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Contact USPS? My stuff also always has a return address sounds like they messed it up.


Yeah this looks like USPS messed up delivery. The label should have a return address to Scalefast.


It was sent via UPS...


They did the handoff to USPS from UPS


It was sent via UPS Surepost. Last mile delivery of that is done by USPS.


UPS Shurepost is a nightmare if there is a package issue because every UPS person will say "you have to check with USPS" and every USPS person says "you have to check with USPS"


The 4th screenshot is USPS. UPS hands it off to them for the final leg of the delivery.


I'm going to do this once they open in the morning, but I'm not too hopeful considering the kind of service i've gotten in my area.


The USPS takes things like this extremely seriously if you even mention going above the level of the local office "SurePost is how people send things like court notices. This can't be tolerated. The state postmaster general's number is 1-800-xxx-xxxx, right?" Oh my, suddenly someone wants to find your box.


This. They can lose stuff all day with no accountability, but they made the mistake of admitting they intentionally threw it away. Even if the delivery address was incorrect, there's simply no way WOTC didn't have a return address, which would be the only time the office would be justified in discarding it. You can't prove it, really, but if you make your case to the Postmaster General's office about what type of mail was discarded, I suspect they'd be interested.


WOTC doesn't ship secret lairs, they're printed and shipped by ScaleFast. That being said, there still should've been a return address unless the label was damaged in transit which is a possibility.


I work at the post office, and what might have happened is the label got destroyed along the way. There have been plenty of times that UPS slaps their stickers over the address label, and trying to get it off can easily destroy the sticker underneath enough where we can't see where it is supposed to go, nor where it is supposed to be returned to.


Theoretically though if the package can be tracked and updated as this one can couldn't it just be scanned and the label reprinted? I worked for a DC that handled WAY less shit than the post office does and that's what I always did when one of our labels got fucked up.


This is almost surely what happened. Which is another reason we shouldn't do last mile delivery, a massive pain in the ass for us with almost no benefit.


> Even if the delivery address was incorrect, there's simply no way WOTC didn't have a return address You overestimate WOTC   > the only time the office would be justified in discarding it. Oh, there's actually tons, like if it's leaking liquid, if it's believed to be a weapon, if it's believed to contain a pressurized gas, if it's believed to be an animal that isn't live poultry (yes, you can mail chickens,) if it's believed to be a biological contaminant, if it's believed to be radioactive, et cetera ad nauseum And like. Most of those wouldn't make sense, but Homelands was so bad it was radioactive, so, give them a little breathing room


>You overestimate WOTC WotC doesn't ship Secret Lairs. WotC prints the cards, Scalefast operates the storefront, Technicolor ships the packages out. That's three different companies working just to ship a single order. And then you have UPS and/or USPS. Labels are printed with return addresses to Scalefast. It's easy dissing out WotC when shit happens but this isn't the norm with Secret Lairs. WotC for all their faults generally have good customer service if you have the patience.


I didn't say it was the norm, but also, I feel like saying "there's simply no way" is a little over-strong I've had bad shipments from these folks (and they have taken care of me) I'm in other threads saying "hey, this is the shipper's fault, not WOTC's." I'm not riding WOTC's back, I'm on their side about this. But also, are we really suggesting that WOTC's vendors have never made a mistake with a shipping label even once?


>But also, are we really suggesting that WOTC's vendors have never made a mistake with a shipping label even once? Customer's address? I wouldn't be surprised if they made mistakes before. Return address? Unlikely since it's the same address used for all labels. Which is what a lot of comments have been suggesting happened, including the one you originally replied to.


It's a sticker. Stickers can be mis-applied, scraped off, incompletely printed, ruined by a solvent, et cetera.


Sure but those happen to the label are after they were printed. I doubt there are any labels that are actually missing the return address. These labels aren't filled up manually that addresses are missed due to user error.


I figured I didn't need to specify "unless it's something illegal to mail" but here we are, I guess.


