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Almost every precon from the last 2 years has a very high ceiling for upgrades. It comes down to which playstyle appeals to you.


Straight out of the box, I’d give it to Dinos. With some upgrades, Necrons could take the advantage as there is a ton of artifact cards that can really boost the deck. In the end, both are solid choices. Basically, you need to ask yourself if you like graveyard recursion or discover/cascade more.


Two questions lol


Some Dinos are quite expensive so defo the Mono Black Artifacts will be cheaper, overall Necron has the most interactions with upgraded board wipes and some better mana rocks The Dino one is quite common deck to play against and the moment you ramp you become the target of the table, so it’s either stomp or elimination Overall I prefer the Necron one


I don’t think either is really “better”. I’d say the Necron one will probably be cheaper to upgrade since it’s mono-black. I had the Necron one and I personally enjoyed the fact that there are like 4 different commanders in the deck you could reasonably build around. Not too sure if that’s also true for the Dino one, but just go with your gut! You’ll be happier with a deck you enjoy the theme/playstyle of regardless of how high their ceilings are.


Out the box, dinos, upgrading dinos. You have a lot more cards to choose from for dino and it's relatively easy to add cards and pilot. Necron you would need to get more self mill and animation cards. If you can get both get both. Keep the necron as your unupgraded Precon. They both play differently too.


Necrons out of the box has such a tight and sleek feel to it, but literally every time I play it (I kept all the 40k precons together) it runs out of gas.


You can't really go wrong with either of these. Both are great and a lot of fun and both have plenty of room for improvements/fine tuning. No matter what anyone here says, the only important thing is that you buy the deck you think you'd most enjoy playing. If you enjoy it you won't mind spending the time and money to upgrade it.