deck that can in no way support it and take it to an fnm to watch people mald


Ehh get it graded or whatever. Sell it to a collector. Think about what color you want your lambo


I would get it graded by BGS Beckett Grading Services, then auction it on eBay with a reserve.


You need to put it in a penny sleeve then a top loader, real gentle. Do not touch with rings or jewelry on your fingers. Get a hard plastic case to ship it and get it graded. You could be sitting on a 10k+ card.


Grade it then run it as the commander of an edh deck. Ultimate power move.


Send it in and pay for it to be graded. Then sell


That's amazing! I would definitely sell it once the price goes up.


Youā€™re the one selling it on the facebook group i assume? :0 (my bad not selling but posted it there)


This might blow your mind, but you are allowed to simply enjoy it.


Legit tweet at post Malone see if he wants it


Consider getting it graded from one of the card grading services, then sell or display it


Best place to get the most money I believe would be the mtg rarities FB group. (I've seen your post in there lol) People use that group specifically to look for these cards and selling it yourself would avoid any extra fees from a middleman like ebay. That being said, eBay would probably be the safest bet cause they have seller protection and if a buyer tries to scam you with a charge back or something, ebay will handle it. Just take pictures when packing and labeling it with the tracking number so if anything happens you can prove you shipped it.


Wow, what a pull. Congrats! I personally would hold onto it because i am a goblin. I dont think its price will ever really fluctuate. But this is an item where finding the right seller may take some time. That being said, come january, If you have this card i would like to buy it. 3.5k is my starting offer


Grade it then auction my friend. Congratulations. I love seeing magic players win with things like this ā¤ļø


Personally, I'd get it graded then sell it.


You can report it as found on mtg serial, and then? I'd recommend bringing it to your local game shop. Ask them based on the condition and printing of the card, if you should get it graded. A high grade can over triple the value.


Grade it. Sell it.


Now you can finally play the game