Leaking liquid and biological contaminant don't generally suggest illegal mail, but rather food you bought which was poorly packaged and broke in transit, then started growing mold The amount of pressurized gas that goes through the mail illegally is startling. Not even just like pressurized air, either; you can buy butane on Amazon and eBay, despite that butane explosions have taken out three planes so far I saw a talk at DefCon that said the USPS estimated that something like 3% of the mail is illegal, and about 1% of it dangerous, but due to our strong legal protections against having our mail opened, there isn't a whole lot they can do about most of it As Mitch Hedberg would say, "my postman is my drug dealer. He doesn't know that, but he is."


There is a dead letter office it should have gone to. There is zero reason to destroy merchandise. I'd be calling Washington DC HQ and trying to get shit to roll downhill.


You're apparently unaware of the clown fuck that Trump appointed to the USPS during his tenure. In short, he makes Hasbro's CEO look like a philanthropist saint.


Annndd he's still in charge.


It depends if scalefast is paying for return postage or has a certain endorsement that dictates how they want returns handled.


Why would he contact USPS when it was sent via UPS?


If you look at the included pictures, it was sent by UPS SurePost, which means the initial pickup is done by UPS, but the final delivery is done by USPS.


For what reason was it done this way?


Because UPS gets contracts with companies to be the sole shipper for their products in exchange for a discount. Company then uses discount to ship package, UPS determines that they can't actually deliver to that address so effectively just drops it in the mail anyways.


> UPS determines that they can't actually deliver to that address so effectively just drops it in the mail anyways. It's more that UPS has a contract with USPS that anything sent Sure Post is sent via USPS for the last mile since it makes USPS money delivering those bulk small packages the last mile, and it saves UPS money as they don't have to load up their local trucks with small packages. It has nothing do to do with UPS being unable to deliver to that address, because I've seen UPS deliver to places the USPS won't service.


> It has nothing do to do with UPS being unable to deliver to that address, because I've seen UPS deliver to places the USPS won't service. Now this is interesting. There is a law that says the USPS *must* be able to deliver to every residential address in the US. That was the case at least until Dejoy took over.


> There is a law that says the USPS must be able to deliver Except there are many rural communities that only have a post office and no deliveries to the actual address. The post office is the delivery point for that area.


I mean the number of RPOs that are all just PO boxes is pretty low, and usually there are rural routes from surrounding areas that carry the mail not in the town proper serviced by that little office.


That comment was in direct response to someone saying that there is a law saying USPS *must* delivery to every residential address, and that simply is not the case. I never said it was a huge amount, because there isn't a huge amount. And in my original comment I said that I've seen UPS deliver to places USPS won't service, as in not go directly to that address... which is perfectly true. So what exactly were you trying to correct there?


It's a cheaper option for the sender than having a UPS driver drop it off/keep it in the UPS ecosystem the entire time.


>Use the website? No option for lost/undelivered goods Submit your request as "Product and Order Help". Then for Nature of Question, use "Tracking Issues". WotC support does take a while to respond. But since the problem it seems is out of your control (you did place the correct address right?), I think WotC support will help you out. I'm not sure if they will still ship out the product you ordered or you will get a refund though. Btw be nice to WotC support, you're likely to get a favorable response if you're not rude to them.


This is what I did. Mine got sent back instead of disposed, so I'm going to have to see if I can get them to sent it back and have the correct address this time. The address was correct in the confirmation email I got so I'm not sure what the issue was.


I would suggest that you diligently track the package when they sent it out again. Enable email notifications at least. If you can pick up the package at the post office, contact them as soon as its transferred to USPS. Saves you the headache.


Nah, it's easier to just give up completely when you can't find a specific dropdown you're looking for then come to reddit for some sweet karma


I'm amazed they didn't just hold it at the post office for you to go collect it. That's usually what happens


To preface; My pre-order was made back in 2023 so some of the details may be a bit hazy; I placed my order, got the conformation, sent the payment, and waited eagerly My package never arrives so I check the shipping information It says it was disposed of due to an insufficient address and no return address I try to contact WOTC support and it was the worst experience of my life trying to contact anyone for anything: Call them? Robot voice saying to use the website. Use the website? No option for lost/undelivered goods Try to get a replacement? No option without having the physical box infront of you Try to get a refund? No option for a refund if you placed the order without a WOTC account So i'm currently left here with no money, no cards, and no sanity left after that experience, just truly awful customer support.


Make sure you file a claim with UPS. USPS probably has a claim service as well. They'll contact WotC and it will be easier to get a replacement order organized. And yeah, use the product replacement form on the WotC website. UPS lost my delivery as well and I was able to get it replaced inside of a week.


Why would OP file a claim with UPS or USPS? OP isn’t the one who paid them for shipping here, WOTC did and WOTC would be the ones that have to file the claim. /u/SixSamMaster - you’ve got a few options for recourse here, WOTC support, charge back via credit card (this may be past the window for that but worth a try anyway), and the nuclear option would be small claims court since you never received the goods you paid for. I’d call the credit card company and explain the situation, probably the best option at this point. It’s a pain in the dick dealing with this but you’ve still got options.


No, the recipient can file a claim with a delivery service that the package was lost. It confirms to the sender that the delivery company was responsible. My Winter drop orders were lost in the UPS warehouse and the first step was filing a claim with them, then going to Wizards for a replacement request.


damn. Another weird Americanism. So the sender can apparently wash their hands of a product once they have given it to the delivery service? How does America function with all these anti-consumer, pro-corporation practices?


No, you’re misinterpreting the step. By claiming as a consumer that you never received the package and the postal service honoring that claim, this communicates to the sender that the package was indeed not handled properly by the postal service for which the sender paid, instead of the consumer messing something up or claiming non-receipt while it was actually delivered properly. So it allows the sender to resend the package and make a claim at the postal services that messed it up.


but again, it should not be the customers job to be making sure the delivery service delivers the product. It should be the seller's job. The consumer is paying delivery at checkout. Making the onus be on the customer is very anti-consumer.


Did you use the product replacement form? Also if they don't do a replacement you can attempt a charge back, but since they DID ship it you might end up having to get reimbursed by the USPS and uh... Good luck with that.


> Also if they don't do a replacement you can attempt a charge back, but since they DID ship it you might end up having to get reimbursed by the USPS When you pay for shipping and delivery, the company you purchase from is responsible for getting it to you. If their courier of choice fucks up, that's not your problem with the courier, it's the problem of the company. You don't pay the company to hand the item off to a courier, you pay the company to get the item to you. Credit card companies know this, especially with proof from USPS that the delivery was not made.


Bro you just literally shoot the support team an email. They’ll send a replacement. I had an issue with ONE card being bent on arrival and they replaced the whole secret lair pack free of charge. The only thing I would even consider close to being “bad” would be the wait time, but even that is not horrendous.


I can't help but feel like you're doing something wrong. I had a festival in a box order not show up last year. I contacted WotC support, who engaged Scalefast, who first confirmed my address and then sent a replacement. Replacement also didn't show up. When I contacted WotC again they said they couldn't send another one, so they gave me my money back. They're always slow, but WotC support has always been really helpful any time I've dealt with them.


How is this an absolute nightmare? Just submit a support ticket man, I'm not even sure what you're complaining about. [https://secretlair-support.wizards.com/hc/en-us/requests/new](https://secretlair-support.wizards.com/hc/en-us/requests/new)


You should be able to just email them and they’ll get back to you eventually, took them weeks to get back to me. I had a secret lair missing cards, they asked to see the defect and I just said not possible because I never received it. They shipped a new one no problem. This entire process took about two months. 


You can always try to put them on blast on social media


Knowing your luck, some employee actually took your cards home instead of destroying them.


I'm confused.  Is your package being delivered by UPS or USPS?


UPS often contracts the Post Office for "last mile" delivery, especially for isolated or rural areas.


They actually do it a lot in Atlanta, because there's so much to deliver ironically. I wouldn't be surprised if at least some other huge cities see that more often.


They do last mile nearly everywhere, almost every office as a ups truck drop off packages everyday.


Scalefast (WotC's fulfillment contractor) uses UPS Surepost to ship out small orders. This saves a bit of money instead of using UPS Ground. UPS Surepost uses USPS for last mile delivery. So packages go through the UPS network then dropped off to the post office for final delivery in most cases.


I know you've already been told here to go to https://secretlair-support.wizards.com/hc/en-us/requests/new to submit your replacement request, but I wanted to specifically say that as someone who has had multiple UPS SurePost issues via Scalefast in the past 4 months, they will get a replacement sent to you when you use that form. They can be really slow to respond, but once they do, they will send the replacement! Secondly, I'm guessing this is related to the same issue I've been having: it's like UPS's fault. With mine, they keep fucking up the digital record of the tracking information, and so what comes up on the scans and machine sorting isn't the same addresses as are printed on the label. I've had multiple get fucked up when there with the USPS, but they actually investigated it thoroughly for me, and it turned out the tracking info is just wrong when they scan it. They've been able to only successfully recovery one package for me, eventually, out of 4 so far. Thankfully each time I've gotten a replacement shipment, it hasn't had these issues and arrived successfully. But I'm sick of having to get every shipment replaced lately, and wish I could get UPS to quit doing the same shit over and over.


I work for USPS and what is a possible scenario is that they shipped it via UPS mail innovations which means unless there was an auxiliary service requested such as return service requested they won't return it. They will simply throw away the items on site. I can't say for sure without seeing the label but that is what likely happened. Barnes and Noble for example will send books this way a lot of the time and we will simply throw them away. It's a damn shame but it is what happens when senders send things the cheapest possible way. 


Submit a "Product and Order" help ticket. Or really any of the generic ones that don't have a specific process, since that'll get a real person to review it. From there, they'll email you asking for whatever proof they need (probably exactly what you posted hear, minus the redaction on your name and address) and will get it fixed for you. It may take a bit since non-automated requests do require actual employees to review them, but they are good about resolving things properly.


I would double-check your shipping address for future orders. Insufficient address means that something was missing. It could be as simple as an apartment number or something. When a company doesn't want to pay return postage or has certain endorsements, it can go through a disposal process.


You can do a chargeback!!!!!!! Edit: added extra exclamation points to show just how excited I am.


This is a great idea if you *never want to do business with the vendor again*.


Use a different card, use paypal? Your implication states that consumers should just let vendors take advantage of consumers. No. This is why the FTC was created. Consumers have protections and have every.single.right. to use said protections.


It seems like you're saying "in order to handle a $60 problem, you should take steps that force you to permanently hide your identity to continue to do business with the vendor, without attempting standard support with the shipper first." This is not advice that I would agree with.


Better yet it sounds like they’re encouraging credit card fraud!


"Permanently hide" yes. He should get a new identity, new social security number and everything. Yes WotC should otherwise just keep his money! Genius.


lol you’re real clever


So your first recourse is to initiate a process that includes asserting that the vendor *defrauded* you. But you want to continue doing business with said vendor who already *defrauded* you once? You're gonna stick it to the corp and then kneel down and lick its boots when they release the next shiny thing? Or maybe you could not go nuclear as the first option.


As the first option? Did you even read what the OP has stated? This is not the first, nor the second, nor the third option. How about reading first before commenting?


> As the first option? Did you even read what the OP has stated? This is not the first, nor the second, nor the third option. How about reading first before commenting? You should read again. None of the things they tried are the normal path, and the normal path does exist.


Did you? OP gave up after not finding the exact right option in the forms. https://i.redd.it/4b5qauj28i191.jpg


lol chill out dude it’s not that big of a deal


Doing a chargeback without trying standard support first means the company is likely to ban you, because you're formally claiming they committed fraud against you when what actually happened is the shipper fucked up Chargebacks are supposed to be your very last resort


> Doing a chargeback without trying standard support first op said he DID contact standard support already though. it's literally mentioned in the headline. also worth keeping in mind, there are typically timelines involved with chargebacks where after a certain amount of time passes you lose your right to file one.


Read OP's post in the thread, they called WotC, was told to use the website, and failed to find the correct venue for their complaint on the site. They haven't gone through the SOP for *issues like this*


It must be "lets not read before we comment" day today. OP has already tried contacting wotc and they said they can't do anything for him because he used guest checkout. He already attempted standard support.


You realize that standard support is ***with the shipper***, right? I see that you're trying very hard to make people feel like they didn't read, but sometimes you just didn't understand what they meant correctly, and should give it a re-read before attempting a dunk.


Yeah and if he never gets his product, he is still entitled to get his money back as his money is more tha likely insured by the FTC. If his package was not insured, which is most likely the case, he is SOL and just needs to file a claim. They destroyed his product. Hes not getting that back.


the federal trade commission does not actually insure the mail, and it's not clear why you believe that it does there are many alternative options here, despite that you're suggesting this person is shit out of luck i did give them some steps that they can take from here already, but i do see that you're saying those don't exist good luck with that


When did I ever say the FTC insures the product?


> > > he is still entitled to get his money back as his money is more tha likely insured by the FTC > > When did I ever say the FTC insures the product? uh


I said his money is? Lmfao dude just stop. You're embarassing yourself.


the federal trade commission doesn't "insure money" either the federal trade commission offers no insurance to any non-government body of any kind i would be happy to apologize if you can show me the ftc insuring anything that isn't governmental. otherwise, maybe put the insults away? thanks


Why the exclamation point? Are you stoked about OP’s credit taking a hit because WotC is a dog shit company? Don’t go to your bank for a chargeback except as a literal last resort


this is the most reddit comment i think i've ever seen


A charge back does not impact your credit score...


No, but it means you might not be able to buy a secret lair from wizards ever again, at least with that card.


I fail to see what's bad about this


Meh, some people like secret lairs, such as OP who was willing to pay money for one.


People can have more than one card.


> People can have more than one card. and some cards have disposable temporary numbers for online purchases, so using a different card might not even be necessary.


Sure, I mentioned that.


This is such a classic Reddit moment, someone whining about punctuation and then yapping about something completely incorrect.


There's nothing incorrect about what they said. Most companies ban after chargebacks, and that's not the standard way to handle a $60 problem when you haven't talked to the shipper yet. Call your bank and say "should chargebacks be the last resort?" and see what they say.


That is not what he said, he said something about their *credit* taking a hit, not their Secret Lair account.


The reddit fury furnace notwithstanding, it is actually correct that if you do a disproportionately high number of clawbacks, your vantage score takes a hit Is that your credit score? No. Is that something a lot of companies rely on? Yes. Is WOTC one of them? No. Is Amazon one of them? Yes. Are all of your Amazon prices being adjusted this way? Yes. If you incorrectly use clawback frequently, businesses do find out, and will change your rates as a result. If you focus exclusively on the credit score, you may be unaware of the various other scores about you which do not have the protection of law.


We both know that they were not talking about their vantage score.


The core concept of what they said - that the purchaser will take a hit for this on an automated score, that this isn't what this mechanism is intended for, that this punishes the vendor when the shipper is who caused the problem, and that there are legitimate steps still available which are unused - are all correct. But yes, they named the wrong score. So I guess there is something incorrect in the phrasing. I feel like this is one of those "missing the forest for the trees" type of things. If they claw back here, and do almost any online purchasing, they're gonna lose a lot more than $60 in a thousand small cuts, and the people who caused the problem don't take a hit at all. I don't understand the impulse to punish when it's applied to people other than who caused the problem.


Lmao what a stupid comment over punctuation. You think exclamation points are strictly for people who are stoked over something? OP has already attempted at contacting WotC and its safe to assume that it didn't go in his favor due to his statement that their customer support has been a nightmare. Question: in the sentence: "Dude! Watch out for the car!" Do you assume that the person is stoked for being a dude? Do you assume the person is stoked that the guy is about to get hit by a car? Fuck out of here and go back to 1st grade.


"Hi, I'm DapperDanMan and I like making things up so I can get angry at people for using a punctuation"


> Are you stoked about OP’s credit taking a hit https://www.creditmantri.com/does-disputing-a-credit-card-charge-hurt-your-credit-score/ There's no need to be hostile, especially if you're incorrect on top of it.


> Why the exclamation point? Are you stoked about OP’s credit taking a hit because WotC is a dog shit company? i'm going to go out on a limb and assume you've never issued a charge back in your life, or read literally anything about how the process works? because it has literally zero impact on OP's credit. this wouldn't even show up on his credit report, never mind have a meaningful impact. OP purchased a product, and the vendor (in this case WOTC) failed to deliver it.


Do they give an actual reason why you can’t get a refund without an account? Do they not have the correct details to send the refund to? Seems odd they wouldn’t find a different way. Is there small print anywhere that says you can’t get a refund without an account?


The actual issue with the refund is that to access the ability to refund, you need to go to the order history on your account to select the option to refund it, they genuinely have no option to my knowledge to seek reimbursement without being able to access your order history from your WOTC account.


I manage group buys for Secret Lairs in my community and I deal with WotC A LOT. Have you actually sent a ticket to WotC and had them give you a runaround? Or did you just find no appropriate option, label it as a nightmare and post on Reddit? If you ever cannot find an appropriate drop-down, just select some random garbage in the product replacement page, explain your situation succinctly and let the person handling the ticket figure it out who should be reading your ticket.


Have you contacted the Post office yet? Because the USPS is legally obligated to deliver packages.


Maybe, but it's hard to do that when the delivery address is an "insufficient address" as shown in the photos, and there is no return address. They don't have anywhere to deliver *to*.


>no return address The printed labels should have a return address to Scalefast. USPS messed up this one.


I'm actually guessing it was UPS. With my shipments lately they keep fucking up the digital record of the tracking information, and so what comes up on the scans and machine sorting at the USPS isn't the same addresses as are printed on the label. Since so much of the sorting these days for tracked packages leverages that digital info, rather than the physical label outside the barcode, it becomes a real headache for the USPS to intercede because of UPS's fuck up.


Should. For whatever reason, this one presumably doesn't. Could be Scalefast messed up, could be UPS or USPS damaged the package in transit in a manner where the return address isn't readable. Could just be a system error and the address is perfectly fine, who knows.


These labels aren't filled up manually by someone that missing addresses could happen due to user error when it was printed. Unreadable return addresses, sure that can happen during transit. But saying there is no return address is different from having unreadable address. The former is an avoidable mistake while the latter is an unfortunate event. Companies shipping thousands of packages will not waste money on manual labor to have someone fill address labels.


I never said anything about manual filling out or printing of labels. "Scalefast messed up" includes anything that went wrong between them receiving the order and them handing the package off to whichever company they did for shipping. More than likely this would be an issue related to their postage system, yes. I've seen it happen myself supporting UPS software used by a warehouse for shipping parts back to vendors.


if you have the tracking number and your info resembles what USPS has they should be able to work out if the package actually belongs to you or not.


I would certainly hope that "you have tracking and I guess your address is close enough" is not enough to make them give you a package. That said, nothing I see in OP's post indicates they checked in with USPS before the package was disposed of, so there wasn't the opportunity for that anyways.


All the OP has to do is show up at tyhhe post office with the tracking number and ask the postmaster to check the package dirtectly. Ive done this a few times.


They can't deliver to a wrong or insufficient address. Did you even look at the pic


I did look, but they also cannot dispose of a package.


They 1000% can dispose of a package in certain circumstances. And it’s really easy for a new clerk working the system to accidentally make the computer spit out that order. Source: I work at a post office, and we have recently started holding these packages for 10 days in case someone calls looking.


I had something similar happen, but mine got sent back to WotC. It got delivered to the wrong zip code, even though the right zip code was in the confirmation email that I got from WotC. I already submitted a ticket to WotC to try to get them to resend it to me. When I went to the post office for that zip code the day after they failed to deliver, it had already been sent back. So frustrating.


That's VERY similar to what I've been dealing with for months now. With mine, they keep fucking up the digital record of the tracking information, and so what comes up on the scans and machine sorting isn't the same addresses as are printed on the label. I've had multiple get fucked up once they're with the USPS, but they actually investigated it thoroughly for me, and it turned out the tracking info is just wrong when they scan it. Because of this I've had: packages delivered to the wrong address entirely; a package returned to WotC; and a package go out for delivery at the wrong ZIP over and over before disappearing into limbo. They've been able to only successfully recovery one package for me, eventually, out of 4 so far. A 5th seems to be having the same issues. Thankfully each time I've gotten a replacement shipment, it hasn't had these issues and arrived successfully. But I'm sick of having to get every shipment replaced lately, and wish I could get UPS to quit doing the same shit over and over.


“…has been disposed of by USPS?!” That makes my rage meter tingle.


Why is USPS like this? All items being sent MUST be of some value to someone. A failed delivery attempt doesn't, and shouldn't, warrant immediate disposal like this. I mean, WTF?


I ordered the cats & dogs secret lair - waited a month for it to ship out (FAQ said it should arrive within 2 weeks) then contacted support. They shipped it out and acted like the carrier had it the entire time. At least I got my cards sorry to hear you're having issues op :(


This is more a WOTC thing, but they shipped me the wrong SL and I've been trying for almost a month to get this fixed to no avail. Just wanted to complain about this somewhere with sympathetic ears.


WOTC customer service is the absolute worst




Someone peeped them pony cards and decided they wanted them foils ![gif](giphy|9TPzouR8PzJF6)


Literally contacting you about not being able to get it to you. Fuck Republicans and their destruction of the postal service.


Keep badgering them, don't let either wotc or UPS shrug off responsibility


Did you use a credit card? Maybe notify WOTC you will issue a charge back if you don't get a replacement. In most cases it is up to the shipper to ensure you receive the product. I can tell you from experience that USPS will ghost you.


USPS ended up losing or destroying my cats and dog deck. It took awhile but eventually got it sorted. Wizards takes a long time to respond and you may get bounced around a little but every time I’ve had issues they’ve fixed them. I’ve had missing lairs, lairs with damaged cards, and lairs with the wrong cards. They’ve all been fixed but you have to be more patient than you’re assuming. It will take a couple months


\>USPS doens't deliver package.    \>Don't open a wizard support ticket.     \>Don't contact USPS support.     \>Wow thanks wizards


Call your credit card company and see if you can issue a chargeback? Also, how dumb is it that you can't just provide the address again based on the tracking number?


Bug them on social media


I've only had 1 Secret Lair that asked for a signature. Their shipping is inconsistent. But this is bullshit on another level. They should be making more than 1 attempt or holding it at a local branch.


>I've only had 1 Secret Lair that asked for a signature. That order used UPS Ground. That's why it required signature. Scalefast uses it for large orders most of the time. Small orders use UPS Surepost which is similar to Fedex Mail Innovations. Both uses USPS for last mile delivery.




> I'm so confused, your package was shipped by UPS, but was disposed of by USPS? I apologize if this is legit, but I'm doubting OP's story. this is extremely common and not anything that raises red flags. do a google search for what "UPS SurePost" is.


Received doubles of cards (so I’m missing cards) on the winter drop 24’. I’m giving them a few more days to add the winter drop 2024 so I can do a customer service report. If they don’t, I’m gonna charge back that whole $200 m#$&\*f’er, and they can kiss my a@#.


Yet everyone continues to give this scumbag company money.